Sunday, November 24, 2013

Why Is Obama Above the Law?

     Back in the 70s as soon as it came out that Nixon’s minions broke into the Watergate Hotel complex, the investigation started and he was impeached. In the 90s it was Clinton and Monica Lewinski… again, investigation and impeachment immediately. Now, with all that is being said about Obama, all that the man has done, nothing.
     Why is it that Barack Hussein Obama can get by with circumventing the Congress, signing into law unconstitutional mandates, forcing things upon the country that we don’t want and literally telling the country that he doesn’t care what the Constitution says, he’s gonna do it his way?  Why is Congress ignoring what the country knows and is broadcasting everywhere from Facebook to the national news? Why is Obama immune to the legal system set forth by the Constitution?
     Is this country so far gone, so complacent, so….needy that the people are willing to give up over 200 years of freedoms? Does the War of Independence mean nothing to these people? What is wrong with everyone? I, for one, have tried for over 20 years to get people to see what the government was doing, what they were planning and have finally decided that the people of this country, the SHEEPLE of this country, aren’t worth the effort. The stupidity and greed (yes, I said greed, because it is greed that makes people want to receive something for nothing) of the people of this country is so down-heartening.
     I am a conservative when it comes to politics; less government, more personal responsibility. I don’t want some person that doesn’t know me at all telling me what I can and cannot do or how to do it. I don’t believe that what I work for needs to be reassigned to someone that won’t work. I don’t mean the ones that actually need help like the elderly or the disabled. I’m talking about those people that have learned how to abuse a system set up as a temporary help. I know many people that won’t work that can because the government pays them to sit on their asses and do nothing. I don’t want a government that will give me what I want or need while taking from those that busted their butts to get more than me.
     I work and pay taxes and still I scrimp and do the best I can because I don’t make much. I am a single parent with two kids at home. My children have medical coverage through the state and we do receive enough food assistance to feed them for about a week. I know what it is like to need help. That does not mean that I want to take from someone else that has spent years building their wealth. That is theirs, not mine.
     The point of the last two paragraphs is not off the subject, it is the subject. Obama is bound and determined to make everyone dependent on government. Obamacare, that Affordable Health Care Act, is the catalyst to bring down the insurance industry by making the insurance companies cover things they never did before, and charge outrageous fees; the auto industry bail out… another way to centralize industry. Government wants to take over our lives and we, as a people, are allowing it. This man should be investigated, impeached, found guilty of whatever crimes he is found guilty of, removed from office and then probably charged as a civilian.

     We haven’t done it. We have not forced the Congress into action over this. Why? Why does Congress not take the initiative and start the proceedings? What do they know that they aren’t saying? My opinion is this… Obama is a self-proclaimed king, untouchable by anyone. He’s practically said it himself. I hope I am wrong. I hope the country comes to its’ senses and rises up out of the ashes to once again be the white knight of the world.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Tyrannical Rule of the USSA

Way back in the Stone Age, somewhere in the early 1970s, America’s president was Richard Milhous Nixon. What a lot of today’s kids don’t realize is that Nixon was impeached, we watched the impeachment process every day for months on television, and resigned because of it. Why did the Congress impeach him? Because he was president and he ordered his minions to break into the Watergate Hotel complex where the Democratic National Convention was to find out what they were doing. To top it all off, he lied to the American public.

Fast forward now to the 90s and the Clinton Era. William Jefferson Clinton was also impeached. Why was he impeached? Once again a president of the United States got caught doing something he shouldn’t. This time it was sex in the Oval Office but that was not put before the Senate because of it. He lied to the American people. This time, however, the president did not resign nor was he removed from office as the Constitution dictates. He finished out his term as Commander in Chief and is now living large off the coffers of the US Treasury.

Fast forward again. This time to 2008 and a campaign that made history for this country; the first black person to run for the Big Office was nominated by the Democratic National Convention when Hillary Rodham Clinton conceded her run for the job. Wow! History in the works; here we have the first woman and the first black in the same race and the woman concedes, even though the two were equal in the polls. The funny thing about it is that we all knew Mrs. Clinton. After all, she was the wife of William Jefferson Clinton. What we didn’t know was who this black man was. Barack Hussein Obama, a first term US Senator from Illinois, a former Illinois State Senator and before that a community organizer (whatever that is).

Throughout the campaign Mr. Obama stated over and over his mantra of ‘hope and change.’ He promised he would change the very face of this nation; that he would bring in a new era for a nation in need of change. Over and over again he, and his wife, said that he would do for the people, help the down-trodden rise up and meet the over-bearing rich. He would fight for the poor and make the rich pay for their greed. He would end the war that no one wanted to be in. He was going to make it all equal.

The nation, or so we were led to believe, loved him almost as much as Austria loved Hitler when they voted him in as their ruler. Needless to say he won the election, albeit by a small margin. The thing about this man is that he would not produce a birth certificate stating he was a natural born American; the Constitution states that he has to be to become president. He refused and, even now his birth records are questionable. Mr. Obama’s parents are of two different national origins. His mother is an American and his father is, I believe, Kenyan. Where was this man born? He says in Hawaii but that state does not recognize the botched certificate of birth.

Since Mr. Obama was first inaugurated into office on January 21, 2009, he has done exactly what he said he was going to do. He has circumvented the Constitution by signing Executive Orders that allow him to do things without the consent of Congress. He has bullied his policies into law regardless of what the people of this country, and even the Congress at times, want. He has alienated our allies while embracing our enemies. He has effectively castrated our armed forces while arming our enemies and he has even openly gone against the Constitution numerous times by forcing his way upon the people of this nation with laws that are unconstitutional.

One of the worst things he has done since taking office was during his first term when he went on his ‘Apology Tour’ and told the world that America has been, is and always will be in the wrong. He bowed before a foreign leader, something that no other president, or foreign leader, has ever done. The Obama’s have downgraded and disrespected this nation and those that have fought 3 major wars, a police action, a conflict over 237 years and now three other wars at one time. They have basically proclaimed themselves King and Queen of the United States. They are the law and they are above that law.

Where once America was the White Knight of the world, the most powerful nation, the most respected nation, we are now so far in debt to other nations that our grandchildren’s grandchildren will be paying it; the world hates us because of our arrogance; we are so complacent that we won’t even try to rid ourselves of the pestilence of a tyrannical ruler. The Founding Fathers of this once great nation are rolling in their graves, the soldiers who fought and died to win, and keep, our freedoms are rolling in their graves and the patriotic citizens that back those soldiers, that lost sons, daughters and parents are doing the same.

To those that look down on us as a nation, please don’t hold the people of this nation responsible for the actions of the government. The government is acting against the will of the people that entrusted it to do what was right. We have become sheeple, weak and wretched. It is our responsibility to put people in control that will do our bidding, not the other way around. The Obama’s have entrenched themselves so deeply that we are finding it almost impossible to rid ourselves of the vermin that call themselves our representatives. Like Austria, there is the majority that wants to be controlled by a tyrant as long as that tyrant is giving them what they want. And, like Austria, that tyrant is finally pulling down the façade of decency and showing his true face; the face of a demon bent on the destruction of an entire nation.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Love Will Make You Stupid

“Love will make you stupid. You won’t listen to anyone, not even your own common sense.” This is a quote from The Chronicles of Nick by the great Sherrilyn Kenyon. This woman, this writer, this genius, can articulate so well that most of her work of fiction can be used as everyday quotes.

I am using this one today because it has a relevance to what is going on in a couple of people’s lives that are very close to me. I will not divulge names, they know who they are, but I hope that they will read this and get a clue.

If a boy, or girl, is in a relationship, whether legally married or just ‘shackin’ up,’ they have made a commitment to their significant other to stay true to them. If said boy, or girl, decides that they no longer want to be with that person then they break up. If they are married, it takes a little more than just saying, “I’m leaving.” A divorce takes a little bit of time and a lot of money, especially if there are children involved. There are the two main types of relationships and each will be examined.

First is the boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. That is where two people are basically just dating each other. They have made a promise to each other that they will stay true and not see other people. If one of them decides that the other isn’t what they want, they break up and find someone new. That is the easy one; unless they stay with their significant other and see one or more others on the side secretly. This is the way it seems to go these days. No one stays true to anyone. They say, “I love you and will forever,” but what they are actually saying is, “I’ll stay with you because I like what you do for me until I can find someone else that can do more.”

It seems that what kids, and some adults, want is to have someone to have sex with whenever they want while all the time playing the field. No commitment, no loyalty and no worries… until they get caught be their ‘main squeeze.’ It is then that they back-peddle and try to smooth things over and keep the one they know will be there all the time. Really? Are people that stupid? Yes they are.

Now we go to the married couple. One is not happy in the relationship for one reason or another, it really doesn’t matter what the reason is. Let’s say the man is cheating on his wife He will say that he’s working late, going out with the guys or some other lame excuse he knows his wife will accept. All the while, he is out with his girlfriend doing the dirty. The girlfriend is happy because she is getting what she wants – he tells her he loves her and that he will leave his wife and they will get married and live happily ever after.

Maybe it’s the wife that is cheating. She makes all kinds of excuses to go out on the town without her husband with the same results only with some boy. The thing here is that neither one is leaving their spouse while seeing someone else. Why, if they are so unhappy, do they not file for divorce, get the divorce and THEN start seeing someone? It doesn’t matter if a person is ‘legally separated’ from their spouse, they are still ‘legally married.’ They did not take the sacred vows of marriage seriously.

The major point to this rant is this: if a person is willing to cheat on their significant other, not take their promises or vows seriously and lie to that significant other then they have no sense of commitment or loyalty to anyone. If they are more than willing to go behind their significant other with someone they think, or that actually is, a good, decent person, what makes that good, decent person think for one minute that cheater won’t cheat on them? It is my opinion that they will. A person that is willing to cheat on their partner, no matter what the circumstances, they will cheat on the person they are cheating with.

Some will say, “Well, their wife/husband has beat on them, cheated on them, done this or that to them….etc.” That may well be. If it is that bad then get the divorce, break up, whatever… but get it done and over with before you go jumping in the sack with someone else.

I come from a time when commitment meant something. If you were taken, had a partner, you didn’t cheat for any reason. If there were problems you talked about them and fixed them; you didn’t throw away a relationship because you were tired of that person. If it was an abusive relationship then the family took care of it. Most, not all but most, abusive relationships are not that abusive and, a lot of the time, the one being abused has gotten the abuser so peeved as to not know what else to do. Through experience, I would have to say that if a man hits a woman (I do NOT condone this action) she has done him so wrong that he feels she deserves it. Usually she has cheated on him numerous times or complains about everything about him or tries to control him to the point of obsession or control freak abuse herself.

Some of my observations may not be the norm, some may be way off mark but, you have to understand that after half a century of studying people that I do have a little bit of experience with a lot of different social situations. Relationships are a dime a dozen anymore because they don’t last due to lack of morality and commitment. When it comes to other people I can usually tell you within minutes how they are with the person they are with, whether they are good or bad and whether they are sincere or fake. I just wish I could do it when it comes to my own life and relationships. In that respect I fail miserably.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Sincerest Apologies

I really must apologize for my lack of posts. I realize that it has been a while and the ones that I have posted aren't up to my usual standards. There is a reason for this.

Most of my ideas come from talking with the one I like to classify as my best friend and for the last several months my friend has been otherwise occupied and hasn't been around much. Needless to say, the conversations have been lacking where I get a lot of ideas from. I am hoping that this will be remedied in the near future so that the creativity will return.

So, please accept my apologies for the lack of entertainment from my twisted mind and for any inconvenience that this may have caused you.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Do We Really Control Our Own Destiny?

     There comes a time in everyone’s life when it is necessary to look back and consider all that has happened, both good and bad. It is then that we decide whether the good, or bad, out-weighs the other. If the good out-weighs the bad, then we have lived a good life and if the opposite, then our life has been less than exceptional. It is never too late to change how one’s life ends up as long as one is breathing. As Sherrilyn Kenyon said – “We are all writers of our lives. We can make our lives comedies or tragedies.” We have the control over our destinies. The Fates may weave, and unweave, our lives but we, alone, control our own destiny in a way that the Fates cannot change.
     It is true that there are certain things that occur in our lives that we cannot change, no matter how hard we try. The people we meet, the places we end up in and the end of our lives are all things that we cannot change, no matter what we do. The ins and outs of everyday life are what we control and that is where we make the difference. Our free will, our stupidity, is what makes our life good or bad. It isn’t the Fates that tell the criminal to rob or kill. It isn’t the Fates that tell the average person to decide to smoke that joint or snort that line. It is, however, the Fates that tell that person to love this man/woman, enter the military or to go to school to learn more. That is how they weave our lives. That is how, when in the end days, they unweave those lives.
     When our lives come to an end, and there is no changing that time, it is our decisions that determine how our life is ended. If we have lived a good life, did not break the law, did not do drugs or smoke or drink, then maybe it was the decision to go skiing on a dangerous mountain or to bungee jump or fly in a plane that is destined to crash. How we die is our choice, when we die is the decision of the Fates. It is the time from birth to that time of death that we control more than the Fates do. We make the day to day decisions that affect our lives, not the Fates.
     The ones that we fall in love with, what we end up doing for society and the people of the world, whether we are rich or poor, all these things are outside our influence. I know that there are those that will say everything that happens in our lives are our choices and, by and large, they are but there are those things that, no matter what we do, we have absolutely no control over. That is where our lives become a struggle; we fight what the Fates have set in stone for us. Even if we are doing what we think is best or what we want, if it is not in sync with our destiny, it becomes a chore. We may be having fun, we may think that we are happy, but it gets to where we sink deeper into an unconscious depression that will eat at us until we change course and get on the right path. This is where those that will say we choose our destinies are wrong because, even though we choose our day to day destinies, our life destinies are not ours to control.
     Whether you call it the Fates, the Norns or some other name, it is them that control our lives. We cannot fight what is already set in motion. You can beg the gods for whatever you desire from riches to lovers to whatever and if it is not in line with what the Fates have in store for you, it will not be yours. You may get that parking space you want on a daily basis, you may go to a place you don’t want to because that is what is on your mind, you may even win small amounts from the lottery if you believe hard enough but when it comes to the big stuff, making life changes, you may as well try telling your bedroom wall to move over a foot under its own power.

     I realize that I repeat a lot of what I say. This is not always intentional but there are those times that I do it for a reason. There are times that repetition is needed to get a point across well enough to be retained by the reader or listener. So if you don’t like the way I write, then read someone else’s blog. I don’t try to change people’s minds; I try to get people to look at things from a different angle, a different point of view. In other words, I try to get people to look at the world through open eyes and an open mind instead of a very narrow view and a closed mind. I hope I did my job.

Things I am Grateful For

     There are many things that a person should be thankful for in their lives. For every person there are different things, of course, but there are still those qualities, possessions, family members, friends or whatever else could possibly be in a life that should cause gratefulness to be shown. Each day a person should stop and reflect on those things and say a silent ‘Thank you’ to whatever deity they believe in. Do people do this? Some do, some don’t but all should. I am guilty of not showing my gratitude for all the things in my life as I should. I take a lot of it for granted as most do and don’t think anything about it. That is what this is all about; I want the gods to know that I am grateful for what I have. I can list a lot of things and still leave a lot out. I just think it is time that I start to say, “Thank the gods for what I have.”
     This is a small list, by far incomplete and definitely not in order from most to least.
        §  My sons and daughters- Jaquie, Michael, Jennifer and Andrew
        §  My closest friends- Julian, Sonya, Bob, Moses and Billy 
  §  My friends that aren’t around as much- Josh, Dianna, Springer, Alan, SherBear, Swainey and
           ·         Morgan, Debbie and her family and a host of others too numerous to list
        §  My extended family- brother and sisters, nieces and nephews, in-laws and out-laws
        §  My mother and my dad (my dad is gone but I am so thankful that I had him as long as I did)
        §  My health
        §  My home
        §  I have a job that pays the bills
        §  I have food to eat and the family does not go hungry
        §  I am a free man living in a still free country
        §  My education and intelligence gained throughout a lifetime of learning
        §  My children are healthy and happy
        §  My faith and beliefs

     I know that this is, by far, an incomplete list but these things are what I am most thankful for at this time. I thank the gods of Valhalla for all that I have and have had over the decades that I have been on this rock. I know that there are things that are coming my way, things that I need, or will need, and things that I want. All will manifest as it has been written and the Fates have woven into this life for me. For all this, and more, “Thank you.”

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Does the Law of Attraction Really Work?

     After reading The Secret and then watching the movie by the same name I wonder, does the Law of Attraction really work? If, as the book and movie say, this is an actual law of nature the same as the Law of Gravity, then when a person thinks and believes he/she will receive whatever they ask for, they should get it. As an example; John Q. Public sees that the lottery is at an all-time record high and thinks, “Man, I really want to win that. I believe that I have won it and all I have to do is wait till the numbers are drawn to receive that huge check from the Lottery Commission.” They go buy that ticket, go into work and tell their boss to get screwed and quit then sit at home and wait for the drawing, knowing in their heart of hearts that they are going to win that money. What happens? I would say that 99.9999999999% of the time they just screwed up their life because they need to go to work the day after the drawing after they take down the tent they lived in while waiting for the office to give them that check.
     Meanwhile, back on the freeway, you’re driving down the road and traffic is coming to a complete stop. You got up on time, everything went as usual with no mishaps and your mood is better than on most days because you are getting a promotion at work. Its 7:45 and you need to be at work by 8:00 or you’re late and this traffic jam has the potential to make you late. No problem, it can’t last that long, right? Well, you sit there for over an hour because some idiot in a Ford Taurus was talking on the phone, reading the Wall Street Journal, drinking coffee and checking out the girl in the Corvette next to him and didn’t see that semi-truck going uphill much slower than the ten over the limit he was going and he put his hood under the ICC bumper of the trailer. You walk into work and the boss is standing there with a scowl. “You’re late. You can kiss your promotion good-bye.” Did the Law of Attraction work for you? Did you really think this into reality?
Then, of course, there is the ultimate wish, for some ailment to be cured. Let’s take poor eyesight. You just know that you will no longer need those Coke bottle glasses that you need to see farther then the end of your nose. You say your mantra every day, day after day, that your eyes are normal with 20/20 vision for months and your eye appointment comes around and, guess what, you need a new, stronger prescription. Yep, the Law of Attraction really worked there didn’t it?
     There are as many examples as there are people. Some will actually say that the Law works and they get everything they want from a parking spot to millions of dollars. So, let me ask the $64,000 question: does the Law of Attraction actually work or is life just the luck of the draw and is sold as just a way to make a person feel good about the sorry state of affairs of their pitiful life? I have heard it from therapists and psychiatrists over and over that it is not a good thing to get angry over anything and that a person has to always be happy no matter what happens to them. This would be a good way to seduce people into always being happy by thinking that they need to always have a positive attitude no matter what or they won’t get the Law to work for them.
     I have tried the positive thinking thing several times over the years. I’ve believed in my very soul that I would get what I asked for and kept the good vibes going for months without fail and never got a damn thing that I wanted. Did I feel better about life during that time? Yes, for a while but when the debt collectors are calling you at your work and the utilities are shut off, the wife leaves and takes the kids while you get child support and food stamps, when your dog dies and your family disowns you because you can’t even make a living the good attitude tends to dissipate pretty fast. Poverty and loneliness tend to make a good attitude a hard thing to keep. Positive thinking takes you only so far in life in an area that you can’t leave because you can’t even afford enough gas to get to work every day and still pay bills and feed yourself.
     Don’t get me wrong; I have a lot to be thankful for. I still have my kids with me, the kids and I have pretty good health, I have a job that I love even though the pay isn’t the best, I have several very good friends, my home is paid for and we survive without too much suffering, well, the kids think they suffer a lot more than they do. There is a lot of love in our home and that makes it about as happy as any home can be. Life isn’t perfect for us but I don’t think that perfection is what the Law of Attraction means. But, will it make me rich, get me the relationship I want, make my eyesight normal and make me look like Brad Pitt? So far it has not, no matter how much I believe it can.
     There are those that will say that I don’t believe it fully enough, that the time isn’t right, that this isn’t good enough or that got in the way. One negative thought such as – Damn the bills that keep coming - will negate all the positive thinking and believing that has gone one for weeks or months. Really, is it that easy to make the Law go the bad way and leave the good to someone else? I do know that while I am driving through this town or that I will think something along the lines of, “Wow, haven’t been to that store for a while but I really don’t want to, either,” and within a couple of weeks that is exactly where I will go but that is the only time that I can honestly say that the Law works the way The Secret says it will. Hell, I’ve even had it all planned out how I would spread the love around when I win the lottery, every week whether that sucker is 20M or 400M dollars. I haven’t even gotten one number for over three years and since the Powerball was allowed in Iowa as Lotto-America a million years ago I have only won a total of about $40 and I’ve spent many hundreds of dollars playing that thing once or twice a week for all those years in different states.

     Will I say that the Law of Attraction is a farce and doesn’t work? Nope. I cannot disclaim something just because it doesn’t work for me. I refuse to disbelieve in anyone’s faith or belief system. Everyone has the choice to think, do and believe the way they want. All I am saying here is that it has not worked for me. I still have the belief that I am a lottery winner, that I will have the relationship that I want and my lot in life will become much better. When it all comes true then I will say that the Law of Attraction is probably more coincidence than anything else. On the up side-if I jump off a building I know I will hit the ground.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Formation of the World, I Was There

     In a long forgotten time, when the earth first formed into a solid rock, I lived. For ages before that I existed but was not lucid. I was formed with this solar system more than 4,500 million years ago, lying dormant in the molten rock, waiting for the time of awakening. As the earth changed from molten to solid form 3,800 million years ago I, also, changed; coming forth from what I was to what I am. I have evolved just as this world has evolved. It took over 1,000 million years for stable continents to form. Then came the first ice age, lasting 300 million years and I was there.
     I saw life come and go, the atmosphere change from nitrogen to oxygen and I watched as mountains rose from the landscape 2,000 million years ago. I saw the sun grow brighter and meteors rain from the sky. I saw life start again. It took the earth over 2,000 million years to evolve this far. But it wasn’t done yet. I could see that more was to come. Even as I evolved, the world evolved.
     Over the next 1,000 million years I wondered at the performance of nature forming, destroying and re-forming life and the globe itself. I saw the first continent come and go, the moon move farther from the earth, the days grow longer and the start of another ice age. I was there, watching in awe of the power of the gods. Mankind could no more visualize what I witnessed than they could make it happen with their own hands. The wondrous formation of a living world is beyond description of mere words.
     Another 200 million years passed. The end of another ice age; formation of marine life and invertebrates, green plant life and fungi all before me, miraculously coming into being; then, another ice age with mass extinction of most of the life that I had witnessed being born. Only 30 million years was this one, yet, it was enough to change the world again. Finally, when the ice receded the world began to stabilize. Life appeared once more. I was there. It was to be a time of more changes to come when a rock from the sky struck the earth and another ice age began but life continued. Trees, vertebrates and winged insects appeared; oxygen levels increased and the seas covered a large area of the planet.
     Three hundred million years ago, as the seas came and went due to glaciation, reptiles emerged, oxygen levels rose and the earth day was just short of what it is now. The moon moved farther away and coal was formed across the globe. A short twenty five million years later Pangea was formed, dinosaurs appeared and the Earth was cold and dry. Then, the ice age was over and shortly after another rock, much larger this time, struck the earth causing another mass extinction of life. Volcanos erupted, the earth’s temperature rose, oxygen was replaced with carbon dioxide and the world changed again.
     Over the next hundred million years the changes are dramatic as the earth’s continent breaks apart and more life evolves from the survivors of the extinction. More and more life returns to a world that is ever changing. I was there. Meteors hit the earth, life continues and evolves then another mass extinction, the continents form and global warming ends. Wondrous things occur seemingly daily. As the world evolved and decayed, so did I. As the world changed and grew, I, also, changed and grew.
     The last sixty five to seventy million years the earth formed into what it is today. Homo sapiens evolved out of homo habilis. Glaciers formed and receded and the world stabilized and so did I. The world stabilized but mankind did not. As man has evolved from those ape-like creatures into the known form it is evolved and de-evolved, emotionally. Today’s man is far less mentally evolved than those first homo sapiens that appeared those millions of years ago. Today’s man is far more interested in taking from and controlling other men than taking care of and controlling their own lives. Man today has a golden rule of ‘do unto others before they do unto you.’ Betrayal and deceit are the norm. I have been there, throughout the history of this world and I know.
     The men of a millennia ago were far less concerned with controlling others than they today. Since the beginning of mankind there have always been those that thought they deserved more than they had, that had the need to control and take but today there are far more of those than there are those are being controlled and taken from. Complacency and fear have taken over a race that once was strong and independent. A sense of entitlement has replaced a sense of self-reliance. As man progresses and evolves they become more and more less interested in contributing to others and more and more interested in taking and betraying. Their own pleasure and wants supersede common decency and common sense. I know because I have seen mankind grow from little more than animals into what it is today. I was there.
     Self-destruction is on the horizon and the world will change again. The cyclic system of nature will once again purge the earth of what is harmful and replace it with something else. The earth will heal itself from the destruction that has been done to it by the parasitic infestation of mankind and become something more, something better. As has been done many times before since the beginning of time, change is inevitable and nothing that mankind can do will change that. I will be there and will watch as this wonderful creation continues to evolve into perfection.

My Atlantis, My Eden

When civilization was just beginning, I was there. The Ice Age had purged the world of those less strong and able to survive. It was I that taught this to Nature, herself; survival of the fittest. Only the strong can, and will, survive throughout eternity. Although mankind tries to keep the weak alive and coddles the infirmed, they all pass from this life into the next to try again. While they are here, though, the drain on the resources of this planet we call home is extreme. Only the strong need survive. The weak need to be disposed of so as to feed the strong. But, that is not what this is about.
When the ice receded and filled the oceans, streams and lakes, the world was clean and new. New life sprung up in every nook and cranny. Even humans developed with a fervor never before experienced. No longer would they wander aimlessly, following what game they could find to feed themselves. Planting and harvesting made the nomadic life unnecessary. Civilization started to flourish. And I was there.
The entire face of this world was changed, now there were seven continents instead of the two that had been before. Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Crete, Atlantis, all thrived in this new world. Across the ocean the ones called Mayan were growing. I was there for it all. I taught them all. They were nothing but children in my eyes. I have been, and always will be. I have been called many things: God, Ra, Zeus, Cronus, Odin, the Creator, the Devourer, Lucifer, and the Destroyer of Life. I have been all these, and more. I have been a teacher, a mentor, an architect and an engineer.
The Roman aqueducts, the Pyramids of Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon all were mine. The great City State of Atlantis, now long lost to this world, was my home and my sanctuary. In all her splendor she shone like a candle in the night, outshone by none. I was there. I rose the mountains from plains and lay waste the deserts, planted the fields and orchards across the land. Atlantis was my pride. It was her pride that led to her destruction.
Many great things were done in “The Lost City.” It was there that all was begun. There would be no Pyramids, Hanging Gardens nor aqueducts if it were not for Atlantis, and me. The great civilizations of the world began inside her glistening gates. The roads, paved with gold, silver and diamonds shone brightly in the sunlight, guiding all who entered to the palace in the center of that great city. My home. To me they all came to learn. I taught.  Philosophy, music, literature, art, architecture, engineering, sciences and all else that mankind has known down through the millennia, it was I that taught it.
White stone walls, forty feet in height, surrounded my Eden, protecting her from all that would harm her. The gates were unbreachable, made from the strongest metals, allowed only the invited into the wondrous world of Atlantis to learn what they could and then to return to their own lands. Those gates prevented entry by anyone, or anything that would attempt to destroy all that lived and thrived inside those walls.
Inside those walls lived a people so beautiful that all who laid eyes on them longed for them for the rest of their days. Bronze skin covered perpetually youthful, lithe bodies; faces that would make Venus envious topped by long, white hair. No mark would ever scar their beauty. But their true beauty lie within their hearts. Kind, giving people were they. Knowing no stranger, welcoming all as lost friends. With intelligence beyond human comprehension these were my chosen ones. They would be the salvation of humanity. And I loved them.
This is how it was for almost eight thousand years. My people grew and prospered and shared what they had with all that asked. Selflessness instilled within them genetically. Thinking not of themselves but only of others needs and giving without thought of repayment. Balance was kept within the circle of life. Atlantis was a true Camelot, the first Camelot and I was the first Arthur.
When Rome came into power with its greed and corruption, gluttonous and hedonistic ways and the quest for power, Atlantis opened its’ gates with welcoming arms. We taught the Romans how to chisel stone into beautiful statues, build magnificent structures and the engineering behind the aqueducts. It was Atlantis that built Rome, not Caesar. But the greed of Caesar was our downfall. Leaving soldiers within our gates with the pretense of learning our trades he had his Trojan Horse.
The soldiers that stayed behind were not soldiers, per se. They were spies and antagonists bent on usurping my rule and corrupting my chosen ones. Little by little they spun their lies into truths that no unweaving could change. Disharmony, deceit, mistrust and a loathing of all that was good replaced the selflessness that was so ingrained into my people’s beings. Power and physical pleasure was all they desired once the Romans had cast their evil spell. Atlantis was no longer an Eden, it was now a den of inequity. Sodom and Gomorrah were less evil than my Eden in those days. I knew that no longer would the Atlanteans be the salvation of mankind, but its’ eventual downfall.
It was in that time that Judea was rife with rumors of a child to be born. This child was to be the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and the salvation of man from sin. He was to be the Christ child, the son of God, born of a virgin. I knew that the chosen one of this God would be better suited to the task than my people. Atlantis should perish to protect mankind. With power beyond all else my people would destroy the world, lay waste all that existed. Technology and power are things not to be played with, but to be used for the good of man. My chosen people would use that power against all that came against them. I loved them but, they could not do what I foresaw.
The gates were closed at twilight as had been done for over eight millennia and by the midnight hour the city was slumbering. It was then that I chose to rain down my wrath upon the Eden that I had built. Thunder crashed as lightning lit the sky. Waves, crashing against the outer walls, threatened to crush the very stones they were built of but, no, that was not to be. I had other plans for this great city. I would bury my Eden beneath the waters of the sea. They would be lost to humanity forever, nothing but a legend lost in history.
Atlantean and Roman alike screamed as the water washed over the high outer walls, filling first the streets and then the buildings with salty sea water. As the water rose, the people climbed ever higher in their homes until, perched on the rooftops, they were washed into the swirling waters around them. I watched from my palace, high on a hill in the middle of the city. As the city disappeared beneath the waves I rose into the sky on silvered wings, floating above the chaos below. Finally, as the entire city sunk to the bottom of the sea, I let out a sigh of relief and grief. I had lost my beloved people, my beloved Eden. But I would no longer be plagued by the knowledge of their corruption and greed. No longer would my people be the bane to humanity. No longer would I suffer the regret of allowing unworthy guests into my world to take and vulgarize it.
As I look back on those days of two thousand years ago I realize that Atlantis was not the bane to the world that I believed it to be. Rome was just a stepping stone for the evil that would envelope this world. Humankind is bent on destroying itself. Greed, corruption, gluttony and vanity rule this world without intervention from anyone. Humanity, itself, is the great evil in this world. As mankind learns more and more, advances further technologically and ventures farther into the depths of the sea and out into space, it becomes more and more greedy and corrupted. This race called homo-sapiens is the scourge of the Earth, regulated to care for what I created by a god that man created to control the masses. It is I, and only I, that can contain the parasitic infestation that plagues the world but I refuse. I have tired of the endless war on tyranny and destruction of a perfect world.
I have loved my Eden and loved my people then destroyed them because of lies and betrayal. I still grieve because of what I had to do to protect the rest of the world and mankind just to be proven wrong about the ones I tried to keep from destruction. The primordial ooze that I brought mankind out of should have stayed just that, ooze to be used as fodder for nature to feast upon. It is fast coming to the end of an age when man will learn that the evil ways they have embraced will be their undoing. I will, once again, build my Eden. I will raise Atlantis from the sea and rebuild that magnificent city to its former glory. I will rule from a golden throne with a kindness and fairness that mankind has never known.

Homo sapiens will no longer exist because of the pride and corruption that is so inherent in their minds and hearts. The beasts of the forest will become the new stewards of this wonderful planet. Survival of the fittest will be the norm of life, not the exception. This world will be an Eden once again without the plague of humanity to destroy it. Humanity will destroy itself without any interference from nature. The Earth will repair itself of the destruction that man has done to it and perfection will return. A thousand million years from now, when Eden has finally become more than what is was, then, and only then, I may allow mankind to return. I will allow man to only evolve into Neanderthal and no more. Once mankind has achieved intellect and technology it will return to the corrupted state it has become today. This I cannot allow. Atlantis, my Eden, will reign supreme in a land beyond perfection. The gates will remain open to all the beasts of land, sea and air. Harmony will once again be restored.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

What is the Purpose of Life?

     What is the purpose of life? Not the meaning of life but the purpose; the reason man exists? Are we here just for the entertainment of the gods or is there more to it? Our lives are extremely short in the grand scheme of things, only a mere 70 to 80 years on average. That is nothing compared to the eons that have passed for this rock since its creation over a thousand million years ago. So, I ask: what is our purpose?
     When a human being is born their life is already set out for them. The Fates have decided what will happen to said baby throughout his/her life. There are some that would say that is not true, that we have free will and we chart our own course. Of course we have free will but, if it is meant to happen it will happen regardless of what we do. In other words, if a person is meant to meet another, no matter what happens according to the free will of each, they will meet. When it is a person’s time to die, no matter what free will says, they will die; we only choose how we will die, not when. If a man is meant for greatness, or failure, no matter what that man does, he will either succeed or fail as the Fates have decided.
     So, I ask again; what is the purpose of life? We, as a race, can bring forth great works of art and literature, we can invent amazing things and we can procreate more humans. What does all that mean, though? It means nothing in the long run. All those things are only used by humankind for a short time, while we are alive, and passed on to other humans that have no idea, nor do they care, where it came from or who made it. There is actually no purpose what-so-ever to any of it. It all means nothing except to those that have created the art, literature, inventions or children. Everything passes into obscurity sooner or later to be forgotten by everyone except a few faithful historians that live in the past themselves.
     We, as a race, have no purpose. What do we actually do? We destroy everything around us. We live in our own little bubbles hoping to do better than the person next to us and feel guilty if we don’t. We will lie, steal and cheat just to get ahead of the next person. We are hedonistic, self-centered and egotistical. We are nothing to the cosmos but we are everything to ourselves. We are here only as an experiment gone bad. Christianity states that we were created in the image of an invisible god that demands the utmost love and loyalty or we will spend an eternity in torment. We are here only to worship and praise this invisible being that ‘speaks’ to us in our hearts. That is our Christian purpose and what kind of purpose is that? To exist only to bow down to someone that no one has ever seen or can prove that exists at all. Some purpose there.
     I think that we are here for the sole enjoyment of the pagan gods, the gods of Greece and Rome, the Celts and the Norse, the Egyptians and Mayans and even the Native Americans. I believe that Loki is up there in Asgard looking down at the Earth and laughing his bloody arse off at us. “Look at the puny humans. Running around like ants on an anthill trying to see who can screw who the worst and get it done first.” After all, that is what we are – ants on an anthill, randomly running from point A to point B with a purpose only we know. Some of us being run over by others while some of us are running over everyone else in absolute chaos. We allow ourselves to be ruled by people who don’t give a damn about us, only their own power and greed. We allow corruption to run rampant in all tiers of government from local to state to federal to global and all we can say is, “I don’t care. It doesn’t affect me personally.” We are a pathetic race of imbeciles that need to be eradicated. The idiocy of the human race has no boundaries and all a person needs to do is look around, with open eyes, to see it. That, in itself, says we have no purpose to be here except as the harbingers of evil and destruction to a perfect world.

     Our own imperfections are our own downfall. We only can think of ourselves and no one else. The pettiness of the human race is infinite. We kill each other and destroy all that is perfect to make room for more of us and to feed an over-population that deserves nothing from this rock that we have no respect for. We have become a race that is bent on self-destruction and we are going to take the entire planet with us before we finally kill off the entire population. What kind of purpose is that? That is the only purpose we have today. Why? Because that is what the human race has become; a race of idiots that can’t see past their own noses and that is why there is no purpose to life.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

You're There for a Reason - Good or Bad

     There are people that will come into our lives at times that are there for one purpose or another. Actually, everyone comes into a person’s life for one reason or another. Whether it be for good, bad or indifferent, there is always a reason. Some are there for a very short time, others for longer and still others for a lifetime. There are, also, those that come into someone’s life to disappear then reappear later, sometimes weeks, months or even years. They, too, have a reason for being there, especially if it is a second or even third time.
     Most people, when they leave someone’s life, will give a reason. It could be that they were angry, disrespected, abused, following the crowd or otherwise influenced to leave. There is always a reason for them leaving. It could be that their job was done, whatever their job was at the time. Drifting apart is another reason. Over time people will follow their own paths that take them away. Through it all, though, the reason for them leaving is always pretty clear to both parties, most of the time.
     Then, there are those that leave for apparently no reason what-so-ever, or so it seems. They will say that nothing is wrong, they are vague about the whole thing or that they just want to do their own thing. All the while, the person left behind knows that there is more to the story than what is being said. Does it matter? Not in the least. You can’t control anyone but yourself and you definitely cannot control the actions, thoughts or emotions of another. If someone leaves your life without an obvious reason and they won’t let you know why, then it is on them. They don’t owe you anything.
     Let’s say that you have had a friend for years, even decades, that suddenly disappears from your life. What goes through your mind; what did I do, why are they gone, what can I do to get them back? All these questions and more usually go through the mind of the one left standing alone. You can try to find out but it won’t do any good, especially if the one that left doesn’t want to tell you. As for trying to get them back into your life, might as well try to talk the wall into moving over six inches under its own power. The more you try, the farther that person will move away from you.
     What makes it so bad is if that friend was someone really close to you, someone that you trusted with everything, and now won’t even try to talk to you about what is wrong with the relationship. When they will tell you things haven’t changed, nothing is wrong, they just want to do other things, you just can’t get the real reason out of them. They don’t want to tell you and they won’t. There is nothing you can do about it. It doesn’t matter how close you were, you aren’t anymore and the reason behind it is irrelevant. If they wanted you to know why they left you and the friendship behind, they would tell you. Is it fair? No, but no one said life was fair. Fair is something you pay a cabbie for a ride. Fair is somewhere you go to eat cotton candy and step in monkey poop. Fair has nothing to do with life.
     You are the master of your own destiny. As mi hijo always says, “Don’t let someone else control your life.” The only problem with that statement, that utterance of wisdom, is that when a person cares about someone, really cares, that person does control their emotions to a point. Only Spock can detach himself from all emotion and look at things totally logically. Oh, to be able to detach from emotion. Wouldn’t that be the way to go? If a person could be emotionally detached from everyone, what would they be like? Psychiatrists, therapists, human services workers, clergymen and even law enforcement would say that an emotionally detached person was mentally unstable. How could anyone not have emotions toward their fellow human beings?  The only problem with all those professionals is that they, themselves, are actually emotionally detached from humanity. They have to be to do their jobs, except for the clergy, they have to love everyone in a non-committal, platonic way unless you are an altar boy in the Catholic Church.
     When a couple get divorced after years, or decades, of marriage, who is the loser? There are always winners and losers. Unless it is a consensual parting, one party is usually devastated while the other goes out and parties their nights away having a great time. In this scenario, one is totally unhappy with the other for some reason only known to the hurt party. Let’s say Bob and Joyce have been together for thirty years. One day, Joyce comes into the kitchen while Bob is just leaving to his job and tells him that she is through, he will be hearing from her lawyer. Bob stutters and asks why she’s leaving and all she says is that she isn’t happy. Really? It took her thirty years to figure that out. Amazing. Bob is devastated because he didn’t know they were having problems and Joyce gets the house, the BMW, the kids, alimony and child support. Bob gets the shaft on top of his emotional distress. Joyce doesn’t understand why he’s upset in the least.
     Two friends, let’s say, Bill and Tom, have been friends for a long time, maybe since childhood. They do everything together and are best buds. They have shared their hopes and dreams, conquests and defeats and know as much about each other as two people can. One day, out of the blue, Tom just leaves. He doesn’t call or come by, when asked to hang out he’s got other things to do and refuses to give a reason. All he says is there is nothing wrong, he is doing other things and he is starting a new stage in his life. He’ll tell Bill he’ll stop by then doesn’t with the reason that he got distracted. He will tell Bill that he isn’t doing something anymore then goes out with others to do just that thing. Tom will hang out and do things with anyone but Bill. If Bill does see him, he has to go where Tom is working or otherwise tied down just to be able to talk to him in person. Is there a problem here? Of course there is. Will Tom let Bill know? Of course he won’t. Nothing is wrong, nothing has changed and everything is hunky-dorey, ok, fine, good. Bill knows differently but what can he do about it? Not a thing. Until Tom is ready to let the cat out of the bag and tell Bill what the problem is, Bill will be in the dark and hurting over the whole thing. And Tom will be sitting there wondering why Bill is devastated and not keeping on keeping on with his life like nothing has happened.
     This comes back to that emotional detachment. Joyce and Tom are emotionally detached from Bob and Bill. They couldn’t care less about what they are doing, or have done, to their significant other and friend. They can’t understand why the others don’t live their life as they always have despite the fact that an important part of their lives just disappeared without a reason or warning. Of course Joyce and Tom are happy, they knew what was coming, they know the reasons behind the actions and it doesn’t bother them one iota how the affected parties are hurt. They just don’t care; emotional detachment from humanity. Is that mental instability? Not really in these scenarios. It happens every day in every town in every state in every country. But, put someone out there that is emotionally detached from the beginning and that is something to worry about.
     So what does this have to do with a person coming into your life for a reason? Everything. Joyce came into Bob’s life, spent thirty years giving him support to succeed at his job, gave him children to carry on the bloodline and gave him someone to love. Tom was in Bill’s life to be a confidante, a partner-in-crime so to speak and someone that was there when no one else was when he needed someone the most. Why did they leave? Who knows? Was their job done that the gods and fates had for them? Only the gods and fates know that. Time heals all wounds as the old adage goes and after a time the pain turns to a dull ache and the longing turns into a distant memory. A lesson may have been learned or maybe the hurt party just turned into themselves and left humanity behind and became that emotionally detached psycho that the professionals worry about. It all depends on how emotionally attached they were to the ones that left. Some people never recover from a loss, others recover quite quickly. The bond between the two is the deciding factor. Or, maybe I should say the bond one felt for the other whether it was returned or not.
     Some would say that Bob and Bill would play the ‘pity-me’ card if they talked about their loss a lot. It isn’t that they would want pity. That would be downgrading to them. Not that there aren’t those that want people to pity them but most times it isn’t pity but understanding that the hurt party wants. They want to understand what happened and why. They want to know what happened between them and they are hoping that someone can give them some kind of answers. They are still completely attached to the one that left until those answers come; until they can understand the loss. Until that time, the emptiness in their souls cry out in agony, demanding attention and logic does not come into the equation like is has for the ones that left. To them it was only logical to do what they did and their emotional detachment won’t let them think any more about it and the hurt party is in the wrong for ‘clinging’ or not accepting what happened.

     The two most opposite things in the world are logic and emotion. Unlike love and hate, which are almost the same thing, logic and emotion are on the extreme opposite ends of the spectrum. It takes both to be a well-rounded human being but it is almost impossible for the two to work in tandem for most people. Any scenario is either a logical one or an emotional one with one of two outcomes. It will either work out or someone will be destroyed because of what is happening. If you find yourself in a situation such as this, don’t be the emotionally detached automaton, let the other one know why, give reasons not excuses. It could save a life.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The World of Today and Other Musings About My Life

From the beginnings of time it has been this way. Greed, envy, jealousy, treachery and betrayal have ruled over humanity. The egotism and arrogance of man has always been the driving force of humankind. As technology increases and as more and more people populate the Earth these emotions also increase and become more and more prevalent. People want what they can’t have and/or don’t need and will do anything to get those things. Common courtesy and common sense are far from common in this day and age as more and more people think only of themselves and what they want. The most common way of thinking and behaving is hedonistic. If someone does think of others before him/herself or goes out of their way to help another it is looked upon as something that should be taken advantage of or even outlawed.
When it comes to matters of the heart the same rules apply. It doesn’t matter how much a person cares about another, how much has been invested into a relationship or how much one leaving could destroy the other, it takes nothing for a relationship to end other than one thinks he/she has been wronged and/or someone else seems to be better than the one you have. To use a very old cliché – The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. The problem with that is it only appears to be greener for a short time then it fades to the same as what was before. This is the age of instant gratification and throw-a-aways. We have become so enlightened that nothing is right unless it follows a rigid standard that only the one thinking it knows exactly what that standard is.
Throughout history and throughout nature nothing is either right or wrong but the thinking makes it so and survival of the fittest. In today’s world it is everything is wrong unless it follows a strict path of the ‘norm’ and the strongest are forced to care for the weakest. Public opinion rule the actions of the individual to the point that no one is actually happy or even content and most actually live in a constant state of fear whether they realize it or not. Fear that someone will look down on them, fear that they will get into trouble for something, fear that they won’t be able to survive another day and so on.
Up until the advent of Christianity, the human race believed ‘if it feels good do it as long as no one gets hurt.’ Paganism believes ‘do as you will but harm none.’ Politicians and clergymen today preach tolerance and empathy while condemning and ridiculing those that don’t believe the way they do. They do as much harm as they can to anyone that doesn’t believe the way they do and the gods forbid that anyone should actually be totally happy living the way they want as long as they don’t bother anyone else. Everyone, it seems, must judge those that don’t think or feel the way everyone else does. Most are jealous of anyone else’s happiness and must take it away.
This attitude continues onto the highways and byways of America. Every day people in the cars prove that stupidity reigns supreme. A person will break any and all laws they have to just to get one car length farther ahead or to pass that semi-truck. Gods forbid that anyone, even one that can kill you because of your stupidity, get ahead of you or stay in front of you because you have nowhere to be and you have to get there first. Gods forbid that the truck that feeds America should be allowed to continue on his way to his destination without being harassed, cut off, slowed down or in some other way hindered from doing a thankless job for the masses that want what they don’t need.
I, myself, am against any illegal drug use. That being said, I can understand why all these kids seems to gravitate toward smoking week and indulging in other hallucinogenic and other mind altering drug use. They can’t cope with all the idiocy going on around them. Everything that they could do to have fun is against the law. They can’t congregate in a public place because they are doing something that ‘might’ be illegal. They can’t go to parks after a certain hour because those publicly owned parks close. They can’t go to parking lots to skateboard or ride their bicycles because they ‘might’ be doing something illegal. They can’t ‘scoop the loop’ because they are doing something illegal. All the time the justice system has become the crowning glory of corruption and doing the same thing that they incarcerate people for. Should weed be made legal? I think so simply because it is no worse than alcohol as long as it is regulated the same as alcohol. Even though alcohol can damage a person’s liver and brain function and can become addictive, other harder drugs should not be legalized. Maybe cocaine should. It used to be. In small quantities it is a pain reliever and was, at one time, used as such and is no more addictive than any of the legal pain relievers put out by the pharmaceutical companies now that are endorsed by the FDA.
Let’s revisit an old friend shall we? Let’s take a look at relationships. For millennia it was common for people to love and partner with whomever. It didn’t matter the sex or the age. Granted, before the advent of modern day enlightenment, children were much more mature at a much younger age. As much information that is crammed down the throats of today’s youth, they do not mature nearly as fast as they did even a hundred years ago. They seem to be ‘children’ much longer, sometimes into their twenties. In ancient Greece and Rome, in Europe during the Middle Ages, across the globe throughout history people loved who they wanted without being judged or condemned. Since our great Enlightenment of the Twentieth Century this has all gone by the wayside. Now, in today’s world that is full of self-centered, egotistical, arrogant, judgmental chanty wrasslers, you have to have a relationship only with a certain age group and sex. There are no more concubines or squires, only in the Catholic church where the altar boys seem to be the ‘target’ and ‘victim’ of those nasty people called priests that lead the people to Heaven by making them pay for their tickets by way of ‘donating’ to the church.
Up until the Great Enlightenment, people worked to keep their relationships together. Every couple has problems. Every pair have disagreements. The difference between then and now is that now, when something doesn’t suit you, you throw the relationship away instead of making it work. The Royals still have their ‘flings’ because that is the way it has been for centuries. Only Charles and Dianna actually broke tradition and Dianna died because of it. Kings have had wives and squires since the beginning of civilization. Bed warmers, ‘boy-toys,’ lovers and companions, there are as many ways to describe these partners as there are people. The majority of highly intelligent beings have had same-sex lovers since before recorded history. These same intellectuals had more than one lover of the opposite sex. These have been men, and women, such as Madame Curie, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, J. Edgar Hoover, Oscar Wilde and Abraham Lincoln just to name a few. Today, even though the government in the United Social States of America has passed laws for it, same sex relationships are condemned as wrong because of one thing – the Christian church says it is. That is the ONLY reason.
Since the advent of Christianity we have had rules and laws and ways of thinking crammed down our throats. If you don’t think this way, if you don’t act that way, if you don’t believe this and that you are going to suffer an eternity of torment. Today’s laws are based on Christian belief. Why? What makes one belief so much better than another? Why is this one religion the only ‘right’ one? Christianity was born two thousand years ago in the middle of nowhere. It forced its way into the lives of everyone whether they wanted it or not. Wars have been fought and millions killed because of it. It is the only religion that forces itself into the lives of everyone. Paganism believes in tolerance and peace. Greek and Roman ‘mythology’ had their gods that controlled everything but they didn’t force their beliefs on anyone. So why is Christianity the ONLY correct religion? Because that is what those in control wanted. The best form of control over a people is fear and by god the Bible put fear into the people’s hearts and minds.
The biggest fear that Christianity put into the people was the fear of loving another person unconditionally no matter who that person was. A Christian puts God above all others, then your spouse, then your children and then your country. That is not the natural way of being. To be human, to be happy, to be real, is to love that special someone, no matter who or what they are, unconditionally above all others. True happiness comes from loving and being loved without restraint or condemnation. It doesn’t matter if that someone is the opposite sex or the same sex. It doesn’t matter if that someone is the same age or there are years between you. Nature, in all its fantastic omniscient glory knows this. Humanity has its own agenda and that is control over everyone else and to force an unnatural way of thinking into all those that would be happy being who they are.
 In today’s world, as cruel and crazy as it is, people are more interested in their own pleasure to worry about what they are doing to anyone else. The hedonistic way of thinking is the norm. “I’m gonna be with you, swear my undying love and loyalty, until the ends of the earth. That is until I find someone that can give me more or you piss me off.” Love and loyalty are things of the past. There is no loyalty nor is there commitment on a long term scale. It is all temporary. Thank you to the powers that be for that, whatever or whomever those powers are. Friendships are there only until another catches your fancy. Lovers are there only until another seems to be better. Family is only there to take from. All a relationship is, whether family, friend or lover, to anyone is what they can get out of it and when the giving is not up to their expectations, the relationship is over.
For some, the unlucky ones, the heart is broken into a thousand pieces over and over because they know that the only happiness is truly loving someone and giving their all to that person, even when that person doesn’t deserve it. The person that gives their all, goes out of their way to be the person they know they should be, is the one that is kicked and abused and taken advantage of by the hedonistic asshole. The good guy comes in a distant third. Does this make them bad? No. It makes them a victim of their own making just because they want a better world; a world that the gods and nature intended. This could be a Garden of Eden but humanity has made it a living Hell. No one can believe in the ultimate good in people and still come out on even ground. Why? Because there is no ultimate good in people anymore. If there is, they have it buried so far down that it will never see the light of day unless it will get them something they want.
Lies, deceit and betrayal are the norm today. People will tell you they love you, that you are their friend, then go to another and downgrade you and betray your secrets that you thought were safe. You put everything into that relationship just have it be thrown back into your face and your heart torn out because they can’t be bothered to even talk to you anymore unless you go to them personally to talk. They don’t come by ‘just because’ any more and actually avoid you if at all possible. Yet, they will say, “Nothing is wrong. Nothing has changed.” Why? Because they may be able to use you again if they keep you half way happy with their bull shit. That is the way things are today.
For every cloud there is supposed to be a silver lining. If this were true, then all the victims that have been tortured by their own hearts would end up happily ever after living the life they dreamed of. As it is, those are the ones that end up alone and bitter because they finally realize that this world is alien to them and their way of life; a life of caring, a life of commitment and a life of loyalty. That kind of living is a thing of the distant past thanks to the greed and treachery of the attitude of give-me and ‘take what I can and give nothing in return.’ There is no silver lining and those clouds, well, they are the worst storm ever to be set upon the face of the Earth and there is nowhere to hide from that storm if you are ‘the good guy’ that is trying to live the way nature intended.
I write a lot about relationships and people in general. My viewpoints are solidly explained, I think. A person might wonder, though, exactly where I am in my own life that I write such dribble about things that normally would be written by some sappy advice columnist in the daily paper. Each of my posts, each time I write, every letter and every word that comes out is from my own life. You only have to actually read the words, put the sentences together and look upon the story with an open mind instead of a closed, judgmental mindset to fully understand what I say. The only thing that I will not do is put anything down that is so personal as to be harmful to anyone. I have done that one time and will not do it again unless I feel the need to. The people that are my most prized companions, my children and my comrades-in-arms, I will protect above all else. I will write about things without specifics when it comes to these people but that is as close as I will come. Just realize that every bit of ‘wisdom’ that comes out of my twisted mind is from experience and, in the words of the great Sherrilyn Kenyon, “Most good judgement comes from experience, most experience comes from bad judgment” 
I have cared about a lot of people throughout my life, people that wouldn’t pish down my throat if I were dying of thirst. Almost everyone that I have ever gone out of my way to help has turned on me in one way or another. Yet, here I am, still wearing that open heart on my sleeve for all to see that I am open for abuse and to be taken advantage of. I am that victim of my own making because I am that person that will do for others before himself. I am that person that believes it doesn’t matter who the other one is as long as the love between you is honest and loyal and committed (although I must state that I am STILL waiting for that call from Halle Berry). I am that one that has been betrayed, lied about, persecuted, used and ridiculed. I am the one that has become a victim of my own making because I have always believed in the ultimate good in people.
I have loved with everything that is in me to have that thrown back in my face and left alone in the empty desert of emotional devastation. Even today, knowing what I have been through in the past, I will still reach out to help the underdog, I will still give my heart to someone that I believe is worthy. My world is built around my children but there are those that I love more than life itself that I will venture into the deepest pits of Tartarus for even though they don’t return that to me. Age and sex have nothing to do with the emotional make-up of a person. The people that are the most important to me are just that, important, and it doesn’t matter where they put me in their lives. I have to let them be who they are, let them do what they must because they think that is what they want. It doesn’t matter that I can see the folly of their ways and where it is leading and I have rarely been wrong in my assumptions on these things. The important thing for them to know is that no matter what, no matter where they go or what they do, they are always welcomed home and I await the day they realize what they have thrown away for that day of fun that will end in their own hearts being broken.
This has been my life. Caring and having my heart ripped out through my throat, gutted and left for dead along a lonely stretch of backroad. It has been my own doing as I have always pushed those closest to me away. Unconscious fear of being too close, needed too much, having someone know me that well must be the reasoning behind it but I have realized, well too late, that there is that time that the loneliness overwhelms the soul and only one person can fill the empty space left dark until a light is turned on by that special someone. I have thought several times that I had found my soul-mate just to find that they were nothing more than a façade and a falsehood. But, years spent and countless hours of being together makes one look at something differently. It’s like the boy and girl that have been best friends since childhood and finally realize after high school that they are really in love with each other.
If you look at someone, honestly, and see their inner soul, that thing that makes them who they are, that is when you know whether they are good or bad for you. Some will turn a blind eye to the bad, to the abuse, to the hedonistic attitude and the fact that this person is actually just using you because you have a loyalty to them simply because you have known them since childhood. Once again in the words of the great Sherrilyn Kenyon, “The depth and strength of our character is defined by our moral code. People only reveal themselves when they're thrown out of the usual conditions of their lives. That's when the truth of who they are is revealed...” I have been there. I have put loyalty and faith in some that showed a façade of caring only to find that they were simply low-life baw-jawers out to get what they could from me. Most of these are no longer in my life though I still care about them. Some no longer live anywhere near me but I still wish them great success in their lives. Some even want to come back but I am more than disinclined to acquiesce to their requests simply because, even though I still care, they do not have the trust they once had from me.

Some would say I am pulling the 'pity-me' card. If pouring forth what is rampaging through my twisted mind and entertaining thoughts of how my emotions are in turmoil is asking anyone for pity, then so be it. That is not what I intend. Then again, intentions don't matter. It is what is perceived by the audience that matters and if my readers think I am asking for pity, I now ask for their understanding that it is not pity I ask for. This is only my venue of releasing the pent up emotions that torment my mind and heart on a daily basis. These are my rants and ravings. I write of these so if there may be someone out there going through something similar, they know they are not alone, that there is someone else that wears the same mantle as they. When there is emptiness in the soul, when loneliness fills the nights, the thought that there are others inflicted with the same torment, it somehow comforts the mind if only in some small way. That is all that my intentions are, nothing more. If there is more to what I have to say, if what I write is actually a subtle way of informing any specific person, I will let that person know as I have in the past. Until then, my dear readers, enjoy the literary trash that spews forth from my keyboard and if I can help you get through some tragedy in your life, some hurt that you are going through, then I have done something worthwhile.