Thursday, December 13, 2012

Downfall of an Empire

Now is the time for all men to come to the realization that this country has gone so far down so fast that to get it back to the former glory that was the United States of America it would take a major overhaul of the entire political and economic systems.

When it doesn’t matter whether a politician is Republican or Democrat, because they are intrinsically the same, the battle has been lost. Both Republicans and Democrats at this point are so far liberal that the destruction of America is imminent and the sheeple of this country have allowed it to be so. Why is this, you ask? Because the sheeple want handouts. The sheeple want the government to control their lives. The sheeple want what they are getting - communistic/Marxist existence where the government takes care of them, no matter that the basic rights and privileges of a free nation are done away with.

As I recall, during, or shortly after, the election four years ago an African American woman in her mid- to late twenties stated, “I won’t have to worry about anything. He’s gonna pay my mortgage and put gas in my car. Obama is gonna take care of me.” ObamaMediaMania is what Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity called it and that is EXACTLY what it was then and is now. Further proof of this would be the African American entertainer who stated on national television just here recently, “… our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama.”

This country is no longer the American Dream. It is an American Nightmare. The saddest part is that the liberal left ENJOYS this. The WANT this; they NEED this. Total governmental dependence, well, as long as those (should I dare say it?) rich Democrat Liberals don’t lose what they have. The Democrats want the rich conservatives to lose all they have, pay their fair share. You NEVER hear of any Democrat or even liberal Republican say anything about giving up what THEY have. It’s always taking from the rich Republican conservatives or, if there has to be cutbacks, taking away from Social Security, Medicare, the education system and public works. Why don’t we cut back Congressional pay? Why don’t we make politicians retire like the rest of the country, on Social Security and Medicare instead of retiring with full pay and free medical? Why don’t we cut back foreign aid? Why don’t we quit PAYING IMMIGRANTS TO MOVE HERE? Why don’t we QUIT GIVING WELFARE TO ILLEGALS?

Here is another thought: How about we, as Americans, quit forcing companies to pay more and more for labor so that they have to price themselves out of the market? Yeah, it’s a nice thought to get rich working for Mr Corporation and make the CEO, Board of Directors and stakeholders lose money for their investments but, without their investments, my poor $25-$50(wages plus benefits) an hour job holder, YOU wouldn’t have a job there. Granted, if allowed, companies would take advantage of a non-unionized nation as it did in the last couple of centuries. This does not mean that the unions need to force companies into unreasonable wage and benefit concessions. YOU CAN ONLY SPEND SO MUCH MONEY.

I am so sorry that you are so insecure with yourself that you HAVE to show the world that you make more than most and borrow enough that you will never be out of debt. I am so sorry that you have to prove that you are better than everyone else, especially those less fortunate, by having a $500,000 house that you don’t use half of, a $50,000 vehicles that you drive to work in and then go visit relatives across town on the weekends and your wardrobe cost more than what most third world countries make in a year.

You don’t need that boat and RV and the projection TV with HD/DVD and 900 channels on cable/satellite. What you NEED is food, shelter and clothing as the first three basic needs to live. As for food, well, if you didn’t need to be paid $30 an hour (wages plus benefits) to stack pallets and load a trailer groceries wouldn’t cost so much. Shelter- do you really NEED a $500,000 house when a $30,000 one would do? And what is this crap about paying up toward $60 a pair for jeans? Damn. Designer jeans wear out a whole lot faster than those good ol’ Levi’s or Wranglers that you can buy for less than half that. If you’re paying more than $20 a pair for jeans you’re being ripped off.

You need a vehicle to transport yourself to and from work but, that vehicle does not need to be a Cadillac. That vehicle only needs to get you to and from point A and point B. You don’t need to go “in style.” An Escort will do the same job as a Lexus, just not as prettily. A pickup truck will actually do more than an SUV, just not as stylishly. Do you really need a 12 CD changer when an AM/FM radio is sufficient in a moving vehicle?

We have done this to ourselves. WE are the cause of our own down fall. We have allowed the government to become more and more powerful and we have priced ourselves out of the global market by our greed. We are to blame, NOT the government. So to those that point their fingers at the Republicans or Democrats for all the woes we find ourselves in – LOOK AT WHERE THE OTHER THREE FINGERS ARE POINTING. That is where the blame lies.

As the old Toyota commercial said for a long, long time: You asked for it, You got it.

Some of you would think that I advocate class-warfare. I do not. Some would say that I begrudge those that have more than I. I do not. True, I make less than $20K a year, but I make it. My children want the high dollar items like $120 shoes that wear out in six months when $30 shoes from WalMart would last a year or more. I would love to drive a Lambourghini but I can only afford a used Isuzu Rodeo that I bought for $3,000. I hear ya, “Yeah, you say that a pickup truck is better than an SUV and see what you drive.” This SUV gets better mileage than a pickup truck and I got it cheaper than I could a pickup truck.

 I bought a house for $42,000, made payments and loved it. A two storey home built about 1900 with a couple of additions to make it a little bigger. Two bedrooms and a bath upstairs, a living room, dining room, kitchen, another bedroom and bath downstairs and a half basement. Just the right size and cost for my small family. We used the bedrooms, kitchen, bathrooms and kitchen. The dining room we used to walk through to go upstairs or the downstairs bedroom. The living room was used by the kids for all their friends. The basement was storage. Worth 42K? Probably not but I needed a house and that was the cheapest I could get the size I needed. When it burned down the contractor said it would cost 295K to rebuild, the adjuster asked if his original estimate of 120K would be enough. I paid off that house and bought another one assessed at 120K for sale for 60K. (It should be noted here that at this time I had FOUR children living with me and still only used about half of this house.) Should have paid the original house off and rebuilt it myself instead. Taxes were so high on the new house I couldn’t pay them. Sold that house at a loss and now live in a commercial building that I tried to get a business started in.

You might think I’m complaining. I am not. My children are happy. They are healthy. They are fed and watered and well cared for. They would be happy in a tent as long as they were home with their dad. Love is what makes my house a home… not the cost of the surroundings. I would like more, a house with bedrooms and a kitchen and bathrooms. We have that here but not like a house would. Thanks to the economy in my little town the real estate market tells me that I will lose money to sell my building so I keep it and live here.