Sunday, November 24, 2013

Why Is Obama Above the Law?

     Back in the 70s as soon as it came out that Nixon’s minions broke into the Watergate Hotel complex, the investigation started and he was impeached. In the 90s it was Clinton and Monica Lewinski… again, investigation and impeachment immediately. Now, with all that is being said about Obama, all that the man has done, nothing.
     Why is it that Barack Hussein Obama can get by with circumventing the Congress, signing into law unconstitutional mandates, forcing things upon the country that we don’t want and literally telling the country that he doesn’t care what the Constitution says, he’s gonna do it his way?  Why is Congress ignoring what the country knows and is broadcasting everywhere from Facebook to the national news? Why is Obama immune to the legal system set forth by the Constitution?
     Is this country so far gone, so complacent, so….needy that the people are willing to give up over 200 years of freedoms? Does the War of Independence mean nothing to these people? What is wrong with everyone? I, for one, have tried for over 20 years to get people to see what the government was doing, what they were planning and have finally decided that the people of this country, the SHEEPLE of this country, aren’t worth the effort. The stupidity and greed (yes, I said greed, because it is greed that makes people want to receive something for nothing) of the people of this country is so down-heartening.
     I am a conservative when it comes to politics; less government, more personal responsibility. I don’t want some person that doesn’t know me at all telling me what I can and cannot do or how to do it. I don’t believe that what I work for needs to be reassigned to someone that won’t work. I don’t mean the ones that actually need help like the elderly or the disabled. I’m talking about those people that have learned how to abuse a system set up as a temporary help. I know many people that won’t work that can because the government pays them to sit on their asses and do nothing. I don’t want a government that will give me what I want or need while taking from those that busted their butts to get more than me.
     I work and pay taxes and still I scrimp and do the best I can because I don’t make much. I am a single parent with two kids at home. My children have medical coverage through the state and we do receive enough food assistance to feed them for about a week. I know what it is like to need help. That does not mean that I want to take from someone else that has spent years building their wealth. That is theirs, not mine.
     The point of the last two paragraphs is not off the subject, it is the subject. Obama is bound and determined to make everyone dependent on government. Obamacare, that Affordable Health Care Act, is the catalyst to bring down the insurance industry by making the insurance companies cover things they never did before, and charge outrageous fees; the auto industry bail out… another way to centralize industry. Government wants to take over our lives and we, as a people, are allowing it. This man should be investigated, impeached, found guilty of whatever crimes he is found guilty of, removed from office and then probably charged as a civilian.

     We haven’t done it. We have not forced the Congress into action over this. Why? Why does Congress not take the initiative and start the proceedings? What do they know that they aren’t saying? My opinion is this… Obama is a self-proclaimed king, untouchable by anyone. He’s practically said it himself. I hope I am wrong. I hope the country comes to its’ senses and rises up out of the ashes to once again be the white knight of the world.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Tyrannical Rule of the USSA

Way back in the Stone Age, somewhere in the early 1970s, America’s president was Richard Milhous Nixon. What a lot of today’s kids don’t realize is that Nixon was impeached, we watched the impeachment process every day for months on television, and resigned because of it. Why did the Congress impeach him? Because he was president and he ordered his minions to break into the Watergate Hotel complex where the Democratic National Convention was to find out what they were doing. To top it all off, he lied to the American public.

Fast forward now to the 90s and the Clinton Era. William Jefferson Clinton was also impeached. Why was he impeached? Once again a president of the United States got caught doing something he shouldn’t. This time it was sex in the Oval Office but that was not put before the Senate because of it. He lied to the American people. This time, however, the president did not resign nor was he removed from office as the Constitution dictates. He finished out his term as Commander in Chief and is now living large off the coffers of the US Treasury.

Fast forward again. This time to 2008 and a campaign that made history for this country; the first black person to run for the Big Office was nominated by the Democratic National Convention when Hillary Rodham Clinton conceded her run for the job. Wow! History in the works; here we have the first woman and the first black in the same race and the woman concedes, even though the two were equal in the polls. The funny thing about it is that we all knew Mrs. Clinton. After all, she was the wife of William Jefferson Clinton. What we didn’t know was who this black man was. Barack Hussein Obama, a first term US Senator from Illinois, a former Illinois State Senator and before that a community organizer (whatever that is).

Throughout the campaign Mr. Obama stated over and over his mantra of ‘hope and change.’ He promised he would change the very face of this nation; that he would bring in a new era for a nation in need of change. Over and over again he, and his wife, said that he would do for the people, help the down-trodden rise up and meet the over-bearing rich. He would fight for the poor and make the rich pay for their greed. He would end the war that no one wanted to be in. He was going to make it all equal.

The nation, or so we were led to believe, loved him almost as much as Austria loved Hitler when they voted him in as their ruler. Needless to say he won the election, albeit by a small margin. The thing about this man is that he would not produce a birth certificate stating he was a natural born American; the Constitution states that he has to be to become president. He refused and, even now his birth records are questionable. Mr. Obama’s parents are of two different national origins. His mother is an American and his father is, I believe, Kenyan. Where was this man born? He says in Hawaii but that state does not recognize the botched certificate of birth.

Since Mr. Obama was first inaugurated into office on January 21, 2009, he has done exactly what he said he was going to do. He has circumvented the Constitution by signing Executive Orders that allow him to do things without the consent of Congress. He has bullied his policies into law regardless of what the people of this country, and even the Congress at times, want. He has alienated our allies while embracing our enemies. He has effectively castrated our armed forces while arming our enemies and he has even openly gone against the Constitution numerous times by forcing his way upon the people of this nation with laws that are unconstitutional.

One of the worst things he has done since taking office was during his first term when he went on his ‘Apology Tour’ and told the world that America has been, is and always will be in the wrong. He bowed before a foreign leader, something that no other president, or foreign leader, has ever done. The Obama’s have downgraded and disrespected this nation and those that have fought 3 major wars, a police action, a conflict over 237 years and now three other wars at one time. They have basically proclaimed themselves King and Queen of the United States. They are the law and they are above that law.

Where once America was the White Knight of the world, the most powerful nation, the most respected nation, we are now so far in debt to other nations that our grandchildren’s grandchildren will be paying it; the world hates us because of our arrogance; we are so complacent that we won’t even try to rid ourselves of the pestilence of a tyrannical ruler. The Founding Fathers of this once great nation are rolling in their graves, the soldiers who fought and died to win, and keep, our freedoms are rolling in their graves and the patriotic citizens that back those soldiers, that lost sons, daughters and parents are doing the same.

To those that look down on us as a nation, please don’t hold the people of this nation responsible for the actions of the government. The government is acting against the will of the people that entrusted it to do what was right. We have become sheeple, weak and wretched. It is our responsibility to put people in control that will do our bidding, not the other way around. The Obama’s have entrenched themselves so deeply that we are finding it almost impossible to rid ourselves of the vermin that call themselves our representatives. Like Austria, there is the majority that wants to be controlled by a tyrant as long as that tyrant is giving them what they want. And, like Austria, that tyrant is finally pulling down the façade of decency and showing his true face; the face of a demon bent on the destruction of an entire nation.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Love Will Make You Stupid

“Love will make you stupid. You won’t listen to anyone, not even your own common sense.” This is a quote from The Chronicles of Nick by the great Sherrilyn Kenyon. This woman, this writer, this genius, can articulate so well that most of her work of fiction can be used as everyday quotes.

I am using this one today because it has a relevance to what is going on in a couple of people’s lives that are very close to me. I will not divulge names, they know who they are, but I hope that they will read this and get a clue.

If a boy, or girl, is in a relationship, whether legally married or just ‘shackin’ up,’ they have made a commitment to their significant other to stay true to them. If said boy, or girl, decides that they no longer want to be with that person then they break up. If they are married, it takes a little more than just saying, “I’m leaving.” A divorce takes a little bit of time and a lot of money, especially if there are children involved. There are the two main types of relationships and each will be examined.

First is the boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. That is where two people are basically just dating each other. They have made a promise to each other that they will stay true and not see other people. If one of them decides that the other isn’t what they want, they break up and find someone new. That is the easy one; unless they stay with their significant other and see one or more others on the side secretly. This is the way it seems to go these days. No one stays true to anyone. They say, “I love you and will forever,” but what they are actually saying is, “I’ll stay with you because I like what you do for me until I can find someone else that can do more.”

It seems that what kids, and some adults, want is to have someone to have sex with whenever they want while all the time playing the field. No commitment, no loyalty and no worries… until they get caught be their ‘main squeeze.’ It is then that they back-peddle and try to smooth things over and keep the one they know will be there all the time. Really? Are people that stupid? Yes they are.

Now we go to the married couple. One is not happy in the relationship for one reason or another, it really doesn’t matter what the reason is. Let’s say the man is cheating on his wife He will say that he’s working late, going out with the guys or some other lame excuse he knows his wife will accept. All the while, he is out with his girlfriend doing the dirty. The girlfriend is happy because she is getting what she wants – he tells her he loves her and that he will leave his wife and they will get married and live happily ever after.

Maybe it’s the wife that is cheating. She makes all kinds of excuses to go out on the town without her husband with the same results only with some boy. The thing here is that neither one is leaving their spouse while seeing someone else. Why, if they are so unhappy, do they not file for divorce, get the divorce and THEN start seeing someone? It doesn’t matter if a person is ‘legally separated’ from their spouse, they are still ‘legally married.’ They did not take the sacred vows of marriage seriously.

The major point to this rant is this: if a person is willing to cheat on their significant other, not take their promises or vows seriously and lie to that significant other then they have no sense of commitment or loyalty to anyone. If they are more than willing to go behind their significant other with someone they think, or that actually is, a good, decent person, what makes that good, decent person think for one minute that cheater won’t cheat on them? It is my opinion that they will. A person that is willing to cheat on their partner, no matter what the circumstances, they will cheat on the person they are cheating with.

Some will say, “Well, their wife/husband has beat on them, cheated on them, done this or that to them….etc.” That may well be. If it is that bad then get the divorce, break up, whatever… but get it done and over with before you go jumping in the sack with someone else.

I come from a time when commitment meant something. If you were taken, had a partner, you didn’t cheat for any reason. If there were problems you talked about them and fixed them; you didn’t throw away a relationship because you were tired of that person. If it was an abusive relationship then the family took care of it. Most, not all but most, abusive relationships are not that abusive and, a lot of the time, the one being abused has gotten the abuser so peeved as to not know what else to do. Through experience, I would have to say that if a man hits a woman (I do NOT condone this action) she has done him so wrong that he feels she deserves it. Usually she has cheated on him numerous times or complains about everything about him or tries to control him to the point of obsession or control freak abuse herself.

Some of my observations may not be the norm, some may be way off mark but, you have to understand that after half a century of studying people that I do have a little bit of experience with a lot of different social situations. Relationships are a dime a dozen anymore because they don’t last due to lack of morality and commitment. When it comes to other people I can usually tell you within minutes how they are with the person they are with, whether they are good or bad and whether they are sincere or fake. I just wish I could do it when it comes to my own life and relationships. In that respect I fail miserably.