Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Tyrannical Rule of the USSA

Way back in the Stone Age, somewhere in the early 1970s, America’s president was Richard Milhous Nixon. What a lot of today’s kids don’t realize is that Nixon was impeached, we watched the impeachment process every day for months on television, and resigned because of it. Why did the Congress impeach him? Because he was president and he ordered his minions to break into the Watergate Hotel complex where the Democratic National Convention was to find out what they were doing. To top it all off, he lied to the American public.

Fast forward now to the 90s and the Clinton Era. William Jefferson Clinton was also impeached. Why was he impeached? Once again a president of the United States got caught doing something he shouldn’t. This time it was sex in the Oval Office but that was not put before the Senate because of it. He lied to the American people. This time, however, the president did not resign nor was he removed from office as the Constitution dictates. He finished out his term as Commander in Chief and is now living large off the coffers of the US Treasury.

Fast forward again. This time to 2008 and a campaign that made history for this country; the first black person to run for the Big Office was nominated by the Democratic National Convention when Hillary Rodham Clinton conceded her run for the job. Wow! History in the works; here we have the first woman and the first black in the same race and the woman concedes, even though the two were equal in the polls. The funny thing about it is that we all knew Mrs. Clinton. After all, she was the wife of William Jefferson Clinton. What we didn’t know was who this black man was. Barack Hussein Obama, a first term US Senator from Illinois, a former Illinois State Senator and before that a community organizer (whatever that is).

Throughout the campaign Mr. Obama stated over and over his mantra of ‘hope and change.’ He promised he would change the very face of this nation; that he would bring in a new era for a nation in need of change. Over and over again he, and his wife, said that he would do for the people, help the down-trodden rise up and meet the over-bearing rich. He would fight for the poor and make the rich pay for their greed. He would end the war that no one wanted to be in. He was going to make it all equal.

The nation, or so we were led to believe, loved him almost as much as Austria loved Hitler when they voted him in as their ruler. Needless to say he won the election, albeit by a small margin. The thing about this man is that he would not produce a birth certificate stating he was a natural born American; the Constitution states that he has to be to become president. He refused and, even now his birth records are questionable. Mr. Obama’s parents are of two different national origins. His mother is an American and his father is, I believe, Kenyan. Where was this man born? He says in Hawaii but that state does not recognize the botched certificate of birth.

Since Mr. Obama was first inaugurated into office on January 21, 2009, he has done exactly what he said he was going to do. He has circumvented the Constitution by signing Executive Orders that allow him to do things without the consent of Congress. He has bullied his policies into law regardless of what the people of this country, and even the Congress at times, want. He has alienated our allies while embracing our enemies. He has effectively castrated our armed forces while arming our enemies and he has even openly gone against the Constitution numerous times by forcing his way upon the people of this nation with laws that are unconstitutional.

One of the worst things he has done since taking office was during his first term when he went on his ‘Apology Tour’ and told the world that America has been, is and always will be in the wrong. He bowed before a foreign leader, something that no other president, or foreign leader, has ever done. The Obama’s have downgraded and disrespected this nation and those that have fought 3 major wars, a police action, a conflict over 237 years and now three other wars at one time. They have basically proclaimed themselves King and Queen of the United States. They are the law and they are above that law.

Where once America was the White Knight of the world, the most powerful nation, the most respected nation, we are now so far in debt to other nations that our grandchildren’s grandchildren will be paying it; the world hates us because of our arrogance; we are so complacent that we won’t even try to rid ourselves of the pestilence of a tyrannical ruler. The Founding Fathers of this once great nation are rolling in their graves, the soldiers who fought and died to win, and keep, our freedoms are rolling in their graves and the patriotic citizens that back those soldiers, that lost sons, daughters and parents are doing the same.

To those that look down on us as a nation, please don’t hold the people of this nation responsible for the actions of the government. The government is acting against the will of the people that entrusted it to do what was right. We have become sheeple, weak and wretched. It is our responsibility to put people in control that will do our bidding, not the other way around. The Obama’s have entrenched themselves so deeply that we are finding it almost impossible to rid ourselves of the vermin that call themselves our representatives. Like Austria, there is the majority that wants to be controlled by a tyrant as long as that tyrant is giving them what they want. And, like Austria, that tyrant is finally pulling down the façade of decency and showing his true face; the face of a demon bent on the destruction of an entire nation.

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