Tuesday, July 18, 2017

What to Write

     What to write. What to write? What to write!
     There is so much going on in the world today that it is an overload of crap on one’s mind. Russian collusion; Syrian overthrow; North Korean nuclear warheads; terrorists attacks; government run healthcare; tax reform; government corruption at all levels from Federal all the way down to local; immigration problems; refugee problems; racial divide; party division; riots, shootings and other acts of domestic violence. All of these things are at the forefront of world news and there seems to be nothing that any country’s general population can do about it. The governments of the world seem to be in their own little clique and doing whatever it is they want regardless of what is best for their countries or the needs and wants of their constituents.
     There once was a time when freedom rang out through the hills and valleys of this once great nation. Indeed, throughout the lands on this continent and across the big pond on a tiny island and also on the grand continent. Yes, there has always been the tyrannical rule of communism in some countries such as China, the Soviet Union, Korea, etc. but those that are run by an iron fist are few and far between. Freedom, democracy and capitalism have been proven to be much more effective than government run industry and human rights being denied. The problem is this: those freedoms, that democracy and capitalism is being replaced by socialistic and politically correct policy in the bastion of freedom: the United States. Even Great Britain is becoming more and more politically correct and socialistic than ever before.
     This year, 2017, was the 241st anniversary of our freedom from Great Britain. 241 years since the Founding Fathers declared that we were a free nation, no longer under the auspices and control of a tyrannical rule from far away. 8,000 American soldiers died from wounds, 17,000 died from disease, 25,000 were estimated to have been wounded or maimed fighting for our freedom. In other words: 1 in 20 free white males in this country were killed or maimed fighting against tyranny. THAT is what made this country the greatest country in the world. Men that were willing to die to achieve something that had never been done before – win against the mightiest military in the world since the Roman Empire.
     Once we gained our freedom from King George, the Founding Fathers set up an experimental government where each and every man’s voice was heard. The Constitutional Republic was born, a Congress was established and a President was chosen. It took months for the 57 delegates from the 13 states to debate and set in stone the Law of the Land known as the United States Constitution. Laws that set up three branches of government that kept each branch from too much power. The Executive Branch, the President and Vice President, empowered to uphold the law. The Legislative Branch, the law makers. The Judicial Branch, to defend the law. The Electoral College was established to make sure that each state had equal say in the election of the President and Vice President. The Congress, set up of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives, filled with men elected by popular vote of each district; the Senate consisting of two men from each state to make it equal and the House filled by population of each district.
     Our new country now had a government, for and by the people. Freedom, human rights, prosperity were the norm, at least for white males. Throughout our short history, freedom has been given; not just to white males but to while women, blacks, Asians, immigrants, all who legally reside without our borders. Our new country became the greatest nation in the world. A country that led in technology, military might, human rights, freedom and democracy. We were the envy of the planet.
Over the years, that experimental government grew to understand that, through making laws that pertained only to the citizens of the country and not the law makers, our government changed into something that the Founding Fathers had debated fiercely against. The government has become all powerful and tyrannical. Laws are forced down the throats of the citizens depending on what government wants regardless of what the people want. In other words: where we once were a country with a government, we have become a government with a country. We are now no better than what our forefathers fought and died to be free from.
     “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
     For those that don’t know, these words are from the Declaration of Independence. Funny how time changes things. There are those in this nation that would want government to be all powerful and to dictate our lives for us. There are those that would have us open our borders, thus losing our sovereignty, and to embezzle from the working class to give to all that come here, or are already here, that refuse to work to support themselves. There are those that take the words of the Constitution and bastardize them into something they are not. There are those that would take us back to a time when freedom was a dream, when being your own man was doing your best to keep your family from being slaughtered by a tyrannical government or some other enemy (i.e., in Colonial America it was the British, today it would be Radical Islamic Terrorists).
     When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, thus setting in stone how our government worked, they decided that it needed more added to it. By adding amendments to that great document, laws became legal; certain things were cast in stone so as not to be changed. The first ten amendments were added before they left Independence Hall. These first ten amendments came to be known as The Bill of Rights. Giving us freedom of speech, the press, to practice any religion; freedom against illegal search and seizure or to testify against ourselves in a court of law; we have the right to keep and bear arms. These rights and freedoms were added for a reason. The Founding Fathers wanted to make sure that government would not, could not, become a tyrannical dominion over the people as King George and his British governors were over the colonies.
     Today, the liberal left would have us believe that the Constitution, along with the Bill of Rights, was a ‘living’ document meant to change with the political tide of the times. They would have us believe that the Founding Fathers did not understand that times would change and the laws set down by them would become outdated. Those far left liberals would like for us to believe that we no longer need the right to keep and bear arms to protect ourselves from any enemy, foreign or domestic. They would like for us to believe that the freedom of speech is only for those that are liberal and the freedom of religion is for any religion other than Christianity. They would want us to believe that to peaceably assemble is only for conservatives but the liberal left can commit crimes of destruction wantonly without recourse. They would have us believe that “provide for the common good” means to take from those that have and give to those that have not whether they deserve it or not.
     Franklin Delano Roosevelt set up the American welfare system as an insurance system to help those in need temporarily; until they were back on their feet. There are those in this country that have taken that as a challenge and made the welfare system their career, refusing to work because it is much easier to have the government pay for everything. Free money, free medical, dental, vision and food has become the American dream for people the world over. Refugees flock to our shores to take what our government doles out. The problem with that is that the liberal left believe this to be everyone’s right, whether they are citizens of this nation or not.
     The liberal left believe that the Constitutional rights given to all citizens of this country pertain to citizens of the world. They do not. The Constitution of the United States of America pertains ONLY to citizens, both natural and naturalized, of the United States and legal immigrants. Our Founding Fathers did not set up a global Constitution but a national one to protect OUR rights and freedoms. Only the left seem to think that this country is globally set. It is NOT our responsibility to provide for the world.
     Our country has become less great, less respected, because of liberalism and their political correctness. Michael Savage has said, over and over, “Liberalism is a mental illness.” I am beginning to truly believe that as time goes on and I see what the left is doing. John Kennedy would be ashamed of the Democratic Party for what they have become. I know I am. The liberal left is destroying our country by leaps and bounds with their socialistic policies and their desire for global settlement within our borders. We are a sovereign nation still but it is fast becoming a borderless wasteland for anyone that wants to enter and do as they please.
     We no longer can speak our minds or voice our opinions without being called racist, fascist, bigot, anti-this or that. We are forced to accept our enemies and can no longer claim national pride. Freedom of religion is only for Islam because ‘Congress shall make no law pertaining to religion or the free exercise thereof’ had come to mean that Christianity has no place anywhere on public property, government or schools. Being white is bad because of the atrocities of those from generations ago against minorities. Abnormal behaviour is forced down the throats of all people because the left is determined to destroy all morality and values in our country.
     The government does what it wants and no one will stand against it. Congress forces policy upon us that does not pertain to them (healthcare for the masses is not good enough for government, they have their own, all-encompassing healthcare paid for by the taxpayer). We are engaged in wars for the sake of government gains and no longer only for the safety of our nation. Our representatives are bought and paid for by big corporations and no longer represent the people that elected them to office. In fact, several of said representatives have become so powerful that their mental stability is in question but the people of their respective districts keep re-electing them.

     241 years ago a dream became a reality. It took thousands of lives to achieve. Now, 241 years later that dream is dead. Our freedoms, our rights, our very lives are at stake. Would this be anarchy? No. Would this be the call for revolution? No. Would this be treason? No. It is one man’s thoughts and observations. This is only my opinions on what has become of our nation. It could be the call to arms if I was a violent person. I am not. Violence is never the answer. But, when government usurps its’ powers and becomes a tyrannical dominion, it is time to rethink what we have become. It is time to think about what those thousands of men died for 241 years ago.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Is It Really Worth It?

     Is it really worth it? I mean, really? In today’s society where being offended is more important than keeping safe, where madness and chaos rule and sanity and calm are persecuted, where caring about another is looked down upon and hedonism is cherished, is it really, really worth it? Is love just something to be taken advantage of because it shows weakness?
     Ok, we have the liberals that are doing everything they can to destroy the Constitution, except the parts that they want for themselves (conservatives aren’t allowed any rights). They want to do away with freedom of religion (at least the right to practice Christianity), free speech (as long as it comes from conservatives), the right to keep and bear arms (except for law enforcement and their army of security people), protection from illegal search and seizure (except when it comes to their illegal activity which is totally within their rights to do, such as Hillary’s email server). Do you see where this is going?
     The problem is this; the conservatives aren’t doing a damn thing about what the liberals are doing. The Republicans in Congress sit back and cower, kowtowing to the liberal rants and giving them ground instead of standing up and fighting for our rights. Thank the gods of Asgard that Patton, McArthur, Washington, etc., all the great generals in each war we’ve been in since the American Revolution, wasn’t so fucking weak. We would have lost to the British, twice; we would have lost to the Mexicans, the Germans, the Viet Cong (oh, sorry, we DID lose to the Viet Cong). We are losing to the liberal left.
     We are sitting here, spending millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars on bogus investigations against Trump when the Clinton’s and Obama were given passes on all their crimes that COULD be proven. It is only allegations, rumor, mainstream media bias and a lot of ‘anonymous sources’ that are against Trump and Company. Yet, the Republicans are doing just what the liberals want – going along with their game against America.
     Is it really worth it? When actual crimes can be overlooked because they are committed by the liberals and rumored crimes are investigated beyond belief against a conservative it is beyond stupid. It is anti-American politics. It isn’t worth it anymore.
Facebook posts being deleted when they are anti-Muslim (actually anti-ISIS). Is it wrong to put out there what the fucking bastards are doing? Is it wrong to state facts that not all Muslims are terrorists but most terrorists are Muslim? Is it wrong to be wary of ‘refugees’ from ISIS controlled countries?
     I am not politically correct in any way, shape or form. I call a spade a spade and a terrorist a terrorist. I’m not racist or anti-gay. That being said, if you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. If words hurt you so bad go live in a bloody monastery. I will not, under ANY circumstances give up my right to free speech because of your feelings. No one bothered about my feelings when I was growing up and I learned to live with it all. If you don’t get your precious little feelings hurt then you don’t grow and learn other’s viewpoints. All you do, if you won’t let anyone hurt your feelings, is live in a bubble and don’t get a thick enough skin to survive this journey we call life.
     Is it really worth it? Stupidity and idiocy run amok while common sense and intelligence is ridiculed and persecuted. All you have to do is turn on CNN, MSNBC, Fox; read the New York Times, Washington Post, Oregonian or even the Des Moines Register; watch NBC, CBS or ABC.       Here in the United States it is getting worse and worse with the open arms policy of protecting criminal illegal aliens but in Europe it is so much more dangerous with their government’s open arms policies. The peace-loving citizens of the world are allowing the terror inducing RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS to just take over. They have said for decades that the world would become Islamic. They were right and every other religion, ideology, form of government, etc., are ALLOWING IT AND EVEN INVITING IT.
     Is it really worth it? As an over the road driver I see a LOT of stupid. Never underestimate the stupidity of people behind the wheel of a vehicle. Construction zones where it bottlenecks into one lane is a prime example: people will run up the lane that is ending at full throttle until the lane ends then stops all traffic just to get into the open lane. Three miles back there was a sign that informed traffic what was happening; doesn’t matter: gotta get in front of everyone else. There are also those idiots that just have to get in front of that truck, no matter what traffic laws they break to do it, just to slow that truck down. Where did these people learn to drive???? Stupid, stupid, stupid…. Idiotic, idiotic, idiotic. All because of some undeserved sense of self-worth that makes some think they are more important than everyone else.
     Is it all worth it? We elect politicians to represent us in government. That is the way the Founding Fathers set up this experimental government. Over the years these politicians have learned that they are above any laws they pass. All they have to do is state in said law that Congress is exempt. REALLY? Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Our elected officials have become absolutely corrupted. Once again, listen to the ‘news’ on the radio or television or read the ‘news’papers. When we get someone in office that is NOT a politician, the politicos do everything they can to destroy that person because he is NOT corrupted by politics. He may be corrupted by wealth and business but not politics.
     Is it all worth it? I have been called racist, fascist, bigoted, homophobic, islamaphobic, and a host of other things that really don’t describe me. I AM racist; I’ve gotten to hate the HUMAN RACE. As for hating any nationality, religion, color, creed, etc., nah. I love my black boys that call me dad. I love my Russian/Ukrainian boys that call me dad; I have friends that are Mexican, Puerto Rican, Guatemalan, Korean, English, Welsh, Malaysian, Australian, etc. I have known Palestinians, Catholics, Jews, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, Methodists, Hindus, atheists, Pagans, heathens, etc. Yep! I’m a racist.
     Fascist? According to the Oxford American dictionary, the definition of fascism is: 1) a right-wing system of government with extreme nationalistic beliefs. 2) an attitude that is very intolerant or right-wing. Well, I guess they have the ‘right-wing’ and ‘nationalistic’ parts of it right. I have noticed, though, that it is the left that has become very intolerant. I, myself, have been very tolerant of the liberal rants against the Trump Train, albeit with my own comments following said rants.
     I am not even going to go any further with explaining myself or my beliefs. It doesn’t really matter to anyone anyway. Suffice it to say that I am NOT what the left thinks I am.
     So, I ask: Is it all worth it? Is this journey through life worth all the bullshit that the human race piles upon each other? Is it worth the lies, deceit, corruption, greed, etc.? Is it worth all the protests against free speech, owning weapons? Is it worth it to fight against open borders, extreme tax and spend, taking from those that earn and giving to those that refuse to work? There are times that I definitely feel like putting the bottle to my head and pulling the trigger. Is it really worth it?
     There are a few things that I have in my life that make all the bullshit worth every minute: my children (Jennifer, Andrew, Jaquie, Michael), my grandkids (Destiny, Ryan, Oktober, Nova), my ‘adopted’ kids (Travon, Malcolm, Max, Misha, Julian, Josh), even my ‘adopted’ grandkids (Alex, Danny, the Bentley’s, Tucker, Lorelei, and a few others that I claim that belong to friends). I even happen to have a few friends that make it all worth it (actually too many to list, amazingly enough).        Things don’t make life worth living, things make life easier. Family, friends, loved ones are what make life worth living. Even though friends may come and go and family my disown you, it is the camaraderie, the love, the sharing of special moments with those people that make even the shortest time seem like a lifetime. Each person comes into your life for a short time and for a special reason only to leave when their time with you is up. Still, that is what makes it all worth it.

     So, is it really worth it? In a word: yes.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Terrorist Attacks Since 9/11

After waking up this morning to more news of Radical Islamic terrorism in London I thought I’d do a little research on the ‘religion of peace’ and see just how peaceful this cult actually is. It was striking what I discovered. Since the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, killing over 3,000 innocent Americans, radical Islam has attacked the world almost 31,000 times.
Think about that for a minute. This religion of peace has conducted almost 31,000 terrorist attacks against innocent people over the course of 15 and a half years; all in the name of Allah and to destroy the infidels. Last week they attacked a concert killing 22 people, some of which were just children. Last night they attacked innocents on London Bridge. When are the liberal idiots and governments of the world going to get it into their heads that the radical extremists aren’t going to give up? Worse, when are those peaceful Muslims of the world going to stand up against their extremist brothers and sisters?
From May 27 through June 2 of this year alone, Islamic terrorists conducted 40 attacks, killed 455 and injured 677 in 14 countries. That was in a week. A bloody week! And what do the liberals keep saying? “Oh, Islam is a religion of peace. They just need more understanding. We need to bring the entire bloody Middle East into our countries and give them love.” Right! Invite them in, give them free housing, food, and medical care and give them jobs that natural born or naturalized citizens need. Why do the governments of the world do that? They do it because all those ‘refugees’ are trying to get out of a war torn area to be safe from harm. By the by, did you realize that the Middle East has been fighting wars within the area since the inception of Islam and lasting peace will never happen because killing is all they have ever known? (Statistics are from thereligionofpeace.com.)
The Koran tells its followers that anyone who does not believe in Islam is to be killed just as God told Moses to go into the land of Canaan and kill them all, men, women and children, because they were not believers. The difference is this – Christianity, for the most part, has decided that killing non-believers is not acceptable in civilized times. Islam still believes that is what needs to be done.
I am not saying that all Muslims are evil, dangerous and murdering thugs; they are not. There are more peaceful Muslims than there are the radical extremists. The problem lies in that a person never knows which is which. Just as the soldiers in the Vietnam conflict couldn’t tell whether that child walking down the street was a Viet Cong bomb waiting to go off or not, how do you tell if that burka covered Muslim is wired to the teeth with C4? You don’t know. There is no way to determine whether a person standing around or walking down the street is going to go postal and kill people because that is their duty to Islam. To make the problem even worse, in today’s screwed up society, Islam is recruiting ‘homegrown’ terrorists by the hundreds. It may have something to do with those 72 virgins that are promised if you die for Islam.
Here in the United States, the liberal idiots are even going against Federal Law and becoming sanctuary cities, counties and states just to protect any illegal that wants to go into their boundaries against immigration law. Due to multi-culturalism that seems to be so prevalent in the liberal world of Utopia, these sanctuary municipalities are going to be the downfall for the rest of the country just as the EU is going to be the downfall of Europe. The radicals go in as refugees or illegals, move about with impunity and get where they want to be to do the most harm to innocent lives.
Until the world can get off is politically correct ass and admit that Islam is NOT a religion of peace and that the extremists are a real threat to everyone the world will continue to die a few at a time. Innocent lives will be lost because people are afraid of offending the enemy. The idiocy of political correctness is being shown every day, with every attack by the Radical Islamic Terrorists known as ISIS. There is nothing normal about this. It should never become something that we should just expect to happen. We should never become complacent about terrorism.

Instead of taking our guns so we cannot protect ourselves, we should be told to gather as many as possible. Not just here in the US but in every country around the world. If citizens were armed then these radicals wouldn’t be able to do near as much damage and carnage as they do. Citizens could stop the killing by gunning down the outlaws before they completed their ‘missions.’ Stop the idiocy and let us protect ourselves; after all, our governments aren’t able to do it.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Is The World Crazy Or Is It Just Me?

As I look around, listen to things, observe people, I have to wonder: has the world gone crazy or is it just me? With societal changes that are so dramatic as to make one’s head spin, a nation so divided that people are at each other’s throats over the smallest of things, a president that is so embattled by the opposing party that he can’t take a breath without someone accusing him of some form of cover up, Christianity is persecuted while the bane of the Earth, as far as religions go, is held in high esteem, and terrorists run loose seemingly without bounds. Has the entire world gone bat shit crazy?
Here in the good old United States of America, a country that isn’t even 250 years old, we have the right to free speech. At least we did until the last administration. Now, if a person has a conservative point of view he is silenced by the far left wing liberals. Colleges are allowing their liberal students to riot if a conservative speaker is there thus making it impossible for that speaker to utter a word. Social media is almost as bad. I have several liberal friends on my Facebook that constantly tell me how idiotic and brain dead I am because I believe in keeping America what the Founding Fathers set it up to be.
What is America? Is it a socialist country where the government has to tell the citizens how to live their lives or is it a Constitutional Republic based on free enterprise and self-reliance? In the early days of this young nation the Constitutional Delegates met to set up the government of this brand new nation. They deliberated and debated for months on just what to write down as the Law of the Land. What they came up with was the Constitution that is so proudly displayed in the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. This historic document stated, in no uncertain terms, just what our federal government was responsible for and if it wasn’t specifically enumerated in that document, then the States had the authority. This limited the power of the Federal Government.
Today, the Federal Government has grown so large and bureaucratic that it controls the people. What was a country with a government has now become a government with a country. Congress sits in the Capitol legislating what the people can and can’t do while excusing themselves from a lot of those laws. Where the people once had to support themselves and their families, now the government has decreed that ‘from those that have to those that have not.’ Sounds a little like Marxism: from each according to his ability to each according to his need. It doesn’t matter whether that person that ‘needs’ even tries to earn his/her own keep, the rest of the country has to support him/her. Excluding the elderly, the disabled and those that, for some good reason, cannot work to support themselves, the rest of these people should learn the lesson of – if you don’t work, you don’t eat.
What once was a proud, Christian based morality has become a lesson in tolerance for all things hedonistic. Christianity is shelved while Islam is taught and put forth as a person’s right to religious freedom. What once was ‘a man is a man and it’s a man’s job to support his family’ has become ‘if you are a man’s man you are a racist, fascist, anti-feminist pig.’ It’s perfectly fine for a man to dress in a mini skirt and go into the women’s restroom and if anyone says anything different they are an intolerant homophobe. Where there were once secure borders with immigration laws there are now open borders and illegals are given driver’s licenses, housing, a job, welfare, and the right to vote with no fear of deportation. Hell, they don’t even have to speak English – they’ll be given a translator at the taxpayer’s expense. It has become a bad thing to be a white, American citizen.
Where once the FBI was the premier law enforcement agency in the world it has let illegal distribution of classified material go unprosecuted while it spends millions of dollars on investigating the unsubstantiated allegations of collusion with a foreign nation during a rigged election where the wrong party won. Where the Constitution says that a person must be natural born citizen to become president we allowed a person of questionable nationality to reign for eight years. While that man was in office he did all he could to undermine the power and respect of the United States across the world. He praised Islam and denigrated Christianity. He aided and abetted our enemies while turning his back on our allies.
Yes, I believe the world, at least this small part of it, has gone crazy. Or, maybe, it is I that have gone crazy and what I once believed this nation stood for, how it was established, what it meant to be an American, what our government was supposed to be and the very foundation of our nation was all a dream that I had turned into my own reality. It is totally possible that it is I that is mad and not the liberal left that is so determined to undermine the present conservative administration.
I was in a conversation just yesterday about the present administration and how the country was going. I think that the Trump Train is doing a pretty good job seeing as how the liberal left are constantly yelling about Russian collusion and cover-up on everything that is said out of the White House. The thing about it is that there were about four people that kept telling me that I was nuts, crazy, a socialist, a fascist and was afraid of anyone that wasn’t a white Christian American. Funny thing about it is that I have a lot of friends that are immigrants, black, mixed nationality and different religions. Guess that makes me afraid of the rest of the world and I should stick to middle America where there aren’t any people that could possibly harm my fragile American patriotism.
I’ve been called a homophobe because I believe that men should use the men’s room and women should use the women’s room. I have several friends that are gay, a couple that are transgender and a lot of friends that are undecided or ‘closet’ gays. Just because I, myself, don’t want to start women’s clothes or change my gender doesn’t mean that I want to keep others from it. I just don’t want some dude going into the bathroom with my wife, mom, sister, daughter, granddaughter, etc. That’s why we have separate facilities for opposite genders. It’s called civilization.
Just because I want a free nation, smaller government, less governmental control over my life, self-reliance unless unavoidable help is needed temporarily, secure borders and illegal aliens deported, a ban on Islamic migrants and refugees because of the terrorist activities of the Radical Islamics, government not being involved in the business sector such as insurance, fair and lower taxation, getting rid of the corruption in government, no sanctuary cities, counties or states, keeping our inalienable rights guaranteed by the Constitution, and using the Constitution as it was written and intended, not ‘interpreted’ to suit a political agenda does not mean that I am an imbecile, crazy, a fascist, a homophobe, anti-woman, etc. It means that I am an American that believes in the Constitution and the core values set forth by the Founding Fathers.
I was not happy when Barack Hussein Obama was elected and even less happy when he was elected to a second term. Did I riot? Did I protest? Did I keep the liberals from talking their ideology? No on all points. Did I complain about him not presenting proof that he was a natural citizen? Did I call him a wannabe king? Yes. Why? Because his nationality was in question; his mother was an American and his father was from the Middle East. He said he was born in Hawaii yet that state said they did not issue his certificate of live birth. He registered in college as a foreign student under the name of Barry Soteros. He never did produce any college transcripts, either. He said he was a professor of Constitutional law yet it was discovered he was a guest lecturer of Constitutional law… this a professor does not make. As for me calling him a wannabe king, well, when you act like royalty then it seems as though that is what you wannabe.

I could go on and on about all the anti-American policies and actions Mr Obama instituted but that is not what this article is about. It is about whether the world is crazy or just me. The liberal left call me crazy because I state the truth about their ‘saviour’ and disagree with everything he stands for. So, dear reader, I am going to leave it up to you whether it is I or the rest of the world that is crazy. I’ll just sit over here in the corner with my crayons and construction paper while you decide. You can call me on the can phone when you come to your decision.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Relationships Today: Just a Little Advice

I think I’m going to do something a little different this weekend. Instead of something really controversial like politics or religion I’m going to delve into the realm of relationships. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, who am I to give out advice on something that I can’t even keep together? In answer to that question I will reply that I am very experienced in what NOT to do. After being married three times, three times divorced, having children with all three, I would like to think that I have a pretty good idea of what is going on. I may be wrong on that but I’m going to go with it anyway.
I got married the first time when I was twenty and she was eighteen. She wanted away from home and I wanted someone there. Trust me when I say that when a relationship is built like that it will never work out. Two years later, after she and I were separated, along came a beautiful baby girl. Was I ready to be a parent in any way, shape or form? Not on your life. Thank the gods that my ex-wife was a hell of a lot more mature than I was. My daughter grew to be a fantastic woman with children of her own that have grown into pretty great young people. When my daughter was around three I surrendered parental rights and let her step-dad adopt her. I thought I was doing the right thing.
Relationship number two, that ended in marriage and divorce, came along a few years later when I was 27. I met this girl while I was servicing a truck where I worked. I was covered in grease and oil and this cute little thing came wandering into the shop and started complaining about being stood up by some sop that had made a movie date with her. As it ended up my buddy and I got cleaned up and we both took her to the drive in movie. It was a triple feature that I have no idea what was playing. We talked through the whole damn thing. My buddy? He sat along the wall of the drive in bored out of his mind.
This girl had a three year old boy that was adorable. He came to me one day and asked if I minded if he called me ‘Dad.’ My heart melted. After we got married I adopted him. He was a great kid and I love him as much as if he was my own blood. But, once again, the fates decided that this wasn’t the one, either. We fought constantly about everything. I was a jealous SOB and she was an eighth Crow Indian and had an evil streak that made her want to stir me up.
I was working for Schwan’s at the time and came home one night to a note on the pillow. Yeah! Can you believe that old cliché? I wasn’t sober for about three or four months. I quit working for Schwan’s and went back to real trucking.
Number three was a few months later. I picked her up in a truck stop where she was hitch hiking. It was in Columbia, MO and she was trying to get to Minneapolis. You just don’t get from the middle of Missouri to southern Minnesota very easily. I gave her ride from there to Indiana and then back to Des Moines and put her on a truck headed to Minneapolis. A couple of months later she was back and in the truck with me.
To make this story shorter, in the ten years we were together we moved from Des Moines to Portland, my beautiful baby daughter was born four months after her mother turned eighteen and my son was born two and half years later. My boy was born in New York while I was still in Portland, OR. Yeah, I’m a dick and she thought I wasn’t paying enough attention to her so she took my daughter across the country for a year. She came back to Portland and then we moved around the country while I was trucking again. We ended up in Fremont, NE where it finally came to an end.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Every time I got married it was forever but, there is that little problem of me being a dick. When I got together with the last one I told her that I didn’t own her and she didn’t own me; as long as my children were taken care of she did what she wanted and I was not going to change my lifestyle of trucking. I didn’t cheat on her. I am NOT that kind of driver. I am loyal to a fault and once committed that is all she wrote. No.3 and I never fought until that last night when she walked out on me and the kids.
Throughout all three of these relationships there is one common denominator: my attitude that I was not owned by anyone and I was going to do what I wanted regardless. Don’t get me wrong, I did my best to take care of my family and my children are my world. That was probably the biggest thing, I paid more attention to my kids than the other half. Not the best way to keep a relationship together.
In any relationship it has to be a two way street. It cannot just go one way. Give and take and if you give a little more than you take then it will, more than likely, stay together; if there is any chance that one is taking more than the other it will end in disaster. Communication is just as important. If you can’t talk things through, you get angry and go to bed that way, you will end up as bitter enemies. You have to be able to compromise in all things. And, this one is very important, if you try to change someone that you are with, you’ve lost. You didn’t fall in love with what you want to change them into. You fell in love with what they are.
In today’s world I’ve watched these kids from 14 to 20 do their utmost to get into a serious relationship and have kids. Stupidest thing they could do. These kids are just as immature as we were back in the 70’s but they think they are much more grown up. I throw down the BS card on that. These girls today think they can be moms at 14, 16, 18 years old. They can’t. And these boys won’t be ready to be dads until they reach about 30.
I’ve seen girls destroy boy’s lives because they didn’t get what they wanted, which was to have a baby, and then if they do get what they want, they destroy that poor boy’s life and her own. Well, maybe not destroy but definitely make it exponentially harder. Life is NOT easier with a baby on your hip. When I was young and you had a child, that child was yours to take care of. Today, I constantly see posts on Facebook or hear girls cry because they need time off from their children. These girls seem to think that having a living child is like taking care of that stupid doll they have in high school independent living class. It isn’t.
Who is to blame for this social problem? I blame us. By ‘us’ I mean the parents of these children that think they are grown up at 14. We have become so complacent and relaxed in parenting that these kids are basically raising themselves. That doesn’t bring about morally adept children. They start sleeping with the opposite sex at 14 just to have someone to sleep next to. Next thing you know they’re doing the dirty with whoever it is next to them without protection and then, BAM, they’re pregnant and think they’re gonna get a Sony TV. Oh, sorry. That baby that is growing in there suddenly becomes one of two things: an income from a poor, unemployed teenaged boy and the government or, it’s an inconvenience and needs to be aborted.
My best advice to anyone from 14 to 25 – stay single, enjoy life, get set financially then start thinking about getting into a serious relationship. The world isn’t going to end if you don’t get serious with someone before you’re 30. Kids are wonderful gifts that require a LOT of work and a lot of money. Stay children for as long as you can. Being grown up is not as great as what it’s advertised to be. Life is hard enough by yourself and it isn’t any easier when you have others that you are responsible for. Relationships don’t last. I’ve known people that were married for decades that broke apart. Children aren’t mature enough to even know what love is much less what commitment and loyalty are. Most girls are out to get into a boy’s wallet and get a baby for an income. Boys are out to get their wedding tackle wet, period.

Those last two statements are generalities; there are those rare boys and girls that are actually loyal and true. If you can find one, keep them. The biggest problem is that those with good hearts, the loyal, are taken advantage of more often than not by those that are so immature that they can’t see beyond their own noses. Hedonism runs rampant in today’s world and that is the saddest thing that could ever happen. Dorian Grey is king; the only problem there is that these modern Dorian’s aren’t immortal.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Kennedy, Trump and Hitler

“Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country”; a statement made so many years ago by one of America’s most beloved Presidents, John F. Kennedy. JKF was not a President without conflict, trials and tribulations, or even scandal; still, he was loved by the majority of the country.
Dwight Eisenhower didn’t like him because of his youth. The Republicans didn’t like him because he was socialistic democrat, and a Catholic. Yet, this young man narrowly won the election from Richard Nixon in 1960 becoming the youngest man to be elected. Sadly, barely a thousand days into his presidency, JFK was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas, thus becoming the youngest President to die.
From the very beginning of his administration, JFK was tested. In April of 1961 he initiated the failed Bay of Pigs operation to try and overthrow Fidel Castro. Later that year, in June, he met with Nikita Khrushchev to deal with the division of Berlin and then in October of 1962 he met with Khrushchev, again, to deal with the Cuban Missile crisis. In 1963, Kennedy escalated the US’s involvement in Vietnam to try and curb the spread of communism.
Because of America’s moved beloved President, the Civil Rights movement made great leaps, the Peace Corp was established and the United States geared up its space program. Both good and bad came out of the Kennedy Presidency, as does almost every administration.
Where am I going with this article besides a history lesson? I just wanted to show that even though a man is both loved and hated, has an administration that doesn’t get everything done that was promised, presents a Presidency filled with trials and tribulations, that administration, that man, can do great things and become a great President.
Donald Trump is such a President. He is hated by the left, his policies are obstructed by the left, he is fighting a battle that he may not win on a lot of issues but he is fighting for America. He is fighting to make America great again, to keep the socialistic/communistic policies that a far left wing party would like to see instituted into our country. Does this mean that he will be the next John Fitzgerald Kennedy? Highly doubtful. What he very well could become is one of the most prolific policy changers that ever sat in the Oval Office if the left would just stop obstructing everything just because it comes from someone who they didn’t believe would ever become President of the United States.
The far left has often times compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. There is absolutely no comparison there. There is a much closer comparison between John Kennedy and Donald Trump. Hitler was a monster out to control the world and eliminate anyone that he did not believe was of the perfect race. Hitler was not a blond haired, blue eyed German. He was a dark haired, dark eyed Austrian. Hitler killed over 6 million Jews because he believed them to be the scourge of the Earth. He also ruled with an iron fist.
Donald Trump has made some pretty off-the-cuff remarks against several nationalities including our southern neighbors, the Mexicans. One thing that people need to understand is that he is not out to kill off any nationality. The only ones that Donald Trump wants to eliminate is the Radical Islamic Terrorist organization known as ISIS. If he was the same as Hitler, he would be killing off Muslims just as Hitler killed off Jews.
As for ruling with an iron fist, the Donald really isn’t. Yes, he gets extremely pissed off at the media and all the leaks of classified information from our own Intelligence agencies but he isn’t controlling what is going on and censoring said media. As for the leaks, that is a national security issue and needs to be dealt with.

So, in conclusion, please, let the President do what he needs to get our country back to the greatness it once was. The paid protests, the obstruction in Congress, the constant berating really needs to stop so that the rest of the world can see that we are a UNITED country that is strong and committed to keeping our borders secure, the defeat of ISIS and helping our allies protect themselves.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

I Have No Respect for the Far Left Anymore

Over the last few months, well, actually since the election in November, I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t even have the smallest amount of respect for the liberal left. Now, to be forthright, it isn’t all liberals. There are some on the left that aren’t totally insane but, for the most part, a person cannot have a decent debate with a liberal from the far left.
It isn’t that I can’t speak my mind or give facts to disprove a liberal’s opinion. I do that on an everyday basis. Where the problem lies is in the fact that the far left have it in their mind that no matter what our President does, it is wrong. The far left is on a mission to destroy Donald Trump at all cost. It doesn’t matter that everyone in the Intelligence Community has stated over and over that there is no evidence that there was collusion between the Russians and the Trump Team to swing the vote toward Trump. It doesn’t matter that there is evidence that the Obama Administration was surveilling the Trump Team at Trump Tower for over a year before the election. It doesn’t matter that Trump is doing everything he can to keep the Radical Islamic Terrorists out of the country and to take down their strongholds. All that matters to the far left is that Trump must be destroyed.
I have inquired many times to my left leaning friends as to what, exactly, they want out of the government. I have yet to get an answer that makes any sense. All they tell me is they want Trump out of office because he is destroying the country. How is he destroying the country? They really don’t have any concrete answer to that other than he is trying to take insurance away from the poor, putting gays back in the closet, starting WWIII and that he is a misogynist, fascist, bigot and racist. None of these things is even close to the truth yet that is what they believe.
What is Trump trying to do? Let’s go through the list:
·         Secure the nation’s borders against illegal crossing
·         Bring businesses and jobs back into the country and keep them from leaving the country
·         Replacing the failing Affordable Care Act that is definitely NOT affordable to anyone other than the poor who don’t pay for health insurance anyway
·         Destroying the Radical Islamic Terrorist Threat
·         Building back our military to the strength it was before Obama castrated it
·         Building back the respect of the world for our country that it had before Obama destroyed it
·         Standing up for our allies, including Israel, instead of embracing our enemies as Obama did
·         Making the NATO allies pay their share of the cost of defending the member nations
·         Becoming more of a nationalist country where America comes before other nations
·         Strengthening the American economy
These things are not destroying the country; they are making America great again. The President doesn’t want to undo the liberal ideology of equal rights for every so-called minority (i.e. gay rights, women’s rights, etc.). He does want to rein in the idiocy of some of those Obama policies such as men in the women’s restroom. If making this country great again, bringing it back to the respected, feared nation it was before the Obama Administration, is destroying it, then I am all for it. The Socialist/Communist ideology of the far left is not what built this nation. It was the conservative values of self-reliance, morals and values of the Christian faith, small government and states regulating themselves instead of the Federal Government regulating the citizens.
The Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama far left liberals are what are destroying this country with their Socialist/Communist ideology of more government control and dependence, fewer rights (such as doing away with the Second Amendment), open borders, allowing illegals to have the same rights and privileges as natural or naturalized citizens and the immoral values of gender neutral society without any form of religious morals or values at all, except those of the Sharia Law as long as they don’t offend anyone on the left.
Have I tried to have intellectual debates with liberals? Of course I have. They only degrade me and call me a racist, fascist and bigot that has been brainwashed by the conservative right. If only they could understand that I do my best to see things from all sides and make decisions based on what I feel is right or wrong. I grew up in a free America without all the far left socialism that they want to bring on these days. We had a Democratic Republic that worked well. Now, I don’t know what we have. All I do know is that the far left needs to get their heads out of their asses and quit dressing up as vaginas to protest things that aren’t even happening.

I have zero respect for the liberal left anymore because of their idiocy. They think that the Trump Train is making America a laughingstock. It was Obama’s effeminate lack of leadership and the left’s own idiotic actions that are making a laughingstock of this nation. It is their constant war against the Trump Administration and their constant undermining of the authority of the office of President that makes the world wonder if we are trustworthy. Until the far left can get their act together they will get no respect from me nor will I even attempt to see their side of any issue. It just isn’t worth the drama.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

A Very Sad State of Affairs

First of all let me get this out of the way: I stated at the very beginning that if Donald Trump wavered I would be one of the first to call him out. As you all know, very well, I call out the liberals constantly because I have a very conservative political view. That being said, I will get into the reason for this article.
The past week has been pretty… exciting? Bashar al Assad allegedly gassed his own people with Siran gas, one of the worst, because he’s just an asshole like that. Trump, not having drawn the line but not letting some Russian backed dictator cross it, used fifty nine Tomahawk missiles to level one airfield that the Syrian dictator (and the Russians) were using within hours afterward; this being done while our President was having a state dinner with the President of China. Rex Tillerson was in Russia speaking with his counterpart, Sergei Lavrov and then actually got to talk with good old Vlad Putin, himself.
Now, to top that off, our friend in North Korea decided to test more nukes and the Donald sent a few Navy ships toward the Korean peninsula as a show of force. Having LittleMan Sydrome, Kim Jung Un, the North Korean midget in charge decided to threaten the United States with nuclear war if we so much as fired one shot into his country.
Wow! Just….wow! Nothing like making history or watching it happen before your very eyes; I now know how the colonists felt as the Founding Fathers decided to declare our independence and then war against England.
Is it the end of times? I doubt it. Even though the North Korean midget in charge is a crazy bastard that would actually fire nuclear warheads at one of the two most powerful nations on the planet, I don’t think China would allow it. Although, it doesn’t seem as though China has a whole lot of sway over what Kim does anymore.
So, with all that out of the way, as a side note, if you want to get the shit kicked out of you just fly United Airlines on an overbooked flight. It isn’t enough that you get groped and prodded and interrogated and treated like you’re an Islamic Terrorist by the TSA in the airports, now you get to be treated like that on one of the biggest air carriers. Gotta love America.
Now to get to the heart and soul of what I want to say. This isn’t gonna make any liberal happy. President Trump did exactly what he should have done by tossing some explosives at Syria. I think he may have overdone it a little but, the thought was right. He did what King Obama should have done when the midget crossed HIS red line. Instead, the King decided to hang back and let the little bastard do what he wanted.
Did the Donald do anything to start WWIII? Nope. Hate to tell you this, folks, that war started on September 11, 2001. Even with the controversy (conspiracy?) of exactly what happened that fateful day as the World Trade Center fell, that was when this bloody war started. I know that I have a hard time believing the good ol’ government that it was Islamic Terrorists given HOW the buildings fell and that in the beginning there was actually no airplane in the wall of the Pentagon. That notwithstanding, the war started with George W. Bush against Saddam Hussein.
Now, with the downfall of the almighty Clinton Empire, the liberals are waging a war of their own against fellow Americans because they didn’t get their way; even the Congress is involved within their own hallowed halls, liberals against conservatives. Damn that Donald Trump! How dare he win a rigged election against him. Hillary was supposed to win so that she could finish off turning this country into a Socialist State.
First was the Russian hacking that, by the way, COULD have been our own Intelligence Community pretending to be Russian hackers. Then it turned into Russian collusion with the Trump Team. Then, lo and behold, came attacks on Team Trump associates. Liberal attacks at every level. Attorney General Jeff Sessions reclusing himself from overseeing investigations against the Trump Team then Devon Nunez reclusing himself from the same for the same reason – liberal allegations of biased investigating. Yeah, the war is in full swing and the liberals are flinging everything they can at the conservatives. Unfortunately, it seems as though the libs are in the lead by a league and the conservatives keep holding back.
It kinda makes a person wonder about what is going on in Washington. Is the Donald really ‘draining the swamp’ or is the swamp swallowing his administration one position at a time without any defense against it?
Why is the surveilling of Trump Tower a year before the election by the Obama Administration not being thoroughly investigated with hard evidence that it did happen while the Russian collusion is being beaten into the ground with all the Intelligence Community saying there is absolutely no evidence of it? Why is the Clinton Foundation not being investigated? Why is the Hillary email scandal a thing of the past, forgotten amongst the liberal outcry against the conservatives? Are the conservatives in DC really wanting to lose in 2018, 2020 and beyond?
There are more questions than answers in the world today. Why is Vlad so intent on supporting Assad when he knows that the Syrian dictator broke international law by using chemical weapons against his own people? Why is Kim Jung Un playing big man against an adversary that could wipe him off the face of the Earth? Why does Mexico get all pissed because Trump wants to build a wall to stop illegal immigration when they won’t allow Americans to illegally enter their country? Why do Americans want illegals to stay, no matter if they commit violent crimes against Americans?
The biggest question is this: why do we have to ask these questions? Isn’t the government supposed to be doing a thorough investigation into all things illegal that I’ve asked about? Why isn’t the Congressional committees demanding the ‘evidence’ that Susan Rice left with her unmasking scandal? Why won’t the FBI cooperate with Congress on this? Is the swamp so dense and thick that they don’t care about the law when that law is broken against the conservative party?
Yes, my friends, the war has already started. The evidence is there for anyone to see if they look with open eyes instead of a closed mind. World War III and a Civil War are going on at this very minute, this day, this month, this year and will continue as long as we, the People, allow it to. The question about this is what can we do about it? We are only a country of pampered children that want given to us what our parents and forefathers had to work hard for, fight and die for. So, what can we do? QUIT PLAYING BY THEIR RULES. I’m not advocating a violent rebellion such as the Founding Fathers had to resort to. I’m talking about not doing what the elitists want. Quit fighting about policy. Quit fighting about platform. Quit fighting about civil rights that aren’t being ignored. All these things are just distractions that have been bought and paid for by the richest of the rich.
You really think that Black Lives Matter started out as a terrorist organization bent against law enforcement and the establishment? I doubt it. Do you really think that all these gay rights activists really think that the LBGT community doesn’t have equal rights? There will always be discrimination by some but the majority of the people don’t adhere to such practices. Do you really think that keeping illegal immigrants in this country is really helping us out? Do you really think that we should bring those refugees into the country when there are places in their own region that could house and protect them better while staying with their own culture? The only refugees that WANT to come here are the terrorists and you are inviting them in.
All these things are orchestrated acts to keep us distracted from the real world and what is going on. There will always be war, discrimination, bullying, differences of opinion and viewpoint. Nothing can be done about that. What can be done is forgetting about all the shit that is being shoved down our throats and look behind the scenes to see what is actually going on. They don’t want us to get along. They love us to fight each other. That keeps them in power. OUR TIME IS NOW! Join the passive rebellion and quit doing what they want.  Liberal, conservative, socialist, communist, dictator or freely elected leader, it doesn’t matter, we are all being blindsided by an evil terrorist organization more secret than any other before. We are all just pawns on their chessboard and we are willingly entertaining them.

Open your eyes. Open your mind. Choose what you want. Fight on your feet for real freedom or die on your knees subjugated by the elitists. It’s your choice. 

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Life is Like a Bowl of Cherries Just like Erma Said

Life is like a bowl of cherries. Erma Bombeck titled one of her books by that name. I have never read it, at least in its entirety. In fact, I really can’t recall one story in that book as it was many, many years ago that I actually read parts of it but, I know, that Erma Bombeck was a very intelligent author. She wrote her humorous stories around actual events in her life and experiences in a way that was entertaining, humorous and, if read in the right frame of mind, educational.
Why did I choose this as the main topic of this article? I chose ‘life is like a bowl of cherries’ because, through the past week, I have lived that bowl of cherries. Along with that wondrous juicy red fruit that is so delicious, there are always those damnable pits.
I have a friend that has told me for years that I am the only person he knows that can think himself into a bad mood. With my choice of career I have plenty of time to think about things. Amazingly enough, this past week there have been many, many things to think about from the Senate’s agonizing debates about Judge Neil Gorsuch to the bombing of a Syrian airstrip along with enough every day, non-political, work related subjects to choke the life out of anything.
The point I want to make, here at the start of this article is this: Life is actually pretty good for most people here in the good ol’ USA. Most, but not all; I have it decent. I have a pretty good paying job that I really enjoy, a roof over my head and food in the fridge. My bills are paid and nothing is getting shut off so why would I say anything about the ‘pits?’ Without the dark, we wouldn’t know anything about the light. For example, today started pretty good as I got to my receiver at a good time with only a few trucks ahead of me; I waited only a short time before being put into a dock door and it seemed I would get home early. That is as far as the good went. I waited over seven hours to get unloaded and almost an hour after that to get my paperwork. After leaving the receiver I was driving along at the speed limit, got behind a slow pickup truck, moved over to the fast lane to go around and the damn pickup truck decided to match my speed thus making me back traffic up behind me.
No big deal you would think, just slow down, get back behind him and travel on. Let me let you in on a little secret there: personal vehicle drivers do not like trucks. On any given day I will get slowed down by people that speed up when I try to get around them only to slow back down when I can’t and get behind them again numerous times. As a professional driver in a vehicle governed at 64 miles an hour I am at the mercy of a lot of things. I’ve been cut off by people that had to get in front of me, just to slow down or make that exit ramp that I just passed. I’ve had people pull out in front of me with less than a truck length between us. It gets more than a little annoying.
Today, being aggravated by the slow unload, this driver just pissed me off. As traffic is backing up behind me and this idiot not letting me by I blew my horn at him. Now, he could have sped up or slowed down, either way, no big deal; what did he do? He hit the brakes, looked up at me through the window and pulled off the highway. I’m expecting a call from the company about this as I am sure he took down the company name and trailer number because I was being an ass. I could have done more, like start to pull over into his lane to get him to move the hell out of my way for one thing.
As you see, with the day starting as that sweet, juicy, delicious fruit of me going home, getting to the receiver and getting into a door early, there came the pit of taking most of the day to get unloaded and then an idiot driver. Life was definitely a bowl of cherries today.
Another great author that I have come to admire is Sherrilyn Kenyon. For those that have been living under a rock or don’t read anything but Forbes and the Wall Street Journal, Ms. Kenyon writes fantasy/adventure/romance novels (the only reason they are romance is that she does put some pretty graphic sex scenes in there and the main character ALWAYS gets what they want). Maybe you have heard of her Dark Hunter, Dream Hunter, League or Chronicles of Nick books that are international best sellers. My personal favorites are the Chronicles of Nick, the adventures of a teenaged Cajun from New Orleans that has an attitude.
Why do I put her up there with such a writer as Erma Bombeck? Sherrilyn Kenyon was an abused child and she persevered and won the day. She survived and thrived through things that would permanently scar most people. She puts the wisdom of those years and her survival into her writing. Her characters, for the most part, are hundreds, if not thousands, of years old (the oldest that I recall is an Atlantean god that is slightly over eleven thousand years old. When a character has lived as many lifetimes as hers have, they gain a lot of life wisdom.
Ms. Kenyon’s characters have been betrayed by loved ones, been tortured by enemies, lived through hell and, in the end, won the day by perseverance and sheer determination not to let life run them over. Some, the Dark Hunters, have even by murdered in some of the most heinous ways only to be brought back by the Greek goddess Artemis as warriors against evil. Even then, these people have stories to tell and wisdom to share.
The point I am getting at is this: there are a lot of times that the gods make humans their punching bags and don’t give a rat’s ass what happens to us. It is up to us, the human race, to decide whether we will let life kill us or we go over, under, around or through the hardships and keep fighting. There is always something to keep fighting for: a loved one, an important cause, honor.
With all that is going on in the world today, especially since the election in November, there have been a lot of times when people have asked me how my day is, I’ve replied, ‘If it got any better I may as well take off my own head.” After years of fighting depression, it’s getting kind of hard to keep fighting the good fight for me but I do. I fight on because I have things worth fighting for, even if some of those things don’t care about me. As Dom Torreto said in Fast & Furious, “Never give up on family, even if they do.” I happen to have a lot of family, most of which are not blood.
To sum it all up, it doesn’t matter if you are liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, wealthy or poor, mentally balanced or have mental illness, physically healthy or ill, there is always something or someone that needs you, would miss you, would die without you. It doesn’t matter who is in the White House, Congress, Supreme Court, who controls what country, who has done this or that, we all have our roles to play. What we do today, what we say tomorrow, what has happened in the past or will happen in the future, does not matter one iota to the Universe. It will all fade into nothingness through the mists of time. What will remain is whether we kept going, kept fighting for life or whether we gave in and ended it all without a fight.
Over, under, around or through, there is always a way. The gods are childish, narcissistic asses that look at the human race as entertainment. We only get what we earn by working for it and there will be no one there to help us. Friends come and go. We can’t take anything with us and no one gets out of life alive. It is our decisions whether our lives are a beach or a bitch. If you want some good life lessons, some good outlooks on life, read some Erma Bombeck and Sherrilyn Kenyon. There are other great authors out there that, through telling their stories, have wisdom to give but these two are my favorites. Give it try, read instead of staring at your phone or computer screen or game console. Chronicles of Nick, Life is Like a Bowl of Cherries, House of Darke (by Colin R Parsons), Wizard’s Quest (by yours truly) are a few titles for life lessons through stories. Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, Dangerous Minds, Divergent, a few other titles for what life could be, even the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson series’ can be more than entertainment if you really sit down and read them.

Don’t let politics, religion, nationality, or ideology cloud your mind. Life IS a bowl of cherries; all you have to do is spit the pits out and keep eating the sweet stuff….