Tuesday, July 18, 2017

What to Write

     What to write. What to write? What to write!
     There is so much going on in the world today that it is an overload of crap on one’s mind. Russian collusion; Syrian overthrow; North Korean nuclear warheads; terrorists attacks; government run healthcare; tax reform; government corruption at all levels from Federal all the way down to local; immigration problems; refugee problems; racial divide; party division; riots, shootings and other acts of domestic violence. All of these things are at the forefront of world news and there seems to be nothing that any country’s general population can do about it. The governments of the world seem to be in their own little clique and doing whatever it is they want regardless of what is best for their countries or the needs and wants of their constituents.
     There once was a time when freedom rang out through the hills and valleys of this once great nation. Indeed, throughout the lands on this continent and across the big pond on a tiny island and also on the grand continent. Yes, there has always been the tyrannical rule of communism in some countries such as China, the Soviet Union, Korea, etc. but those that are run by an iron fist are few and far between. Freedom, democracy and capitalism have been proven to be much more effective than government run industry and human rights being denied. The problem is this: those freedoms, that democracy and capitalism is being replaced by socialistic and politically correct policy in the bastion of freedom: the United States. Even Great Britain is becoming more and more politically correct and socialistic than ever before.
     This year, 2017, was the 241st anniversary of our freedom from Great Britain. 241 years since the Founding Fathers declared that we were a free nation, no longer under the auspices and control of a tyrannical rule from far away. 8,000 American soldiers died from wounds, 17,000 died from disease, 25,000 were estimated to have been wounded or maimed fighting for our freedom. In other words: 1 in 20 free white males in this country were killed or maimed fighting against tyranny. THAT is what made this country the greatest country in the world. Men that were willing to die to achieve something that had never been done before – win against the mightiest military in the world since the Roman Empire.
     Once we gained our freedom from King George, the Founding Fathers set up an experimental government where each and every man’s voice was heard. The Constitutional Republic was born, a Congress was established and a President was chosen. It took months for the 57 delegates from the 13 states to debate and set in stone the Law of the Land known as the United States Constitution. Laws that set up three branches of government that kept each branch from too much power. The Executive Branch, the President and Vice President, empowered to uphold the law. The Legislative Branch, the law makers. The Judicial Branch, to defend the law. The Electoral College was established to make sure that each state had equal say in the election of the President and Vice President. The Congress, set up of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives, filled with men elected by popular vote of each district; the Senate consisting of two men from each state to make it equal and the House filled by population of each district.
     Our new country now had a government, for and by the people. Freedom, human rights, prosperity were the norm, at least for white males. Throughout our short history, freedom has been given; not just to white males but to while women, blacks, Asians, immigrants, all who legally reside without our borders. Our new country became the greatest nation in the world. A country that led in technology, military might, human rights, freedom and democracy. We were the envy of the planet.
Over the years, that experimental government grew to understand that, through making laws that pertained only to the citizens of the country and not the law makers, our government changed into something that the Founding Fathers had debated fiercely against. The government has become all powerful and tyrannical. Laws are forced down the throats of the citizens depending on what government wants regardless of what the people want. In other words: where we once were a country with a government, we have become a government with a country. We are now no better than what our forefathers fought and died to be free from.
     “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
     For those that don’t know, these words are from the Declaration of Independence. Funny how time changes things. There are those in this nation that would want government to be all powerful and to dictate our lives for us. There are those that would have us open our borders, thus losing our sovereignty, and to embezzle from the working class to give to all that come here, or are already here, that refuse to work to support themselves. There are those that take the words of the Constitution and bastardize them into something they are not. There are those that would take us back to a time when freedom was a dream, when being your own man was doing your best to keep your family from being slaughtered by a tyrannical government or some other enemy (i.e., in Colonial America it was the British, today it would be Radical Islamic Terrorists).
     When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, thus setting in stone how our government worked, they decided that it needed more added to it. By adding amendments to that great document, laws became legal; certain things were cast in stone so as not to be changed. The first ten amendments were added before they left Independence Hall. These first ten amendments came to be known as The Bill of Rights. Giving us freedom of speech, the press, to practice any religion; freedom against illegal search and seizure or to testify against ourselves in a court of law; we have the right to keep and bear arms. These rights and freedoms were added for a reason. The Founding Fathers wanted to make sure that government would not, could not, become a tyrannical dominion over the people as King George and his British governors were over the colonies.
     Today, the liberal left would have us believe that the Constitution, along with the Bill of Rights, was a ‘living’ document meant to change with the political tide of the times. They would have us believe that the Founding Fathers did not understand that times would change and the laws set down by them would become outdated. Those far left liberals would like for us to believe that we no longer need the right to keep and bear arms to protect ourselves from any enemy, foreign or domestic. They would like for us to believe that the freedom of speech is only for those that are liberal and the freedom of religion is for any religion other than Christianity. They would want us to believe that to peaceably assemble is only for conservatives but the liberal left can commit crimes of destruction wantonly without recourse. They would have us believe that “provide for the common good” means to take from those that have and give to those that have not whether they deserve it or not.
     Franklin Delano Roosevelt set up the American welfare system as an insurance system to help those in need temporarily; until they were back on their feet. There are those in this country that have taken that as a challenge and made the welfare system their career, refusing to work because it is much easier to have the government pay for everything. Free money, free medical, dental, vision and food has become the American dream for people the world over. Refugees flock to our shores to take what our government doles out. The problem with that is that the liberal left believe this to be everyone’s right, whether they are citizens of this nation or not.
     The liberal left believe that the Constitutional rights given to all citizens of this country pertain to citizens of the world. They do not. The Constitution of the United States of America pertains ONLY to citizens, both natural and naturalized, of the United States and legal immigrants. Our Founding Fathers did not set up a global Constitution but a national one to protect OUR rights and freedoms. Only the left seem to think that this country is globally set. It is NOT our responsibility to provide for the world.
     Our country has become less great, less respected, because of liberalism and their political correctness. Michael Savage has said, over and over, “Liberalism is a mental illness.” I am beginning to truly believe that as time goes on and I see what the left is doing. John Kennedy would be ashamed of the Democratic Party for what they have become. I know I am. The liberal left is destroying our country by leaps and bounds with their socialistic policies and their desire for global settlement within our borders. We are a sovereign nation still but it is fast becoming a borderless wasteland for anyone that wants to enter and do as they please.
     We no longer can speak our minds or voice our opinions without being called racist, fascist, bigot, anti-this or that. We are forced to accept our enemies and can no longer claim national pride. Freedom of religion is only for Islam because ‘Congress shall make no law pertaining to religion or the free exercise thereof’ had come to mean that Christianity has no place anywhere on public property, government or schools. Being white is bad because of the atrocities of those from generations ago against minorities. Abnormal behaviour is forced down the throats of all people because the left is determined to destroy all morality and values in our country.
     The government does what it wants and no one will stand against it. Congress forces policy upon us that does not pertain to them (healthcare for the masses is not good enough for government, they have their own, all-encompassing healthcare paid for by the taxpayer). We are engaged in wars for the sake of government gains and no longer only for the safety of our nation. Our representatives are bought and paid for by big corporations and no longer represent the people that elected them to office. In fact, several of said representatives have become so powerful that their mental stability is in question but the people of their respective districts keep re-electing them.

     241 years ago a dream became a reality. It took thousands of lives to achieve. Now, 241 years later that dream is dead. Our freedoms, our rights, our very lives are at stake. Would this be anarchy? No. Would this be the call for revolution? No. Would this be treason? No. It is one man’s thoughts and observations. This is only my opinions on what has become of our nation. It could be the call to arms if I was a violent person. I am not. Violence is never the answer. But, when government usurps its’ powers and becomes a tyrannical dominion, it is time to rethink what we have become. It is time to think about what those thousands of men died for 241 years ago.

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