Thursday, April 29, 2021

This Is Where We Stand Today

 The so-called ruler of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden, has already proven that Donald J Trump was the much better choice for President. After all, what did good ol’ Uncle Joe do on his first day, right after being inaugurated? He killed tens of thousands of jobs, ended the border wall, and put us back into the Paris Climate Accord and the Iran Nuclear Deal. Since then, he has rejoined the WHO, opened the borders to all, created chaos on the border, put his second-in-command in charge of the border crisis, and made a complete mockery of the United States by just opening his mouth.

Jenn Psaki, the Press Secretary that must circle back on every important issue, couldn’t answer a question honestly if her life depended on it. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is ramming anti-Constitutional bills through the House with a very narrow majority and the Vice President is swinging the Senate to the far left with her tie-breaking votes.

While the American citizens are still in basic lockdown due to COVID-19, hundreds of thousands of illegal children are crossing the border monthly, being stacked upon each other in facilities that are over 700% capacity. None, or an exceedingly small number of the total, of these kids are being tested for the China virus and the ones that are have been testing positive at a high rate. Where do these kids go when they are released? Wherever they want in the country. No one knows for sure where they go, and none of them are given court dates to appear for an asylum hearing. Oh, they do have phone numbers on wristbands to call once they get here but no one knows who these numbers actually belong to.

While our kids are kept out of school or are forced into online learning, tens of thousands of illegal kids in San Diego are getting in-person education at the San Diego Convention Center. While we have hundreds of thousands of homeless families and veterans, Uncle Joe is spending almost $100 MILLION dollars on hotel rooms for illegal kids. By the way, those illegal kids are being promoted by the government as ‘unaccompanied minors.’ That makes it sound so much better than illegal aliens.

Our favorite Democratic Socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC for short), doesn’t think that the hundreds of thousands of illegals storming the border is a surge because they are not ‘insurgents.’ Thanks, New York, for electing an idiot into the hallowed halls of Congress.

HR1 and SB1 are being touted as bills to protect the American voters of color. What they do is eradicate the Constitutionally protected rights of the States to control elections and centralizes it in Washington, DC, into the hands of Congress. What will this do? The answer to that question is so simple as to be ridiculous; it will turn our Constitutional Republic into a one party, centralized, totalitarian regime with the Democrats in control. These bills, if passed, will essentially turn the entire nation into California, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois where a handful of cities control what happens to the entire country.

The Constitution of the United States of America means nothing to the radical left. Uncle Joe stated that if Congress didn’t pass gun reform laws then he would do it by Executive Fiat. That is not how we change the Law of the Land. The sad part of this is that there are American citizens that agree with whatever the SCROTUS and Congress do. After all, it’s for the common good. “For the common good” is how Hitler changed Germany and Austria into the hellhole it became under his regime. “For the common good” is how Mussolini turned Italy into the Socialist nightmare it was. “For the common good” is how Chavez turned Venezuela into the warzone it is today from the third richest nation in South America.

Hitler did not invade Austria and take it by force; he was voted into power by the Austrian people. He promised them a better life, and, for a while, they got it. It took the Austrians about five years to finally figure out that the savior of their nation was actually a monster. They were taken in by charm and charisma, false promises of a Utopian world, and were sold a bill of goods that they regretted. The American people were sold a bill of goods by Barry ‘Barack Obama’ Soetoro and now, again, by Joseph Robinette Biden and, let’s call it what it is, the American Communist Party (formerly known as the Democrat Party).

I know that there are plenty of people in this great nation that believe whole-heartedly in the Democrat’s policies of fairness, equality, and equity. I know that there are plenty of people that actually believe the things that are said by the ruling class and the mass media about racism, white supremacy, police brutality, etc. I realize that most of the Hollywood elite, the sports stars, music stars, and politicians that are spouting off about how they feel so guilty for their whiteness and privilege are not going to give up one red cent or donate any real estate to help out the homeless, the hungry, the illegals that they so ardently demand come into the country, or any other disadvantaged persons. It is always at the expense of the middle-class to help the needy. In other words, in the words of Andrew Wilkow, socialism is for the people not the socialist.

The policies of the ACP are not pro-America. They are pro-Democrat Party. Just as the Nazi’s and the Communists demanded in the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s that every member be totally loyal to the Party, that the Party comes first, that the Party is all knowing and all powerful, the ACP, also, demands these things. Every policy, every bill, every Executive Order, is designed to give the Party more power over the people. Everything is designed to whittle away the Constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms we have until they are gone. The First Amendment right to free speech is being attacked, every day, by social media, mainstream media, and even Congress by censoring, at least, or silencing, at most, the Conservative voice. Congress has infringed on the Second Amendment for decades and is now outright trying to ban the right to bear arms. After the debacle of the Russian Collusion fraud, it is obvious that the rule of law and the presumption of innocence is gone for the Conservative.

The Framers made it quite clear during the Constitutional Convention that they feared a central government that was all powerful. They worded the Constitution in a way that limited the power of the federal government, reserving the power of governance to the States and the People. Those Facebook memes are right; this is the government the Founding Fathers warned us about and what they meant by ‘foreign and domestic.’ How did this happen? How did the government get so powerful? We, the People, allowed it. We, the People, keep voting in the same power-hungry politicians cycle after cycle. The States have abdicated more and more power to the Federal Government for reasons unknown. We, the People, and the States have put our faith, trust, and dependence on the Federal Government. Whenever there is any kind of disaster or conflict, the States, and the People, go to the Federal Government for help, money, control. It is not the Federal Government’s responsibility but the responsibility of the States to handle most crisis in their jurisdiction.

John F. Kennedy made it clear to the People in one line of one speech: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Since that time, sixty years ago, there have been only two other Presidents that have been pro-America and not just for their own power and glory. In the last sixty years, other than JFK, only Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump have worked hard for the American People. Since the early days of this nation, only Donald J Trump has had the patriotism and love of country that founded this Great Experiment. He gave up everything to serve his nation and was persecuted relentlessly for it. Why? The career politicians, the Establishment, and the Deep State were in jeopardy. DJT exposed the corruption in government and that incited fear in the hearts of the career government employees.

What the Washington establishment doesn’t seem to understand is that WE, the People, are the rightful masters of government. We, the People, hold the power. The Congress is full of people that were voted in to REPRESENT the people, not control them. Those 535 elected officials hold no power other than what we, the CITIZENS, give them. They seem to forget that. They have forgotten what they were sent there for. They are the elite while the citizen is only there to pay for what they want. They are not representing anyone but themselves, their own power, their own wealth, and their own greed.

The Federal Government’s powers are enumerated in the Constitution. ALL other power is reserved to the States and the people. Anything Congress does other than what the Constitution declares as Congressional authority is overreach and unconstitutional. Any law passed that is against the Constitution is unlawful. Any representative that oversteps their authority, goes against their oath of office, or passes a bill that goes against the Constitution should be immediately removed, indicted and tried as a civilian under the laws of the Constitution for corruption and fraud, at the least, or as a traitor, at most.

Article VI Clause Three of the Constitution of the United States states quite plainly: ‘The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution…’ It has become obvious that the sitting members of Congress, both of the House and Senate, the President, the Vice President, and several of the State’s administrations have all broken their oaths of office by setting up ‘sanctuary cities and states,’ allowing millions of illegals to enter the United States unmolested, by giving illegal aliens immunity, by passing laws and executing Executive Orders that go against the Constitution and passing laws against the will of the people. The sad part of this is that we, the People, are allowing it, in some cases, even condoning it. This is the tyranny that the revolutionaries of 1776 fought against.

With the present administration setting up higher and higher taxes, disproportionate to the population, especially when the Federal and State governments have shut down businesses, causing the highest unemployment in history, isn’t it time that we, the People, start fighting back and taking back our power? Taxation without representation is another reason the revolutionaries went to war against King George. We are not represented anymore in Congress. The elected officials, once again, represent only their own interests, which include the interests of those that paid into their campaigns.

In all things, especially politics, the question should always be: cui bono? Who benefits? Over the last 60 years, 12 presidents, who benefited with each administration? Kennedy: the American People. Johnson: Lady Bird Johnson. Nixon: he tried to make it benefit himself. Ford: he didn’t do anything except pardon Nixon. Carter: Worthless but well liked. No one really benefited during his administration except the Iranians. Reagan: the American People, the Russian block people through his policies and pressure to break apart the USSR. Bush, Sr.: Bush family, the Washington elite. Clinton: the Clinton machine and the Democrat Party. Bush, Jr.: Bush family, the Washington elite. Obama: Obama, the anti-America groups, the Democrat Party. Trump: American People. Biden: Biden, the ACP, the Washington elite. It took a war hero, an actor, and a businessman to actually benefit the American People. True, the Kennedy Family were politicians but if you notice, it wasn’t politicians that worked for the people or America; it took people that had a vested interest in bettering the citizens and the nation. Career politicians such as Joseph Robinette Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, etc., work only for themselves leaving the American People to pay for what they want. Once again -  Socialism is for the people, not the Socialist.

Have you noticed that those that are pushing socialism really hard are extremely wealthy? They want YOUR money to be redistributed, not theirs. They want YOUR rights and freedoms taken away, not theirs. They have their wealth and power and will not be giving up one red cent but you are to be taxed and regulated and oppressed into poverty and misery. They will still be living in their mansions, dining on caviar and champagne while you struggle to put Ramen on the ground in front of your cardboard shelter. Don’t believe me? Look at Venezuela, North Korea, China, etc. Prove me wrong!

Cui bono? Follow the money. Question EVERYTHING the government says. Educate yourself on the founding documents, especially the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and Madison’s notes of the Constitutional Convention. Understand what the Founders expected, feared, and forbid. Knowledge is power beyond anything. That is one thing the American Communist Party, the Deep State, and the Washington elite don’t want to gain. They want you ignorant of your rights and the laws that govern THEM. Their motto? Divide and conquer; and they are doing a damn fine job of it. Don’t let them win. Don’t let them destroy the greatest nation in history. Don’t let the Great Experiment fail.