Saturday, June 29, 2019

What is the Democrat Party - the Anti-American Party

There has always been corruption in government. After all, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Since the earliest times in the history of 'civilized' humankind, the greed for power over people has prevailed over righteousness and honor. Only King Arthur was the perfect ruler. There have been good rulers and there have been monsters; all have been corrupt in one way or another.
In today's world, corruption is not even hidden away behind doors in secret meetings and backroom deals. It is out in the open and celebrated. Since the 2016 election of Donald J. Trump the Democrat Party has done everything possible to destroy his administration; all the while they are the ones perpetrating the crimes of which they accuse him. The liberal agenda is all that matters along with them gaining power. They alluded collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia while the Clinton campaign bought a false dossier from a former British spy that obtain information from.... the Russians. The Clinton Foundation received millions from Russia and, as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was instrumental in the sale of US uranium to... once again, the Russians.
Before the Donald was inaugurated the Democrats were screaming they would impeach him and that battle cry has not ended. They instigated a special counsel investigation into Russian collusion against the President. That investigation turned into obstruction of justice when President Trump fired the head of the FBI, James Comey, for various procedural violations. After 22 months of intense investigation, including 19 top attorneys, 50 investigators, 2500 subpoenas, and 500 interrogations Robert Mueller, the special investigator, came out with his report. He disappointed all his Democrat friends in Congress by finding that the Trump campaign had not colluded with the Russians, that the Russians had tried to entice them into collusion but were turned down and that the Attorney General would have to make the final decision of obstruction.
Needless to say this did not make the Democrats happy. They wanted Mueller to find that the President of the United States had committed a felony so they would have a reason to get rid of him. Instead of applauding the outcome, Adam Schiff, chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, demands that the Attorney General hand over the Mueller Report, unredacted, with all documentation used in the report; whether it is legal for the AG to do so or not. Mr. Schiff believes that Robert Mueller and William Barr, the Attorney General, are not being forthcoming with the information given them and that President Trump did, in fact, collude with the Russians to make sure he won the election.,
This is what it boils down to -  Hillary Rodham Clinton was to be the next president, not Donald Trump. Hillary had rigged the primaries so that Bernie Sanders lost the nomination, she was handed debate questions so that she knew how to answer, she was the Chosen One to win the 2016 election and become the first female president and finish the work started by Barack Obama. The only problem was that the American people decided that she was not the one to sit in the Oval Office. We wanted someone that was not a career politician, that couldn't be bought off, that had the safety and well-being of the nation as a priority. We elected a businessman instead of the Chosen One. That was not how it was supposed to be and the Democrats won't let that die. And, they refuse to work with our duly elected President to make America safer, more prosperous and, if I may, great again,
Why won't they work for America? Because they don't like America. They want open borders, medical care for all who want it, no matter if they are citizens or not, voting rights for illegals and other non-citizens, welfare for anyone who comes here whether legally or illegally. They want socialism. They want to disarm the country. They want the freedom of speech only for the liberal left. They want the downfall of Christianity and the rise of Islam. They want boys in the girls' bathroom. They want racial divide. They want the downfall of America and what she stands for. Granted, these accusations are only my opinion but they come from watching what the Democrats say and do. An educated deduction if you will.
The overwhelming evidence of obstruction of justice against Hillary Clinton is undeniable: over 30,000 emails deleted, servers wiped clean with bleach-bit, phones and Blackberries smashed with a hammer, and using a private server for confidential government correspondence (which was hacked by foreign entities). James Comey, head of the FBI at the time, decided that there was no reason to prosecute. The reason behind this decision, a decision that was not his to make, was because it was right before the 2016 election and Hillary Clinton could not be president if she was in federal prison. It has been revealed since then that Mrs. Clinton had been exonerated of any wrongdoing before she was even interviewed.
Let's not forget about Loretta Lynch, Attorney General at the time, talking with Bill Clinton on a tarmac, then telling the DOJ to do nothing against Hillary. Or Peter Strozk and Lisa Paige, FBI investigators, talking through texting about making sure Trump didn't win, and having 'insurance' in case he did. How about Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, head of the DNC at the time, colluding to make sure that Bernie Sanders did not get the nomination? The list goes on and on, full of top-level Obama Administration officials doing everything they could to keep Hillary Clinton as clean as new fallen snow, and everything they could against Donald Trump to keep him out of office.
Yet, here we are, almost two years later, after intensive investigation, with the Democrats screaming that the Trump campaign, and Donald Trump, himself, colluded with Russian spies and obstructed justice by firing James Comey. Robert Mueller was supposed to find something they could use to impeach the President, and he didn't. He failed the left. Now, they want to do a Congressional investigation into their fantasy of Russian collusion and obstruction; as if they could find something when their star investigator, with extensive resources, could not.
The Democrats want power. They will do anything, and everything, they must to get, and retain that power. Speaker of House, Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, have said it: they must get the power back no matter what. This is why the Democrats are against building a physical barrier between Mexico and the United States. This is why there are Sanctuary cities, counties, and states (which are all Democrat controlled). This is why the Democrats are against voter ID laws. This is why they want to do away with the Electoral College. They know that the American People are done with their anti-American ideology. The only way for Democrats to get, and stay, in power is through illegal voting. If they can't win fairly, they will cheat.
Now, since President Trump has said he should send all the illegals to sanctuary cities, the Democrats are screaming about how unfair, inhumane, sophomoric, and petulant that would be; that he is just perpetrating a political ploy against them. Every sanctuary city, every sanctuary state, is run by Democrats. They were even dancing in their offices when they became sanctuary cities. Once again, the liberal hypocrisy is brought to light. As long as it isn't them that is risking, or losing, anything, they will legislate whatever they believe will get them elected again. They don't care about immigrants, only to get their votes. They don't care about Americans at all, they've already lost most of their votes.
After the first Democratic debates I've come to realize that not one of the current candidates are for America. They made that perfectly clear with all the talk about giving illegal aliens everything while taxing the American public even more. It seems to me that my new nick-name for the Democrat Party is pretty close to true – The Anti-American Party. Nothing that was said on that stage was pro-America or pro-American. There wasn't even an American Flag anywhere on that stage. Doesn't that tell you something about this Socialist/Communist Party? It does me. It tells me that if we want to keep America alive, keep the American Dream alive, we have to keep Donald J Trump in office. We have to reclaim the House of Representatives. We need to keep the Senate.
With radical Islamists in the House, namely Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib and openly socialist/communists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, there is always a chance that the nation will fall into the hands of our enemies. With every Democratic presidential candidate against everything American, where is this country headed? Free everything who is going to pay for it all? The American taxpayer will. I, for one, do not agree with anything that has come out of the mouths of any of these people for quite some time.
Keep your guard up, America. It's us against tyranny in the form of the Democrat Party.

Capitalism vs Socialism/Democratic Socialism

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. Furthermore, characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system, and competitive markets.
Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. In Marxist theory, socialism is a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
Democratic Socialism: a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production, with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market or some form of a decentralized planned socialist economy. This is from Wikipedia so the definition is suspect. The definitions of Capitalism and Socialism were from Google dictionary.
Take a good, hard, long look at these definitions; especially that of 'democratic' socialism. The first thing a person needs to understand there is that Wikipedia is not an accepted source of information at any university. Anyone can change anything in an entry on that website. I included it here as a reference to what Bernie Sanders calls himself.
This nation was built on capitalism. Each and every man that helped this country grow from a British colony to the greatest nation in world (in less than 250 years, no less) took pride in what he did, was compensated fairly for what he produced, and capitalism drove men to innovation and excellence. Without the incentive to achieve greater and greater things, men, the economy, and the country stagnate. Capitalism keeps the waters flowing hard and fast instead of pooling and turning sour.
When the people control the market, control the economy, control innovation, great things happen. The electric light bulb, the telephone, the telegraph, X-rays, the Polio vaccine, and innumerable other great inventions and discoveries would not have happened as soon as they did, if ever, without capitalism and the free market. In other words, all you millennials would be listening to your rap music and watching Game of Thrones in the dark without speakers while lying in an iron lung or having leeches bleed you out. Facebook would not be around. Cell phones wouldn't even be thought of. OMG! Instagram wouldn't exist.
In today's world, all you little snot-nosed, whiny, liberal, wanna-be socialists have it pretty darn good because of CAPITALISM! Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg, etc. all are, are you ready for this, capitalists! Nike, Polo Ralph Lauren, Aeropostale, etc.; yep, capitalists. Every athlete, every entertainer, every YouTuber... capitalists. They are all out there doing what they do for, you got it, MONEY! Socialism would take all that away. The State, the government, would control all that. The State would control what you did, when you did it, how much you got paid, when you got paid, where you live, how you live... all of it. Socialism destroys economies. Just look at Venezuela. Once the richest country in South America, now one of the poorest; all because of socialism.
Don't think that all these failed socialist countries failed because they didn't do it right. There is no right way to do socialism. There is only a state-controlled economy. If the government was given control over the Sahara Desert within ten years there would be a sand shortage. Government is not the answer. Government is the problem.
During the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the Founding Fathers debated over what kind of government would rule over this brand new nation. They didn't want a monarchy such as the one that they had just fought a war to get away from. They didn't want one man to rule over the many as too much power would make that one corrupt. They decided on three branches of government: the Executive to administer and uphold the law, the Legislative to make the law, and the Judicial to enforce the law. They wanted the people to have their say so the Executive and Legislative branches would be filled with representatives voted for by the people.
Why do I bring this up in a study about Capitalism and Socialism? Because it is exactly our form of government that makes capitalism work, and work well. When the government controls the economy, that economy does not prosper as well, or as fast, as when the people, the market, control it. We became the greatest nation on Earth in less than 200 years. The world came to us, the United States of America, when it was in need. We became the richest nation in the world faster than any other country or empire in history. It took centuries for Rome, England, the Greeks, to become what this nation did in less than two centuries. That is capitalism.
If you really need to see what happens to a country that changed from capitalism to socialism take a look at Venezuela. Once one of the richest countries of South America it is now one of the poorest. While the people of Venezuela starve, the elites live in luxury. While the socialist government controls everything, the people live like animals, and when they object they are shot in the streets. When the Bolsheviks revolted in Russia against Czar Nicholas, it was because the elite was living in luxury and the people were impoverished. What the people didn't understand was that the communist regime that took over would be no better. After the fall of the monarchy, the Leninists created their own regime of socialism/communism. The USSR, even though it became a world power, did not prosper. The people still starved and were told what to do and how to do it. It took Ronald Reagan telling Mikhail Gorbachev to 'tear down this wall' for the Russian people to see the advantages of capitalism. It is sad that the Russian government is a corrupt, and power-hungry, entity.
Our government, which is to be by, and for, the people, has become a corrupt entity. What the founders envisioned was not the socialistic leaning body that we have in Washington, DC. What was to be a small, people controlled government has become a large, people controlling monstrosity that is much more socialistic than democratic. With that in mind, look where our nation is heading. Many of our states are bankrupt, or close to it; our national debt is in the trillions. This is a far cry from the capitalist nation that grew so fast and so wealthy. The representatives that we elect are more interested in their own wealth and power than what the people want. It is much more socialistic than what a lot of Americans realize. The Constitution is meant to curtail government, not control the people.
Federalizing everything is socializing. The Constitution states that what is not specifically enumerated to the federal government is to be delegated to the individual states. What has happened over the years is that the states have abdicated their authority to the federal government. We became a soft socialistic nation. Our individual rights have been whittled away so as not to be noticed. Now, the socialists aren't hiding their agenda. They are screaming socialism from the rooftops and the House floor. Facebook, Twitter, the mainstream media are all filled with the socialist campaign against capitalism and control by the people; and we are suffering for it. Little by little the federal government is taking over and destroying our once great nation. Regulating, wasteful spending, taxation to the point of poverty, taking from those that work and giving to those that are able but unwilling to work, opening our borders to whoever wants to enter, and giving those people the same rights as if they were natural born citizens.
The ones that scream the loudest for socialism are the elites (which won't be affected because they have millions of dollars) and the ones that aren't contributing in any way at all now. Once everyone is on the wagon of government handouts, who will pull it? Government has already proven it does not have economic sense. All government knows is tax and spend. Washington, DC can't even come up with a budget, and if they do, they can't stick with it. If a private business was run like the government (federal, state, and local) that business wouldn't survive. Why does the government? The government survives because it will tax more and more and there is not a thing a private citizen can do. The government is all powerful. Ask the IRS if you can skip paying your taxes this year. Sure you can but you have to realize that your tax debt supersedes all others, and the interest and penalties of not paying your taxes will bury you. You can lose your wages, your property, your business, everything, if you refuse to pay the government what it demands.
That, my friends, is socialism. Welcome to the New World Order and the dystopian world of politics.