Are you a conservative or a liberal? Just how devoted are you to your political beliefs? Can you explain, fully, your core values and beliefs?
I am trying to understand the viewpoint of both sides of the political, social and economic coin and am asking anyone, and everyone, to help me out. As is obvious in my posts I am a conservative politically, a moderate socially and far right conservative fiscally. If anyone were to ask me to explain my beliefs and why I believe that way, I would like to think that I could do that. Can you?
Would you help me out? Would you send me an email or write a longgggg comment explaining how you believe (liberal or conservative) and why? I don't mean something like, "I'm a liberal and I believe that women's rights are most important because they don't have the right to choose." Or, "I believe that gay rights are so important because they are the downtrodden and discriminated against." I would like honest, full viewpoints explained to where a child can understand.
Something like: I believe that the Second Amendment should not be changed, or discarded, because it is one of the most important aspects of the Constitution. It gives us the right to protect ourselves from threats such as someone breaking into our homes or trying to jack our cars in a dark parking lot, but most importantly to protect ourselves, and our families, from invasion of a foreign power or take-over from a tyrannical government. The Founding Fathers knew that tyranny takes all freedoms from the citizenry and they wanted to make sure, by a Constitutional Amendment, that our right to protect ourselves from anything, or anyone, was not infringed upon.
If anyone would be so kind as to help a brother out by explaining the viewpoint of their political and social way of thinking it would be greatly appreciated. The more information on as many subjects as possible would be even better. Please, if you do help me out, don't just pick one topic and go off on a tirade, keep that for Facebook. Discussion leads to understanding. Arguments lead to war. I would like a discussion. After I get enough responses I will post the results, in concise form, so that the opposing side, whichever side it is, will get the inside scoop and maybe, just maybe, we can all get along together without a civil war between the Red and the Blue.
You can email me at:, message me on Facebook: JayDEvans or comment here at Blogspot.
Thanks for your help.
Jay D Evans
Jesus. Even your questionnaire is long. What the heck do you do? Dictate this stuff into a recording device while you drive? You can't churn out this much stuff AND work, can you? Is that even possible?