Sunday, February 27, 2022

Predictions for the Coming Months in 2022


Here are some thoughts, and predictions, for the coming days, weeks, and months.

With our old buddy, Vladimir Putin, having gone against everyone's ideas that he was a good guy by invading Ukraine, what is he going to do next? He's already given a veiled threat of nuclear assault on anyone from the West that would dare interfere with his grand scheme of taking over Ukraine. Will he be insane enough to do it? Hard to tell. After all, no one thought he'd do what he's already done. My thoughts on this are that: yes! He's gone this far why not push the red (pun really not intended) button.

Our feckless leader has already warned us that Russia has the best hackers and that Vlad will try cyber warfare against us by attacking our infrastructure, oil pipelines, banking system, and anything else a hacker can get into. Hmmm! A warning from an anti-American president that has already proven he has no love of the American people. Was that a warning of what our Socialist/Communist government is willing to do to destroy the country even more than it already has? What better way to keep us in chaos and panic than to shut off our electricity, internet, oil (he is still refusing to open the Keystone XL pipeline and allow drilling on federal lands), cell service, and access to our money? If it happens, I'd be looking at Washington, DC instead of Moscow but, the Biden regime will blame Russia.

What will Putin do after he defeats Ukraine? He'll go after Poland, Romania, Latvia, and any other sovereign nation that is close to Russia to re-establish the Soviet Union. THAT, my friends, is his ultimate goal; even if he has to burn the world to do.

Biden has already proven he is a weak, feckless, useless geriatric for a leader of the free world. He has done nothing that would go against anything that Russia and China have done. His so-called sanctions against Russia are nothing that Vlad hasn't put up with before and isn't prepared for. He's still selling US oil as well as most of Europe (thanks to Biden who shut down our energy independence and gave it to Russia).

What else is going to happen around the globe? China is already emboldened because nothing was done when they took Hong Kong and turned it back into a Communist shithole. My prediction there is that they will go into Taiwan and take it over. North Korea, well, the Rocket Man is already testing missiles again and is totally emboldened by Biden's weakness. He's probably going to attack South Korea and attempt long range bombing of US territories, maybe even Hawaii (we can only hope he'd hit Calizuela).

Iraq, Iran, and the rest of the terrorist countries in the Middle East will go all out on attacks against the West, especially the United States.

To wrap this up, learn Russian and Mandarin, maybe a little Arabic; stock up on ammo and freeze-dried food; take your money out of the banks; and prepare for the worst. We've waited too long to take our country back and we will pay the price. Thanks to the weakness of the people, the ferocity of the woke crowd with BLM and Antifa running amok, the open border with millions pouring in every year, our illegitimate government has finished what Barry Sotoero started-- the destruction of the Great Experiment; the downfall of America. Lincoln said it, “America will never be beaten from the outside but from the enemy within.” That is paraphrased but you get the idea. It was great while it lasted.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Politics and Presidents From 1960 to Present

 The year is 1960. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a Catholic, was elected President of the United States. At that time, there was a lot of debate whether the young war hero could get elected because of his religion and political ideology; after all, everyone knew the Kennedy's were socialists. As it turned out, JFK was one of America's most beloved, and most grieved over, Presidents.

Even though John Kennedy was a supposed socialist, he had one thing going for him: his love of America. That, and his belief in what the founding fathers had envisioned and set forth in the Constitution. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Why he was so loved is actually a surprise. The only policy that he signed into law that didn't fail was civil rights policy. Then, after less than three years later, because of his resolve to right the wrongs of Washington, DC, he was gunned down in Dallas, Texas. He was the last of the true American Democrats.

The Warren Report, like all governmental reports, was not exactly correct in all aspects. Yes, I do believe it said something about the infamous Grassy Knoll but, reported that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone shooter and possibly a Russian agent. What it didn't get into was why was Lyndon Johnson in Dallas on that fateful day? He was supposed to be in DC taking care of business. Conspiracy theorists surmise that he was there knowing that the President would be assassinated and he didn't want to waste time getting sworn into office; after all, he wanted the presidency so bad he could taste it.

What was Johnson's legacy? Vietnam. Who profited the most out of that 'conflict?' Lady Bird Johnson, LBJ's devoted wife and First Lady of the United States. She owned, or had controlling interest, in most of the contractors for the Vietnam Conflict. LBJ was not the first corrupt politician but he was the first of a list of Democrats that went down the anti-American road to what the Democrat Party has become.

Who was next? Oh, yeah! The evil Mr. Nixon. The man that got caught doing what politicians had been doing for years: spying on the competition. Richard Milhouse Nixon opened the doors to China (big mistake there) and got us out of Vietnam. When he abdicated because of his impeachment over Watergate, his VP, Gerald Ford, took over for two years.

What did Ford do besides pardon Nixon? Let's list his accomplishments:

Thank the gods of every pantheon that Ford didn't win re-election and we got a peanut farmer from Georgia for a term. Jimmy Carter; foreign policy failed, couldn't get hostages released from terrorists, domestic policy failed... worst president since Zachary Taylor.

It's now 1980. Another election; another President. Ronald Reagan, a former radio announcer, actor, and governor of California. What did we get ourselves into with this bozo (reference on purpose for those that understand it). What we got was Reaganomics, trickle down economy, inflation, and a very charismatic politician that could get things done. He got hostages released, convinced Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union broke up into several different autonomous countries. During his second term, the economy turned around and George HW Bush inherited a lot of good things.

Bush sucked. He promised, “Read my lips: no new taxes!” then proceeded to tax us back into poverty, inflation, and a screwed up economy in four short years. We also got into a war in the Middle East but he got Saddam Hussein ousted from power and hung in the town square. The Middle East became a center for chaos and a breeding ground for terrorists.

1992; another new President. William Jefferson Clinton, former governor of Arkansas. The only thing he did for them was get Sam Walton to put that state as his world headquarters. The State of Arkansas didn't vote in a President, they voted out a governor. One of the most corrupt, power abusing, womanizing politicians ever sent to Washington. It was the Clintons (we have to put Hillary in there because she was just as powerful and corrupt as Slick Willy) that pushed the LBJ Democrats further down the slippery slope of socialism.

I talked with a German immigrant during the Clinton years that said she feared for the United States and where it was headed. “It was the same way in Germany with Hitler. A little at a time was taken but if you look at what is actually happening, it's the same thing with the same goal.” Power hungry politicians all have one goal in mind: absolute power over the people. Bill went slow at it to be sure but, as we've learned, Hillary is a go-getter on that field.

2000, the turn of the century, the turn of the millennium, and the turn of power back to the Republicans in the good ol' USA. George Walker Bush, a chip off the old block. His administration was filled with crises, the most notable was 9/11/01 when terrorists flew jet planes into the Twin Towers in NYC, the Pentagon, and tried to fly one into the White House but was thwarted by patriotic Americans that overtook the bad guys. This was the start of the longest war America had ever been in; lasting until 2021. They called it a war on terror. How do you fight a war against an ideology? You can never win it and we didn't. We fought 20 years, freed the Middle East from the Taliban just to give it back to the Taliban. But that's another Democrat Presidency.

W (as most of America calls him to differentiate him from daddy GHW Bush) was no better than any other career politician. He didn't do bad but he didn't do good. He went in there with his own agenda and he left having achieved very little.

Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Sotoero), our first multi-racial President. Former community organizer, one term Illinois state senator, and first term Illinois Senator in Washington. A registered foreign exchange student at Cambridge (I believe, it may have been Stanford), whose mother was an American citizen and his father from Kenya. He spent several years in Kenya until returning to the US on a passport. He supposedly was born in Hawaii but the authorities there denied they registered the birth certificate. When he returned to the US from abroad, he was not on his mother's passport as most pre-teens were in those days. There is no record of him changing his name from Barry Sotoero to Barack Obama.

What was Obama's biggest accomplishments: an unconstitutional law called the Affordable Care Act that made medical insurance unaffordable for any working American but is free to those that don't work and illegal aliens. He put boys in the girl's bathroom. He put racism back on the map that makes the 1950”s and 60” look like a cake walk. He turned minorities and brainwashed sheeple into hating law enforcement. He castrated our military and bowed to foreign powers. In a speech to the nation he stated, “If you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims.” He did not represent the country he was leading; if anything, he was destroying it. One example of that is when he apologized to Japan for the US bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end WWII on Pearl Harbor Day.

Barack Obama took the Democrat Party from playing with socialism to just under full blown socialism. The snowball, by the end of his regime, was getting quite large. Any resemblance to the Democrat Party of the past was gone. Any resemblance of American patriotism from the Democrat Party was gone. Although the Federal Government had been chipping away at the Constitution for decades, with Obama it was in the open. Legislating from the Oval Office (“I have a phone and I have a pen.”) regardless of what Congress did was just normal day-to-day business for Barack Obama.

2016, an election cycle not to be forgotten any time soon.

The major contenders: Hillary Rodham Clinton and Donald J Trump. It was funny how the left said that if the Donald decided to run he wouldn't stand a chance of winning but, when he stood at the top of the escalator of Trump Tower and announced his candidacy, 19 minutes later Politico reported that the impeachment was underway.

That's right, folks! I believe it was April 17, 2016 when Politico started the coup against Donald Trump even before he had the nomination. It continued from there. It was as if the Democrats knew that they had to do something about this non-politician businessman so that he wouldn't be elected. Little did they know that the American people were tired of the same old corrupt, career politicians. Hillary was supposed to win so that she could finish what Obama had started.

The negative reports about Trump are far too numerous to list. The accusations: the same. The investigations, spying, impeachments; all unconstitutional, all unfounded, all just to get rid of the man that was showing America just what Washington, DC really was. After all, didn't Hillary Clinton delete over thirty thousand emails subpoenaed by Congress? Wasn't she using a personal server for classified emails? All forgiven by James Comey, director of the FBI going above and beyond his pay grade to protect a Clinton.

Everything the Democrats said about Trump was what they, themselves, were doing. Russian collusion? Hillary Clinton and her campaign. Being gentle on China? That was the Obama administration. The list goes on and on.

What did Trump accomplish during his four years in the Oval Office? Let's list a few of them:

Record low unemployment

Record high employment for women and minorities

Tax cuts and higher wages

Secure border

North Korea returning MIA/KIA soldiers from the Korean Police Action

North Korea stopping their nuclear missile tests

Fair trade deals with China

NATO nations starting to pay their fair share for security

A record booming economy

Most important: America First policies

Donald J Trump, in my opinion a petulant, spoiled child most of the time yet, the one man that this country needed most. He did more for America in his four years as President than the last eleven Presidents put together, with the exception of maybe Reagan. Yes, the one man that loved his country more than anything that he gave up a billionaire lifestyle, turned his companies over to others to run, actually lost money, just to have the left persecute him, belittle him, and accuse him and still he made America great again.

Now, after a botched 2020 election we have a mentally challenged, weak geriatric career failure as President and a woman with questionable morals as Vice President. Joe Biden, a man whose foreign policies have failed for 50 years, who can't put together an intelligible sentence, whose family has been involved in criminal activities and are under investigation, who stayed in his basement for nearly the entire campaign supposedly won 81 million votes (more than Barack Obama). His running mate, Kamala Harris who got into politics through her affair with Willy Brown, had absolutely no support as a candidate for President.

What has he/she done in the first year of their administration? On January 21, 2021 he shut down the XL Pipeline that was making the US energy independent and employed tens of thousands, who were instantly out of a job. He stopped all oil exploration on Federal lands and all new drilling. He opened the southern border to all regardless of who they were and still hasn't shut it down with millions crossing illegally every year. He did away with the sanctions against the Nordstrom Pipeline in Russia, thus making them billions of dollars. He turned over one of the most important Air Force bases in Afghanistan to the Taliban, and left Americans and American allies behind enemy lines with no hope of getting out. He has spent billions of dollars on social policy inducing unmatched inflation. The stock market has been on a roller coaster worse than anytime in history (at least since the crash of 1929).

Yes, my fellow Americans, Joseph Robinette Biden has destroyed everything that Trump had built to make America great again and made it 'the World First' instead of America First. He, and his anti-American compatriots are destroying our Constitutional Republic and doing all they can to turn it into a socialist state at best and a Communist state at worst.

We are living in very dark times in this great country. Dark and historic times. As with the few that knew we needed to get out from under the control of the tyrannical King George, it is becoming more and more obvious that the tyranny they fought against has reared its ugly head and re-emerged as the Democrat Party of the United States. If it isn't obvious to you, then you, my friend, are one of the many brainwashed sheeple that deserve neither freedom nor safety. If socialism is what you want so badly, please move to a socialist country and leave the great, freedom loving country of the United States alone.

We achieved the greatness we have by being different from all other nations. We are the Great Experiment where the people are the the government. We, the People, are the rightful masters. The founding fathers set up a government that was of the people, by the people, for the people. They wrote a Constitution that guaranteed our inalienable rights would never be infringed upon and that the Federal Government would be small and weak against the states. Over the two and a half centuries since we declared our independence from tyranny we, the People, and the collective states have slowly abdicated our power to the Federal Government. It is now a corrupt, bloated, power-hungry monster that is demanding more and more from the citizens.

Read some history. From the ancient Romans to modern Venezuela you will see that history is repeating itself right now, right here. I never thought in all my sixty plus years that I would see what is happening now in this country. It saddens me that even those that have lived long enough to actually remember Hitler's Nazi regime, Mao's China, etc. are going along with what the Democrat Party is doing. Read history. Learn from it. Change the future for the better and don't digress into what has never worked anywhere in the world throughout history. We are exceptional. We got this way because of our freedoms and capitalist economy. Socialism bring destruction and poverty. Do it. Do it now before it's too late.

Communism in America Today

 Back in the good old days of the Cold War, you know, when the only thing we had to worry about was Russia bombing us with nukes or trying to take over our country with Communism, it was so easy. We had our little drills of sitting in the hallway in school with our heads between our knees so that when we got hit with a nuclear bomb we were ready.

Let's not forget the McCarthy investigations on all those commies in Hollywood, sports, and the government. You know, when all you had to do was be accused of having Communist connections and your life was over. A LOT of really good actors lost their livelihoods because of Senator McCarthy; People like Lew Ayres (Dr. Kildare). With all the endless investigations and hearing in Congress it was surprising that they got anything done in the form of governing. Yes, those were the days!

Speaking of commies, how did they attack our great nation back then? Do you really want to know? During the last half of the 1940's there was a radio show on called “I Was a Communist For the FBI” that starred Dana Andrews as undercover agent Matt Svetick. Mr. Svetick was undercover as a Communist for nine years trying to thwart the agenda of the Communist Party here in America. He risked his life every day to keep America free. The stories told on the radio show were from his files, true with only names, places, and dates changed for obvious reasons. By the way, there was also a movie of the same name that starred Frank Lovejoy.

Do you want to really know how the Communist Party worked here in America? Listen to the stories told and/or watch the movie. They are on YouTube. I will tell you this: one way they worked was to incite violent riots during peaceful protests, used our Constitutional rights as a way to push their tyrannical agenda, brainwashed good, patriotic Americans into believing their way was better than our capitalist way. They pitted people against each other by shouting inequality, racism, police brutality, etc.

Racial/economic division, inciting violent and destructive riots, brainwashing the citizens, turning citizens against each other; all are Communist ways to change the government. What does that have to do with what is going on in America today? Think about it, people! What is the far-left doing? Not ONE Democrat has denounced the very violent and destructive riots of the summer of 2020. Not ONE Democrat has denounced or investigated the storming of the White House. Not ONE Democrat has denounced or investigated the fire-bombing of the Federal Courthouse in Portland. Not ONE Democrat has done anything but investigate Donald J. Trump and his supporters.

Right now, with a so-called pandemic in full swing, what are the Democrats (and quite a few Republicans) most concerned with? Is it the wide-open borders with millions illegally crossing with approximately 25% COVID positive? Is it the rampant violence and crime in the major, Democrat-controlled, cities? Is it the rampant suicide and addiction rates across the country? Is it the human and drug trafficking across the border? No, it is the January 6, 2021 Trump rally, peaceful protest, and a handful of individuals that were allowed into the Capitol complex that broke some windows and sat in Nancy Pelosi's chair. There are still over 500 people incarcerated in Washington, DC that are not allowed bail, access to an attorney, or have even been charged with anything. Why? The answer is simple: they were at the Trump rally on January 6th.

The Communists of the 1940s and 50s ruled with an iron fist. They spied on their own members to make sure they were good, strong Communists. What are the Democrats doing within their own party? If you are a member of the Democrat (now known as the American Communist Party) Party, you do exactly as Nancy Pelosi says or you are ostracized, threatened, and/or humiliated. Nancy Pelosi would make Nikita Khrushchev very proud.

The Democrat Party, along with several Republicans, are working extremely hard to change our Constitution through legislation. They want to federalize elections, allow open voting with no way to prove citizenship, who actually voted, or even in the ballot is real or not. They have done nothing about the millions of illegals crossing the border, they have preached Critical Race Theory to our children, they have divided the country economically, racially, and politically. They are waging war against anyone that disagrees with them and/or supports conservatism and capitalism. They have used a man-made virus (paid in part by the United States taxpayer) released from a lab in Wuhan China to cause chaos and fear across the globe. They have taken rights away from the American citizen left and right because of the coronavirus. They are the most anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-freedom party in the history of our nation. Bar none.

This is not the Democrat Party of even 40 years ago. Even the Clintons were not as anti-America as they are now. There has always been corruption in politics. The Democrat Party doesn't even try to hide it anymore. They just scream that if you don't agree with them you are a racist, you are trying to destroy our 'democracy,' and best of all, YOU ARE A DOMESTIC TERRORIST. Andrew McCabe said it: the biggest terrorist threat to America is the middle class, white, MAGA business owner.

I don't have the time to go into everything the Communists did 60 or 70 years ago to try to convert America to Communism. It would take a thousand page book. What I can do is tell you that the Democrat Party of the new millennium is doing exactly what Lenin, Marx, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, Hitler, Chavez, etc., have done over the decades. Exactly! Do some research. I believe the people that read my posts actually have a brain and can think for themselves. I also believe that you can actually read, write, and understand English. Unlike the 'woke' crowd that can't even figure out what pronoun they are.

The far-left are destroying our nation. That is obvious. They are not being stopped by the Republicans in Congress. Who is to stop them? If our elected officials (who, by the way, are OUR EMPLOYEES) won't do what we want them to, who will? It is up the US, we, the PEOPLE, of the United States of America to stand up and protect our Constitutional Republic. It wasn't the entire population that wanted to be free from English rule. It was a handful of outlaws, traitors to the King, freedom loving Americans. Guess what? That handful of rebels beat the world's strongest army and gained the freedom that everyone deserves. It's time we fought that battle again, in any way possible, to keep that freedom. The one word that William Wallace could get out in Braveheart after being tortured was what? FREEDOM!