Monday, May 31, 2021

As The World Burns


Dateline, May 27, 2021.

The United States is a little over four months into the new administration. After the disastrous first 100 days, which included cancelling the Keystone XL Pipeline and construction of the border wall eliminating thousands of high-paying union jobs, the President has returned to the policies of former President Barry Soetoro Obama of financing Iran’s nuclear progress, financing terrorist organizations such as Hamas, and ignoring Israel. After the historic peace deals brokered by President Donald Trump, the Middle East is back at war amongst itself and Palestine has returned to relentless bombing of Israel.

With cancelling the border wall and returning to the policies of catch-and-release, along with advertising an open border and all is welcome, the surge of illegal adults and unaccompanied minors at the southern border has reached historic levels. It has been reported that the Biden Administration is flying children into the country by jet under cover of darkness.

Inflation has reached almost historic levels along with unemployment and job losses. Millions are still out of work, some of which are still under extreme lockdown in blue states. Prices have increased in commodities and other necessities by 50-150%. Shortages are predicted by mid-summer of certain goods, food included.

Defund The Police policies of Democrat-controlled cities has resulted in crime rates increasing by up to 200%, including homicide. All the while, Antifa and BLM are still rioting, looting, committing arson, and taking over sections of larger metropolitan areas. Chaos reigns supreme in many blue cities.

As the world burns, the Democrats are more concerned with stopping audits of the 2020 election, investigating Donald Trump’s business dealings, and turning the United States into a socialist nation. Meanwhile, the Jeffery Epstein ‘suicide,’ the fraudulent use of the FISA Court, the illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign, the 33,000 plus deleted emails of Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden’s laptops and use of his, then VP, father’s influence around the world, the quid pro quo of the Ukrainian government by the VP Biden, the perjury of several high ranking officials of the Obama Administration to the Congress, and the obvious fraud and corruption of the 2020 election have all but disappeared.

Innocent people that marched to the Capitol Complex on January 6, 2021 to protest are being hunted down and prosecuted for insurrection, whether they were involved in breaching the Capitol or not, while those inciting riots and insurrection (such as Rep Maxine Waters, AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Nancy Pelosi) are left alone and allowed to continue their fight against our Constitutional Republic.

As the far-left continue to scream ‘RACIST’ everything from William Shakespeare to Dr Suess to Aunt Jemima syrup, the right sits back and does nothing. Congress has become a cesspool of ineffectual career politicians with no backbone at best or, at worst, are all cut from the same cloth and are co-conspirators in the downfall of this once free nation. We, the People, have only one recourse with the Federal Government and that is the Electoral system. A system which failed miserably in 2020, not because of the people of the country not voting, but because of the fraud, corruption, and illegalities perpetrated during the election to insure a Democrat win. What did the Republicans do? Nothing. The few that tried were threatened, coerced, and ignored. The people of the country were ignored. The Supreme Court was bought through fear. The lower courts were bought. The people lost.

As the world burns, we, the people, can do nothing but sit back and watch while the Washington elites, the super-wealthy, and the Hollywood elites dance around gleefully with their torches.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

The Declaration of Independence and How It's Important Today


During the Federal Convention of 1787, the Founding Fathers, including but not limited to, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton, debated fiercely for, and against, the Constitution. They all believed that a centralized government was needed but that it should not be too powerful in its scope. Strong enough to keep the emerging nation alive and safe, yet weak enough as to not become a tyrannical, over-powerful force against the sovereignty of the several states that had just gained their freedom and liberty from just such a government.

The Declaration of Independence stated quite clearly the grievances against the rule of King George: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security,

What, exactly, were the founders talking about? What did they mean by a ‘long train of abuses and usurpations?’ What ‘absolute despotism’ were they talking about? In 1776 they were talking about the law of England and the tyranny of King George when it came to the American colonies. They went so far as to list the King’s abuses. First was his refusal to assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He forbid his governors to pass necessary and important laws until his assent was obtained, which it may, or may not, be granted. He refused to pass laws for the accommodation of large numbers of people unless those people relinquished the right of representation in the legislature.

The King called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records. He refused, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions from within. He obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary power. The made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices. He erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people. He effected to render the military independent of and superior to civil power.

He combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation. He protected some by mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states. He imposed taxes on us without our consent. He deprived us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury. He took away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments. He suspended our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us all cases whatsoever. He, at that time, was transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages. He excited domestic insurrection amongst us, and endeavored to bring on the inhabitant of our frontiers, the merciless savages, whose known rule of warfare, was undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

Finally, the Founders stated this: In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

What does all that have to do with what is happening today in Washington, DC? Let’s go through this step by step, clause by clause.

The Founders said that the King refused his assent to wholesome and necessary laws. That means he wouldn’t agree to those laws. What is the SCROTUS doing right now? He is refusing to agree with any law that is PRO-American. He overturned everything that Donald Trump had done to make this country what it was – the greatest country in the world. He refuses to enact laws that keep us safe, such as border security, illegal migration, deporting known criminals, etc.

Biden is openly disagreeing with governors that try to enact laws beneficial to their states, and the security of the nation. Congressmen are openly disagreeing with those that are making sanctuary cities and states illegal, abortions illegal, and going against the federal government mandates for economic disaster and collapse.

When it comes to refusing to pass laws for large numbers of people unless they give up their representation; our elected officials don’t represent Americans anymore. Their actions, and the actions of the President and Vice President, clearly are aimed at illegals more than citizens. When illegals have more rights than citizens we are not represented.

Has Joe Biden called together legislative bodies at unusual places, uncomfortable, and distant? No more so than what it always has been. What he is doing, and the Congress is wanting to do, is to make the seat of the central government a sovereign state with representatives. This is not what the Founders intended for the seat of the Federal Government. This is what makes thing seem unusual.

Do I need to get into how the government refused others to be elected? The corruption and fraud of the 2020 election is what compares to this clause. Somehow, six states stopped counting votes at approximately the same time and seemed to come up with enough votes to turn the election in favor of Joseph Robinette Biden during that time period. Pennsylvania even went against its own Constitution to change election law so that the liberal left could win. Then, no one, not even the Supreme Court, would even look at any of the evidence, hundred of videos, thousands of eyewitness accounts and affidavits, all ignored until after the certification of the electoral vote.

This goes right into the judiciary clause of the Declaration. The Deep State and the Washington establishment, career politicians refused to let the judiciary look into the election integrity. The Federal Government, Deep State, Establishment, and career politicians have allowed obvious criminality amongst themselves, such as the Clinton email scandal, the Russian collusion hoax, the illegal use of the FISA Court, the lack of presumption of innocence of any Trump ally, etc. Then goes further and includes the next clause of judges being dependent on them for their livelihoods. The far-left has many judges in their back pockets, including some Supreme Court Justices.

What has SCROTUS done since being inaugurated? Here comes the next clause! He has established many, many new offices, unnecessary for governance, as is the wont of the Democrat Party. The bigger the government, the more control government has over the people.

The military is another thing. With the modernization of weapons and the cost incurred in producing those weapons, it is impossible for the people to be equally armed. What makes this clause important today is the militarization of law enforcement. Even with the outcry for defunding the police, the elitists, politicians, entertainment personalities, and sports stars all have military equipped security. They are protected against the people while the people are not allowed to protect themselves. The attacks on the Second Amendment prove that. The government wants to disarm the people so we cannot fight back if it comes to that.

How does the clause concerning combining with others to subject us to jurisdiction foreign to our constitution? Mr. Biden, and his administration, are focusing on foreign laws to legislate against the American people. They are using UN dictates as American law, even though those dictates are expressly against the Constitution of the United States.

The Democrat Party is the party of tax and spend. Mr. Biden has said, as did every other Democrat candidate, during the campaign, and now since he has been installed as the President, that he will definitely raise taxes to highs that are unaffordable to the working man. These taxes run from income tax to capital gain tax to property tax. Why is raising taxes so important? Someone has to pay for all the Democrats programs and policies whether they want to or not. The biggest insult here is not that they are spending Trillions of dollars on helping Americans, they are spending Trillions of dollars on foreign nations, Democrat donors, unnecessary pet projects, and themselves. Trillions of dollars in debt and they want to borrow more and more to spend more and more on unnecessary things while giving the American taxpayer pennies on the thousands of dollars.

The clauses of depriving us of trial by jury and transporting us to be tried for pretended offenses comes after the ‘insurrection’ of January 6, 2021. The people that have been arrested for the pretended insurrection have been transported to Washington, DC, not given bail, not provided with a public defender, and not being brought before a judge. The ‘insurrection’ of Jan 6 was a protest against an illegitimate, corrupt, and fraudulent election. Out of the thousands that attended the Trump rally and walked to the Capitol Complex, there were about 120 people that breached the Capitol building and did damage. The majority, by far, was peaceful, respectful, unarmed, and still targeted by the far-left as criminals.

Another example of the present administration, the Deep State, Washington establishment, and the far-left depriving an American citizen of due process is what is happening with Donald Trump and his allies. Democrat Attorneys General, Democrat judges, Democrat Federal prosecutors are targeting Trump and his allies for anything they can. They have been on fishing expeditions since Trump announced his candidacy in Trump Tower back in 2015. They have targeted military leaders, such as General Mike Flynn, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Trump aides, such as Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, they even put Paul Manafort into solitary confinement to try to get him to betray Donald Trump. These people, and others, had their homes and offices raided and ransacked, personal papers confiscated, were arrested, interrogated, charged. All because they support Donald J Trump. Yet people like James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Barry Soetoro, Peter Strokz,  and a host of other high level, prominent Democrats with overwhelming evidence against them go free.

How is the Federal government taking away our charters, abolishing our laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments? Do you really need to ask that? With the government inviting millions of illegals into our country, transporting them wherever they want to go, not demanding they return to their home country to apply for asylum (mainly because 99% aren’t eligible for asylum) the government is fundamentally changing the dynamic of our voter rolls. Our laws don’t mean anything to the illegals. If they did, they would be deported immediately or jailed. Only in a Democrat controlled America can you come into the country illegally, gain legal status, and have a pathway to citizenship immediately.

This also includes the clause of transporting large armies into the nation. Do you really think those millions of unattended illegal minors aren’t going to have their parents come into the country? Do you really think those kids are just small, innocent children? Just like the influx of Somalian refugees during Obama, these are soldiers that could be used by the government against the citizens. Will they be? Only time will tell. One thing is for certain, concerning the surge of illegals into the country, the Democrat Party is hoping that each and every one of them will vote Democrat once they are given citizenship. Then again, with the attack on the electoral system, they could be voting whether a citizen or not.

The Democrat Party has been attacking the Constitution for decades. Whittling away at our rights and freedoms over the years so as not to be noticed. Now, since the power is held by the Democrats in Washington, they are attacking our fundamental rights, the right to free speech, the right to keep and bear arms, the right of due process, at an unprecedented rate, openly and joyously.

Nothing that the Washington Establishment is doing is Constitutional. Nothing they are doing is pro-America. Nothing they are doing is pro-rights, freedom, and liberty. They are turning our Constitutional Republic into a Socialist State. Centralized, all-powerful, all-controlling bloated federal government. This is what the Founders, the Patriots, fought against in 1776. This is what they warned us about in every document written in the early days of our nation. Abraham Lincoln said that America would not be taken over by an outside force but from within. The Japanese wouldn’t attack mainland USA because we had guns behind every blade of grass. The world has looked to the United States for decades for help from money to soldiers. It has been the United States that has saved the world time and again. Now, we are the ones being taken down. Unfortunately, it’s our own politicians that are doing it.

The Declaration of Independence, one of the most important documents in our national history, is as relevant today as it was 245 years ago. We declared our independence from a tyrannical dominion. Now, it’s time to declare our independence from another tyrannical dominion: the Democrat Party.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Now Is The Time For All Good Men

 “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of your country.” A quote attributed to Patrick Henry as a call to arms. Others say it is just a typing test by Charles E. Weller. Either way, it is a damn good quote; especially right now.

Our country, the United States of America, is under attack. Not by an outside army such as the Chinese, North Koreans, Russians, or even Germany. It is under attack from within. The enemy has breached the gates, infiltrated the ranks, indoctrinated our young, and is now being voted into federal, state, and local offices. Career politicians such as Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Maxine Waters, Mitch McConnell, etc., and newer, younger politicians such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, etc. are doing all they can to destroy the Great Experiment.

It shouldn’t come as any surprise. The Democrat Party has been against a Constitutional Republic for generations; I’d venture to say since it’s inception. There have always been those that were against a government by, for, and of the people. Even during the Revolutionary War, the Constitutional Convention, and beyond, there have been those that wanted a strong, central government, or even to stay subjects of England.

Today, the Democrat Party no longer disguises its intentions of destroying the Constitution and the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Supreme Law of the Land. The SCROTUS, Joseph Robinette Biden, said in a speech that the Amendments were not absolute. Funny how American citizen’s rights are not absolute, but illegal’s rights are. After all, American citizens no longer have the freedom of speech if they are conservative, the Second Amendment has been under attack for decades and is now being infringed left and right, yet, it is and absolute right for anyone in the world to demand to come into the United States, ask for asylum and be allowed to disappear into the interior of the country, never to be seen or heard from again.

Election integrity no longer exists after the November 2020 election. Court after court refused to even see any evidence of corruption or fraud, including the Supreme Court. No one is allowed to question the results that gave power to the Democrats. I find it extremely unnerving that a mentally challenged octogenarian that didn’t leave his basement for most of the campaign, had rallies numbering in the tens, and allied himself with a running mate that had no support in her own campaign, somehow achieved historically large numbers of votes. I find it strange that six states suspended counting votes at practically the exact same time, in the middle of the night, and during that time, came up with enough votes to win. All of this against an incumbent that held rallies numbering in the tens of thousands, had achieved record high employment for minorities and women, record low unemployment, record high stock market, booming economy, secure border, higher wages, lower taxes, and headed up the Warp Speed program for a vaccine against the global plandemic of COVID-19.

Joe Biden, a man that bragged about withholding aid money from Ukraine unless the government fired the prosecutor investigating his son. A man that has dubious involvement with Russia, China, Ukraine, Romania, etc. A man whose son was dishonorably discharged from the military for drug use, used his name and his father’s position as Vice President to gain wealth from China, become a member of the board of directors of an oil company in Ukraine (without any experience in oil or Ukraine), who married his brother’s widow, impregnated a hooker, is a crack addict, and has illegal material on his laptop. This is who the American people voted into the highest office in the nation and the most powerful position in the world? Joe Biden doesn’t even know where he is most of the time.

In the first 100 days in office, Joe Biden has signed more than 50 executive orders/actions. On Inauguration Day, he signed EOs that ended the Keystone XL pipeline, unemploying thousands of Americans from good-paying, union jobs. He signed another that stopped construction on the border wall which was already paid for. He opened the southern border to any and all who wanted to enter.

Over the last five years, the radical left has done it’s best to censor conservative voices, keep any bad information about the Democrat Party from being seen, and lied constantly about President Donald J Trump. The radical left, Hollywood elites, the Deep State, sports stars, and entertainment stars have been allowed to threaten, harass, lie about, humiliate, etc. Donald Trump, Melania Trump, and even Barron Trump. As for any Democrat politician? Don’t even think about saying anything derogatory.

During the debate on the New Jersey Plan brought up in the Federal Convention of 1787, William Paterson made this comment about despotism in Congress: ‘Is there no danger of a Legislative despotism? Theory and practice both proclaim it.If the Legislative authority be not restrained, there can be neither liberty nor stability;’ What is happening now, in Congress, is absolute despotism. With the Democrats having control over the White House, the House of Representatives, and the Senate, despotism is running rampant. There is no liberty when the elected officials are ramming policy through by executive order and partisan vote, regardless of the will of the people.

The plandemic of COVID-19 is a prime example of the despotism of the government. Through fear, lack of knowledge, and putting 100% faith in one person’s opinion regardless of science, the Federal Government and several of the State’s governments have torn away the rights, freedoms, and liberties of the American people. We have been forced to social distance, close our businesses, remain at home, wear masks on our faces, stay away from friends and family, and finally, are almost to the point of being forced to take a vaccine that has not been thoroughly tested over the long run. This is the definition of tyranny and despotism.

The Founders pledged their fortunes, honor, and even their lives to break away from the tyranny and despotism of King George. Do you understand what they risked to make this country what it became? There were very few of the revolutionaries that didn’t end up broke or dead. They risked literally everything to bring freedom and liberty to the American Colonies and form a more perfect union. This country was, and still is, the Great Experiment. No other government in history was formed of, by, and for the people. We, the People, of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect union, do ordain and establish…. Where is that patriotism today?

Everyone wants to be a patriot… until it’s time to do patriotic stuff. Civil disobedience is where it starts. Don’t wear the mask. Don’t social distance. Don’t follow those unconstitutional laws. But, will the ‘patriotic’ citizens stand up against the despotism of a tyrannical Congress and President? So far the answer to that question is a resounding ‘NO!’ Conservatives believe in the rule of law. Liberals believe in the rule of riots, looting, arson, assault, and threats of the same. That is why the left is winning. No only do they threaten violence against the right, they commit violence when they don’t get their way. It will only be when the violence is returned in kind that the left will soon learn they are no longer in control.

I don’t condone violence. I, like every other conservative, believe that there are better, peaceful, ways to disarm conflict and chaos. But, there comes a time when diplomacy no longer works. Talk is cheap. Actions speak much louder than words. That is why I keep saying ‘civil disobedience.’ Non-violent protest against the tyranny that has beset our country. The left will always blame the right for the ailments of the country. They will always make charges against the right for what they are doing. Examples of that are: Russian collusion, corruption, fraud, quid pro quo. It has come to the point of no return. It is NOW or we have lost our country, our rights, our freedoms, and our liberty.