I have made it abundantly clear over many years that I am a conservative, pro-America, pro-Constitution, anti-socialist, anti-Communist, patriot. I have no problem saying that. I speak my mind, I try to make sure that what I put out is truth, even when it is just my opinion, and will always speak against those that would do harm to my country, my rights and freedoms, my family, my finances, etc. I have lost many 'friends' over my viewpoints and beliefs with no regrets.
I have no time, nor patience, for anyone that believes America is systemically racist, misogynistic, homophobic, or just 'bad.' This country was founded on Christian principles that worked well for over two hundred years. Capitalism has made life better for millions upon millions of people. Every citizen in this country has the same rights, privileges, and opportunities as everyone else despite the color of your skin, your ethnic background, your sexual orientation, or station in life. Some the most successful people in this country came from nothing. In modern days I can mention Dr. Ben Carson as a prime example.
What I have espoused over the years is that the Democrat Party is mostly to blame for our troubles. This is not exactly correct. It is neither the Democrat Party nor the Republican Party. It is We, the People, that are to blame. We have allowed the Federal Government to grow into the tyrannical dominion that it now is. We, the People, are the rightful masters of government, not the other way around. If you believe that the federal government is the answer to all your woes, maybe you should look to other Socialist/Communist countries to see what happens when you give centralized government complete control.
All this being said I will get to the meat of the story.
We all blame one Party or the other. We all have that one person to point a finger at. We all think we know what is going on. We could be no further from the truth. It isn't Donald J Trump or Joseph R Biden. It isn't the Democrats or the Republicans. It isn't even George Soros or Barry Sotoero.
We have been manipulated into every decision we make through the mass media, news agencies, advertising, foreign and domestic intelligence, secret organizations, etc. How? Psychological warfare. The human mind is an amazing thing but can be manipulated so easily. “Oh, but I would never be fooled by all that bullshit! I can think for myself.” That's exactly what you're thinking, right? You are wrong. Every last one of us is susceptible to mass marketing, impulse buying, and manipulation of every kind. We are all victims of it. Don't believe me? Did you wear a mask? Did you get the vaccine? Did you keep 6 feet away from everyone? Did you believe Covid 19 was worse than the Plague? More importantly, do you believe it the second time around?
I firmly believe that the Democrat Party manipulated the 2020 election and won by cheating. I, also, believe they did the same thing in the mid-term election in 2022. I am exceptionally firm in my belief that they will do the same in the 2024 election. I don't care that the votes were counted a million times. If there was a million dollars on the table but a hundred thousand was counterfeit, there would still be a million dollars there no matter how many times you counted it; it just wouldn't all be REAL.
Look at the political persecution that is going on at this very minute. Thousands of conservative voters, rightfully protesting the 2020 election, are being held in DC jails without bail, without being able to talk to attorneys, being charged with nothing, being charged with misdemeanors and sentenced to years in prison; just because they protested an election. BLM and Antifa members rioted, looted, committed arson and assault, did billions of dollars of damage to cities across the nation and not one has done any time and most of the charges against them have been dropped.
The political persecution of the front-runner in the 2024 election is probably the best known case to examine. Donald Trump has done nothing wrong. He has been indicted four times on multiple crimes that are made up, using rogue legal means. He has done nothing more, or less, than the Democrats have done every time they lose an election: he questioned it, complained about it, wanted it audited, said it was stolen from him.
As for the Presidential papers he had at Mar-A-Lago: Biden had more, in less secure places and they weren't even his to take as Vice President.
Trump's quid pro quo. Have you forgotten that Joe Biden bragged about withholding 1.5 Billion dollars from Ukraine if they didn't fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma where his son was a board member? Trump didn't ask for something in return for something. Biden demanded something in return for something.
Everyone is listening to the government-owned media. CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. they are all controlled by the government. They are only telling the people what the government wants them to. They are not reporting on anything that is actually happening.
The Biden Administration is a laughingstock. Not one person in DC is qualified for the job they are doing. Biden, himself, can't put a sentence together, falls asleep in meetings, lies about his past, and doesn't know where he's at, or what he's doing, 90% of the time. He's been on vacation more than he's been on the job.
Kamala Harris, a woman that did sexual favors just to get into politics (don't deny this because it's well known about her and Willie Brown). She can only talk in word salad, giggles at the most inappropriate times, helped finance attorneys and bail for BLM and Antifa members, and still has not been to the border.
Mayor Pete Buttigieg, well, what can I say? He couldn't take care of South Bend, IN and now he's in charge of the DOT? He had to take 4 months off because he and his husband adopted a baby. He has no idea about transportation. How long did it take for him to get to Palestine, OH when the train derailed with HazMat?
Then there's that man, that wants the world to think he's a woman, that is the first woman general in government, that is the Assistant Secretary of Health. That man is mentally disabled.
The Squad: AOC, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Corey Bush: not a one of them knows anything about the Constitution, the Rule of Law, American exceptionalism, or, I believe, how to tell the truth about anything. Each one has ethics charges against them, even though it has gone nowhere (as happens when charges are brought against Democrats).
There are numerous Congressmen/women that are so old, and been in Congress for so long, that they aren't able to function properly. Feinstein, McConnell, and Fetterman are three prime examples. Fetterman hasn't been there that long but, let's face it, the man isn't fit to serve. Schumer, Schitt, Pelosi, Waters, Grassley, Romney, Kerry; all have been in office far too long and have far too much power. These are a small number of the 535 members that need removed. Notice, they are not all Democrats.
This administration is a laughingstock. The world sees that we are a weak nation, bending to the wind to the point of breaking. Trump was right when he said that Russia, China, North Korea, etc. would not have done what they are if he were in office. Biden is a puppet to every foreign nation that we deal with or are our enemies. Worse is the notion that he, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr, is not really the one in charge. Who, exactly, is actually running the United States? Is is George Soros? China? Russia? Or someone closer to home: Barack Hussein Obama? Rumors run wild; facts are scarce. The fact that Joe isn't mentally, or physically, able to fulfill his duties as President of the United States is undeniable if you have half a brain and able to see with open eyes.
Now, back to the premise I started with. We, the People, are to blame. We have allowed the Federal Government to gain so much power over us that it will be impossible to get it back. The States have abdicated most of their power to the Federal Government. We have gotten to the point where we depend on the government to support us, feed us, tell us what to think and what to do. WE have allowed it for so long that we now accept it as normal.
When did the Federal Government get the power to tell us we have to have medical insurance? When did they get the power to tell us we had to get vaccinations, wear masks, socially distance? When did they get the power to tax us into poverty to send money to every foreign nation on the planet? When did they get the power to refuse helping Americans but spend billions on illegals? The list goes on and on and on and on.....
The Federal Government's powers are enumerated in the Constitution. They have usurped those powers and taken on more and more. The States and the people have the power over our everyday lives, not the Federal Government. It is time to clean house once again.
The 2024 election is probably the most important one in history. This next election will determine whether we stay a Constitutional Republic or become a Socialist/Communist State with the Federal Government as our lord, savior, overseer, controller, and provider. We will no longer be responsible for our lives in any way, shape, or form. The Federal Government will decide everything for us. It's already started.
The new digital currency that Joe wants so badly. How's that going to work out for us? If they can turn it on, they can turn it off. Every financial transaction you make will be known by the government. If they don't like it, they cancel it. If you don't think, talk, act, etc. the way they want, they shut your money off; you can't buy food, clothes, or any other necessity (much less those luxuries you can't live without like nail polish, beer, weed, meth, etc.). Yes, friends, and enemies, the Federal Government is far too powerful, and the house needs cleaned of them all.
How do we do it? Vote? The Democrats have proven they don't care about what the people decide. They are doing everything they can to get rid of the conservative front-runner because they know he will win. Mail-in ballots are another way to fill the ballot box with the votes they want. Having an election 'season' instead of election 'day' is another. Bringing in millions of illegals is another. I know, illegals can't vote by law. The Democrats, and RINOS, don't follow the law, and not demanding voter ID makes it really easy for illegals to cast votes for those that want to keep power.
This election needs to be so overwhelmingly conservative that they can't cheat. I don't mean by a couple thousand votes. I mean we need to vote out every career politician by millions of votes. That way they can't come up with enough fake ballots to overturn our wishes. We cannot sit back and allow a tyrannical dominion to bully us anymore.
Not enough to convince you? How about our Constitutionally guaranteed rights. The First Amendment: we can't question an election result or say anything against the ruling party or members of their families.
The Second Amendment: infringement upon infringement upon infringement. Now they want to make anyone that sells, or gives, a gun an FFL so that every gun owner is on a list. There are a lot of states, and cities, where guns are extremely hard to own.
The Third Amendment: some states, and cities, are asking the people to house illegals. Illegals that are military aged men from China, the Middle East, etc. If that isn't a standing army in disguise, I'll recant this.
The Fourth Amendment: there are thousands of conservative citizens that have had their houses raided simply because they went to a rally and protested, PEACEFULLY, at the Capitol Complex. Trump's home was raided, Stone's home was raided. Scenes from Nazi Germany and Communist Russia.
The Fifth Amendment: Trump associates where coerced into testifying against him or they would be charged with bogus crimes.
The Sixth Amendment: Trump is not getting fair trials anywhere. He is being prosecuted in districts that are against him by judges that hate him, and not given time to prepare for his court appearances. There are thousands in DC that have been waiting for years for a hearing without bail or representation.
Amendment Seven: How many times has Trump been taken to court over Stormy Daniels?
Amendment Eight: Proud Boys getting years in prison for otherwise fine punishments. Yeah, and BLM and Antifa members getting their felonies dropped.
Amendment Nine: the government is disregarding the enumerated rights and definitely taking others from us on a daily basis. If you need those listed, you are a completely brainwashed, fully indoctrinated, card-carrying member of the far-left.
Amendment Ten: I've put this one before you throughout this post. The States and the people have no power over the Federal Government because the Feds have it all.
To borrow a phrase from Andrew Wilkow: these arguments cannot be broken.
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