Thursday, April 13, 2017

A Very Sad State of Affairs

First of all let me get this out of the way: I stated at the very beginning that if Donald Trump wavered I would be one of the first to call him out. As you all know, very well, I call out the liberals constantly because I have a very conservative political view. That being said, I will get into the reason for this article.
The past week has been pretty… exciting? Bashar al Assad allegedly gassed his own people with Siran gas, one of the worst, because he’s just an asshole like that. Trump, not having drawn the line but not letting some Russian backed dictator cross it, used fifty nine Tomahawk missiles to level one airfield that the Syrian dictator (and the Russians) were using within hours afterward; this being done while our President was having a state dinner with the President of China. Rex Tillerson was in Russia speaking with his counterpart, Sergei Lavrov and then actually got to talk with good old Vlad Putin, himself.
Now, to top that off, our friend in North Korea decided to test more nukes and the Donald sent a few Navy ships toward the Korean peninsula as a show of force. Having LittleMan Sydrome, Kim Jung Un, the North Korean midget in charge decided to threaten the United States with nuclear war if we so much as fired one shot into his country.
Wow! Just….wow! Nothing like making history or watching it happen before your very eyes; I now know how the colonists felt as the Founding Fathers decided to declare our independence and then war against England.
Is it the end of times? I doubt it. Even though the North Korean midget in charge is a crazy bastard that would actually fire nuclear warheads at one of the two most powerful nations on the planet, I don’t think China would allow it. Although, it doesn’t seem as though China has a whole lot of sway over what Kim does anymore.
So, with all that out of the way, as a side note, if you want to get the shit kicked out of you just fly United Airlines on an overbooked flight. It isn’t enough that you get groped and prodded and interrogated and treated like you’re an Islamic Terrorist by the TSA in the airports, now you get to be treated like that on one of the biggest air carriers. Gotta love America.
Now to get to the heart and soul of what I want to say. This isn’t gonna make any liberal happy. President Trump did exactly what he should have done by tossing some explosives at Syria. I think he may have overdone it a little but, the thought was right. He did what King Obama should have done when the midget crossed HIS red line. Instead, the King decided to hang back and let the little bastard do what he wanted.
Did the Donald do anything to start WWIII? Nope. Hate to tell you this, folks, that war started on September 11, 2001. Even with the controversy (conspiracy?) of exactly what happened that fateful day as the World Trade Center fell, that was when this bloody war started. I know that I have a hard time believing the good ol’ government that it was Islamic Terrorists given HOW the buildings fell and that in the beginning there was actually no airplane in the wall of the Pentagon. That notwithstanding, the war started with George W. Bush against Saddam Hussein.
Now, with the downfall of the almighty Clinton Empire, the liberals are waging a war of their own against fellow Americans because they didn’t get their way; even the Congress is involved within their own hallowed halls, liberals against conservatives. Damn that Donald Trump! How dare he win a rigged election against him. Hillary was supposed to win so that she could finish off turning this country into a Socialist State.
First was the Russian hacking that, by the way, COULD have been our own Intelligence Community pretending to be Russian hackers. Then it turned into Russian collusion with the Trump Team. Then, lo and behold, came attacks on Team Trump associates. Liberal attacks at every level. Attorney General Jeff Sessions reclusing himself from overseeing investigations against the Trump Team then Devon Nunez reclusing himself from the same for the same reason – liberal allegations of biased investigating. Yeah, the war is in full swing and the liberals are flinging everything they can at the conservatives. Unfortunately, it seems as though the libs are in the lead by a league and the conservatives keep holding back.
It kinda makes a person wonder about what is going on in Washington. Is the Donald really ‘draining the swamp’ or is the swamp swallowing his administration one position at a time without any defense against it?
Why is the surveilling of Trump Tower a year before the election by the Obama Administration not being thoroughly investigated with hard evidence that it did happen while the Russian collusion is being beaten into the ground with all the Intelligence Community saying there is absolutely no evidence of it? Why is the Clinton Foundation not being investigated? Why is the Hillary email scandal a thing of the past, forgotten amongst the liberal outcry against the conservatives? Are the conservatives in DC really wanting to lose in 2018, 2020 and beyond?
There are more questions than answers in the world today. Why is Vlad so intent on supporting Assad when he knows that the Syrian dictator broke international law by using chemical weapons against his own people? Why is Kim Jung Un playing big man against an adversary that could wipe him off the face of the Earth? Why does Mexico get all pissed because Trump wants to build a wall to stop illegal immigration when they won’t allow Americans to illegally enter their country? Why do Americans want illegals to stay, no matter if they commit violent crimes against Americans?
The biggest question is this: why do we have to ask these questions? Isn’t the government supposed to be doing a thorough investigation into all things illegal that I’ve asked about? Why isn’t the Congressional committees demanding the ‘evidence’ that Susan Rice left with her unmasking scandal? Why won’t the FBI cooperate with Congress on this? Is the swamp so dense and thick that they don’t care about the law when that law is broken against the conservative party?
Yes, my friends, the war has already started. The evidence is there for anyone to see if they look with open eyes instead of a closed mind. World War III and a Civil War are going on at this very minute, this day, this month, this year and will continue as long as we, the People, allow it to. The question about this is what can we do about it? We are only a country of pampered children that want given to us what our parents and forefathers had to work hard for, fight and die for. So, what can we do? QUIT PLAYING BY THEIR RULES. I’m not advocating a violent rebellion such as the Founding Fathers had to resort to. I’m talking about not doing what the elitists want. Quit fighting about policy. Quit fighting about platform. Quit fighting about civil rights that aren’t being ignored. All these things are just distractions that have been bought and paid for by the richest of the rich.
You really think that Black Lives Matter started out as a terrorist organization bent against law enforcement and the establishment? I doubt it. Do you really think that all these gay rights activists really think that the LBGT community doesn’t have equal rights? There will always be discrimination by some but the majority of the people don’t adhere to such practices. Do you really think that keeping illegal immigrants in this country is really helping us out? Do you really think that we should bring those refugees into the country when there are places in their own region that could house and protect them better while staying with their own culture? The only refugees that WANT to come here are the terrorists and you are inviting them in.
All these things are orchestrated acts to keep us distracted from the real world and what is going on. There will always be war, discrimination, bullying, differences of opinion and viewpoint. Nothing can be done about that. What can be done is forgetting about all the shit that is being shoved down our throats and look behind the scenes to see what is actually going on. They don’t want us to get along. They love us to fight each other. That keeps them in power. OUR TIME IS NOW! Join the passive rebellion and quit doing what they want.  Liberal, conservative, socialist, communist, dictator or freely elected leader, it doesn’t matter, we are all being blindsided by an evil terrorist organization more secret than any other before. We are all just pawns on their chessboard and we are willingly entertaining them.

Open your eyes. Open your mind. Choose what you want. Fight on your feet for real freedom or die on your knees subjugated by the elitists. It’s your choice. 

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