Saturday, April 1, 2017

It's Time To Be American Again

Here it is, April 1, 2017, April Fool’s Day. The only problem with today’s blog is this: it is NOT an April Fool’s prank.
It’s been an interesting week in the political arena. Things are heating up in Washington DC what with Nunez going to the White House to check out some classified documents that may, or may not, prove that the Obama Administration surveilled the Trump Team before, during and after the election, and, of course, the continuing articulation of collusion with the Russians.
It seems as though the liberal left are bent on destroying the Republican Party at all costs while ignoring things that they may, or may not, have done. With the televised admission by Ellen Farckus that she, and her colleagues, were to find as much intel as possible and spreading it as widely as possible against the Trump Team, it would seem as though the Obama Administration is guilty of something. Add to that the information that Nunez has come up with that supposedly came from a source high up in the intelligence community of the Obama Administration it seems as though the Democrats need to start investigating ALL the scandalous things going on in DC not just against the Republicans. Let’s make this a bipartisan investigation in everything.
Sean Spicer went off on the press corps telling them they need to start asking more about the substance of things going on instead of who said what, where it was said and when it was said.  The liberal left media is more interested in destroying the Trump Train than actually reporting news and facts about everything going on in the corrupt capitol. They seem to only want to know about the fictitious collusion or finding some dirt on the Trump Team. They won’t even question anything that comes up about the left or what BHO or HRC may have been doing.
Why did the DNC refuse to let the FBI look at the ‘hacked’ server and, instead, hired an outside contractor? Why is the Clinton Foundation not under investigation for the contributions from Russian people? Why is the sale of one fifth of the US supply of uranium to Russia not questioned? Why are the paid speeches by Bill Clinton in Russia not questioned? Why is the unmasking of private US citizens during the transition not questioned? Why is the left immune to scrutiny while the right is questioned and investigated thoroughly?
What, exactly, is it that the left is hiding? Trump has told all his people to cooperate with every investigation going. Mike Flynn asked for immunity on the advice of his attorney, not under orders of the President. Why? Because of the incessant witch hunt going on by the liberals. They will make a mountain out of a molehill just to keep the bullshit going against the right. Even Hillary, and her accomplices, asked for immunity and they actually did break the law.
Moving on to another topic; why is Judge Neil Gorsuch not been confirmed and why are the Democrats so adamant that he not be confirmed. The man is more than qualified. He is replacing a Justice that believed the same way, a Constitutional Originalist. Do they want the Republicans to use the nuclear option and use a simple majority? That would suit them in later years to be sure but during the next four to eight years it could be devastating to them. There are some pretty old Justices on the Supreme Court that could possibly pass away or, gods forbid, retire from service. If the right still has control of the White House those vacant seats would be filled with conservative Justices instead of liberal ones.
It isn’t just the Supreme Court nominee that has been more than interrogated before being confirmed. Just about every one of Trump’s nominees has gone through more questions than any other President’s. Why? The Democrats are really, really angry that Hillary Clinton didn’t win a rigged election in her favor. She was supposed to be sitting in the White House right now, not Donald Trump. She was supposed to win so that the Obama destruction of the American ideal was completed. The left is being obstructionist because they didn’t get their way.
Trump is a foreign entity in the political world. He is a Washington outsider that has found his way in and the left is livid about it. He wants to do away with the corruption that has prevailed in DC for decades and they just can’t let that happen. To be sure, it isn’t only the left that is scared of what Donald J. Trump wants to do. There are those conservatives that are just as corrupt and power hungry as the left. This political club ideology reared its ugly head when Paul Ryan submitted his replacement of ObamaCare. Trump wanted to repeal and replace the failing healthcare plan pretty quickly so Ryan put a plan together, basically, overnight. There were no hearings or committees or meetings between Congressmen about it. The Freedom Caucus didn’t like it. The Moderates didn’t like it. The power struggle within the Republican Party ensued and the bill didn’t even make it to a vote. Imagine that.
If the Republicans can’t get together to get things done then the Trump Train may just get derailed. It’s been a long time since the Republican Party had both houses and the Oval Office. This is their chance to bring back the old fashioned American values that the Democratic Party has destroyed with their liberal stance. This is going to be the only chance the conservatives have to bring back something that is even remotely resembling common sense, morality and national security; not to mention national pride. They right have a minimum of four years and a maximum of eight to get America back on track. If they can’t get it together, it won’t happen and the left will gain back what they’ve lost in the last few years as far as Congressional seats.
Next subject: sanctuary cities, counties and states. When Federal Law says that an immigrant must come into the country legally, file the correct paperwork, have a visa and/or passport, etc., that is law. If said immigrant does not have the proper paperwork, they are in this country illegally; that, in and of itself, makes that immigrant a criminal. Add to that crime already committed, a lot of these illegals are committing other, more violent, crimes. They should not be protected by anyone in this country, much less elected officials sworn to uphold the law. It sickens me to hear that, even after some horrendous crime has been committed by an illegal immigrant (such as rape of a child or murder), some city, county or state protects that illegal. What is the left thinking? Do they care that little for legal immigrants or natural citizens of this country? It seems so.
The left seems to want open borders allowing anyone into the country at any time. If someone is here illegally, that’s fine, we’ll give you a driver’s license, welfare, work, education, the right to vote and even protect you from being deported. The left doesn’t seem to care that people that are coming here LEGALLY are being made to wait, going through the red tape, spending money and doing things the right way. Why should they do that when all they have to do is cross the border illegally and gain citizenship status without having to do any of that?
The left says that illegals are important to the economy. How so? Well, they work and pay taxes. Do they? Do they keep that money they earn here in the US or send it home to Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras or wherever else they come from? How many of those illegals can actually legally work because every application I’ve ever filled out asks if I am legally able to work in the US? I’ve done taxes for illegals that got the amnesty thing. Yep! Seven years of taxes for one that had nine different social security numbers, all fake. The IRS sent him a letter, which he showed me, that gave him one, legal, social security number to use for all seven years. Guess what? He had refunds from every return amounting to around $20,000. American citizens can only go back three years to get refunds.
Illegal immigration is definitely good for our economy and those that are born here and here legally. All Trump wants to do is secure our borders to keep this sort of thing from happening and to keep out those that would do us harm. The left wants to let them all in and protect them.
I have not seen such obstructionist actions against an administration since Nixon. Trump can do nothing without the left being against it. I honestly believe that if Trump came up with a cure for every disease known that the left would be against it because he would be killing something.

I believe that it is time to get rid of the political bullshit and start thinking like Americans. We are one country. We all bleed red. We all have a stake in what happens. We weren’t built on socialism or open borders without security. Lady Liberty’s plaque was written by the French, not the Constitution. Let’s start following the Law of the Land instead of Mein Kampf or the Communist Manifesto. We are not Denmark, Sweden or Australia. We are the United States of America. We fought against a tyrannical dominion 240 years ago and now, the liberal left wants to bring back those ideals that we fought against. We need smaller government control, less taxes, more self-reliance, more border security, and more American Patriotism. It’s time to start being American again.

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