As I look around, listen to things, observe people, I
have to wonder: has the world gone crazy or is it just me? With societal
changes that are so dramatic as to make one’s head spin, a nation so divided
that people are at each other’s throats over the smallest of things, a
president that is so embattled by the opposing party that he can’t take a
breath without someone accusing him of some form of cover up, Christianity is
persecuted while the bane of the Earth, as far as religions go, is held in high
esteem, and terrorists run loose seemingly without bounds. Has the entire world
gone bat shit crazy?
Here in the good old United States of America, a
country that isn’t even 250 years old, we have the right to free speech. At
least we did until the last administration. Now, if a person has a conservative
point of view he is silenced by the far left wing liberals. Colleges are
allowing their liberal students to riot if a conservative speaker is there thus
making it impossible for that speaker to utter a word. Social media is almost
as bad. I have several liberal friends on my Facebook that constantly tell me
how idiotic and brain dead I am because I believe in keeping America what the
Founding Fathers set it up to be.
What is America? Is it a socialist country where the
government has to tell the citizens how to live their lives or is it a
Constitutional Republic based on free enterprise and self-reliance? In the
early days of this young nation the Constitutional Delegates met to set up the
government of this brand new nation. They deliberated and debated for months on
just what to write down as the Law of the Land. What they came up with was the
Constitution that is so proudly displayed in the Capitol Building in
Washington, DC. This historic document stated, in no uncertain terms, just what
our federal government was responsible for and if it wasn’t specifically
enumerated in that document, then the States had the authority. This limited
the power of the Federal Government.
Today, the Federal Government has grown so large and
bureaucratic that it controls the people. What was a country with a government
has now become a government with a country. Congress sits in the Capitol
legislating what the people can and can’t do while excusing themselves from a
lot of those laws. Where the people once had to support themselves and their
families, now the government has decreed that ‘from those that have to those
that have not.’ Sounds a little like Marxism: from each according to his
ability to each according to his need. It doesn’t matter whether that person
that ‘needs’ even tries to earn his/her own keep, the rest of the country has
to support him/her. Excluding the elderly, the disabled and those that, for
some good reason, cannot work to support themselves, the rest of these people
should learn the lesson of – if you don’t work, you don’t eat.
What once was a proud, Christian based morality has
become a lesson in tolerance for all things hedonistic. Christianity is shelved
while Islam is taught and put forth as a person’s right to religious freedom.
What once was ‘a man is a man and it’s a man’s job to support his family’ has
become ‘if you are a man’s man you are a racist, fascist, anti-feminist pig.’
It’s perfectly fine for a man to dress in a mini skirt and go into the women’s
restroom and if anyone says anything different they are an intolerant
homophobe. Where there were once secure borders with immigration laws there are
now open borders and illegals are given driver’s licenses, housing, a job,
welfare, and the right to vote with no fear of deportation. Hell, they don’t
even have to speak English – they’ll be given a translator at the taxpayer’s
expense. It has become a bad thing to be a white, American citizen.
Where once the FBI was the premier law enforcement
agency in the world it has let illegal distribution of classified material go
unprosecuted while it spends millions of dollars on investigating the unsubstantiated
allegations of collusion with a foreign nation during a rigged election where
the wrong party won. Where the Constitution says that a person must be natural
born citizen to become president we allowed a person of questionable
nationality to reign for eight years. While that man was in office he did all
he could to undermine the power and respect of the United States across the
world. He praised Islam and denigrated Christianity. He aided and abetted our
enemies while turning his back on our allies.
Yes, I believe the world, at least this small part of
it, has gone crazy. Or, maybe, it is I that have gone crazy and what I once
believed this nation stood for, how it was established, what it meant to be an
American, what our government was supposed to be and the very foundation of our
nation was all a dream that I had turned into my own reality. It is totally
possible that it is I that is mad and not the liberal left that is so
determined to undermine the present conservative administration.
I was in a conversation just yesterday about the
present administration and how the country was going. I think that the Trump
Train is doing a pretty good job seeing as how the liberal left are constantly
yelling about Russian collusion and cover-up on everything that is said out of
the White House. The thing about it is that there were about four people that
kept telling me that I was nuts, crazy, a socialist, a fascist and was afraid
of anyone that wasn’t a white Christian American. Funny thing about it is that
I have a lot of friends that are immigrants, black, mixed nationality and
different religions. Guess that makes me afraid of the rest of the world and I
should stick to middle America where there aren’t any people that could
possibly harm my fragile American patriotism.
I’ve been called a homophobe because I believe that
men should use the men’s room and women should use the women’s room. I have
several friends that are gay, a couple that are transgender and a lot of
friends that are undecided or ‘closet’ gays. Just because I, myself, don’t want
to start women’s clothes or change my gender doesn’t mean that I want to keep
others from it. I just don’t want some dude going into the bathroom with my
wife, mom, sister, daughter, granddaughter, etc. That’s why we have separate
facilities for opposite genders. It’s called civilization.
Just because I want a free nation, smaller government,
less governmental control over my life, self-reliance unless unavoidable help
is needed temporarily, secure borders and illegal aliens deported, a ban on
Islamic migrants and refugees because of the terrorist activities of the
Radical Islamics, government not being involved in the business sector such as
insurance, fair and lower taxation, getting rid of the corruption in
government, no sanctuary cities, counties or states, keeping our inalienable
rights guaranteed by the Constitution, and using the Constitution as it was
written and intended, not ‘interpreted’ to suit a political agenda does not
mean that I am an imbecile, crazy, a fascist, a homophobe, anti-woman, etc. It
means that I am an American that believes in the Constitution and the core
values set forth by the Founding Fathers.
I was not happy when Barack Hussein Obama was elected
and even less happy when he was elected to a second term. Did I riot? Did I
protest? Did I keep the liberals from talking their ideology? No on all points.
Did I complain about him not presenting proof that he was a natural citizen?
Did I call him a wannabe king? Yes. Why? Because his nationality was in
question; his mother was an American and his father was from the Middle East.
He said he was born in Hawaii yet that state said they did not issue his
certificate of live birth. He registered in college as a foreign student under
the name of Barry Soteros. He never did produce any college transcripts,
either. He said he was a professor of Constitutional law yet it was discovered
he was a guest lecturer of Constitutional law… this a professor does not make.
As for me calling him a wannabe king, well, when you act like royalty then it
seems as though that is what you wannabe.
I could go on and on about all the anti-American
policies and actions Mr Obama instituted but that is not what this article is
about. It is about whether the world is crazy or just me. The liberal left call
me crazy because I state the truth about their ‘saviour’ and disagree with
everything he stands for. So, dear reader, I am going to leave it up to you
whether it is I or the rest of the world that is crazy. I’ll just sit over here
in the corner with my crayons and construction paper while you decide. You can
call me on the can phone when you come to your decision.
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