Sunday, June 4, 2017

Terrorist Attacks Since 9/11

After waking up this morning to more news of Radical Islamic terrorism in London I thought I’d do a little research on the ‘religion of peace’ and see just how peaceful this cult actually is. It was striking what I discovered. Since the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, killing over 3,000 innocent Americans, radical Islam has attacked the world almost 31,000 times.
Think about that for a minute. This religion of peace has conducted almost 31,000 terrorist attacks against innocent people over the course of 15 and a half years; all in the name of Allah and to destroy the infidels. Last week they attacked a concert killing 22 people, some of which were just children. Last night they attacked innocents on London Bridge. When are the liberal idiots and governments of the world going to get it into their heads that the radical extremists aren’t going to give up? Worse, when are those peaceful Muslims of the world going to stand up against their extremist brothers and sisters?
From May 27 through June 2 of this year alone, Islamic terrorists conducted 40 attacks, killed 455 and injured 677 in 14 countries. That was in a week. A bloody week! And what do the liberals keep saying? “Oh, Islam is a religion of peace. They just need more understanding. We need to bring the entire bloody Middle East into our countries and give them love.” Right! Invite them in, give them free housing, food, and medical care and give them jobs that natural born or naturalized citizens need. Why do the governments of the world do that? They do it because all those ‘refugees’ are trying to get out of a war torn area to be safe from harm. By the by, did you realize that the Middle East has been fighting wars within the area since the inception of Islam and lasting peace will never happen because killing is all they have ever known? (Statistics are from
The Koran tells its followers that anyone who does not believe in Islam is to be killed just as God told Moses to go into the land of Canaan and kill them all, men, women and children, because they were not believers. The difference is this – Christianity, for the most part, has decided that killing non-believers is not acceptable in civilized times. Islam still believes that is what needs to be done.
I am not saying that all Muslims are evil, dangerous and murdering thugs; they are not. There are more peaceful Muslims than there are the radical extremists. The problem lies in that a person never knows which is which. Just as the soldiers in the Vietnam conflict couldn’t tell whether that child walking down the street was a Viet Cong bomb waiting to go off or not, how do you tell if that burka covered Muslim is wired to the teeth with C4? You don’t know. There is no way to determine whether a person standing around or walking down the street is going to go postal and kill people because that is their duty to Islam. To make the problem even worse, in today’s screwed up society, Islam is recruiting ‘homegrown’ terrorists by the hundreds. It may have something to do with those 72 virgins that are promised if you die for Islam.
Here in the United States, the liberal idiots are even going against Federal Law and becoming sanctuary cities, counties and states just to protect any illegal that wants to go into their boundaries against immigration law. Due to multi-culturalism that seems to be so prevalent in the liberal world of Utopia, these sanctuary municipalities are going to be the downfall for the rest of the country just as the EU is going to be the downfall of Europe. The radicals go in as refugees or illegals, move about with impunity and get where they want to be to do the most harm to innocent lives.
Until the world can get off is politically correct ass and admit that Islam is NOT a religion of peace and that the extremists are a real threat to everyone the world will continue to die a few at a time. Innocent lives will be lost because people are afraid of offending the enemy. The idiocy of political correctness is being shown every day, with every attack by the Radical Islamic Terrorists known as ISIS. There is nothing normal about this. It should never become something that we should just expect to happen. We should never become complacent about terrorism.

Instead of taking our guns so we cannot protect ourselves, we should be told to gather as many as possible. Not just here in the US but in every country around the world. If citizens were armed then these radicals wouldn’t be able to do near as much damage and carnage as they do. Citizens could stop the killing by gunning down the outlaws before they completed their ‘missions.’ Stop the idiocy and let us protect ourselves; after all, our governments aren’t able to do it.

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