Sunday, November 24, 2013

Why Is Obama Above the Law?

     Back in the 70s as soon as it came out that Nixon’s minions broke into the Watergate Hotel complex, the investigation started and he was impeached. In the 90s it was Clinton and Monica Lewinski… again, investigation and impeachment immediately. Now, with all that is being said about Obama, all that the man has done, nothing.
     Why is it that Barack Hussein Obama can get by with circumventing the Congress, signing into law unconstitutional mandates, forcing things upon the country that we don’t want and literally telling the country that he doesn’t care what the Constitution says, he’s gonna do it his way?  Why is Congress ignoring what the country knows and is broadcasting everywhere from Facebook to the national news? Why is Obama immune to the legal system set forth by the Constitution?
     Is this country so far gone, so complacent, so….needy that the people are willing to give up over 200 years of freedoms? Does the War of Independence mean nothing to these people? What is wrong with everyone? I, for one, have tried for over 20 years to get people to see what the government was doing, what they were planning and have finally decided that the people of this country, the SHEEPLE of this country, aren’t worth the effort. The stupidity and greed (yes, I said greed, because it is greed that makes people want to receive something for nothing) of the people of this country is so down-heartening.
     I am a conservative when it comes to politics; less government, more personal responsibility. I don’t want some person that doesn’t know me at all telling me what I can and cannot do or how to do it. I don’t believe that what I work for needs to be reassigned to someone that won’t work. I don’t mean the ones that actually need help like the elderly or the disabled. I’m talking about those people that have learned how to abuse a system set up as a temporary help. I know many people that won’t work that can because the government pays them to sit on their asses and do nothing. I don’t want a government that will give me what I want or need while taking from those that busted their butts to get more than me.
     I work and pay taxes and still I scrimp and do the best I can because I don’t make much. I am a single parent with two kids at home. My children have medical coverage through the state and we do receive enough food assistance to feed them for about a week. I know what it is like to need help. That does not mean that I want to take from someone else that has spent years building their wealth. That is theirs, not mine.
     The point of the last two paragraphs is not off the subject, it is the subject. Obama is bound and determined to make everyone dependent on government. Obamacare, that Affordable Health Care Act, is the catalyst to bring down the insurance industry by making the insurance companies cover things they never did before, and charge outrageous fees; the auto industry bail out… another way to centralize industry. Government wants to take over our lives and we, as a people, are allowing it. This man should be investigated, impeached, found guilty of whatever crimes he is found guilty of, removed from office and then probably charged as a civilian.

     We haven’t done it. We have not forced the Congress into action over this. Why? Why does Congress not take the initiative and start the proceedings? What do they know that they aren’t saying? My opinion is this… Obama is a self-proclaimed king, untouchable by anyone. He’s practically said it himself. I hope I am wrong. I hope the country comes to its’ senses and rises up out of the ashes to once again be the white knight of the world.

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