Saturday, February 25, 2017

Are Illegal Immigrants Criminals?

What constitutes a criminal? First we need to know the definition of the term ‘criminal.’ The Oxford American dictionary defines criminal as “noun, a person who has committed a crime, adjective, relating to crime or a crime.” That seems pretty simple to me with not a lot of room for interpretation.
So, if a criminal is someone who has committed a crime, and someone who is in this country illegally is guilty of breaking the law (that is they did not enter this country by legal means), then that illegal alien is a criminal by definition. What is so hard to understand about this? Illegal is criminal. These people have broken our laws by not following the law to cross our borders. It doesn’t matter who they are; whether Mexican, Guatemalan, Russian, Canadian, Asian, white, black or purple; these people are criminals.
A country without borders is not a country. The United States of America is supposed to be a sovereign nation. Without borders, we are not. All we are is an open range for whoever wants to come here and take advantage of the rights, freedoms and benefits of being an American. We are no longer a sovereign nation. Thank you to the liberals who don’t believe that immigration laws exist.
What happened four hundred years ago has NOTHING to do with what is happening now any more than what happened during the slave trade has anything to do with anything today. Yes, Europeans came across the big pond and immigrated into this great big land mass they called the New World and took over. Yes, those nasty bastards killed off hundreds and thousands of Native Americans that emigrated here from other parts of the world before recorded time. That does not mean that today our immigration laws should be dismantled and ignored.
In today’s world, if you cross a nation’s borders without permission and the proper credentials, depending on what country it is, you could be fined, jailed, deported or killed; anywhere in the world except here in the United States. Here, if you cross our border without permission you get a driver’s license, house, job, welfare and even get to vote. Only in America.
The liberal left seems to think that is what the correct thing to do is. They believe that the over eleven million (estimates make it closer to twenty million []) illegals actually deserve to be here and should not be taken to task and deported; even though those illegals are costing the American taxpayer between 52 Billion and 113 Billion dollars a year ( But, the biggest thing about these illegals is that they are, well, ILLEGAL. They are criminals. It doesn’t matter whether they have committed any other crimes such as theft, rape, murder, etc. They have already broken the law just by being here.
Almost 178,000 (CNN) are convicted of other crimes. I know, that doesn’t seem like a lot compared to the number that are here illegally but that is a huge number nonetheless. These are people that have broken the law just by being here and then broke other laws, some very serious such as murder and rape, on top of it. Some of these people were deported and came back across the border.
Are all these illegals Mexican? No. Are the majority Mexican? Only 59% are from Mexico ( No wonder the Mexican government doesn’t want us to build a wall; they don’t want to keep these people there and they sure don’t want them back.
It seems as though the liberals believe that what other nations think we should do is what should happen. After all, the United States should ALWAYS do what countries want us to; we aren’t a sovereign nation to them. To the liberals, we are a global country. We have the moral obligation to take in as many immigrants as want to come here regardless of any economic drain to the working citizens here (and those working citizens include LEGAL immigrants).
The fact of the matter is this: we have so many criminals running around that don’t belong here and the liberals want to keep them because that is what we do. The liberals believe that criminals belong here and should actually be given citizenship because they broke the law.
The question that begs to be answered is: why? Why do these people come here without permission? They come here to make money and receive benefits. The liberals will say that they help the economy. If they are helping our economy why don’t they go back to their homeland and help THAT country’s economy? To answer that question the liberals will reply that illegals will do the work that Americans won’t, such as pick crops in the blistering heat for minimum wage. Well, to that I answer this way: most of those illegals work in the state of California, which is a liberal state. So, it’s the LIBERALS that are keeping the wages for illegals low so that their produce companies can make millions off of cheap labor.
Maybe some of those Hollywood celebrities should lower themselves off their egos and go out and pick produce for a week for minimum wage or go clean up after some egomaniac with delusions of godhood for barely over minimum. Maybe Nancy Pelosi could come down out of the clouds and actually see what goes on in her state, not that she would really care since she’s worth millions.
President Donald Trump has promised to secure our borders and deport all those violent illegal aliens. He hasn’t said to deport the Dreamers or those that are hardworking, otherwise law-abiding, illegals. They are all criminals. The Dreamers didn’t come here on their own but their parents dragged them across the border thus making them criminals before they were old enough to know what it meant.
What do we do with all these criminals? Do we deport them all back to their home countries? Do we let them stay here and reward their crime with citizenship? As for those that have broken other laws, committed theft, rape, murder, etc., I believe deportation would only tell them that what they did was all right and give them a chance to once again break immigration law and return here to do more crime. Since the prisons are full of drug users, we would have to build more prisons to hold them; or we could use capital punishment and execute them on the spot.
For those that are otherwise law abiding, working, people: give them the chance to make it right and make them go through the proper immigration process to become citizens.  Even though that would be rewarding criminal behavior at least they would then be legal through working for it like the real, law-abiding immigrants are. Don’t just grant them citizenship; that would be an insult to those that have had to wait for years and work hard to become citizens.

Criminals all with some being less criminal than others; be tough of the violent ones and easier on the non-violent by making them pay for their crime by working to become true law-abiding citizens.

Boys in the Girl's Bathroom?

The year: 2016. The topic: Transgenderism. The sub-topic: use of bathrooms. Seems kind of stupid doesn’t it? After all, throughout history boys have been boys and girls have been girls. There has never been a question of what gender a person is. That is, until the 21st century.
With the advent of an ‘enlightened’ society and everyone more worried about feelings than morality and common sense, the idea of what gender a person is, is now in question. It doesn’t seem to matter now, at least to a very small minority, that when a person is born with a penis that person is a boy and if not, it’s a girl. In today’s world, it all depends on how a person ‘identifies’ him/herself. If that boy, at whatever age, decides that he should be a girl that is what he is. If a girl decides she should be a boy that is how it is. It is all in identification of self.
As stated, this is a stupid topic. There should be no questions about a person’s gender yet, there is. The really stupid part about this is that the United States government, in its infinite liberal wisdom, has decided that it needs to get involved in this idiotic controversy and make laws pertaining to such idiocy. President Barack Hussein Obama decided that boys and girls should be allowed to use whichever bathroom they feel they identify with. In other words, boys are going to use the girl’s bathroom and vice-versa, by law.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I really don’t care whether a person is gay, bisexual or transgender or whatever. It is not my business at all. What is my business is who is in the bathroom with my wife, daughter, granddaughter, mother, sister or aunt. The argument that the liberals give is that a guy will not go think to himself, “Gee, there’s a girl going into the restroom to drop a load or pee. I think I’m going in there to watch.” That guy is probably not thinking that at all. What he’s thinking is, “Wow! There’s a good looking piece of ass going in there where no one can see what I do to her.”
Does it matter how a person ‘identifies’ him/herself? Not really. No one cares if that guy is gay or thinks he’s a woman trapped in a man’s body. If you have a penis, you are a male and need to use the guy’s bathroom. If you have a vagina, use the girl’s. There should not even be a discussion on this. Yet, thanks to the immoral minority and the far left liberals, there is a huge controversy about this.
The world really doesn’t care how you feel. The world doesn’t care how you identify. The world only cares about what is conceived as right and wrong. Right is boys use the boy’s and girls use the girl’s. Only the far left liberals believe that how a person feels is more important that what the majority believe and want. The biggest problem with that is there are more and more of those far left liberals out there every day. Why are they growing in number? The number is growing because our children are being indoctrinated into that way of thinking by going to public schools. But, that is another discussion.
If a man had gone into a woman’s restroom even two years ago they would have been arrested. Now, all they have to do is say that they identify as a woman and, BAM, they have a free pass to do what they want. Too bad I can’t identify as a multi-billionaire and miraculously become one.
What this whole thing boils down to is the liberal ideology is being shoved down the throats of the entirety of the United States regardless of what others want. Because the far left liberals are the only ones that know what is best for the rest of the country, they think that their ideology needs to be law. What they don’t realize is that their ideology is based on socialism, communism and, in some of the more extreme cases, Nazism. There is very little democracy and no capitalism in their way of thinking.
Redistribution of wealth, more government control, bigger government, tax and spend, victimization of minorities, racial division, class warfare… all are parts of their ideology and all are socialistic and communistic. As for the Nazism, it seems as though most of the far left would like to see the destruction of Judaism and the State of Israel. The left would like to see totally open borders, see nothing wrong with radical Islam (believing that Islam is a religion of peace when the Koran specifically states that ANY other religion is to be destroyed and their followers killed in the most horrific ways), they canonize immorality by uplifting abnormal behavior such as sex change, transgenderism and homo sexuality by making it the norm and anyone who opposes or speaks out against such behavior is ostracized and persecuted, Constitutional rights are there only as guidelines and used only when they suit the left, anyone who disagrees with them are xenophobic, homophobic, racist, bigots or fascists.
The Democratic Party states they are more tolerant and accepting of differing opinions, cultures and beliefs yet when they don’t get their way they riot, attack both verbally and physically those that are opposing them and destroy property. This is their idea of tolerance and acceptance. The things that they oppose are closed and protected borders, an armed nation, freedom of choice for healthcare, education and creating wealth, critical thinking, financial responsibility, self-reliance and anything conservative.
They demand that children be taken care of in one breath and the next they want the right to kill an unborn child. They demand that the country take care of foreign refugees yet refuse to take care of American homeless. They demand equal rights for minorities yet want those same rights taken from white, wealthy, Christians and Jews. They demand that Christianity be taken out of public places and schools then demand that Islam be allowed wherever it wants and be taught in schools. They demand that minorities (racial and sexual orientation) not be discriminated against yet heterosexual whites are open season. They demand the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms be done away with yet government officials and the wealthy liberals are protected by arms. Do you see the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party and the liberals?
What does all this have to do with gender and bathrooms? It has everything to do with it because it is a liberal way of shoving their ideology down the throats of the entire nation. If you are a minority, as transgender, gay, gender reassignment, etc. are, you are above what is considered as normal. We are supposed to be a civilized society. What the left wants is total enlightenment by way of destruction of what civilized society deems moral and ethical behavior.
As I have stated more than once, I am not racist and I have nothing against anyone that wants to do whatever with whomever. What I am against is being forced to accept it as normal. Do I want gays to be put back into the closet? No. Do I want people that want to change their sex to not be able to do it? No, as long as they are adults, have had counseling on the implications, etc. Do I want minorities to be discriminated against? No. I believe that we are all part of the human race and we all should have the same rights and privileges; that whatever two consenting adults want to do is their business, not mine, regardless of their same, or opposing, sex; if someone wants to change their sex, not my business. I don’t believe that government should get involved in any of these topics. The government’s job is to protect the nation against our enemies, provide for the common good, supply a military, roads and waterways and not try to tell me how to run my life.
Dr. Michael Savage has said that liberalism is a mental illness. The more I see the hypocrisy, violence and intolerance of the left; I tend to agree with him more and more. The more ‘logic’ that the left uses the more I see just how illogical they are. The left will say that conservatives are delusional in their way of thinking. When an elected official that is over the age of 50 years and can say, and believe, that a gunman will put down his weapon when he sees that no one else is armed, it becomes clear that liberalism truly is a mental illness.

These are just my thoughts, my opinions. Some of this is based on facts that have happened and some is just conjecture on my part based on observations of events. I leave it up to the readers to make up their own minds; it is not my intent to convert anyone but only to open their eyes and their minds to other ways of thinking. Is it in vain? Only you, the reader, can determine that.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Energy Alternative Discussion

With everyone so worried about climate change and using up our natural resources, maybe, just maybe, we do need to start looking at alternative sources of energy. There are great alternatives; solar, wind and water. We are using some hydro-electric plants now but not near enough. The energy of the future is going to be wind and solar.
Wind turbines are an excellent source of electricity, as long as the wind blows. The best thing about this way is that those turbines can charge batteries that can power our needs and wants for a while. But, what if the air is still for long periods of time? I’ve seen days go by with little to no wind in the past. What happens then? The batteries die and, boom, no electric.
The greatest source of power is that big yellow ball of nuclear fusion in the sky. It will be several thousand years before it burns out and is no longer usable. Besides, at that time the human race may as well kiss its collective ass goodbye because the sun will no longer be able to sustain life here.
But, but, but…what about at night, you ask. The sun doesn’t shine at night. Once again, batteries. Using solar panels to produce energy to charge batteries to run our homes at night, wearing the batteries down, and then recharge them the next day. Simple. But, are there batteries that are capable of handling the needs of today’s electricity without filling up a huge warehouse? Yes, there is.
Here is an unsolicited advertisement for the Tesla Company. Tesla has developed batteries that fit on a wall that will power homes all day with no problem. In fact, they have batteries that will power entire cities; the best part of this is that these batteries don’t fill up that proverbial warehouse. Another great thing about Tesla is that their batteries are not that expensive. For around $5,000.00 at the time of this writing you can get one of these fantastic beasts. Easy peasy.
For all you hard core protesters out there in the cold and snow, here’s a solution that you couldn’t come up with. You want to protest but don’t have an answer to the problem. Leave it to Elon Musk and the Tesla Company to come up with one for you. Quit yer bitchin’ and get on the solar train. Quit playing by the rules of the big corporations and lobbyists. Play by your own rules and do something good for the environment. Show the oil and electric companies that you don’t need them. Live off grid and live the good life while protecting the Earth from total destruction.
As I have said many, many times: if you can’t come up with something to replace what you don’t like, don’t complain. Now, you have that replacement; solar power, wind power, water power. We will still need oil for cars and trucks to move from place to place but as for powering our homes and businesses these alternatives are the best, are renewable and Earth friendly.

OUR TIME IS NOW! This is one way to protest and get something done without violence or breaking the law in some other way. Quit playing by their rules and make your own.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Friends v Enemies

There is an old adage that says, “Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer.” In today’s world, do you really know who your friends really are? It is becoming increasingly more difficult to discern between friend and enemy.
A person used to know, beyond doubt, who would stand up for him or her and who would stab them in the back. Today, your most trusted ally may well be the one to place the knife between your ribs. Loyalty, commitment and friendship are all on a temporary scale. To find a true friend, one that would never betray you no matter what, is hard to find. As long as a person can use you, needs what you can do for them, you are their friend. As soon as that need is gone, when they no longer can use you, they turn on you and leave you in the dark.
That woman, or man, that means so much to you, that you love more than life, has no more respect or loyalty to you than they did for the person before you. Once again, to find someone that is permanent is rare. Divorce rates skyrocket while long-term relationships plummet. Women want a baby daddy; someone that will give them an income for the long term. As soon as she gets what she wants, she is done with you and on to the next man; all the while you are paying for her lifestyle.
That boy that tells you he loves you more than life is only playing a part just to get into you. If you become pregnant, you are history and that poor baby is forgotten about by his/her sperm donor. It isn’t about love anymore. It is all about lust and numbers. The more women he can get between the sheets the better man he is.
As friends, two people can be inseparable for a time, sharing everything from dreams to fears. All it takes is one disagreement and the friendship is gone. “If I show you the darkness within me, will you still think of me the same?” Most will not. If you show your darkness, your demons, most will turn and run away. Why? They run because they don’t want to have to deal with any kind of drama or conflict. Most people today are so hedonistic that they cannot see beyond their own noses. Only their wants and needs and desires matter. If you don’t cater to them, they leave.
You can give until there is nothing left to give to some people and when it’s gone, so are they. It is your fault that they have so little. It is your responsibility to supply them with what they want. A gentle, giving heart must set limits because the takers never will. They will take until nothing remains then they will move on to someone else that can give to them. It is a never ending cycle.
When you do find that one person that will have your back, no matter what, keep hold of them. If someone is willing to be there through thick and thin, through the demons coming out, for better or worse, that person is a jewel to be held onto, cherished. If you betray that person you are doing them, and yourself, a grave injustice. How so? By betraying them you have lost a treasure most will never find and you will have maybe damaged a kind soul to where they never will trust again.
Life is hard. Life is not fair. It has become a dog eat dog world and that, my friends, is the beginning of the end. When everyone must watch their backs to keep from having a blade stuck through it, then true commitments and loyalty will never be able to exist. Only alliances founded on mutual survival will remain. “My enemy’s enemy is my friend.” Like an alliance between Russia and the United States, it becomes nothing more than enemies bound by a common goal. Once the goal is reached, or is found to be unreachable, that alliance is gone and they are still enemies.
Once a person realizes that they are nothing more than the god’s whipping boy, all hope leaves and despair is all that remains. For those that always look for the good in everyone, it will be a hard life of betrayal after betrayal. There is good in each and every person on this planet. It is whether each one wants to let that good out or keeps it buried deep inside so as not to be taken for granted. Instead of ‘do unto other as you would have done unto you,’ it has become ‘do unto other before they do unto you.’ That is why the good is buried in so many.
Greed, lust, gluttony, vanity, envy, sloth and wrath, the seven deadly sins rule this world. Hedonism is king. Chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility, the seven virtues are a thing of the past or are to be taken advantage of. The two have to coexist to keep a balance on good and evil. Today, the balance is tipped in favor of the sins whereas, in the past, the virtues were more important. What has caused this change in the balance of power?
In days gone by, religion and morality were more important than personal feelings. It was taboo to have sex before you were married and even more so to have a baby out of wedlock. Charity started at home because taking care of your own meant your survival. Respect for your elders and those in authority kept you from becoming an outcast in society. Conservatism was necessary to stay alive and prosper.
Today, it is vogue to have babies before marriage, even encouraged. Sex is encouraged at a young age as sex education and contraceptives are handed out to preteens in school. Our children are taught to think only of themselves when it comes to feelings and desires. They are also taught that to be righteous and moral they must give to those less fortunate no matter whom that may be. Liberalism is the only right way to think.
The difference between liberalism and conservatism is this: liberalism today is communism at worst and socialism at best. Why do I say that? ‘From each according to his ability to each according to his wants and needs’ is what liberalism wants. Wealth redistribution in the form of taxing the rich more and giving that money to the less fortunate, whether they work for it or not.
Conservatism today is a capitalist society. ‘You don’t work, you don’t eat.’ If you put in an honest day’s work, you get paid an honest day’s wage. You are responsible for your own actions and welfare. If you need assistance, it will be given but if you are able, but refuse, to be a productive member of society, you deserve no help.
Why did I put those two paragraphs in at this point? Because it gives the difference between how things were and how they are. When conservatism was reigning, friends were friends, loyalty and commitment meant something and morality was important. Today, liberalism reigns and people are against each other and only think of themselves.
We no longer have to struggle to actually survive. We struggle to survive our wants but not our needs. Yes, there are homeless and hungry people, even here in one of the wealthiest nations on Earth but, for the most part, people are taken care of. It’s not like we have to go out and hunt our food and make clothes out of the hides of what we kill. If we need food, there are welfare or food banks. If we need shelter there is welfare and missions. Society is called upon to supply to those in need. Our struggles are to support our wants, our greed, and our gluttony. Because we no longer have to struggle, our battles are now against each other. We take from those that are willing to give because we want what they have. We ingratiate ourselves to the kind, gentle, giving souls just to stab them in back once we are done with them.
If society continues in this fashion how long do you think that humanity will survive? Soon, very soon, we will once again become a feudal society and kill each other off as the ancient Celts, Normans, and Vikings did to those weaker than them. World population will decline to a few of the strongest. Those with money will have the protection of the castle while the weak will only have their hovels to hide in. Once the battles begin there will be no stopping them. Where will those takers and hedonists go then? Of course, to those that are kind and giving, if there are any of those left.

Hopefully, one day in the near future, conservatism, morality, loyalty and commitment will make a reappearance and become the norm replacing the hedonistic society that believes in the seven sins instead of the seven virtues. Hopefully.

Are They Really Conspiracies?

I rarely have been known to mince words. If I think someone is stupid, I say it. That is how I was taught; say what you mean and mean what you say. Honesty is always the best policy. That has not always gone in my favor. In fact, I’ve gotten into more trouble by being honest and forthright than by lying or hiding the truth. That being said, it should come to no surprise to anyone that knows me that I don’t have a lot of close friends.
Another thing about me; I try to research things before I go spouting off about any given subject. Thanks to modern technology, research is MUCH easier now than it was when I was a young lad. Back then, we had to go to….books. The library was the best place to find such things. The infamous card catalogue was where we found what books we needed for any given subject. It was extremely time consuming and tedious. Now, all we have to do is go to Google and type (or say) a few words and – BAM – there are hundreds of thousands of places to go to get information; all those references in a few seconds instead of hours.
As a lot of people have come to realize, I am what most would call a conspiracy theorist (read: nut case). There are things that I believe that the majority of people just can’t comprehend as being real. Things like the UFO crash at Roswell in the 1950s; that Lee Harvey Oswald was not a lone shooter; we are not alone in the Universe; that the world is actually run by thirteen extremely wealthy families (the Illuminati). These things are subjects that people just can’t wrap their tiny, closed minds around as even remotely being possible. Why? They can’t understand it because they have been indoctrinated into the mindset that everything is on the up and up and there are no secrets that the world doesn’t know.
Wake up, Cupcake. There are a LOT of secrets that the world governments keep from the general population. All a person need do is open his/her eyes and see with an open mind. Look around and ask questions. Don’t take things for granted. It took well over 2000 years for mankind to find and use electricity but, for some reason, modern man, since the 1950s, has progressed exponentially in technology. Since 1960 we have: put a man on the moon more than once and brought them back safely; we have gone from computers being the size of a small house that did one thing at a time to being the size of a pack of cigarettes that are capable of doing billions of thing at one time; we’ve gone from basic telephones to instantaneous communication around the world from anywhere in the world. Can you say that modern man is any more advanced, intellectually, than we were even 70 years ago? Are you that naïve?
Now that I, hopefully, have you thinking outside that tiny box, think about this: in the last decade there have been more violent attacks against numerous societies than ever before in modern history. We can go back to the Dark Ages when feudalism was rampant but that was long before modern warfare and ‘civilized’ society. Islam has been a problem since its’ inception about 1400 years ago and they have been terrorizing the world that long. Racism has been a problem since different cultures have interacted with each other. People have always had differences of opinions on everything from what is good to eat to what is right and what is wrong since the beginning of time. These societal battles will always be fought. After all, we are the human race and that means that each of us have our own beliefs that, more than likely, clash with someone else.
There have always been wars. Societies go to war for one reason or another. There have been more people killed in the name of religion than any other reason throughout history. Another reason is greed for power. Rome conquered the known world (except Ireland) simply for more power and riches. Germany tried to take over the world for more power. Great Britain, that once mighty nation that the sun never set on, conquered for wealth and power. The Crusades, all about religion; jihad, all about religion; the eternal warfare in the Middle East – yep – religion.
Now, in the last decade or so, there has been a distinct increase in violence. Racism has escalated to a point that it is worse now than it was in the 1950s. Political division is at an all-time high to where the conservatives and liberals are at each other’s throats over the tiniest of subjects. Radical Islamic terrorists are attacking at will almost with impunity. Riots occur at the drop of a hat. Mass shootings are almost a commonplace thing. No time in history has it been this bad. Why now? What is happening in the world that all this violence is needed?
With technology as advanced as it is, knowledge and information is shared at light speed. What used to take weeks or months to spread now takes seconds or minutes. The collective enlightenment of the world’s population is now controlled by the internet. What happens in the USA at 05:00 on Monday morning can be seen in BFE Egypt by 05:05 that same day. This is not a good thing. That means that secrets can be discovered before anyone knows they were leaked.
The Illuminati have discovered that what they are doing is becoming more and more obvious to those that actually question things. All the violence that is happening is because it has to. To keep some of the more ancient and best kept secrets secret, there has to be things that keep people from questioning, or even noticing, what is actually happening. What better way to cover up some secret deal between governments than to get everyone’s attention on a huge riot or terrorist attack somewhere in the world? The Illuminati don’t want to lose the power they have so they keep the chaos going. Their ultimate goal is one world government under their control.
Why do you think that Barack Obama pushed so hard toward that end? He was nothing more than a pawn doing the bidding of someone above him. He pushed for more and more UN control over the United States. He weakened our military. He bowed to foreign leaders. Why? Was he that weak of a leader? No. He was doing what he was told just as every other politician and world leader has done for decades. The last American President to go against these powers was John Kennedy. He, like Donald Trump, wanted to keep America great, safe, sovereign. When he publicly announced that he was going to find out what was wrong and do something about it, well, we all know what happened then. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas and Lyndon Johnson took the oath of office at the Dallas airport almost before the doctors declared the President dead. Johnson was supposed to be in Washington, not Dallas. Why was he there? Because he knew that Kennedy was going to die and he wanted to take the oath as soon as humanly possible. And, he was ordered to be there to do just that. He, like so many others, was a lackey to the Illuminati.
Why are so many against Donald Trump and doing so much to destroy his administration before it even gets started? Because Trump is not owned by the Illuminati and will not be. He, like Kennedy, wants to keep America a safe, strong, sovereign nation. Rumors and false news reports about a connection between Trump and Putin puts doubt into the minds of a lot of Americans. Scandals, also, instills doubt in a leader. The Liberal Left was calling for impeachment before Trump even took the Oath of Office. THAT is how dangerous a man Donald J Trump is to those hidden controllers of our destinies. Trump is not a danger to America at all like the liberals keep saying he is. The only danger there is that he will take away their entitlements and Communist ideology.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is the problem with those thirteen families. They are so wealthy and powerful that they are above any laws, any reproach. They are corrupted absolutely and they will stop at nothing, including murder and total annihilation of the planet, to keep their wealth and power. They make the Obama’s egos and arrogance look like child’s play.
Granted, all this seems like conspiracy theory. No way could that be happening. The world’s leaders wouldn’t allow it. Really? What controls a country? Money. Where is the money? In the world’s banks. Who owns the world’s banks? The thirteen elitist families that have been named the Illuminati. Think about this: we keep hearing how the world is in debt. Who does the world owe? The world banks. The world owes the Illuminati.
OUR TIME IS NOW! It’s time we quit playing by the rules set forth by the Illuminati. We have become a greedy, gluttonous society that needs money to survive, at least in our minds. That is what they want us to believe. We don’t need anything but ourselves and our ability to survive on our own. If we quit playing by their rules, quit buying every little thing that we think is necessary and start growing and doing only what is necessary, they will lose. We will win. The power will return to the people instead of in the hands of those that are the wealthiest.

We must fight together or we will lose this battle and the war. OUR TIME IS NOW!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

We Are So Stupid

We are so stupid. It’s like; we wake up and say to ourselves, “Let’s see just how stupid we can be today.”
Our elected officials don’t give a damn about us. When the Illuminati tell them to spout some bull shit out of their mouths, they do. Then, when they are told to say something the exact opposite, they do. Let’s take immigration control for example. Six, eight, ten, twenty, fifty years ago each President and Congress made statements about how we need to control the influx of illegal immigrants into our country. Even Barack Obama said it. Now, when Donald Trump says it, it’s racist, bigoted, and xenophobic. Why? Because the Illuminati wants chaos.
This is just one example and I am sure that there are multitudes of them if I was to take the time to go through the so-called NEWS papers, watch the so-called NEWS programs, listen to the so-called NEWS on the radio or read all the political posts on Facebook. After all, the mass media and social media is where all the chaos starts. The social media is where the division starts. That is what the Illuminati want; division and chaos. As long as we are so divided against each other the chaos continues and what is really going on is hidden in the shadows.
Our stupidity starts when we turn on that all mighty computer and open up Facebook or turn on the idiot tube to the NEWS or the radio and turn it to Fox or CNN. We are fed a constant stream of lies and misdirections. Smoke and mirrors, people; smoke and mirrors. The richest of the rich don’t want us to critically think about anything, question anything. That is why all the debate over border control, Muslim bans, people in the wrong bathroom.
As long as we play by their rules, we lose. We have been losing for a long time. The rules of this game are slanted to the rich, not the working class or the poor. As long as we fall into the trap of chaos and divisiveness they win. And they always win because we are stupid enough to fall for their deceit and corruption.
For eight years I kept saying how Barack Obama was the worst thing that could happen to the United States. Eight long, tedious years of trying to convince the liberals that he was a man with delusions of godhood; that his policies went against what America stood for. For eight long years, I was right, yet, also wrong. It wasn’t Obama that was against America. He was just another pawn on the chess board of the Illuminati. He was just doing what he was told.
During the Nixon years the big joke was that Washington took its orders from Moscow. That poor joke is back. Now everyone is saying that Trump is Putin’s lackey. He isn’t. Trump is just another piece on the board. If he isn’t, then he will surely end up like John Kennedy, the last President that went against the system. If Trump is truly what he says he is, the Illuminati will not stand for his rise and power. They will eliminate him like they did Kennedy a week after his speech on how he knew something was wrong and he would find out what it was and fix it.
Each and every politician is bought and paid for. Each one is told what to do, what to say and what to get through Congress. It doesn’t matter what party affiliation they have, they are all on the same side; the side that keeps the Illuminati in power and the rest of the world in chaos.
As we argue amongst ourselves over the petty things, things like gay marriage and whether a boy can use the girl’s bathroom, the real powers are sitting on their thrones, behind high walls, playing Stratego with our lives. We have no control. Each government in the ‘free’ world makes it seem as though we have freedoms and liberties. We do not. We have jack. We are only allowed to scratch out a meager existence that appears to be a good life. We are slaves and don’t even realize it.
That is why we are stupid. We allow this to happen to ourselves and say, “Thank you, can you screw me some more?” Yes, there are those that make good money and life the life of Riley. Celebrities, athletes, politicians all live lavish lifestyles that the rest of us only dream about. They set themselves above us as they rise to the top of their professions. We hang on their every word. We worship the ground they walk on. They are shit. They are no better than the rest of us. WE put them where they are yet they believe they are above us. We are so stupid.
Open your eyes and see the world for what it is. It is a shithole that keeps getting deeper and deeper. We are drowning in it and enjoying it because we are told by the mass media and social media that we are doing so well. We are so stupid.
Our time is now. If not now, when? Do you want your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren to live as slaves to an elite few? That is what we are now. Now is the time to change that. Peaceful protests, passive revolution, shout out to the gods in which you believe. Just do something and do it quickly. We are only getting in deeper and deeper.
I used to be a staunch conservative and still am. I believe in the Constitution of the United States and the freedoms that were fought for during the War of Independence and the War of 1812. I believe that the two great wars, WWI and WWII, were fought to keep freedom alive. I believe in self-reliance and depending on no one for any kind of handout. I believe that everyone deserves work and honest pay; the right to keep and bear arms to protect myself, family and country against a tyrannical enemy either foreign or domestic. The only problem with what I believe is that those enemies are unseen, freedoms and civil liberties are meted out by powers beyond ourselves and self-reliance is being taken over by government handouts and the chaos that is ensuing will continue until we, the people of the world, unite against the true enemies that would destroy us all.
Conspiracy theories? Every theory starts with a shred of truth, even Bigfoot. Was the UFO crash of the 1950s in Roswell a conspiracy theory? Think about this; since that time technology has advanced at an exponential rate. It took over 2000 years to bring about electricity and modern medicine. It took a decade to put a man on the Moon. Computers in the 1970s were huge and did one thing at a time. In the 1990s they got smaller and smaller. Now, today, I have the entire knowledge of the world, the computing power of the brightest minds, all in the palm of my hand wherever I go. I don’t have to sit at a desk typing out 3x8 cards with holes so that a machine can add one and one together.
Are my rants conspiracy theory? Look around. Open your eyes and see what the world has become. What has happened in the last ten years? Racism has gone back to the level of the 1950s. Fearmongering is at an all-time high. Prices skyrocket while wages stagnate. We are fighting wars on three fronts against enemies that we don’t know who they are. World powers plan against each other while talking peace just as the Japanese did in 1942 with the USA. These are the times of chaos; not the Biblical End Times but the population of the world is getting so large and the elitists are so few that they need to keep chaos churning and the world’s population fighting against each other so that they can keep their power over us.
Our Time Is Now! Quit playing by their rules. Quit fighting amongst yourselves. Start fighting for each other against a common enemy; against the Illuminati.

Only WE can prevent the fires that are burning. Only WE can overturn the power base of the 13 richest families in the world. OUR TIME IS NOW!


Instead of worrying about what which politician has done or is going to do, why don’t we worry about more important things? After all, ALL politicians are bought and paid for by the Illuminati, and not only in this country but around the world. The more important things to worry about are things like Mother Earth, world peace and ending poverty and hunger.
Yeah, I know, I sound like a hippie out of the 1960s. No, I don’t smoke weed and do LSD. I do happen to like listening to Joan Baez, Janice Joplin, The Doors and a few others from that time into the late 70s, though. No, I am not a hippie on drugs but I am a human being that is concerned about the planet that we live on.
As for those puppets that are supposedly running the governments of the world; they are only doing what they are told. The last President that went against the Illuminati was John F Kennedy and we all know what happened there. The mass media is pouring so much misinformation out that we can’t critically think about what is actually going on. This person is saying this about that politician or, this or that politician has done this or that or, the President should be impeached because he isn’t doing what the far left wants him to do even though he’s only been in office less than a month.
OPEN YOUR EYES, people! The temporary travel ban, the Mexican wall, the pipelines, the Education Secretary and Attorney General appointees, this is all just smoke and mirrors to the grand scheme of slavery that the Illuminati wants to keep going. Those thirteen families that run the world’s banks, and thus run the world, are causing this chaos. It doesn’t matter WHO is in WHAT office. The world is in a world of shit and there is nothing going to change it until the people of the WORLD unite against these corrupt egomaniacs with delusions of godhood.
As American citizens we believe that we have it better than everyone else in the world. We are the richest, most powerful nation on Earth. NO WE ARE NOT. We are TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS in debt. Every country in the world is on the verge of financial collapse because of debt. WHO THE HELL DOES THE WORLD OWE????? I’ll tell you. The World owes those thirteen families, the Illuminati. That’s who the world owes. They have all the money. They own all the debt. It doesn’t matter if the USA has borrowed Trillions from China. China has no intention of ever collecting that money. It isn’t theirs to collect.
That paycheck that you get every week or two isn’t enough to sustain a family. Not in today’s economy. Why do you think both parents have to work? Because the time of a one income family is over. The Federal poverty level is $24,250 and the Medicaid threshold is $33,465 for a family of 4. The average rent for a two bedroom apartment is $934, average utilities (electric, gas and water) is $275, and groceries for a family of four can run up to around $500 depending on what you eat. That adds up to $20,508. Let’s add in cell phone, internet, eating out, clothing and other incidentals that everyone has; cell phone averages about $50 a month, internet about $50 a month, eating out (this would include those late night runs for soda and candy) could run up to over $200 a month, gas for your car, insurance for your car and home, any repairs that may need done, etc., adds in another $200 plus. This will add another $6,000 a year to your expenses. Well over the Federal Poverty level but doesn’t exceed the Medicaid threshold. A person would have to make $12.75 an hour, working a 40 hour week for 52 weeks to make just enough to pay their expenses.
The average income in the USA for 2015 was $55,775. This is $26.82 per hour, 40 hours, 52 weeks. Really? This was the AVERAGE income? I don’t know that many people that make that much per hour. Most of the people I know make between minimum wage and $15 an hour. Then again, I don’t know that many people and those that I do, I am not that inquisitive as to how much they make. But, is almost $27 an hour the average? I can’t see it when there are so many saying that they work at McDonald’s as a career.
Do you see where I’m going with this? Do you understand that it really doesn’t matter who is in what office? THEY DON”T MATTER. The ones that do matter are hidden behind walls in multi-billion dollar mansions with hundreds of security officers (aka thugs) protecting them. Like the Greek and Roman gods they look down upon humanity with disdain. They laugh at our hardships because they have no idea what it is like to scratch out enough to buy a birthday present for their 5 year old. They laugh at the laws that bind all of us because they are above any law.
How do you fight against such people? Will passive rebellion work or does it need to get violent? They would prefer the violence. Just look at what they have orchestrated so far in the USA over the last two or three years; BLM riots, mass shootings, terrorists attacks; all orchestrated and financed by the Illuminati. ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Oklahoma City Federal building, even the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. All by the hand of the Illuminati.
Do you fight fire with fire or do you fight it with water? That is the $64,000 question. They want violence but peaceful protests have done nothing. The only way to fight is with finances. Quit financing them and they will feel the pain. How do you do that? Quit buying shit you don’t need. I mean, most of you hate trucks and the people that drive them anyway so if you quit buying things you’ll kill two birds with one stone. The trucks will stop running because there won’t be anything to haul first of all then, after a while, those richest of the rich will start to feel the BERN!!!
It takes 6% of a population to change a government; only 6%. That isn’t a lot in comparison to the total population. Just think what just 6% of the WORLD’S population could do… 6% of 7.5 billion (estimated for 2017) is a LOT OF PEOPLE. The population of the US alone is a little over 323 million. That is almost to that 6% of 450,000,000. Our time is now. If we don’t do something soon, very soon, it will definitely be too late.
Open your eyes, stop fighting over table scraps. Let’s start working together. OUR TIME IS NOW! If we don’t, Mother Earth will no longer exist. Our natural resources will be gone; our water, air and the land we live on will be polluted beyond repair. We will have no choice but to return to the Middle Ages with tiny fires to warm our cave homes. There will be no internet, cell phones, computers or game systems. We’ll be wearing gas masks and haz mat suits to keep from killing ourselves with the filth that we’ve created. The only ones that will survive well are the most wealthy that will be able to afford filtration systems and their own private food sources. Yep, only the Illuminati will survive well. They have all the money. Even during the Great Depression, those that had money before the Stock Market crash still had money after it (at least more than anyone else).
This is what the Illuminati want; world domination and sole survivorship. They don’t care a rat’s ass about anyone else. Only they and their families matter. The rest of us are just pond scum to be used as slave labor to make them even richer.
You better start thinking about this, people. We are sheep being led to the slaughter. We are being hand fed bull shit so that we think we are doing well when all we are doing is scratching out a barely survivable living to make the rich richer.

It’s time to do something; anything. OUR TIME IS NOW!

Monday, February 6, 2017

We Live in a Dystopian World

In this dystopian world, the one in which we now live, the few elite rule over the masses, both rich and poor alike, with an iron thumb. We don’t notice it so much. Why? Because we have been programmed not to question; not to dissent; not to rebel. They have taken the basic human rights away from us at such incremental units that we didn’t even notice that we were being subjected to tyranny.
This is not just in the United States of America. This is a world-wide phenomenon. Of course, the governments of the world would say this is just a conspiracy theory based on rumor instead of fact thus eliminating any chance of the world’s population actually realizing what has happened. Therein lies the problem. There are a few out there, very few, that can see with eyes wide open to what is happening. Most of these people are silenced in one way or another.
Some of the freest countries are becoming tyrannical dominions right under the noses of their citizens. How, you ask? By giving the population what they want. Not to the extent that it is an obvious ploy to control them but in a way that they want the government to control them. “It’s for the children; it’s for the betterment of society; it’s for a safer nation…” These are some of the excuses used by those that are corrupt in their governing.
If a person were to look around and see what is happening, actually look with an open mind instead of one closed to logical thought processes, they would see that their governments are taking control and destroying free will, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of protecting oneself and one’s family. Most won’t see it. All they see is that their government is giving them free, or low cost to them, health care; free, to them, college education; free, to them, food and housing; they say that the population need not protect themselves because the government will protect them. All the while there are riots, mass killings, terrorist attacks and threats of global guerrilla warfare that are being largely ignored except by the mass media which uses these circumstances to further the government’s agenda of disarming and weakening the people of the world.
The global economy is in a shambles with several industrialized nations either bankrupt or on the verge of bankruptcy. The working citizens are taxed to the point of poverty while those that can, but won’t, work are receiving a free living. Karl Marx would be proud that his theory of communism is now in full swing in some of the most democratic nations, “From each according to his ability to each according to his need.” I really don’t think even Marx’s idea was for the lazy to sit back and do nothing while the hardworking supported them. After all, “FROM EACH ACCORDING TO HIS ABILITY…,” does not say that those that are able but unwilling to work should sit back and do nothing but should do the best he/she can to support themselves.
With the ‘give-me’ mentality of today’s population even Marx would be appalled. The world does not owe anyone a living. The world does not owe anyone anything. Today’s people think that what happened to their ancestors should be paid for today, at least in the United States. There are none alive today that owned any black, Irish, or Asian slaves and there are none alive today that were enslaved by anyone. The ONLY ones that are owed anything, at least in my opinion, are the American Indians. Even today their ancestral lands are overrun by an ever increasing population. The land set aside for them, as meager and harsh as it is, is even being overrun by other nationalities. The American Indian is the only one alive today that is owed anything.
Black Lives Matter, The Muslim Brotherhood, The Black Panthers, Anonymous, ISIS/ISIL, and whoever else is out there doing their thing against the world’s population (yes, Anonymous is actually fighting against freedom in what they do, or say they will do, by destroying networks and public works with their hacking into government systems), are nothing but terrorist groups bent on watching the world burn without regard to anyone or anything, even themselves. If they all got exactly what they wanted the world would turn to chaos and there would be no law, no order, and we would return to a time of feudal warfare where no one would be safe from harm.
The governments of the world relish these things. It brings them more ammunition to show that Martial Law is needed, that government needs to control everything in our lives. It is all orchestrated by these governments to seize power of the people and control the world with only a few elitists in command.
How are these governments keeping this under wraps right under the noses of their countries? Easily with mass media; using such unimportant things such as a speech given by a presidential candidates wife, a former athlete transforming from male to female, making marijuana legal or not, making gay marriage legal or not, anything that will catch the public’s interest to keep them from seeing what is actually going on. When the public does have outcry about government corruption, it is swept under the rug as soon as possible and replaced with something else that means nothing in comparison. If all else fails, the government will orchestrate a mass killing, a riot, a violent protest, a natural disaster (such as an oil spill or wild fire).
There are those that will never admit to this happening. There are those that will never believe that this is happening. There are those that would rather stay in their safe place with their heads in the sand and keep receiving the benefits from their governments. What these sheeple don’t realize is that while the wolf is feeding them, all that is happening is they are being fattened up for slaughter. The cattle, the sheep, the pigs, the chickens, all sit contentedly being fed and watered by the farmer not knowing that their life is only going to end in a slaughterhouse and when they finally realize it, it is much too late. Such is the life of those that refuse to see what is happening in their own world. We are being fed and watered only to be led down the chute onto the kill floor of a slaughterhouse.
History always repeats itself. Hitler did not conquer Austria. He was welcomed into leadership of a poor nation needing help. He promised paradise and gave it, for a while. It was too late when the Austrians realized that he was a monster whose only goal was world domination. His promised paradise turned into a living hell for those that he ruled over. Stalin and Lenin promised the same with the same result. Mussolini is included in that club also, as are the rulers of China, Korea, Vietnam and a host of other communist/socialist nations. The so-called free nations of the world need only look through their history books to see what becomes of an un-free society.
This is fast becoming one of the most dystopian worlds that any fantasy/science fiction writer could ever imagine. The Hunger Games, Divergent, Dangerous Minds, Mortal Instruments and a host of other stories written by highly talented, imaginative writers are only a precursor to what this world is becoming. Hollywood is a good indication of what is to come. Zombies, world war, poverty for the masses with only a few elitists sitting far away, protected from harm…. These are not just stories thought up for entertainment.  Men in Black made light of rags like The National Enquirer calling them ‘newspapers.’ Are they really all that far out there? For the most part I would say, “Yes.” But, there are those stories with the shred of truth that could become reality, especially when it comes to the dystopian world movies that are coming out of that far-left wing state of California.
What the world needs is more Mayberry and less Compton; more Cleavers and less Kardashians. More Happy Days and less Real Housewives…. Will it happen? Very doubtful in my lifetime; I’ve seen it all deteriorate into what it is. I’ve seen it go from Bonanza and Gunsmoke to South Park and The Simpsons. Our values and morals are much worse than what the Christian God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for.
A government cannot legislate into being morals and values. All they can do is legislate against them. A government cannot legislate the way a people think but can legislate against a way of thinking. A free nation is only as free as the people of that nation want it to be. A complacent, lazy people will not stop a corrupt government until that government is so powerful as to not be able to be stopped. That, my friends, is where this world is headed at a high rate of speed – a corrupt, powerful one world government that controls our very existence; a one world government that no one will be able to topple because it will be so powerful that it is untouchable. It will be a government that will decide who lives and dies at the whim of a select few; that will decide what a person will work at; where a person will live and how well; what each person will eat and drink; what will be allowed on mass media and in print. You may not believe me, but the Austrians didn’t believe Hitler was a tyrannical dictator, either.
Religions are set up by men to control their followers. If there is a higher power, something much bigger than humanity, where is it? Have the gods given up on this earth and are willing to let humankind kill itself off? There is no higher being as set forth by the organized religions of the world. Who was around when each of these religions were created? No one. There is no logical, scientific way to prove, or disprove, that any one religion is true or that their god actually exists. The Greeks, Romans, Celts, Sumerians, and a host of other civilizations each had their gods. Were they any less real than Islam, Christianity or Judaism? All religion is, is a way for man to have something to believe in other than him/herself. Something to blame when things go wrong or praise when things go right because there is no way that man can have control of its own destiny.
When what celebrities and athletes say is held in higher esteem than what common sense and decent morals are, then those celebrities and athletes begin to believe that they are above the common man. It is because of the common man that these people are in the position they are. Quit watching their movies or buying tickets to their games. See how long they survive in their bubble above the rest. They are no more than sounding boards for a corrupt system; in fact, they are part of that system. They are rich and hide behind their walls in mansions while telling the world that open borders and homes is what is needed. They despise the elite conservatives but are unwilling to give up their own riches.
What is the worst thing about the disparity between the rich and the poor is that everyone is poor unless the elitists want you to have more. We work our entire lives to barely survive and act like we’ve made it in life. The Rothschilds,  De Medicis, Kennedys and Hanovers are the ones that rule the world. The rest of the world is led to believe that it’s making it.
It doesn’t matter if you are Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, Christian, Muslim, Jew, you have no control over your own life. The governments of the world are bought and paid for. The religions of the world are bought and paid for. The world is told what to think by mass media which is owned by the elitists. Until the world wakes up and opens its eyes to what is going on it will continue to disintegrate into the chaos that has been so prevalent the last few years. Those terrorist organizations will continue to become stronger and more violent. Why? Because that is what those who are financing them want.

Gene Roddenberry’s vision of the future is nothing more than a pipe dream. Terminator would be more what it will end up as. Until we, the people of the entire planet, wake up and start to take back the control, we will continue to fall. It’s time to wake up. It’s time to start taking back control. The time is now.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

What is Right and What is Wrong?

     What is right? What is wrong? Is there a distinction between the two? It’s been said that nothing is either right or wrong but the thinking makes it so. An example of this is the difference between throwing someone off a building because they are gay and protecting that same gay person’s civil liberties. These are two different cultures; two different ways of looking at right and wrong. So, depending on what culture you live in depends on what is considered wrong.

     Here, in The United States, we have two different cultures that reside side by side. There is the conservative side that believes in self-sufficiency, self-reliance, smaller government, fiscal responsibility, the right to life, Christian values. Then, there is the liberal side that believes in big government that controls the population through regulation and laws. The many provide for the few that require help. In other words: from those according to their ability to those according to their need (which, by the way, is a Communist ideology). Liberals believe that it is a woman’s right to end a pregnancy simply because she doesn’t want to have a baby. Which is right and which is wrong? Or, are they both right and wrong?

     The Constitution of the United States became binding upon ratification by the ninth state, New Hampshire, on June 21, 1788. This document is the Law of the Land, permanent, binding and concise in meaning. It is not a ‘living document’ meant to represent the political agenda at any given time. It was written so as to be very difficult to change. The only way to change the Constitution is by an amendment which has to be ratified by a two-thirds vote of the States.

     The Constitution states that federal law supersedes any law of the States. Article VI is clear on this. Federal law is supreme and if any State law conflicts with Federal law, Federal law holds.
Article II explains how the President is elected. After the election of Donald J Trump in 2016, the liberal left has bemoaned the use of the Electoral College, saying that it is not fair. The Electoral College is set in stone in the Constitution. This is to make it fair to all states, from the least populated to the most populated. The States argued during the construction of the Constitution about how to make each State fairly represented. This is why the House of Representatives is filled by population and the Senate is filled with only two representatives from each state, and, the Electoral College was set up to represent each state fairly in any election for the high office.

     The Bill of Rights; the first ten amendments to the Constitution are the most important. Each one states certain inalienable rights to each citizen of the United States. Each is concisely written so as not to be misunderstood. There is no interpretation to be used.

     Amendment One provides several rights protections: to express ideas through speech and the press, to assemble or gather with a group to protest or for other reasons and to ask the government to fix problems. It also protects the right to religious beliefs and practices. It prevents the government from creating or favoring a religion. The Supreme Court has stated that burning the American Flag is protected under this amendment. Burning a flag, rioting, destroying property, etc., is not speech, a gathering, or asking the government to fix a problem. These are actions. Actions are not speech. The Supreme Court, in my opinion, was wrong in their decision to allow flag burning as freedom of speech. Rioting, looting, destruction of property, etc., are against the law and are in no way an expression of ideas through speech or the press.

     Amendment Two protects the right to keep and bear arms. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” This is the entire amendment as it was written. There is no room for interpretation. Although the liberal left would like to believe that this is an outdated right because we have law enforcement officials to protect us, this was not meant for that reason. This was written because of what the Colonists had just fought a long war to overcome. There is no debate. This has nothing to do with hunting or feeding your family. It has everything to do with protecting yourself, your family, your community, your country from tyranny; to keep this nation free and safe from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

     The Third Amendment prevents the government from forcing homeowners to allow soldiers to use their homes. Before the Revolutionary War, laws gave British soldiers the right to take over private homes.

     The Fourth Amendment bars the government from unreasonable search and seizure of an individual or their private property.

     The Fifth Amendment provides several protections for people accused of crimes. It states that serious criminal charges must be started by a grand jury.  A person cannot be tried twice for the same offense {double jeopardy) or have property taken away without just compensation. People have the right against self-incrimination and cannot be imprisoned without due process of law (fair procedures and trials.) This amendment is one of the most important, in my opinion, and the most abused, by citizens and law enforcement. OJ Simpson was charged with murder and acquitted. Then, he was charged with a civil crime of wrongful death. Are these two crimes different? Only in the way they are prosecuted; same crime, different wording. In a legal search, personal property can be taken as evidence. Is that property returned or compensated for if the accused is found not guilty (innocent and not guilty are two different things). As for being held without due process, this is for citizens of the United States. War criminals, foreign nationals, illegal immigrants all have cried out, and the liberal left has joined in the cry, that they are entitled to due process under the Constitution. They are not held to the Constitution. They are not citizens of this great nation. War criminals, especially, cannot be expected to be protected under the Constitution. They are fighting against that law and the destruction of that law.

     The Sixth Amendment provides additional protections to people accused of crimes, such as the right to a speedy and public trial, trial by an impartial jury in criminal cases, and to be informed of criminal charges. Witnesses must face the accused, and the accused is allowed his or her own witnesses and to be represented by a lawyer. Here again, war criminals cry out that they are treated unfairly because they are not allowed protection under this amendment. Why should they be protected by the very thing they are fighting to destroy?

     The Seventh Amendment extends the right to a jury trial in federal civil cases. I have not researched if there are any cases that have not been protected under this amendment. As far as I know, every accused has been given the right to a jury by trial.

     The Eighth Amendment bars excessive bail and fines and cruel and unusual punishment. Here is an amendment, an inalienable right, that seems to have gone by the wayside without a murmur from the citizens of this great nation. Fines are exorbitant for some of the smallest offenses. Some people are charged high bail fees while others accused of the same or worse crimes are let go on their own recognizance. I understand the idea behind a flight risk. But, through personal experience, I have seen the unfairness of the judicial system on fines and bail. As for unusual punishment, once again, there are cries from the left that minorities, illegal immigrants, and war criminals are treated unfairly in their punishments. Is this the case? I would have to research hundreds, if not thousands, of individual cases to make a determination on this. The left would cite a few minority cases as the norm and this would be an injustice to the whole. Yes, there are cases where justice is unfair. The scales are tipped against the accused. Lady Justice is peeking from behind her blindfold at times. But, I believe, for the most part, that justice is equal for all according to the crime committed as far as race, color, sex, national origin, etc. are concerned.

     The Ninth Amendment states that listing specific rights in the Constitution does not mean that people do not have other rights that have not been spelled out.

     The Tenth Amendment says that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn’t listed, it belongs to the states or to the people. The one thing a person must realize with this amendment is that Federal law supersedes state law if there is a conflict.

     Why, you ask, did I list out and explain the Bill of Rights? Because this is where the conservative right and the liberal left differ and it becomes a matter of right and wrong. The left, it seems, only use these rights if it benefits them. The Second Amendment, for example, is only used for protecting government officials, celebrities, and other high ranking citizens. The everyday Joe doesn’t need to protect him/herself. The First Amendment, as long as a person agrees with the left, free speech is fine; disagree and you are castigated and your right to free speech is muffled. The press has become a liberal opinion publication instead of reporting facts. Sensationalism and being the first to report on something is more important than actually investigating to make sure the rumors are true. And, when called out on false reporting, it comes down to free speech. Rioting and destruction of property is now an expression of free speech if it is for a liberal cause (I don’t, personally, recall any conservative march or protest that became violent and caused property damage).

     So, what is right and what is wrong? It all depends on the way you think. To the liberal left, the socialist/communist ideology is right even if it infringes on the rights of the people. To the conservative right, the Constitution is the supreme law and there is no interpretation thereof. Personal freedoms, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the American way; at least to the right. The left seems to think that the only way is to force everyone to their way of thinking regardless of how someone feels.

     I don’t care if you are white, black, brown, yellow, red, pink or polka-dotted. It doesn’t matter to me if you like the same sex or the opposite sex. You are from Russia, Indonesia, Mexico, Asia, Guatemala, the UK… as long as you aren’t trying to destroy my rights, liberties or my country I have no problem with you. If you come from a country that is known to harbor, train, export, or finance terrorism against my country, then stay out of my country. The President has every right, in fact, has the responsibility, to keep those who may do this country harm out. It really doesn’t matter if Achmed is an Oxford scholar and distinguished dignitary; if he resides in a country that is known to produce terrorists, then the possibility of him being a terrorist is greater than someone that resides in a country that is not known for that.

     The liberal left would like everyone to believe that every living soul on the planet is a friend. That we should allow all immigrants, refugees, the tired and poor of every country, into our borders regardless of where they come from. This is sheer idiocy. I put to you a question: if there were a hundred M&Ms in a bowl and two of them were poisoned, would you know which ones not to eat? Would you eat them anyway? The liberal left would like us to do just that. Without knowing, for sure, that refugees and immigrants from the Middle East are not terrorists, we are to allow them into our country; even though the terrorists have stated quite clearly that they will infiltrate into peaceful, non-Islamic countries as refugees. Their goal is to fulfill the Koran’s law of destroying the infidels in any way possible. So, what does the left want to do? Invite them in.

     The liberal left would like everyone to believe that a woman, who consciously indulged in unprotected sex and became pregnant, should be allowed to end the life of the unborn child that she, and her partner at the time, conceived. The Supreme Court, in 1973, decided that it was a woman’s right to end a pregnancy. Is this right? Is it the moral thing to do? For the liberal left it is. It is just fine to do away with a self-inflicted inconvenience simply because she wants to. In the case of rape or incest it would be a different matter, but, in the case of consensual sex, what was she expecting when she had sex with that guy; a Sony TV or an Xbox?

     The conservative right, on the other hand, believes that a child, unborn, has the right to be born, to live. Life starts at conception, not twenty eight weeks later. Pro-life, pro-choice, how about having the common sense to practice celibacy unless you want to have a baby? Make your choice before you get pregnant then you wouldn’t have to end a life.

     I realize that the liberal left would counter all points made here in some way or another; that is, if they even read it or reply to it. That is what they do. Ignore what goes against their way of thinking or dismiss it as racial, anti-woman, or some phobia.

     Just my opinion.