What constitutes a criminal? First we need to know the
definition of the term ‘criminal.’ The Oxford American dictionary defines
criminal as “noun, a person who has committed a crime, adjective, relating to
crime or a crime.” That seems pretty simple to me with not a lot of room for
So, if a criminal is someone who has committed a
crime, and someone who is in this country illegally is guilty of breaking the
law (that is they did not enter this country by legal means), then that illegal
alien is a criminal by definition. What is so hard to understand about this?
Illegal is criminal. These people have broken our laws by not following the law
to cross our borders. It doesn’t matter who they are; whether Mexican, Guatemalan,
Russian, Canadian, Asian, white, black or purple; these people are criminals.
A country without borders is not a country. The United
States of America is supposed to be a sovereign nation. Without borders, we are
not. All we are is an open range for whoever wants to come here and take
advantage of the rights, freedoms and benefits of being an American. We are no
longer a sovereign nation. Thank you to the liberals who don’t believe that
immigration laws exist.
What happened four hundred years ago has NOTHING to do
with what is happening now any more than what happened during the slave trade
has anything to do with anything today. Yes, Europeans came across the big pond
and immigrated into this great big land mass they called the New World and took
over. Yes, those nasty bastards killed off hundreds and thousands of Native
Americans that emigrated here from other parts of the world before recorded
time. That does not mean that today our immigration laws should be dismantled
and ignored.
In today’s world, if you cross a nation’s borders
without permission and the proper credentials, depending on what country it is,
you could be fined, jailed, deported or killed; anywhere in the world except
here in the United States. Here, if you cross our border without permission you
get a driver’s license, house, job, welfare and even get to vote. Only in
The liberal left seems to think that is what the
correct thing to do is. They believe that the over eleven million (estimates
make it closer to twenty million [cairco.org]) illegals actually deserve to be
here and should not be taken to task and deported; even though those illegals
are costing the American taxpayer between 52 Billion and 113 Billion dollars a
year (ProCon.org). But, the biggest thing about these illegals is that they
are, well, ILLEGAL. They are criminals. It doesn’t matter whether they have
committed any other crimes such as theft, rape, murder, etc. They have already
broken the law just by being here.
Almost 178,000 (CNN) are convicted of other crimes. I
know, that doesn’t seem like a lot compared to the number that are here
illegally but that is a huge number nonetheless. These are people that have
broken the law just by being here and then broke other laws, some very serious
such as murder and rape, on top of it. Some of these people were deported and
came back across the border.
Are all these illegals Mexican? No. Are the majority
Mexican? Only 59% are from Mexico (ProCon.org). No wonder the Mexican
government doesn’t want us to build a wall; they don’t want to keep these
people there and they sure don’t want them back.
It seems as though the liberals believe that what
other nations think we should do is what should happen. After all, the United
States should ALWAYS do what countries want us to; we aren’t a sovereign nation
to them. To the liberals, we are a global country. We have the moral obligation
to take in as many immigrants as want to come here regardless of any economic
drain to the working citizens here (and those working citizens include LEGAL
The fact of the matter is this: we have so many
criminals running around that don’t belong here and the liberals want to keep
them because that is what we do. The liberals believe that criminals belong
here and should actually be given citizenship because they broke the law.
The question that begs to be answered is: why? Why do
these people come here without permission? They come here to make money and
receive benefits. The liberals will say that they help the economy. If they are
helping our economy why don’t they go back to their homeland and help THAT
country’s economy? To answer that question the liberals will reply that
illegals will do the work that Americans won’t, such as pick crops in the
blistering heat for minimum wage. Well, to that I answer this way: most of
those illegals work in the state of California, which is a liberal state. So,
it’s the LIBERALS that are keeping the wages for illegals low so that their
produce companies can make millions off of cheap labor.
Maybe some of those Hollywood celebrities should lower
themselves off their egos and go out and pick produce for a week for minimum
wage or go clean up after some egomaniac with delusions of godhood for barely
over minimum. Maybe Nancy Pelosi could come down out of the clouds and actually
see what goes on in her state, not that she would really care since she’s worth
President Donald Trump has promised to secure our
borders and deport all those violent illegal aliens. He hasn’t said to deport
the Dreamers or those that are hardworking, otherwise law-abiding, illegals.
They are all criminals. The Dreamers didn’t come here on their own but their
parents dragged them across the border thus making them criminals before they
were old enough to know what it meant.
What do we do with all these criminals? Do we deport
them all back to their home countries? Do we let them stay here and reward
their crime with citizenship? As for those that have broken other laws,
committed theft, rape, murder, etc., I believe deportation would only tell them
that what they did was all right and give them a chance to once again break
immigration law and return here to do more crime. Since the prisons are full of
drug users, we would have to build more prisons to hold them; or we could use
capital punishment and execute them on the spot.
For those that are otherwise law abiding, working,
people: give them the chance to make it right and make them go through the
proper immigration process to become citizens.
Even though that would be rewarding criminal behavior at least they
would then be legal through working for it like the real, law-abiding immigrants
are. Don’t just grant them citizenship; that would be an insult to those that
have had to wait for years and work hard to become citizens.
Criminals all with some being less criminal than
others; be tough of the violent ones and easier on the non-violent by making
them pay for their crime by working to become true law-abiding citizens.