The year: 2016. The topic: Transgenderism. The
sub-topic: use of bathrooms. Seems kind of stupid doesn’t it? After all,
throughout history boys have been boys and girls have been girls. There has
never been a question of what gender a person is. That is, until the 21st
With the advent of an ‘enlightened’ society and
everyone more worried about feelings than morality and common sense, the idea
of what gender a person is, is now in question. It doesn’t seem to matter now,
at least to a very small minority, that when a person is born with a penis that
person is a boy and if not, it’s a girl. In today’s world, it all depends on
how a person ‘identifies’ him/herself. If that boy, at whatever age, decides
that he should be a girl that is what he is. If a girl decides she should be a boy
that is how it is. It is all in identification of self.
As stated, this is a stupid topic. There should be no
questions about a person’s gender yet, there is. The really stupid part about
this is that the United States government, in its infinite liberal wisdom, has
decided that it needs to get involved in this idiotic controversy and make laws
pertaining to such idiocy. President Barack Hussein Obama decided that boys and
girls should be allowed to use whichever bathroom they feel they identify with.
In other words, boys are going to use the girl’s bathroom and vice-versa, by
Now, don’t get me wrong. I really don’t care whether a
person is gay, bisexual or transgender or whatever. It is not my business at
all. What is my business is who is in the bathroom with my wife, daughter, granddaughter,
mother, sister or aunt. The argument that the liberals give is that a guy will
not go think to himself, “Gee, there’s a girl going into the restroom to drop a
load or pee. I think I’m going in there to watch.” That guy is probably not
thinking that at all. What he’s thinking is, “Wow! There’s a good looking piece
of ass going in there where no one can see what I do to her.”
Does it matter how a person ‘identifies’ him/herself?
Not really. No one cares if that guy is gay or thinks he’s a woman trapped in a
man’s body. If you have a penis, you are a male and need to use the guy’s
bathroom. If you have a vagina, use the girl’s. There should not even be a
discussion on this. Yet, thanks to the immoral minority and the far left
liberals, there is a huge controversy about this.
The world really doesn’t care how you feel. The world
doesn’t care how you identify. The world only cares about what is conceived as
right and wrong. Right is boys use the boy’s and girls use the girl’s. Only the
far left liberals believe that how a person feels is more important that what
the majority believe and want. The biggest problem with that is there are more
and more of those far left liberals out there every day. Why are they growing
in number? The number is growing because our children are being indoctrinated
into that way of thinking by going to public schools. But, that is another
If a man had gone into a woman’s restroom even two
years ago they would have been arrested. Now, all they have to do is say that
they identify as a woman and, BAM, they have a free pass to do what they want.
Too bad I can’t identify as a multi-billionaire and miraculously become one.
What this whole thing boils down to is the liberal
ideology is being shoved down the throats of the entirety of the United States
regardless of what others want. Because the far left liberals are the only ones
that know what is best for the rest of the country, they think that their
ideology needs to be law. What they don’t realize is that their ideology is
based on socialism, communism and, in some of the more extreme cases, Nazism.
There is very little democracy and no capitalism in their way of thinking.
Redistribution of wealth, more government control,
bigger government, tax and spend, victimization of minorities, racial division,
class warfare… all are parts of their ideology and all are socialistic and
communistic. As for the Nazism, it seems as though most of the far left would
like to see the destruction of Judaism and the State of Israel. The left would
like to see totally open borders, see nothing wrong with radical Islam
(believing that Islam is a religion of peace when the Koran specifically states
that ANY other religion is to be destroyed and their followers killed in the
most horrific ways), they canonize immorality by uplifting abnormal behavior
such as sex change, transgenderism and homo sexuality by making it the norm and
anyone who opposes or speaks out against such behavior is ostracized and
persecuted, Constitutional rights are there only as guidelines and used only
when they suit the left, anyone who disagrees with them are xenophobic,
homophobic, racist, bigots or fascists.
The Democratic Party states they are more tolerant and
accepting of differing opinions, cultures and beliefs yet when they don’t get
their way they riot, attack both verbally and physically those that are
opposing them and destroy property. This is their idea of tolerance and
acceptance. The things that they oppose are closed and protected borders, an
armed nation, freedom of choice for healthcare, education and creating wealth,
critical thinking, financial responsibility, self-reliance and anything
They demand that children be taken care of in one
breath and the next they want the right to kill an unborn child. They demand
that the country take care of foreign refugees yet refuse to take care of
American homeless. They demand equal rights for minorities yet want those same
rights taken from white, wealthy, Christians and Jews. They demand that
Christianity be taken out of public places and schools then demand that Islam
be allowed wherever it wants and be taught in schools. They demand that
minorities (racial and sexual orientation) not be discriminated against yet heterosexual
whites are open season. They demand the 2nd Amendment right to keep
and bear arms be done away with yet government officials and the wealthy
liberals are protected by arms. Do you see the hypocrisy of the Democratic
Party and the liberals?
What does all this have to do with gender and
bathrooms? It has everything to do with it because it is a liberal way of
shoving their ideology down the throats of the entire nation. If you are a
minority, as transgender, gay, gender reassignment, etc. are, you are above
what is considered as normal. We are supposed to be a civilized society. What
the left wants is total enlightenment by way of destruction of what civilized
society deems moral and ethical behavior.
As I have stated more than once, I am not racist and I
have nothing against anyone that wants to do whatever with whomever. What I am
against is being forced to accept it as normal. Do I want gays to be put back
into the closet? No. Do I want people that want to change their sex to not be
able to do it? No, as long as they are adults, have had counseling on the
implications, etc. Do I want minorities to be discriminated against? No. I
believe that we are all part of the human race and we all should have the same
rights and privileges; that whatever two consenting adults want to do is their
business, not mine, regardless of their same, or opposing, sex; if someone
wants to change their sex, not my business. I don’t believe that government
should get involved in any of these topics. The government’s job is to protect
the nation against our enemies, provide for the common good, supply a military,
roads and waterways and not try to tell me how to run my life.
Dr. Michael Savage has said that liberalism is a
mental illness. The more I see the hypocrisy, violence and intolerance of the left;
I tend to agree with him more and more. The more ‘logic’ that the left uses the
more I see just how illogical they are. The left will say that conservatives
are delusional in their way of thinking. When an elected official that is over
the age of 50 years and can say, and believe, that a gunman will put down his
weapon when he sees that no one else is armed, it becomes clear that liberalism
truly is a mental illness.
These are just my thoughts, my opinions. Some of this
is based on facts that have happened and some is just conjecture on my part
based on observations of events. I leave it up to the readers to make up their
own minds; it is not my intent to convert anyone but only to open their eyes
and their minds to other ways of thinking. Is it in vain? Only you, the reader,
can determine that.
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