Instead of worrying about what which politician has
done or is going to do, why don’t we worry about more important things? After
all, ALL politicians are bought and paid for by the Illuminati, and not only in
this country but around the world. The more important things to worry about are
things like Mother Earth, world peace and ending poverty and hunger.
Yeah, I know, I sound like a hippie out of the 1960s.
No, I don’t smoke weed and do LSD. I do happen to like listening to Joan Baez,
Janice Joplin, The Doors and a few others from that time into the late 70s,
though. No, I am not a hippie on drugs but I am a human being that is concerned
about the planet that we live on.
As for those puppets that are supposedly running the
governments of the world; they are only doing what they are told. The last
President that went against the Illuminati was John F Kennedy and we all know
what happened there. The mass media is pouring so much misinformation out that
we can’t critically think about what is actually going on. This person is
saying this about that politician or, this or that politician has done this or
that or, the President should be impeached because he isn’t doing what the far
left wants him to do even though he’s only been in office less than a month.
OPEN YOUR EYES, people! The temporary travel ban, the
Mexican wall, the pipelines, the Education Secretary and Attorney General
appointees, this is all just smoke and mirrors to the grand scheme of slavery
that the Illuminati wants to keep going. Those thirteen families that run the
world’s banks, and thus run the world, are causing this chaos. It doesn’t
matter WHO is in WHAT office. The world is in a world of shit and there is
nothing going to change it until the people of the WORLD unite against these
corrupt egomaniacs with delusions of godhood.
As American citizens we believe that we have it better
than everyone else in the world. We are the richest, most powerful nation on
Earth. NO WE ARE NOT. We are TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS in debt. Every country in
the world is on the verge of financial collapse because of debt. WHO THE HELL
DOES THE WORLD OWE????? I’ll tell you. The World owes those thirteen families,
the Illuminati. That’s who the world owes. They have all the money. They own
all the debt. It doesn’t matter if the USA has borrowed Trillions from China.
China has no intention of ever collecting that money. It isn’t theirs to
That paycheck that you get every week or two isn’t
enough to sustain a family. Not in today’s economy. Why do you think both
parents have to work? Because the time of a one income family is over. The
Federal poverty level is $24,250 and the Medicaid threshold is $33,465 for a
family of 4. The average rent for a two bedroom apartment is $934, average
utilities (electric, gas and water) is $275, and groceries for a family of four
can run up to around $500 depending on what you eat. That adds up to $20,508.
Let’s add in cell phone, internet, eating out, clothing and other incidentals
that everyone has; cell phone averages about $50 a month, internet about $50 a
month, eating out (this would include those late night runs for soda and candy)
could run up to over $200 a month, gas for your car, insurance for your car and
home, any repairs that may need done, etc., adds in another $200 plus. This
will add another $6,000 a year to your expenses. Well over the Federal Poverty
level but doesn’t exceed the Medicaid threshold. A person would have to make
$12.75 an hour, working a 40 hour week for 52 weeks to make just enough to pay
their expenses.
The average income in the USA for 2015 was $55,775.
This is $26.82 per hour, 40 hours, 52 weeks. Really? This was the AVERAGE
income? I don’t know that many people that make that much per hour. Most of the
people I know make between minimum wage and $15 an hour. Then again, I don’t
know that many people and those that I do, I am not that inquisitive as to how
much they make. But, is almost $27 an hour the average? I can’t see it when
there are so many saying that they work at McDonald’s as a career.
Do you see where I’m going with this? Do you
understand that it really doesn’t matter who is in what office? THEY DON”T
MATTER. The ones that do matter are hidden behind walls in multi-billion dollar
mansions with hundreds of security officers (aka thugs) protecting them. Like
the Greek and Roman gods they look down upon humanity with disdain. They laugh
at our hardships because they have no idea what it is like to scratch out
enough to buy a birthday present for their 5 year old. They laugh at the laws
that bind all of us because they are above any law.
How do you fight against such people? Will passive
rebellion work or does it need to get violent? They would prefer the violence.
Just look at what they have orchestrated so far in the USA over the last two or
three years; BLM riots, mass shootings, terrorists attacks; all orchestrated
and financed by the Illuminati. ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Oklahoma City
Federal building, even the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. All
by the hand of the Illuminati.
Do you fight fire with fire or do you fight it with
water? That is the $64,000 question. They want violence but peaceful protests
have done nothing. The only way to fight is with finances. Quit financing them
and they will feel the pain. How do you do that? Quit buying shit you don’t
need. I mean, most of you hate trucks and the people that drive them anyway so
if you quit buying things you’ll kill two birds with one stone. The trucks will
stop running because there won’t be anything to haul first of all then, after a
while, those richest of the rich will start to feel the BERN!!!
It takes 6% of a population to change a government;
only 6%. That isn’t a lot in comparison to the total population. Just think
what just 6% of the WORLD’S population could do… 6% of 7.5 billion (estimated
for 2017) is a LOT OF PEOPLE. The population of the US alone is a little over
323 million. That is almost to that 6% of 450,000,000. Our time is now. If we
don’t do something soon, very soon, it will definitely be too late.
Open your eyes, stop fighting over table scraps. Let’s
start working together. OUR TIME IS NOW! If we don’t, Mother Earth will no
longer exist. Our natural resources will be gone; our water, air and the land
we live on will be polluted beyond repair. We will have no choice but to return
to the Middle Ages with tiny fires to warm our cave homes. There will be no
internet, cell phones, computers or game systems. We’ll be wearing gas masks
and haz mat suits to keep from killing ourselves with the filth that we’ve
created. The only ones that will survive well are the most wealthy that will be
able to afford filtration systems and their own private food sources. Yep, only
the Illuminati will survive well. They have all the money. Even during the
Great Depression, those that had money before the Stock Market crash still had
money after it (at least more than anyone else).
This is what the Illuminati want; world domination and
sole survivorship. They don’t care a rat’s ass about anyone else. Only they and
their families matter. The rest of us are just pond scum to be used as slave
labor to make them even richer.
You better start thinking about this, people. We are
sheep being led to the slaughter. We are being hand fed bull shit so that we think
we are doing well when all we are doing is scratching out a barely survivable
living to make the rich richer.
It’s time to do something; anything. OUR TIME IS NOW!
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