Monday, February 6, 2017

We Live in a Dystopian World

In this dystopian world, the one in which we now live, the few elite rule over the masses, both rich and poor alike, with an iron thumb. We don’t notice it so much. Why? Because we have been programmed not to question; not to dissent; not to rebel. They have taken the basic human rights away from us at such incremental units that we didn’t even notice that we were being subjected to tyranny.
This is not just in the United States of America. This is a world-wide phenomenon. Of course, the governments of the world would say this is just a conspiracy theory based on rumor instead of fact thus eliminating any chance of the world’s population actually realizing what has happened. Therein lies the problem. There are a few out there, very few, that can see with eyes wide open to what is happening. Most of these people are silenced in one way or another.
Some of the freest countries are becoming tyrannical dominions right under the noses of their citizens. How, you ask? By giving the population what they want. Not to the extent that it is an obvious ploy to control them but in a way that they want the government to control them. “It’s for the children; it’s for the betterment of society; it’s for a safer nation…” These are some of the excuses used by those that are corrupt in their governing.
If a person were to look around and see what is happening, actually look with an open mind instead of one closed to logical thought processes, they would see that their governments are taking control and destroying free will, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of protecting oneself and one’s family. Most won’t see it. All they see is that their government is giving them free, or low cost to them, health care; free, to them, college education; free, to them, food and housing; they say that the population need not protect themselves because the government will protect them. All the while there are riots, mass killings, terrorist attacks and threats of global guerrilla warfare that are being largely ignored except by the mass media which uses these circumstances to further the government’s agenda of disarming and weakening the people of the world.
The global economy is in a shambles with several industrialized nations either bankrupt or on the verge of bankruptcy. The working citizens are taxed to the point of poverty while those that can, but won’t, work are receiving a free living. Karl Marx would be proud that his theory of communism is now in full swing in some of the most democratic nations, “From each according to his ability to each according to his need.” I really don’t think even Marx’s idea was for the lazy to sit back and do nothing while the hardworking supported them. After all, “FROM EACH ACCORDING TO HIS ABILITY…,” does not say that those that are able but unwilling to work should sit back and do nothing but should do the best he/she can to support themselves.
With the ‘give-me’ mentality of today’s population even Marx would be appalled. The world does not owe anyone a living. The world does not owe anyone anything. Today’s people think that what happened to their ancestors should be paid for today, at least in the United States. There are none alive today that owned any black, Irish, or Asian slaves and there are none alive today that were enslaved by anyone. The ONLY ones that are owed anything, at least in my opinion, are the American Indians. Even today their ancestral lands are overrun by an ever increasing population. The land set aside for them, as meager and harsh as it is, is even being overrun by other nationalities. The American Indian is the only one alive today that is owed anything.
Black Lives Matter, The Muslim Brotherhood, The Black Panthers, Anonymous, ISIS/ISIL, and whoever else is out there doing their thing against the world’s population (yes, Anonymous is actually fighting against freedom in what they do, or say they will do, by destroying networks and public works with their hacking into government systems), are nothing but terrorist groups bent on watching the world burn without regard to anyone or anything, even themselves. If they all got exactly what they wanted the world would turn to chaos and there would be no law, no order, and we would return to a time of feudal warfare where no one would be safe from harm.
The governments of the world relish these things. It brings them more ammunition to show that Martial Law is needed, that government needs to control everything in our lives. It is all orchestrated by these governments to seize power of the people and control the world with only a few elitists in command.
How are these governments keeping this under wraps right under the noses of their countries? Easily with mass media; using such unimportant things such as a speech given by a presidential candidates wife, a former athlete transforming from male to female, making marijuana legal or not, making gay marriage legal or not, anything that will catch the public’s interest to keep them from seeing what is actually going on. When the public does have outcry about government corruption, it is swept under the rug as soon as possible and replaced with something else that means nothing in comparison. If all else fails, the government will orchestrate a mass killing, a riot, a violent protest, a natural disaster (such as an oil spill or wild fire).
There are those that will never admit to this happening. There are those that will never believe that this is happening. There are those that would rather stay in their safe place with their heads in the sand and keep receiving the benefits from their governments. What these sheeple don’t realize is that while the wolf is feeding them, all that is happening is they are being fattened up for slaughter. The cattle, the sheep, the pigs, the chickens, all sit contentedly being fed and watered by the farmer not knowing that their life is only going to end in a slaughterhouse and when they finally realize it, it is much too late. Such is the life of those that refuse to see what is happening in their own world. We are being fed and watered only to be led down the chute onto the kill floor of a slaughterhouse.
History always repeats itself. Hitler did not conquer Austria. He was welcomed into leadership of a poor nation needing help. He promised paradise and gave it, for a while. It was too late when the Austrians realized that he was a monster whose only goal was world domination. His promised paradise turned into a living hell for those that he ruled over. Stalin and Lenin promised the same with the same result. Mussolini is included in that club also, as are the rulers of China, Korea, Vietnam and a host of other communist/socialist nations. The so-called free nations of the world need only look through their history books to see what becomes of an un-free society.
This is fast becoming one of the most dystopian worlds that any fantasy/science fiction writer could ever imagine. The Hunger Games, Divergent, Dangerous Minds, Mortal Instruments and a host of other stories written by highly talented, imaginative writers are only a precursor to what this world is becoming. Hollywood is a good indication of what is to come. Zombies, world war, poverty for the masses with only a few elitists sitting far away, protected from harm…. These are not just stories thought up for entertainment.  Men in Black made light of rags like The National Enquirer calling them ‘newspapers.’ Are they really all that far out there? For the most part I would say, “Yes.” But, there are those stories with the shred of truth that could become reality, especially when it comes to the dystopian world movies that are coming out of that far-left wing state of California.
What the world needs is more Mayberry and less Compton; more Cleavers and less Kardashians. More Happy Days and less Real Housewives…. Will it happen? Very doubtful in my lifetime; I’ve seen it all deteriorate into what it is. I’ve seen it go from Bonanza and Gunsmoke to South Park and The Simpsons. Our values and morals are much worse than what the Christian God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for.
A government cannot legislate into being morals and values. All they can do is legislate against them. A government cannot legislate the way a people think but can legislate against a way of thinking. A free nation is only as free as the people of that nation want it to be. A complacent, lazy people will not stop a corrupt government until that government is so powerful as to not be able to be stopped. That, my friends, is where this world is headed at a high rate of speed – a corrupt, powerful one world government that controls our very existence; a one world government that no one will be able to topple because it will be so powerful that it is untouchable. It will be a government that will decide who lives and dies at the whim of a select few; that will decide what a person will work at; where a person will live and how well; what each person will eat and drink; what will be allowed on mass media and in print. You may not believe me, but the Austrians didn’t believe Hitler was a tyrannical dictator, either.
Religions are set up by men to control their followers. If there is a higher power, something much bigger than humanity, where is it? Have the gods given up on this earth and are willing to let humankind kill itself off? There is no higher being as set forth by the organized religions of the world. Who was around when each of these religions were created? No one. There is no logical, scientific way to prove, or disprove, that any one religion is true or that their god actually exists. The Greeks, Romans, Celts, Sumerians, and a host of other civilizations each had their gods. Were they any less real than Islam, Christianity or Judaism? All religion is, is a way for man to have something to believe in other than him/herself. Something to blame when things go wrong or praise when things go right because there is no way that man can have control of its own destiny.
When what celebrities and athletes say is held in higher esteem than what common sense and decent morals are, then those celebrities and athletes begin to believe that they are above the common man. It is because of the common man that these people are in the position they are. Quit watching their movies or buying tickets to their games. See how long they survive in their bubble above the rest. They are no more than sounding boards for a corrupt system; in fact, they are part of that system. They are rich and hide behind their walls in mansions while telling the world that open borders and homes is what is needed. They despise the elite conservatives but are unwilling to give up their own riches.
What is the worst thing about the disparity between the rich and the poor is that everyone is poor unless the elitists want you to have more. We work our entire lives to barely survive and act like we’ve made it in life. The Rothschilds,  De Medicis, Kennedys and Hanovers are the ones that rule the world. The rest of the world is led to believe that it’s making it.
It doesn’t matter if you are Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, Christian, Muslim, Jew, you have no control over your own life. The governments of the world are bought and paid for. The religions of the world are bought and paid for. The world is told what to think by mass media which is owned by the elitists. Until the world wakes up and opens its eyes to what is going on it will continue to disintegrate into the chaos that has been so prevalent the last few years. Those terrorist organizations will continue to become stronger and more violent. Why? Because that is what those who are financing them want.

Gene Roddenberry’s vision of the future is nothing more than a pipe dream. Terminator would be more what it will end up as. Until we, the people of the entire planet, wake up and start to take back the control, we will continue to fall. It’s time to wake up. It’s time to start taking back control. The time is now.

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