Thursday, July 21, 2022

News Commentary for July 21

 What is in the news? Nothing more, or less, than usual. Democrats pulling their virtue signaling, ongoing and endless investigations against both guilty and innocent people, celebrities doing what they do, etc. That being said, let's go through some of it.

First off: Hunter Biden. The coke-head loser son of our geriatric-in-charge. According to FoxNews the investigation into his affairs has reached a 'critical stage.' What does this mean for our favorite foreign-compromised, corrupt, disgraced First Son? Probably absolutely nothing. The report went on to say that sources indicated that charges were not being put against him, yet. No surprise there. After all, Uncle QuidProJoe isn't going to let his one and only boy go to prison for anything. Not tax evasion. Not lying to the FBI. Not being a foreign agent for the Chinese, Russians, Ukrainians, or anyone else that paid him for access to the Vice President, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. The Barr/Durham investigation is just another huge waste of the taxpayer's money to make us believe that they are actually doing something about the corruption in DC.

The Associated Press reports that a group of bipartisan (is there really such a thing anymore?) senators agreed on proposed changes to the Electoral Count Act of 1887 because of the 'attack' on the Capitol and Trump trying to 'overturn the 2020 election.'

What this proposal does is update the post-Civil War act on how election results are tallied. It is supposed to shore up the ambiguities of how votes are counted, who is in charge and making sure that everything is up to snuff. All of this because, as the AP article states, Trump's 'unprecedented attempt to challenge the electors sent from battleground states to the joint session of Congress on Jan. 6.'

I am old enough to remember what happened on January 6, 2021. I really don't care what the Democrats, RINOS, and never-Trumpers say. Donald Trump had a rally and said he believed the election results were corrupt and fraudulent. He admonished Vice President Mike Pence to not certify the results because of the rule changes, ballots miraculously appearing in the middle of the night, observers not being able to see the counting of votes, etc. in the battleground states. Did he instigate a riot? No. Did he orchestrate the 'breaching' of the Capitol Complex? No. Was he in any way responsible for the few idiots that actually did damage to the Capitol and took over the House Chambers? No.

USA Today has an article stating the US Attorney General Merrick Garland doesn't want to indict former President Donald Trump before the election. Why does he not want to? Mainly because he says it could be construed as election interference. I guess it's the same thing as all the negative press about Hunter Biden being suppressed before the 2020 election. I'd really like to know just how Trump could be charged with insurrection when there was none. We, the People, have the Constitutionally guaranteed right to peacefully protest anything that we feel is unjust. What happened on January 6, 2021 was a far cry from what Antifa and BLM did the summer before with all the violent riots, looting, arson, and assault; not to mention the weeks long firebombing of the Federal Courthouse in Portland, Oregon. Yeah. While all the goes uninvestigated and unpunished, actual peaceful protesters are persecuted and called insurrectionists and terrorists.

The Hill reports that the House has passed a $400 billion spending package. What are we, the taxpayers actually paying for? This bill covers the DOT, VA, HUD, and, of course, climate change. I don't know what these elected officials are actually spending all this money on. Our roads are still crap, the VA still sucks, I really don't know what all Housing and Urban Development is going on unless it's giving housing to all the illegals that Biden is letting into the country, and it doesn't matter how much money is extorted from the American taxpayer, the climate is going to do what it's always done- change.

I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of the government stealing my money and then telling me what I have to do to make them more powerful and rich. I am not an anarchist. Anarchy leads to chaos. I do believe that the Federal Government should be as the Founders intended it to be – strong on defense of the nation, foreign affairs, and the military, weak when it comes to internal business of how the country is run. That is what the state governments are for.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

All Hail The Axolotl

 So, do/have you, or someone you know, been exposed to (name your chemical), used (name your FDA approved drug), been involved in an accident, felt like you have been sexually harassed (even though you didn't tell the person that you felt uncomfortable with his/her actions/comments), or a host of other things that ambulance chasers and shyster lawyers want to make money by suing over? There are more and more lawsuits being filed every day over some of the most insane reasons. If you, or a loved one, used pesticides without protection of any kind, you run the risk of getting seriously ill. If the FDA approved a drug at one time and haven't recanted that, why should you sue the manufacturer instead of the FDA? If you haven't told someone that what he/she is saying/doing is making your lily-white, pansy ass uncomfortable, how is it harassment? There used to be laws against frivolous lawsuits. Not anymore.

Gun and ammunition manufacturers are being sued because some idiot used their product to kill someone. Tobacco manufacturers are being sued because of the addictive nature of their product (even though the government is requiring them to add more and more chemicals to cigarettes) even though everyone should know that smoking is addictive. Drug manufacturers are being sued because people are dying by using their drugs even though the FDA approved them. These, to me, are so frivolous that they should be laughed out of court. Not any more. Filing lawsuits are a way to make money; both the plaintiff and the lawyers. I don't usually use the term 'lawyer,' it's usually 'attorney,' but these shysters and ambulance chasers aren't that reputable.

How about this: there is ad after ad after ad for new drugs for diseases that no one has ever heard of until they see on TV or hear about it on the radio. Have you ever read the side effects of most drugs produced? Those are worse than what they treat! A lot of the drugs that my son was on growing up for his ADHD, ODD, Bipolar, etc. had 'may cause death in some cases' as one of the side effects. I'd rather have had him running around like a chicken with its head cut off than die because of some drug that would maybe calm him down. The worst thing about this is that the FDA approves this shit! One of the newest FDA approved drugs is the Covid-19 vaccine. They said it was 'emergency approval.' It was still approved. What are the long term effects? Hell, what are the short term effects? The FDA has approved quite a few drugs that years later had caused birth defects or killed hundreds, even thousands, of people.

What happens when a drug is finally found to do bad things to those that take them? Why, we sue the pharmaceutical company, of course. After all, they made it. They HAD to know what it would do. Pfizer, last I knew, wasn't going to let anyone know what was in their Covid vaccine for seventy-five years. Why, in the name of all things holy, would they wait that long to let anyone know what was in it? I'll venture this guess: it's going to kill people and by the time they release the ingredient list, almost all the people that took it will be dead from old age or the drug, itself. BUT, the FDA approved it anyway. And the government, along with all the sheep that believed the government about the vaccination, don't care whether it's really safe or not, what the side effects are, what the long term effects are, or anything else about it. All they knew was that Uncle QuidPro Mentally Challenged Joe, Kamalteo the Ho, and “Dr.” Tony Fraudci told them to take it or else.

Ambulance chasing and shyster lawyers make BILLIONS of dollars a year off frivolous law suits. How? Most get paid a minimum of 30% of the take, plus expenses like phone calls, emails, letters, hanging out at the courthouse, driving to and from the courthouse, and drinking beer after 5 and before 7 when they have to go home to their multi-million dollar mansions and face their trophy wife that bitches about everything. Yeah. Every time I hear or see another lawsuit ad or drug ad I shake my head and wonder, “Why? Good God! Isn't there enough drug addictions out there; could they take anymore from these manufacturers?” So damn tired of the lazy, entitled, get-something-for-nothing, low-life POS out there that go along with these shysters. How about you get a job, make your own money and quit trying to ruin a major employer? You knew the risks when you started popping pills, smoking cigarettes, playing chemist around the yard or field, or held a weapon. If you didn't tell that shmoe you didn't like his comments or actions then is ISN'T sexual harassment.

The more I see people, the more I like fish. Why? Fish just swim around, silently, doing what fish do. People, on the other hand, tend to be back-stabbing, deceitful, greedy parasites. All hail the axolotl, the goldfish, and the snails.

Friday, July 15, 2022

The Storm is Closer Than They Think

 We've been hearing, and saying, for months, even years, that a storm is coming; that it is on the horizon. No one has heeded that warning. Far-left radicals have continued their ceaseless attacks on the Constitution, the economy, our rights, and our freedoms. The blatant hypocrisy of the left when it comes to the Rule of Law is unheard of in our American history. Political persecution runs rampant through our nation's capitol and even throughout the individual states. The storm is not coming – it is here.

When did the downfall of American values, morals, and patriotism actually start its decline? If you read through actual American history, it started just before the American Revolution. There were only a handful of colonists that wanted to be free from British rule. The “Regulars” outnumbered the Rebels by quite a bit. They thought it best to stay protected by a tyrannical king that lived across the ocean. A king that didn't give the colonies a second thought except for taxing them more and more. If you are a patriot, someone that went to school before the 'enlightenment' of radical anti-Americanism took over the government-run school system, someone that has read the founding documents of this great nation, etc., then you know the reasons that those few men knew that the colonies had to be free from the abuses of power King George lauded over them.

It wasn't for transient purposes that people like Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, etc. put their lives on the line to free the colonies from the government abuse. Those men knew that there were certain unalienable rights that were granted by the Creator that no government should infringe upon: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. It took months of deliberation to set on parchment a set of laws for what a centralized government should, and shouldn't, do. That document, probably the most important document in our history, no, in the history of the World, became the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Supreme Court, under Chief Justice John Marshall, heard the case of McCulloch v Maryland and ruled on 6 March 1819. If you don't know what that suit was about, in a nutshell, Secretary of the Trueasury Alexander Hamilton believed that there needed to be a federal bank so that the government could collect taxes and pay bills. President George Washington signed into law a federal bank in 1791. That being done, it was against the law for a state to tax that bank. Maryland tried to and thus came about the suit that went to Marshall's Court. The Court unanimously agreed that the second Bank of the United States was exempt from taxation. This decision gave to Congress much more power than the Founders had thought it would have.

In the written opnion, Justice Marshall wrote: “The subject is the execution of those great powers on which the welfare of a nation essentially depends,” Marshall said. “It must have been the intention of those who gave these powers, to insure, as far as human prudence could insure, their beneficial execution. This could not be done by confiding the choice of means to such narrow limits as not to leave it in the power of Congress to adopt any which might be appropriate, and which were conducive to the end.”

Additionally, Marshall wrote, states “have no power, by taxation or otherwise, to retard, impede, burden, or in any manner control, the operations of the constitutional laws enacted by Congress to carry into execution the powers vested in the general government. This is, we think, the unavoidable consequence of that supremacy which the constitution has declared.”

The first years of this country were not without its difficulties. There was accusations of falsified elections, deflection of votes so one candidate would win over another, etc. It has to be said here that when the country was young, the People didn't vote for Senators, didn't vote for electors, the Representatives voted for President out of the ones running and the winner was the one with the most votes and Vice President was the one with the next most votes. Unlike today, the Presidential candidate didn't choose a running mate that won along with him. If you haven't read any American history, you'll say this isn't the way it was. If you have studied actual American history, you'll know I'm right.

So, when did the storm first appear? In the early days of our nation. With some of the Founding Fathers. The ones that debated and argued over what should and shouldn't be in Constitution. The Federalists and the anti federalists were still arguing long after the Constitution was ratified by the States. Today, that argument persists. Now, it is between two parties that are actually fighting for the same thing in Congress. They both want to retain the power they have and they both want to control the People of the country. The only difference between the two, today, is that the Republicans are trying to convince the People that they are the good guys, the ones fighting for our rights and freedoms whereas the Democrats are making no mistake about the fact that they want to socialize the country into a Socialist/Communist shithole 'for the good of the People.'

As in the early days, the People of this country are brain-dead sheep being led to slaughter by the smooth words of charismatic politicians and the propaganda fueled by mainstream and social media. Freedom of the Press to write whatever they want is a God-given, Constitutionally guaranteed right. As Uncle Ben told Peter Parker as young Peter was struggling with his new-found spider-powers, “With great power comes great responsibility.” The same goes for the Press. With the power of Press there is an even greater responsibility to the People to report the truth, the facts, not opinion and propaganda. This government-controlled media is ensuring that the storm comes a little faster.

Anyone born before 1980 has known more freedom, more liberty, and exercised more of their Constitutionally guaranteed rights than anyone born after. Why? Those born before the 'enlightenment' of the Democratic Socialists, the anti-Americanism of the far-left radicals, know what their rights and freedoms are. We were taught that in a school system that actually taught American and World history, not this watered down, anti-capitalist, anti-America, CRT, pro-LGBTAIA+ 160 thousand gender crap that is being pushed today. Remember, those born in the 1930s-1970s actually lived through what they are rewriting to make America and Americans look bad.

The storm is much nearer than the far-left realize. We, the People, are getting extremely tired of the anti-Americanism being pushed by the left. We are tired of our rights and freedoms being infringed upon. We are tired of history being rewritten. We are Americans, not globalists. We are America First, not America last. That's the way we were taught, the way we lived, the way it should be. And we are to the point where it will be that way again come hell or high water.

When terrorist organizations like Antifa and BLM are allowed to riot, loot, burn, and assault innocents without repercussions while peaceful patriots are hunted down and imprisoned for nothing, there is a huge problem. That is called 'political persecution.' That is not what we do in a civilized nation. That comes from dictatorships and banana republics. When the nation's leaders are placed into power instead of legally and fairly being elected, that is not the American way. That happens in Russia, North Korea, China, Venezuela, etc. When a government does everything it can to destroy a nation's economy, sovereignty, identity, etc., that government needs to be replaced with one that puts the nation, and its people, first before any other.

Yes, the storm is no longer on the horizon. It is just a little way off. November is just a few months away and then the left will see just what the American people are made of. Yes, they will lie, they will cheat, they will try to steal this election like they did in 2020. We know their tactics. We know just how low they will go to get their way. We also know that the career politicians in DC and the state governments will do nothing about it. We, the People, will do whatever it takes to get our country back from the hands and influence of the anti-American Democratic Socialists and Communists that have invaded the hallowed halls of Congress and the White House. We will prevail. We will not go quietly into the night as they believe we will. They can take our lives but they will never take our freedom!

Sunday, July 10, 2022

We Are Still s Constitutional Republic: A Short History of the Constitution

 I have tried over the years to educate people on the Constitution and what it means, what the Founders wanted, and how it is being perverted today. I do not go into this lightly. I have read the Constitution of the United States several times and refer back to it whenever I cite it. I have read the Federalist Papers and cite them at times. I have read the Federalist Farmer's letters responding to the Federalist Papers. I have read Madison's notes that he took while the debates were going on during the Constitutional Convention. I refer to all these documents when talking about how our government was set up, how it is supposed to be run, and how our government today is not using that so-important document as written and intended. Am I a Constitutional scholar? No. I am a high school graduate with very little education above that.

I was, actually, a licensed tax preparer in Oregon for about five years. In the great state of Oregon, to become a tax preparer it is a five week course on taxes and how to prepare them. After the course, it is a five hour test covering everything you need to know to prepare individual, small business, and corporate taxes. I passed that grueling test with 15 minutes to spare and had a grade of 89%. Not the brightest bulb in the box but smart enough to please the state of Oregon.

I don't pretend to know everything. I do make mistakes. I am a Constitutional originalist that believes it is a legal document set in stone. It is the Law of the Land. A judge does not 'interpret' the law on a whim or by the political ideas of the day. Over the last almost two and a half centuries politics have changed over and over again. One administration believes one thing and the next another. Slavery was alright when the country was founded. It isn't today. It took thousands of lives and a civil war to end that. Who was the champion? Abraham Lincoln, a Republican. The Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery was ratified on 6 December 1865.

Women couldn't vote until Rep. James R. Mann (R, IL) proposed to the House in favor of the Susan Anthony Amendment allowing women the right to vote on 21 May 1919. Overwhelmingly supported by the House, Congress passed the 19th Amendment on 4 June 1919 and the Women's Suffrage Amendment was certified on 26 August 1920.

At one point it was illegal to sell alcohol by Constitutional law. That law was revoked several years later by another amendment to the Constitution.

The winds of change never cease. To change the Supreme Law of the Land it takes a two-thirds majority in Congress and three-quarters of the States to ratify the change. The Founders didn't want to make it easy to change that document because they knew that politics changed dramatically over time and on a whim. They were not stupid by any stretch of anyone's imagination. They feared a strong central government; especially since they had just finished fighting a long war to free the colonies from just such a tyranny.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” Declaration of Independence.

I put some of that text into bold because that is some of most important parts of the Declaration. Even before we became a free and independent nation the Founders knew that government should not be changed easily or by the winds of political climate. That is why I believe the Constitution is iron-clad, cast in stone and unchanging without a long, drawn out process to make sure that the changes being made aren't for 'light and transient causes.' Congress seems to think that the Constitution is nothing but a piece of parchment that is no longer necessary and, in some cases, a nuisance to their causes.

Presidents, at times, don't like the hindrances of the separation of powers and tend to legislate from the Oval Office through Executive Orders. Congress has used the Supreme Court to legislate that which wouldn't pass in open debate and voting in the Chambers. This is not what the Founders envisioned. Not even close. A small, weak central government with enumerated powers. All power not delegated to the Federal Government is in the hands of the individual states and, most importantly, The People of the United States.

I have listed the powers of the Government on previous blog posts so I won't do it here. Let it be said that we, the People, have been lax in our oversight of government. We have allowed the Federal Government to become bloated and all powerful. I've heard it said many, many times over my sixty-plus years: “You can't fight City Hall.” All I can say about that is; “Like Hell you can't! They work for us! Not the other way around.” Every single government employee is a direct employee of the citizens of this nation. It is our tax money that pays them. Our elected officials have only so long before it's time to re-elect them or kick them to the curb. For the non-elected employees, well, we still pay them.

There are laws that have been passed that we, the citizens, immigrants, visa-holders, and visitors to this country have to follow. We have law enforcement to uphold those laws. If you break them and get arrested, well, you won't get far by telling that sheriff, deputy, or beat cop that he's fired. It don't work like that. There are ways to make your voice be heard. Most of the time it's in a courtroom. Sometimes it's through grievances to the City Council. In the end, it is us, the citizens of the United States that hold the ultimate power. We, the People. Too bad that isn't taught in school anymore.

The school system is broken by an all-powerful government. We are forced to attend school and most times it is a government-run school. That being said, what are we taught? We are taught only what the government wants us to know. Civics isn't taught. Government isn't taught. The Constitution isn't taught. If they are, it's only in passing. It's much easier to take away things that you don't know you have. It's all written down on a piece of parchment that is 234 years old. Ratified on 21 June 1788, The Constitution of the United States of America is still the most important document in American history.

There were thirteen colonies that became the first states of the new nation. Now, 248 years later that number has grown to 50 states and several possessions (Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Island, American Samoa, Palmyra Atoll, Howland Island, Johnston Atoll, Wake Island, and a few others). The country has grown since the Revolution of 1776 but, the Constitution has not and should not. The Founders knew that their new nation would not stay confined to the original thirteen but, they also knew that there needed to be a set way to govern no matter how big the country became. It's all in there. In black and white.

In today's world if you aren't 'woke' then you are some kind of racist, misogynist, xenophobe, homophobe, transphobe, or a host of other -phobes. People don't know if they are a boy or a girl and want to be called 'they/them.' Boys are competing against girls in sports because they can't win against other boys. Men pretend to be women for reasons that are most time nefarious. Racism has made a comeback that makes the race riots of the 1950's and 1960's look like a trip to Disneyland. Major corporations are condoning and even helping indoctrinate our children into the gay/trans world whether they like it or not. Schools are perpetrating trans agenda upon any child that mentions that they don't feel like the sex they are. Critical Race Theory is being shoved down the throats of school children from a young age through college. Marxism and Socialism are being taught as the best political/economic system and Capitalism/Individual freedoms are being taught as racist and unfair.

Who is behind all this anti-America agenda? Who is forcing this ideology upon the people of the nation? Who is to blame? We, the People are to blame because we haven't stood up and asserted our God-given rights and authority over an elected government that shouldn't have the power that it does.

Please, for the sake of America, read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, the Federalist Papers, the Federalist Farmer, and Madison's notes. Read them till you understand just what it was that the Founding Fathers of this nation intended us to be. IF you do pick up a book that has these documents and you DO read them, please, read them carefully, intentionally, methodically, and with the idea that you were right there when they were being written for the first time. Pretend that you were involved in the debates over what should and shouldn't be in the Supreme Law of the Land. Pretend that you were standing alongside General George Washington overlooking his ragged troops, weary from fighting an almost impossible battle against an army that had never lost. Pretend that you were there when Lincoln gave his speech at Gettysburg.

Remember this, the 56 men that signed the Declaration of Independence vowed their fortunes, their honor, their very lives to a cause that became the Great Experiment – a country that was of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, and for the PEOPLE. A Constitutional Republic with an elected government that would change on a regular basis. Not a democracy because democracies always fail. But a representative government. “We are the rightful masters of government.” A. Lincoln.

Friday, July 8, 2022

What is The Liberal World Order

 Joe Biden, the mentally challenged, corrupt, geriatric in charge made mention of 'the Liberal World Order.' Brian Deese, one of his advisers, made mention of it during a CNN interview. So, what, exactly, is the Liberal World Order?

World101 explains it like this: After World War II countries sought to ensure the world never again devolved into such horrific violence.

World leaders created a series of international organizations and agreements to promote global cooperation on issues including security, trade, health, and monetary policy. The United States has championed this system—known as the liberal world order—for the past seventy-five years. During this time, the world has enjoyed unprecedented peace and prosperity.

But these institutions are far from perfect, and today they are struggling to address new sources of disorder, such as climate change and a deadly pandemic. What’s more, democracy is on the decline around the world, authoritarianism is on the rise, and countries like China are deliberately chipping away at the liberal world order, creating parallel institutions of their own. Faced with these challenges, will the liberal world order survive? If a new system emerges, what will that mean for freedom, peace, and prosperity worldwide? (

Some of those institutions have become corrupted. The UN Security Council has become antisemitic to the point of actually trying to destroy Israel. The World Health Organization is controlled by the Chinese. The World Bank dictates to countries how to govern if they loan to them, as does the International Monetary Fund.

Once an institution is organized and given power over anything, it soon becomes corrupt. The old adage 'Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely' stands true. All one has to do is look at our own government. The Founding Fathers were terrified of a large and powerful government. They intentionally limited the power of the Federal Government and enumerated those powers in the Constitution. Over the decades and centuries, our limited government has increased in size and taken power it does not possess.

Now, our President is throwing around the term 'Liberal World Order.' What does he mean by that? Does he mean the literal definition as set forth after WWII or does he mean something much more nefarious? Liberalism has become synonymous with Socialism and, to a point, Communism in this country. The far-left radicals, Progressives, Marxists, and Democratic Socialists that have taken over in our government are called 'Liberals.'

Let's take a look at the definition of liberalism. The following definitions are from the online Merriam Webster dictionary:

Liberalism noun

lib·​er·​al·​ism | \ Ëˆli-b(É™-)rÉ™-ËŒli-zÉ™m  \

Definition of liberalism

1the quality or state of being liberal

2:a:often capitalized a movement in modern Protestantism emphasizing intellectual liberty and the spiritual and ethical content of Christianity

ba theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard (see GOLD STANDARD sense 1)

ca political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy (see AUTONOMY sense 2) of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties specifically such a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration of social inequities (such as those involving race, gender, or class)

d:capitalized the principles and policies of a Liberal (see LIBERAL entry 1 sense 6b) party

Gold Standard noun

Definition of gold standard

1a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by a stated quantity of gold and which is usually characterized by the coinage and circulation of gold, unrestricted convertibility of other money into gold, and the free export and import of gold for settling of international obligations

Autonomy noun

au·​ton·​o·​my | \ È¯-ˈtä-nÉ™-mÄ“  \

plural autonomies

Definition of autonomy

1the quality or state of being self-governing especially the right of self-government The territory was granted autonomy.

2self-directing freedom and especially moral independence personal autonomy

3a self-governing state

Liberal adjective

lib·​er·​al | \ Ëˆli-b(É™-)rÉ™l  \

Definition of liberal

 (Entry 1 of 2)

1aof, relating to, or based on the liberal artsliberal education

b: archaic of or befitting a man of free birth

2amarked by generosity OPENHANDEDliberal giver

bgiven or provided in a generous and openhanded way a liberal meal


3:obsolete lacking moral restraint LICENTIOUS

4not literal or strict LOOSEliberal translation

5BROAD-MINDED especially not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms

6aof, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism

b:capitalized of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism especially of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives

Liberal noun

lib·​er·​al | \ Ëˆli-b(É™-)rÉ™l  \

Definition of liberal (Entry 2 of 2)

a person who is liberal: such as

aone who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways

b:capitalized a member or supporter of a liberal political party (see LIBERAL entry 1 sense 6)

can advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in individual rights

As you can see, what conservatives call liberals are far from it on most points. Individual freedoms and rights, self-governing, open-minded, generosity, etc. Where the definition does come straight to what a liberal is here in the United States is; lacking moral restraint, not bound by traditional forms, and a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration of social inequities (such as those involving race, gender, or class). The Founders did not believe that government had any business in dictating to the People how to live their lives or even being that important to the everyday operation of the country as a whole. The Democrat Party believes that only government can know what is best for the people and demands that the country follow laws enacted that inhibit, control, regulate, and even criminalize activities that were once everyday living; things like fishing, hunting, owning a firearm, speaking your mind openly, being able to travel unrestricted without being taxed (having a driver's license, licensing a motor vehicle, tolls, etc.).

So, what does Uncle Dementia mean when he says we must endure great hardship to ensure the Liberal World Order? They speak about the Russia/Ukraine war and how this is the main purpose of increasingly high fuel prices. A foreign war that we are not fighting has nothing to do with our economy. Yes, we are sending arms and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, as we should. Does that mean that we need to buy our oil from OPEC? Does that mean that our store shelves should be empty? Does this 75 year old policy mean that we, the United States of America, and the rest of the world, should suffer because Vlad wants to put the Soviet Union back together?

The Liberal World Order has nothing to do with turning prosperous nations into poverty stricken hellholes. It is an antiquated policy that was supposed to rebuild Europe after the devastation of war. The European countries were struggling with economic, social, and health issues and the LWO was to help them recover. Now, its primary mission is to redistribute the wealth of the world to countries that are struggling and considered less economically viable than the industrialized nations. China, the second largest economy in the world receives billions of dollars annually from the World Bank because it falls into their category of needing help. India receives billions of dollars annually because it has the largest population of poor people. Who funds the World Bank? Everyone that has a good economy. The United States has over a 16% interest in it. After all, up until Joe Biden, we had the strongest, largest economy in the world.

When Dementia Joe talks about the Liberal World Order, it's up for grabs what, exactly, he's talking about. My guess is that he is talking about the 'Great Reset' into Socialism/Communism here in the United States but, he could be talking about the WWII policy that should have been done and over with decades ago. Only the Democrats know for sure.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Comey and McCabe's IRS Audit

Well, well, well. James Comey, former FBI Director under Barack Hussein Obama, and Andrew McCabe, former Acting Director of the FBI under Donald J Trump are being audited by the Internal Revenue Service and they think it's not fair. There has to be some nefarious dealings from President Trump for the IRS to single out two former FBI directors at the same time.

The Huffington Post reports that both men went on the record to air their sentiments. Comey, as we all know, exonerated Hillary Clinton from any wrongdoing in the personal server and email debacle, and McCabe, was, is, and always shall be a Democrat hack working against Trump. Both men signed off on FISA Court requests for wiretapping of the Trump campaign, transition, and administration on information that was not verified. Trump bashed them both and even called Comey a traitor.

The Huffington Post reported, “The random audits are extremely rare, and it’s highly unlikely for an American to get selected. The Times noted just 5,000 people were selected in 2017 out of 153 million returns, or about 1 in 30,600. There’s no evidence that the IRS, which is currently headed by Trump appointee Charles Rettig, acted with any impropriety.” What gets me about this statement is that they say it is extremely rare for 'an American to get selected.' Wow! I did taxes for over five years and was involved in a minimum of a dozen audits by the IRS. So, that being said, just how rare is it to get audited by the IRS? It all depends on what kind of deductions you've taken and what income you've reported and if there is any discrepancy between that and what was reported to IRS by 1099's and W2's. Seems to me that the left owned HuffPost is trying to make it sound like it's not right for these two to be audited.

Comey and McCabe made statements to the New York Times and CNN according to the Huffington Post: “I don’t know whether anything improper happened, but after learning how unusual this audit was and how badly Trump wanted to hurt me during that time, it made sense to try to figure it out,” Comey said in a statement to the Times. “Maybe it’s a coincidence or maybe somebody misused the I.R.S. to get at a political enemy. Given the role Trump wants to continue to play in our country, we should know the answer to that question.”

McCabe also said he had “significant questions about how or why I was selected.”

It just defies logic to think that there wasn’t some other factor involved,” he said later Wednesday on CNN. “I think that’s a reasonable question. I think it should be investigated. People need to be able to trust the institutions of government and so that’s why there should be some ― we should dig through this and find out what happened.”

Read what each one said again. Comey stated that Trump wanted to hurt him. Wasn't it he, James Comey, that pushed the fake dossier about Trump/Russia collusion? Wasn't it Comey that did everything he could to hurt a sitting President, even to the point of taking notes of conversations with him that he 'leaked' to the press? I really don't think Trump did anything but bash him repeatedly about his treasonous behavior.

McCabe, on the other hand, saying that 'people need to be able to trust the institutions of government' is nothing less than a joke coming from him. He abused his power and was very instrumental in the people of the country mistrusting the institutions of the government. He is still wanting anything Trump investigated. Seems to me that these two are still treasonous weasels that need to be tried and convicted for attempting a coup of the Trump Administration.

One other statement that Comey made is also ridiculous coming out of his mouth: 'given the role Trump wants to continue to play in our country...' That made me almost fall out of my chair! Let's list a few of the Democrats that are still wanting to play a part in our country. Hillary Rodham Clinton just won't go away. Barack Hussein Obama has actually gone to foreign countries and tried to make policy. Hunter Biden and his foreign business dealings with no experience in said businesses.

CNN reported that Obama met with Angela Merkel on the same day that she met with Trump. He was there to discuss democracy and faith. It hasn't gone unnoticed that the German Chancellor prefers Obama over Trump. That being said, was Obama's visit only personal and on behalf of his foundation or, was he playing politics against the sitting President? Is it against the law for a citizen to visit a foreign government? Technically, no. The Logan Act states:

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

The question is, did Obama violate the Logan Act? Only he and Merkel know for sure.

So, Comey and McCabe are upset about getting audited. If they didn't break IRS law they shouldn't have anything to worry about. That's what IRS agents tell taxpayers when they get audited. Since these two treasonous clowns are worried about it and want it to be investigated, maybe there were some shady dealings that need looked into. That's what the Dems said when Trump didn't want his taxes opened up for everyone to see. The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds.

As Andrew Wilkow says, “Socialism is for the people, not the Socialist.” Equality under the law is only for conservatives because the left seems to be getting by with breaking every law they can unmolested by those nasty law enforcement officers, Congressional investigations, being indicted, charged, tried, convicted, or sentenced. As the FBI tracks down and imprisons people that went to the Trump rally and then to the Capitol Complex on January 6, 2020, there are still hundreds, if not thousands, of rioters, looters, arsonists, and people that assaulted innocent bystanders running the streets free and clear.

There are still Congressional members that incited riots, condoned the arson, even put up GoFundMe pages to get some of those criminals out of jail that act like they are the pillars of the community. Yes, Congressionmen are exempt from prosecution for anything while in those hallowed halls or going to or from the Capitol. What seems to be missing is that the Constitution states that: “They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest...” How many Congressmen breached the peace while Trump was in office? Max Waters screaming in public to harass other representatives wherever they may be is a great example. Omar, AOC, Tlaib, Pressley, Booker, Harris, all have made spectacles of themselves in public that got a crowd pretty excited and wanting to hurt conservatives. Even now, members of Congress are saying it's alright to protest in front of Supreme Court Justices houses. We all know what a 'peaceful protest' looks like when it's from the far-left.

I know. I get a little off track sometimes. There is so much that coincides with the main topic that I just can't help myself. I also know that it seems as though I am an avid Trump supporter. I am not. I don't like the man, personally. He can be a petulant child, egotistical, doesn't know when to stop on certain things, etc. What I do support is Trump's America First policies and his unshakable patriotism. I am not protecting Donald J Trump when I give my opinions on what the left is doing, or has done against him. I am protecting our God-given rights and freedoms, our Constitution, our Flag, the Rule of Law. These are things that the Democrats have openly and blatantly disrespected and are continuing to try to overturn. If you can't see that from the 'news' reports and what is happening around the country, then you, my friend, are either completely brainwashed or a card-carrying member of the Party.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

The Supreme Court, Again, and The Liberal World Order


Once again the Supreme Court is at the forefront of the news cycle. This time concerning election law.

The Constitution clearly states: Article One, Section Four, Paragraph One - “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

What does this actually say? The State legislatures have the power to choose the times, places, and manner of holding election for SENATORS and REPRESENTATIVES. That is, unless Congress gets a wild hair and decides it wants to do something different. The state Governors and courts have absolutely NOTHING to do with the election process. Nothing, nilch, nada, finite. The legislature of each state hold the power, PERIOD.

Because gerrymandering has been allowed for decades, the legislatures of each state have done everything they can to keep one party in power. I don't think I need to reiterate which party has done that the most and is doing everything it can to do it nationwide.

All it took was for the High Court to say it would consider hearing the case on election law. Wow! Did the zealots ever come out of the woodwork on that. Since the Court took the State of New York down a notch or two and then overturned Roe v Wade, the virtue signalers, advocates, and activists have been having a heyday with them. They are the highest court in the nation. They don't legislate, they interpret the Constitutionality of the law. The Democrat Party has used the Court to legislate for them; especially when their policy wouldn't pass regular legislative process. This is called abuse of the high Court, abuse of power, and corruption.

The Supreme Court is supposed to be non-partisan; leaning neither left nor right but strictly by Constitutional law and precedent. The problem is that the Democrat Party has perverted the Court by appointing Justices that don't interpret the Constitution as written or intended, but as a 'living document' that changes with the political tide. The Republican Party has, by and large, tried to appoint Originalists as Justices; people that would interpret the Law of the Land as the Founders intended to be.

With a conservative majority on the Court, political activism is less likely to occur. Does it? Of course it does, at least in the eyes of the liberal left. If they don't get their way, if things to go the way they want, they scream that the Justices are not doing their job right. If the Constitution says that the people have the right to keep and bear arms and the Court decides that we, the People, do have that right, the liberal left screams that they are just conservative puppets legislating from the bench. All the Court is doing is making a Constitutionally sound decision.

According to The Washington Post, the committee investigating the Jan 6 debacle “ has offered fresh evidence suggesting President Donald Trump sought to disrupt the congressional counting of electoral votes to allow state legislatures time to send alternate slates of electors as part of a bid to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

State legislatures have already introduced or enacted laws in a number of GOP-controlled states that voting rights groups say make it more difficult to cast a ballot. Experts say if the Supreme Court adopts the independent legislature theory, it would give state lawmakers ultimate control over election-related decisions like redistricting, as well as issues such as voting qualifications and voting by mail.”

I'd like to know who these 'experts' are. Probably the same people that fact-check Facebook posts. Left to the Democrat Party, anyone in the country would be able to vote whether a citizen or not, ballot harvesting would go unchecked, third-party drop boxes would be on every street corner, mail-in ballots would be the norm without verifying the ID of who sent it, etc. In other words, the Democrats want to change the election laws so that they can cheat legally.

As for President Trump disrupting the counting of electoral votes – it has come to pass that a lot of votes were fraudulent. Arizona being the one that comes to mind finding more than enough fake ballots that Trump would have won that state. Of course, the states that were the most questionable waited until way too late to do an audit. It should have been done in November 2020 when Donald J Trump and most of the nation wanted it done. He was in the right to demand audits and alternate electors. It's kinda hard to 'overturn' a rigged election when no one will even look at any evidence of fraud and corruption.

This is part of a broader strategy to make voting harder and impose the will of state legislatures regardless of the will of the people,” said Suzanne Almeida, director of state operations for Common Cause, a nonpartisan pro-democracy group. “It is a significant change to the power of state courts to rein in state legislatures.” This, also, coming from The Washington Post. I would like to know what these state legislatures are doing that is making voting harder. Are they asking for voter ID, to be an American citizen, to be a registered voter? If the conservative right is anything, it is for fair and legal voting. It is the liberal left that wants anything but fair and legal voting. After all, it's a well known fact that, with how far left they have gone, there isn't a Democrat running that could win a fair and legal election. Except in California, New York, Illinois, Michigan, and a couple of other states where the gerrymandering has made it next to impossible for a conservative to win.

As far as a state's legislature going against the will of the people, that's what elections are for – to get rid of those that do just that. The only place, it seems, that this process doesn't hold true is for the Federal legislature. There are very few Congressmen that are doing what the people want. Most are drafting, and passing, bills for what makes them more powerful, more wealthy, and damn near impossible to get out of office.

Greg Guttfield commented on Fox News' The Five 'to a Biden administration official defending high gas prices and inflation as necessary to defending the "liberal world order." “What a scary fast trip from America first to America last. That "liberal world order" phrase used to be something you might hear somebody on infomercials say – I'm sorry InfoWars say. But it actually was said, it was actually said out loud. That one sound bite should be in every commercial for every Republican campaign. You should play that liberal world order blurb to truckers, to parents buying food, to delivery workers, because it's this kind of, it's one of the biggest, like, reveals in history, in political history.” This as reported by Fox News.

Fox News also reported: “White House economic adviser Brian Deese suggested the pain at the pump was a price Americans had to pay for the "future of the liberal world order," in a CNN interview on Thursday.

"CNN Newsroom" host Victor Blackwell played a clip of President Biden telling a reporter at Thursday's NATO Summit that Americans can continue to pay a premium for gas "as long as it takes" to win the war in Ukraine.

Blackwell asked Deese how the White House would respond to Americans worried that they won't be able to survive paying close to or over $5 a gallon, potentially for "years" to come.

"The military analysts, the Director of National Intelligence say this can be a long war measured in years. I think everybody understands why this is happening. But is it sustainable? What do you say to those families that say, 'Listen, we can't afford to pay $4.85  a gallon for months, if not years. This is just not sustainable,'" Blackwell questioned.

Deese initially responded, "What you heard from the president today was a clear articulation of the stakes. This is about the future of the liberal world order, and we have to stand firm." The comment caused a stir on social media.

While Deese continued on extolling the 'economic advances' that the country was enjoying, he talked about a 'transition.' “When asked what he meant by "transition," Deese said the administration wanted to return the economy to a much better place than it was under the Trump administration.

"The economy pre-pandemic was not working for a lot of middle class families," the economics adviser claimed.”

What great economic recovery are we going through? Middle class Americans are suffering more than they have in decades. Gas prices are higher than ever. Inflation is out of control. Our jobs are, once again, going overseas. We are now, once again, dependent on OPEC and other foreign oil barons instead of energy independent. The Democrats have never made America great. The Biden Administration continually downgrades all the advances that Donald Trump made for America. He said it in a speech soon after the inauguration, “The America First Policy is over. We are a global economy.”

The scary part was what Deese said about the 'liberal world order.' Just what is this 'liberal world order?' Does this mean that, come hell or high water, the United States of America, a Constitutional Republic is definitely going to be changed into a Socialist State and become the United Socialist States of America? Only your local Democratic Socialist, or a die-hard AOC fan can say for sure.

If you haven't gotten enough intel to show you just what the Democrat Party is doing and what they want to accomplish, you are not paying attention, or you are part of the problem. One person can only do so much. But, it only takes one person to stand up and say, “This isn't right! This has got to change.” Once that one person does it, it gives others the courage to do the same. Suddenly, that one person becomes ten, then a hundred, then a thousand, and so forth. As is written in the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320, “As long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours, that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself". We don't have to worry about English rule anymore. What we have to worry about is a tyrannical dominion far worse. The sentiment is there, though.

Quotes are great. They say what a lot of us actually feel but can't put into words. The problem with quotes from great statesmen, politicians, philosophers, poets, writers, etc., is that they mean nothing. A quote is a quote is a quote but actions, well, actions speak so much louder than words. It's time for red-blooded American patriots got off their arses and DID SOMETHING! America isn't going to fix itself without someone doing something. NOW IS THE TIME! It's almost to a point of no return. There are many, many patriots that have been predicting and warning and no one has heeded the call. It's now or never, America.