Saturday, July 2, 2022

The Supreme Court, Again, and The Liberal World Order


Once again the Supreme Court is at the forefront of the news cycle. This time concerning election law.

The Constitution clearly states: Article One, Section Four, Paragraph One - “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

What does this actually say? The State legislatures have the power to choose the times, places, and manner of holding election for SENATORS and REPRESENTATIVES. That is, unless Congress gets a wild hair and decides it wants to do something different. The state Governors and courts have absolutely NOTHING to do with the election process. Nothing, nilch, nada, finite. The legislature of each state hold the power, PERIOD.

Because gerrymandering has been allowed for decades, the legislatures of each state have done everything they can to keep one party in power. I don't think I need to reiterate which party has done that the most and is doing everything it can to do it nationwide.

All it took was for the High Court to say it would consider hearing the case on election law. Wow! Did the zealots ever come out of the woodwork on that. Since the Court took the State of New York down a notch or two and then overturned Roe v Wade, the virtue signalers, advocates, and activists have been having a heyday with them. They are the highest court in the nation. They don't legislate, they interpret the Constitutionality of the law. The Democrat Party has used the Court to legislate for them; especially when their policy wouldn't pass regular legislative process. This is called abuse of the high Court, abuse of power, and corruption.

The Supreme Court is supposed to be non-partisan; leaning neither left nor right but strictly by Constitutional law and precedent. The problem is that the Democrat Party has perverted the Court by appointing Justices that don't interpret the Constitution as written or intended, but as a 'living document' that changes with the political tide. The Republican Party has, by and large, tried to appoint Originalists as Justices; people that would interpret the Law of the Land as the Founders intended to be.

With a conservative majority on the Court, political activism is less likely to occur. Does it? Of course it does, at least in the eyes of the liberal left. If they don't get their way, if things to go the way they want, they scream that the Justices are not doing their job right. If the Constitution says that the people have the right to keep and bear arms and the Court decides that we, the People, do have that right, the liberal left screams that they are just conservative puppets legislating from the bench. All the Court is doing is making a Constitutionally sound decision.

According to The Washington Post, the committee investigating the Jan 6 debacle “ has offered fresh evidence suggesting President Donald Trump sought to disrupt the congressional counting of electoral votes to allow state legislatures time to send alternate slates of electors as part of a bid to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

State legislatures have already introduced or enacted laws in a number of GOP-controlled states that voting rights groups say make it more difficult to cast a ballot. Experts say if the Supreme Court adopts the independent legislature theory, it would give state lawmakers ultimate control over election-related decisions like redistricting, as well as issues such as voting qualifications and voting by mail.”

I'd like to know who these 'experts' are. Probably the same people that fact-check Facebook posts. Left to the Democrat Party, anyone in the country would be able to vote whether a citizen or not, ballot harvesting would go unchecked, third-party drop boxes would be on every street corner, mail-in ballots would be the norm without verifying the ID of who sent it, etc. In other words, the Democrats want to change the election laws so that they can cheat legally.

As for President Trump disrupting the counting of electoral votes – it has come to pass that a lot of votes were fraudulent. Arizona being the one that comes to mind finding more than enough fake ballots that Trump would have won that state. Of course, the states that were the most questionable waited until way too late to do an audit. It should have been done in November 2020 when Donald J Trump and most of the nation wanted it done. He was in the right to demand audits and alternate electors. It's kinda hard to 'overturn' a rigged election when no one will even look at any evidence of fraud and corruption.

This is part of a broader strategy to make voting harder and impose the will of state legislatures regardless of the will of the people,” said Suzanne Almeida, director of state operations for Common Cause, a nonpartisan pro-democracy group. “It is a significant change to the power of state courts to rein in state legislatures.” This, also, coming from The Washington Post. I would like to know what these state legislatures are doing that is making voting harder. Are they asking for voter ID, to be an American citizen, to be a registered voter? If the conservative right is anything, it is for fair and legal voting. It is the liberal left that wants anything but fair and legal voting. After all, it's a well known fact that, with how far left they have gone, there isn't a Democrat running that could win a fair and legal election. Except in California, New York, Illinois, Michigan, and a couple of other states where the gerrymandering has made it next to impossible for a conservative to win.

As far as a state's legislature going against the will of the people, that's what elections are for – to get rid of those that do just that. The only place, it seems, that this process doesn't hold true is for the Federal legislature. There are very few Congressmen that are doing what the people want. Most are drafting, and passing, bills for what makes them more powerful, more wealthy, and damn near impossible to get out of office.

Greg Guttfield commented on Fox News' The Five 'to a Biden administration official defending high gas prices and inflation as necessary to defending the "liberal world order." “What a scary fast trip from America first to America last. That "liberal world order" phrase used to be something you might hear somebody on infomercials say – I'm sorry InfoWars say. But it actually was said, it was actually said out loud. That one sound bite should be in every commercial for every Republican campaign. You should play that liberal world order blurb to truckers, to parents buying food, to delivery workers, because it's this kind of, it's one of the biggest, like, reveals in history, in political history.” This as reported by Fox News.

Fox News also reported: “White House economic adviser Brian Deese suggested the pain at the pump was a price Americans had to pay for the "future of the liberal world order," in a CNN interview on Thursday.

"CNN Newsroom" host Victor Blackwell played a clip of President Biden telling a reporter at Thursday's NATO Summit that Americans can continue to pay a premium for gas "as long as it takes" to win the war in Ukraine.

Blackwell asked Deese how the White House would respond to Americans worried that they won't be able to survive paying close to or over $5 a gallon, potentially for "years" to come.

"The military analysts, the Director of National Intelligence say this can be a long war measured in years. I think everybody understands why this is happening. But is it sustainable? What do you say to those families that say, 'Listen, we can't afford to pay $4.85  a gallon for months, if not years. This is just not sustainable,'" Blackwell questioned.

Deese initially responded, "What you heard from the president today was a clear articulation of the stakes. This is about the future of the liberal world order, and we have to stand firm." The comment caused a stir on social media.

While Deese continued on extolling the 'economic advances' that the country was enjoying, he talked about a 'transition.' “When asked what he meant by "transition," Deese said the administration wanted to return the economy to a much better place than it was under the Trump administration.

"The economy pre-pandemic was not working for a lot of middle class families," the economics adviser claimed.”

What great economic recovery are we going through? Middle class Americans are suffering more than they have in decades. Gas prices are higher than ever. Inflation is out of control. Our jobs are, once again, going overseas. We are now, once again, dependent on OPEC and other foreign oil barons instead of energy independent. The Democrats have never made America great. The Biden Administration continually downgrades all the advances that Donald Trump made for America. He said it in a speech soon after the inauguration, “The America First Policy is over. We are a global economy.”

The scary part was what Deese said about the 'liberal world order.' Just what is this 'liberal world order?' Does this mean that, come hell or high water, the United States of America, a Constitutional Republic is definitely going to be changed into a Socialist State and become the United Socialist States of America? Only your local Democratic Socialist, or a die-hard AOC fan can say for sure.

If you haven't gotten enough intel to show you just what the Democrat Party is doing and what they want to accomplish, you are not paying attention, or you are part of the problem. One person can only do so much. But, it only takes one person to stand up and say, “This isn't right! This has got to change.” Once that one person does it, it gives others the courage to do the same. Suddenly, that one person becomes ten, then a hundred, then a thousand, and so forth. As is written in the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320, “As long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours, that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself". We don't have to worry about English rule anymore. What we have to worry about is a tyrannical dominion far worse. The sentiment is there, though.

Quotes are great. They say what a lot of us actually feel but can't put into words. The problem with quotes from great statesmen, politicians, philosophers, poets, writers, etc., is that they mean nothing. A quote is a quote is a quote but actions, well, actions speak so much louder than words. It's time for red-blooded American patriots got off their arses and DID SOMETHING! America isn't going to fix itself without someone doing something. NOW IS THE TIME! It's almost to a point of no return. There are many, many patriots that have been predicting and warning and no one has heeded the call. It's now or never, America.

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