Thursday, July 7, 2022

Comey and McCabe's IRS Audit

Well, well, well. James Comey, former FBI Director under Barack Hussein Obama, and Andrew McCabe, former Acting Director of the FBI under Donald J Trump are being audited by the Internal Revenue Service and they think it's not fair. There has to be some nefarious dealings from President Trump for the IRS to single out two former FBI directors at the same time.

The Huffington Post reports that both men went on the record to air their sentiments. Comey, as we all know, exonerated Hillary Clinton from any wrongdoing in the personal server and email debacle, and McCabe, was, is, and always shall be a Democrat hack working against Trump. Both men signed off on FISA Court requests for wiretapping of the Trump campaign, transition, and administration on information that was not verified. Trump bashed them both and even called Comey a traitor.

The Huffington Post reported, “The random audits are extremely rare, and it’s highly unlikely for an American to get selected. The Times noted just 5,000 people were selected in 2017 out of 153 million returns, or about 1 in 30,600. There’s no evidence that the IRS, which is currently headed by Trump appointee Charles Rettig, acted with any impropriety.” What gets me about this statement is that they say it is extremely rare for 'an American to get selected.' Wow! I did taxes for over five years and was involved in a minimum of a dozen audits by the IRS. So, that being said, just how rare is it to get audited by the IRS? It all depends on what kind of deductions you've taken and what income you've reported and if there is any discrepancy between that and what was reported to IRS by 1099's and W2's. Seems to me that the left owned HuffPost is trying to make it sound like it's not right for these two to be audited.

Comey and McCabe made statements to the New York Times and CNN according to the Huffington Post: “I don’t know whether anything improper happened, but after learning how unusual this audit was and how badly Trump wanted to hurt me during that time, it made sense to try to figure it out,” Comey said in a statement to the Times. “Maybe it’s a coincidence or maybe somebody misused the I.R.S. to get at a political enemy. Given the role Trump wants to continue to play in our country, we should know the answer to that question.”

McCabe also said he had “significant questions about how or why I was selected.”

It just defies logic to think that there wasn’t some other factor involved,” he said later Wednesday on CNN. “I think that’s a reasonable question. I think it should be investigated. People need to be able to trust the institutions of government and so that’s why there should be some ― we should dig through this and find out what happened.”

Read what each one said again. Comey stated that Trump wanted to hurt him. Wasn't it he, James Comey, that pushed the fake dossier about Trump/Russia collusion? Wasn't it Comey that did everything he could to hurt a sitting President, even to the point of taking notes of conversations with him that he 'leaked' to the press? I really don't think Trump did anything but bash him repeatedly about his treasonous behavior.

McCabe, on the other hand, saying that 'people need to be able to trust the institutions of government' is nothing less than a joke coming from him. He abused his power and was very instrumental in the people of the country mistrusting the institutions of the government. He is still wanting anything Trump investigated. Seems to me that these two are still treasonous weasels that need to be tried and convicted for attempting a coup of the Trump Administration.

One other statement that Comey made is also ridiculous coming out of his mouth: 'given the role Trump wants to continue to play in our country...' That made me almost fall out of my chair! Let's list a few of the Democrats that are still wanting to play a part in our country. Hillary Rodham Clinton just won't go away. Barack Hussein Obama has actually gone to foreign countries and tried to make policy. Hunter Biden and his foreign business dealings with no experience in said businesses.

CNN reported that Obama met with Angela Merkel on the same day that she met with Trump. He was there to discuss democracy and faith. It hasn't gone unnoticed that the German Chancellor prefers Obama over Trump. That being said, was Obama's visit only personal and on behalf of his foundation or, was he playing politics against the sitting President? Is it against the law for a citizen to visit a foreign government? Technically, no. The Logan Act states:

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

The question is, did Obama violate the Logan Act? Only he and Merkel know for sure.

So, Comey and McCabe are upset about getting audited. If they didn't break IRS law they shouldn't have anything to worry about. That's what IRS agents tell taxpayers when they get audited. Since these two treasonous clowns are worried about it and want it to be investigated, maybe there were some shady dealings that need looked into. That's what the Dems said when Trump didn't want his taxes opened up for everyone to see. The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds.

As Andrew Wilkow says, “Socialism is for the people, not the Socialist.” Equality under the law is only for conservatives because the left seems to be getting by with breaking every law they can unmolested by those nasty law enforcement officers, Congressional investigations, being indicted, charged, tried, convicted, or sentenced. As the FBI tracks down and imprisons people that went to the Trump rally and then to the Capitol Complex on January 6, 2020, there are still hundreds, if not thousands, of rioters, looters, arsonists, and people that assaulted innocent bystanders running the streets free and clear.

There are still Congressional members that incited riots, condoned the arson, even put up GoFundMe pages to get some of those criminals out of jail that act like they are the pillars of the community. Yes, Congressionmen are exempt from prosecution for anything while in those hallowed halls or going to or from the Capitol. What seems to be missing is that the Constitution states that: “They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest...” How many Congressmen breached the peace while Trump was in office? Max Waters screaming in public to harass other representatives wherever they may be is a great example. Omar, AOC, Tlaib, Pressley, Booker, Harris, all have made spectacles of themselves in public that got a crowd pretty excited and wanting to hurt conservatives. Even now, members of Congress are saying it's alright to protest in front of Supreme Court Justices houses. We all know what a 'peaceful protest' looks like when it's from the far-left.

I know. I get a little off track sometimes. There is so much that coincides with the main topic that I just can't help myself. I also know that it seems as though I am an avid Trump supporter. I am not. I don't like the man, personally. He can be a petulant child, egotistical, doesn't know when to stop on certain things, etc. What I do support is Trump's America First policies and his unshakable patriotism. I am not protecting Donald J Trump when I give my opinions on what the left is doing, or has done against him. I am protecting our God-given rights and freedoms, our Constitution, our Flag, the Rule of Law. These are things that the Democrats have openly and blatantly disrespected and are continuing to try to overturn. If you can't see that from the 'news' reports and what is happening around the country, then you, my friend, are either completely brainwashed or a card-carrying member of the Party.

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