Friday, July 8, 2022

What is The Liberal World Order

 Joe Biden, the mentally challenged, corrupt, geriatric in charge made mention of 'the Liberal World Order.' Brian Deese, one of his advisers, made mention of it during a CNN interview. So, what, exactly, is the Liberal World Order?

World101 explains it like this: After World War II countries sought to ensure the world never again devolved into such horrific violence.

World leaders created a series of international organizations and agreements to promote global cooperation on issues including security, trade, health, and monetary policy. The United States has championed this system—known as the liberal world order—for the past seventy-five years. During this time, the world has enjoyed unprecedented peace and prosperity.

But these institutions are far from perfect, and today they are struggling to address new sources of disorder, such as climate change and a deadly pandemic. What’s more, democracy is on the decline around the world, authoritarianism is on the rise, and countries like China are deliberately chipping away at the liberal world order, creating parallel institutions of their own. Faced with these challenges, will the liberal world order survive? If a new system emerges, what will that mean for freedom, peace, and prosperity worldwide? (

Some of those institutions have become corrupted. The UN Security Council has become antisemitic to the point of actually trying to destroy Israel. The World Health Organization is controlled by the Chinese. The World Bank dictates to countries how to govern if they loan to them, as does the International Monetary Fund.

Once an institution is organized and given power over anything, it soon becomes corrupt. The old adage 'Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely' stands true. All one has to do is look at our own government. The Founding Fathers were terrified of a large and powerful government. They intentionally limited the power of the Federal Government and enumerated those powers in the Constitution. Over the decades and centuries, our limited government has increased in size and taken power it does not possess.

Now, our President is throwing around the term 'Liberal World Order.' What does he mean by that? Does he mean the literal definition as set forth after WWII or does he mean something much more nefarious? Liberalism has become synonymous with Socialism and, to a point, Communism in this country. The far-left radicals, Progressives, Marxists, and Democratic Socialists that have taken over in our government are called 'Liberals.'

Let's take a look at the definition of liberalism. The following definitions are from the online Merriam Webster dictionary:

Liberalism noun

lib·​er·​al·​ism | \ ˈli-b(ə-)rə-ˌli-zəm  \

Definition of liberalism

1the quality or state of being liberal

2:a:often capitalized a movement in modern Protestantism emphasizing intellectual liberty and the spiritual and ethical content of Christianity

ba theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard (see GOLD STANDARD sense 1)

ca political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy (see AUTONOMY sense 2) of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties specifically such a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration of social inequities (such as those involving race, gender, or class)

d:capitalized the principles and policies of a Liberal (see LIBERAL entry 1 sense 6b) party

Gold Standard noun

Definition of gold standard

1a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by a stated quantity of gold and which is usually characterized by the coinage and circulation of gold, unrestricted convertibility of other money into gold, and the free export and import of gold for settling of international obligations

Autonomy noun

au·​ton·​o·​my | \ ȯ-ˈtä-nə-mē  \

plural autonomies

Definition of autonomy

1the quality or state of being self-governing especially the right of self-government The territory was granted autonomy.

2self-directing freedom and especially moral independence personal autonomy

3a self-governing state

Liberal adjective

lib·​er·​al | \ ˈli-b(ə-)rəl  \

Definition of liberal

 (Entry 1 of 2)

1aof, relating to, or based on the liberal artsliberal education

b: archaic of or befitting a man of free birth

2amarked by generosity OPENHANDEDliberal giver

bgiven or provided in a generous and openhanded way a liberal meal


3:obsolete lacking moral restraint LICENTIOUS

4not literal or strict LOOSEliberal translation

5BROAD-MINDED especially not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms

6aof, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism

b:capitalized of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism especially of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives

Liberal noun

lib·​er·​al | \ ˈli-b(ə-)rəl  \

Definition of liberal (Entry 2 of 2)

a person who is liberal: such as

aone who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways

b:capitalized a member or supporter of a liberal political party (see LIBERAL entry 1 sense 6)

can advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in individual rights

As you can see, what conservatives call liberals are far from it on most points. Individual freedoms and rights, self-governing, open-minded, generosity, etc. Where the definition does come straight to what a liberal is here in the United States is; lacking moral restraint, not bound by traditional forms, and a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration of social inequities (such as those involving race, gender, or class). The Founders did not believe that government had any business in dictating to the People how to live their lives or even being that important to the everyday operation of the country as a whole. The Democrat Party believes that only government can know what is best for the people and demands that the country follow laws enacted that inhibit, control, regulate, and even criminalize activities that were once everyday living; things like fishing, hunting, owning a firearm, speaking your mind openly, being able to travel unrestricted without being taxed (having a driver's license, licensing a motor vehicle, tolls, etc.).

So, what does Uncle Dementia mean when he says we must endure great hardship to ensure the Liberal World Order? They speak about the Russia/Ukraine war and how this is the main purpose of increasingly high fuel prices. A foreign war that we are not fighting has nothing to do with our economy. Yes, we are sending arms and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, as we should. Does that mean that we need to buy our oil from OPEC? Does that mean that our store shelves should be empty? Does this 75 year old policy mean that we, the United States of America, and the rest of the world, should suffer because Vlad wants to put the Soviet Union back together?

The Liberal World Order has nothing to do with turning prosperous nations into poverty stricken hellholes. It is an antiquated policy that was supposed to rebuild Europe after the devastation of war. The European countries were struggling with economic, social, and health issues and the LWO was to help them recover. Now, its primary mission is to redistribute the wealth of the world to countries that are struggling and considered less economically viable than the industrialized nations. China, the second largest economy in the world receives billions of dollars annually from the World Bank because it falls into their category of needing help. India receives billions of dollars annually because it has the largest population of poor people. Who funds the World Bank? Everyone that has a good economy. The United States has over a 16% interest in it. After all, up until Joe Biden, we had the strongest, largest economy in the world.

When Dementia Joe talks about the Liberal World Order, it's up for grabs what, exactly, he's talking about. My guess is that he is talking about the 'Great Reset' into Socialism/Communism here in the United States but, he could be talking about the WWII policy that should have been done and over with decades ago. Only the Democrats know for sure.

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