Saturday, July 16, 2022

All Hail The Axolotl

 So, do/have you, or someone you know, been exposed to (name your chemical), used (name your FDA approved drug), been involved in an accident, felt like you have been sexually harassed (even though you didn't tell the person that you felt uncomfortable with his/her actions/comments), or a host of other things that ambulance chasers and shyster lawyers want to make money by suing over? There are more and more lawsuits being filed every day over some of the most insane reasons. If you, or a loved one, used pesticides without protection of any kind, you run the risk of getting seriously ill. If the FDA approved a drug at one time and haven't recanted that, why should you sue the manufacturer instead of the FDA? If you haven't told someone that what he/she is saying/doing is making your lily-white, pansy ass uncomfortable, how is it harassment? There used to be laws against frivolous lawsuits. Not anymore.

Gun and ammunition manufacturers are being sued because some idiot used their product to kill someone. Tobacco manufacturers are being sued because of the addictive nature of their product (even though the government is requiring them to add more and more chemicals to cigarettes) even though everyone should know that smoking is addictive. Drug manufacturers are being sued because people are dying by using their drugs even though the FDA approved them. These, to me, are so frivolous that they should be laughed out of court. Not any more. Filing lawsuits are a way to make money; both the plaintiff and the lawyers. I don't usually use the term 'lawyer,' it's usually 'attorney,' but these shysters and ambulance chasers aren't that reputable.

How about this: there is ad after ad after ad for new drugs for diseases that no one has ever heard of until they see on TV or hear about it on the radio. Have you ever read the side effects of most drugs produced? Those are worse than what they treat! A lot of the drugs that my son was on growing up for his ADHD, ODD, Bipolar, etc. had 'may cause death in some cases' as one of the side effects. I'd rather have had him running around like a chicken with its head cut off than die because of some drug that would maybe calm him down. The worst thing about this is that the FDA approves this shit! One of the newest FDA approved drugs is the Covid-19 vaccine. They said it was 'emergency approval.' It was still approved. What are the long term effects? Hell, what are the short term effects? The FDA has approved quite a few drugs that years later had caused birth defects or killed hundreds, even thousands, of people.

What happens when a drug is finally found to do bad things to those that take them? Why, we sue the pharmaceutical company, of course. After all, they made it. They HAD to know what it would do. Pfizer, last I knew, wasn't going to let anyone know what was in their Covid vaccine for seventy-five years. Why, in the name of all things holy, would they wait that long to let anyone know what was in it? I'll venture this guess: it's going to kill people and by the time they release the ingredient list, almost all the people that took it will be dead from old age or the drug, itself. BUT, the FDA approved it anyway. And the government, along with all the sheep that believed the government about the vaccination, don't care whether it's really safe or not, what the side effects are, what the long term effects are, or anything else about it. All they knew was that Uncle QuidPro Mentally Challenged Joe, Kamalteo the Ho, and “Dr.” Tony Fraudci told them to take it or else.

Ambulance chasing and shyster lawyers make BILLIONS of dollars a year off frivolous law suits. How? Most get paid a minimum of 30% of the take, plus expenses like phone calls, emails, letters, hanging out at the courthouse, driving to and from the courthouse, and drinking beer after 5 and before 7 when they have to go home to their multi-million dollar mansions and face their trophy wife that bitches about everything. Yeah. Every time I hear or see another lawsuit ad or drug ad I shake my head and wonder, “Why? Good God! Isn't there enough drug addictions out there; could they take anymore from these manufacturers?” So damn tired of the lazy, entitled, get-something-for-nothing, low-life POS out there that go along with these shysters. How about you get a job, make your own money and quit trying to ruin a major employer? You knew the risks when you started popping pills, smoking cigarettes, playing chemist around the yard or field, or held a weapon. If you didn't tell that shmoe you didn't like his comments or actions then is ISN'T sexual harassment.

The more I see people, the more I like fish. Why? Fish just swim around, silently, doing what fish do. People, on the other hand, tend to be back-stabbing, deceitful, greedy parasites. All hail the axolotl, the goldfish, and the snails.


  1. I understand the pharmaceutical companies are around to make money...and they do it hand over fist. They should definitely be held accountable for pushing products they make and KNOW the side effects of. There was a time the FDA wouldn't even consider approving a new drug that had been around for less than 10 years minimally and required those to go back to the drawing board to find ways to remove those adverse side effects. No more. Now it's approve it and let the chips fall where they may and make sure no one responsible for permanent damage or death can be sued. They are exempt because "they just wanted to help". I could literally write a book on this subject but you can bet it would be banned because those like big pharma, the fda and fauci and their ilk wouldn't be rolling in the dough and laughing at the useful idiots.

    1. I agree. All you have to do is listen to their ads or read the warning labels on their products. In recent years the lawsuits over drugs have increased exponentially. It seems as though there is a new one every month: If you or someone you know have used.... The same goes for malpractice suits against doctors. They don't KNOW medicine, they PRACTICE it. No one is perfect and all knowing but blatant disregard for the well-being of those that you swore to heal is something that has been more and more prevalent. It is almost as if Big Pharma and the medical profession are actively killing off the public. Great response and I appreciate your comments.


Please leave a comment; good, bad or indifferent. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks, JDE