Saturday, September 28, 2019

How Relevant is the Declaration of Independence?

Let me see if I’ve got this correct. I am not going to put this in chronological order by any means. I just want to make sure that I have my facts straight.

Hillary Clinton pays Fusion GPS for a dossier from a former British spy who obtained it from the Russians. But Trump was the one colluding with the Russians.

The Obama DOJ and Intelligence Community filed false information to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. But Trump is undermining national security.

Joe Biden brags on camera about extorting the Ukrainian president, saying that he will not release $1B unless the federal prosecutor, who is investigating a company Biden’s son is part of, is fired. But Trump is the one that is accused of mafia tactics and threatening the Ukrainians, even though there is no quid pro quo.

Hillary Clinton destroys over 30K emails that have been subpoenaed by the FBI and DOJ, destroys cell phones with hammers and removes SIM cards to keep the information from becoming evidence against her. But Trump is accused of obstruction of justice.

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives do nothing towards legislation that would help the American people, such as infrastructure, a border wall for a secure border, mass illegal immigration, anything on the economy, etc. Yet Trump is doing nothing for the people with his historically high tax cuts, over 4M off of food stamps, manufacturing jobs returning to the US, North Korea brought to the table on nuclear dismantlement, strong sanctions against Russia, Iran, and other countries out to do us harm, record low unemployment rates, historic employment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and women.

Since the day he was elected, the Democrats have been screaming that he needs to be impeached. Repeat, since the day he was elected. That was two and a half months before he was inaugurated. The rhetoric hasn’t stopped. After two and a half years of investigating the Russian collusion and obstruction of justice, nothing was found to be amiss. After three other investigations searching for wrongdoing, nothing has been found amiss. The Democrats, and some Republicans, are still screaming to impeach President Donald J Trump. It’s been rumored that if Trump cured cancer, the liberals would rebel because he was mistreating the tumors.

The liberals have called him a racist, xenophobe, homophobe, anti-Semite, misogynist, bigot, and a plethora of other radical labels all while he has championed extreme criminal reform (thus releasing hundreds of blacks from prison); he is one of three recipients of the Rosa Parks medal for work against racism; he dated a black woman; he is married to an immigrant; he has championed the rights of gays the world over; he is a staunch supporter of Israel and the Israeli Prime Minister; he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem thus proclaiming that as the capital of Israel; should I go on?

What are the Democrats doing? Promoting racial divide and victimization of minorities; undermining legal immigration by championing for the decriminalization of illegal border crossings; agreeing with legislation against Israel; siding with radical Islamists against the Bill of Rights, women’s rights, and for pro-Muslim, pro-socialist, anti-American legislation. They don’t even hide it anymore that they are against the Constitution and the American way of life.

All the while that the Democrats have been doing everything in their power against the President, what have the Republicans done about the Democrats criminality? Not a thing. They have allowed the liberal left to undermine the power of the Presidency, the reputation of the country, the rule of law, and even common sense to go on and on without repercussions. With overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the Clinton campaign, the Obama DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, several Representatives and Senators, the Republicans just sit there and let them lie and scream and investigate and propagandize the American people against the President. They are conservatives, Americans, in name only. There have been a handful of elected officials that have stood up for the President and the American people, but in voice only. No action has been taken against anyone that has committed treason against the country.

Fifty-seven men swore their loyalty, their fortunes, their honor to the freedom of this country on July 4, 1776. By doing so, they signed their own death warrants. If the Colonies had not won the War of Independence they would have been hung for treason. Do you know why the Colonies decided to claim independence from Great Britain? Have you read the Declaration of Independence? There were thirty direct reasons, usurpations, that drove the Colonies to declare their freedom from the Empire. Several of these reasons were addressed and taken care of by enumerating them in the Bill of Rights while most were addressed and taken care of in the body of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Here are some of the grievances against King George. “He” is referring to the King.

“He has refuted his Assent to Laws,…”

“He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance,…”

“He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws…”

“He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices,…”

“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and hither swarms of Offices to harass our people…”

“He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.”

“He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

“For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

“For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury:

“… abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

“…declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.”

“He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty # Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages,…”

“He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us,…”

“In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.”

These are just a few of the grievances; in my opinion the most relevant to our circumstances today. The Congress has not assented to the laws it has passed on the people and they have refused to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance (such as immigration laws, infrastructure legislation); the Congress has obstructed Justice by refusing to hold the liberal elites accountable for their crimes; the Democrats have warned the Supreme Court to rule the way the liberals want, or else (I don’t recall at this time which Representatives sent the letter to which Justice); the government has grown to an enormous size with redundant and unnecessary offices with thousands of employees that have power over the people without being elected.

To continue: our military is huge and independent of any civil authority. The National Guard is answerable to the governors, true, but the military is controlled by the federal government, which in no way represents the people anymore.

Congress has acquiesced to Islam, radical terrorists, anti-Semites, but especially to the UN, which is doing everything it can to undermine our Constitution and, most notable, disarm us against our Laws.
Just listen to the 2020 Presidential candidates. Each and every one of them wants to fundamentally change our government and abolish our most valuable laws – the Bill of Rights. They want to disarm us, free speech only if you agree with the liberal agenda, freedom of the press as long as it is anti-conservative, freedom to worship Islam but not Christianity, the presumption of innocence only if you are a Democrat… should I go on here?

The Congress and the 2020 Democratic Presidential candidates have all decided that they know what is best for the American people. They know how much we should make and save and how much we need to give to them. They want to tax us into poverty, tell us whether we can use plastic straws or not (sorry, that is California, then again, they think they are the federal government), they are wanting to legislate our rights away that the Founders fought to guarantee for us.

The liberal left has said that the mass migration of illegals across our southern border is not an invasion, nor a crisis. That, in and of itself, is a lie. This mass migration is sanctioned by the liberal left and, in some cases, financed by them. These illegals will become the army of the liberal left by voting Democrat. A lot of these illegals are criminals such as MS-13 gang members, rapists, drug dealers, human traffickers, etc. Yes, it is a foreign army being transported to our shores by the liberal left.

Look at the division of the country. Look at the shootings, the murders, the riots. Who are doing these things? It sure isn’t the NRA members or staunch conservatives. The vast majority of these ‘insurrections’ are committed by far-left-wing liberals or radical Islamists. And the Democrats sit back and refuse to do anything but hammer and investigate the President. “We need more gun legislation!” “It’s all the NRA’s fault.” “Donald Trump is the main cause.”

The American people have cried out for the endless persecution to end; for Congress to do what we sent them there for – to legislate. The American people have told the Congress over and over what we want and don’t want, and the Congress does what they want regardless. We have no representation in Washington anymore. Our so-called representatives represent their own power and wealth and the wants of special interests that support their endless stay on the Hill.

We declared our freedom from a tyrannical dominion not once but twice and we won both times. As Abe Lincoln said, “Now we are engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.” Can we endure? Will we endure as a free Constitutional Republic or will we succumb to the wiles of a socialist/communist tyranny that hammers at our door?

The Left has shown what they are made of through the last almost three years. They are liars and as corrupt as any tyrannical dominion in history. They will stop at nothing and there is no depth that they won’t stoop to just to get what they want. And what do they want? All the power. All the control. All the wealth. Socialism is for the people, not the Socialist. Try to take the money or home or guns from the elites. Ain’t gonna happen, baby. That ain’t for them, only for you.

With the facts laid out in front of you; with the evidence against the accusers; will you stand by your country or go with the crowd of entitled miscreants that believe the world owes them? This country was built on guts, risk, uncertainty, and a lot of belief in oneself. The Founders, the Colonists, the Frontiersmen, all had nothing handed to them. They worked hard for what they had and if they didn’t – well, they didn’t survive. They relied on no one but themselves for their well-being and that is the way it should be now.

With all the corruption in Washington, DC, don’t you think it’s time to take back our country? Don’t you think that the one man that is doing everything he can for us should be helped instead of hindered? With all the good that the President has done with everyone against him, just think where we would be if he had Congress behind him, helping him? The sky is the limit, people. We don’t need more career politicians. We need patriotic Americans to represent us. As King Edward said about Scotland in the late 13th century, “The only thing wrong with Scotland is it’s full of Scots.” Well, the only thing wrong with politics is it’s full of politicians. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Washington, DC is proof of that, as is Venezuela, China, North Korea, Soviet Russia, the Middle East, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, etc.

I Pledge My Life, My Fortune, My Sacred Honour

“Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men were created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.”

The Gettysburg Address; one of the most important speeches that Abraham Lincoln ever gave. Read that paragraph again. I mean really read it. Understand what the 18th President was saying. Lincoln, like many of our Commanders-in-Chief was fought on just about every policy he wanted put into legislation. The South, the Democrats, did not want to abolish slavery. Why, without those black workers the plantations would go bankrupt. Those people needed to be subjugated and enslaved to the privileged white plantation owners. After all, they were just n*****s, property, not even worth a decent thought.

Lincoln hated slavery, as did a lot of the Northern Republicans. In fact, the Founding Fathers weren’t that keen on slavery, either. Why did they own slaves then? A lot of them didn’t. The ones that did were just following the norm. The thought that the Founders did not believe that all men were created equal is just liberal propaganda today. The Founders were God-fearing, Christian men. The norms for 240 plus years ago would not be tolerated in today’s world. Just think, women took care of the house, the children, the cleaning, cooking, the mending; they weren’t allowed to vote, take care of business, most didn’t even have a voice in any decision-making at all.

Children were disciplined by the use of a switch from a willow tree, a belt pulled off a pair of trousers or a good backhand. They were not allowed to talk back, show any disrespect for their elders (whether those elders were related or not), forced to work alongside the men, and expected to follow the rules. If Father told them to do something, it wasn’t put off for a week, or a day, or an hour. It was done immediately.

Yes, things were different in Colonial times; they were different right up until almost the 21st Century. Yes, civil rights were important in the 1950s and 60s and segregation was done away with. Women’s suffrage was taken care of on June 4, 1919, when the 19th Amendment was passed with 2 votes over the required two-thirds majority. Children still respected their elders, families still sat down to eat together, common sense was still alive and well. Things were starting to change, though.

Women entered the workforce during WWII and became wage earners; their voices were becoming more important in decision-making when it came to the family finances. The sexual revolution of the 1960s brought about free love, promiscuous sex, and then, on Jan 22, 1973, the Supreme Court decided that Roe v Wade would become policy. Women could get a divorce whether the father wanted her to or not. Women were gaining more and more power in the world.

While the Confederation delegates were debating on a constitution for the new nation, there were a lot of arguments as to just how this new government should be set up. The delegates were divided on a lot of issues. One thing they all agreed upon was that the central government should be limited, regulated, controlled. Each man feared that an unchecked, centralized government would become a tyranny and overpower the people just as King George had done. A lot of them wanted a Bill of Rights added before the constitution was taken to the states to be ratified. The opponents to that stated if they did, it would be the government setting into law what should be put before the people. The Constitution of the United States was sent to the several States minus the Bill of Rights.

Each delegate wanted to make sure that the central government, the federal government, didn’t usurp the States powers. At one point, several of the delegates believed that the new country would go to civil war or become a monarchy if the new constitution wasn’t worded just right. As it turned out, the Constitution was ratified. James Wilson, a signatory on the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, also a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, stated in a speech given on Oct 6, 1787, to the new Congress, “Regarding it then (regarding the new Constitution and government), in every point of view, with a candid and disinterested mind, I am bold to assert, that it is the best form of government which has ever been offered to the world.”

That was the government that the new nation adopted as their own; a government for and by the people. Then, less than a hundred years after that, it was eighty-seven years, we were in a civil war; brother against brother, American against American. Why? This war was not over slavery as has been taught over the years. It was fought because of State’s rights. The Southern States believed that the federal government was becoming too powerful and taking power from the states. Slavery was just something that Lincoln wanted to get rid of; needed to abolish before the war ended. That is why he worded his Gettysburg speech the way he did. “Testing whether this nation…could long endure.” We endured. We remained one nation, under God, indivisible; but at a huge price of blood.

Now, two hundred and forty-three years after we declared our freedom from a tyrannical dominion, now, a hundred and fifty-four years after the end of the Civil War, we are once again faced with the prospect of our Constitutional Republic failing. Can we endure? Are we able to once again beat back the oppressive and backward policies of socialism/communism that the Democrat Party is trying to force upon us? Will we persevere and keep the rights and privileges guaranteed to us by the most important document in world history since the Magna Carta? Or will we go peacefully into the night and fall to the will of those that abhor our freedoms?

Throughout our short history, it has always been the Democrats that wanted to keep power over people. First it was the blacks they wanted to keep in slavery, they wanted to keep segregation, they have wanted minorities to suffer so that they could give them a hand-out instead of a hand-up. Now, it is the Democrats that want to disarm the people, silence their opposition, enforce unconstitutional laws, tell us what we can eat, what we can earn, what we can save, where we can live. It has always been the Democrat Party that has legislated restrictive laws that go against the people’s freedoms. Usually in the name of safety; safety of children, the safety of motorists, safety people’s health. But what have they done, actually? Taken away our rights, little by little.

We are required by law to wear seat belts, for years we were forced to have health insurance whether we could afford it or not, children are forced into car seats until they are so tall, so old, so much weight; smokers are banned from public places; arguments between citizens are now fought in court, at huge expense; now, in California, it is illegal to use plastic straws. The 2020 Democrat candidates for President want to take from the rich and give to the illegals. The Constitution gives the federal government the power to collect and levy taxes for certain things. Government handouts are not on the list.

The Founders knew, beyond a shadow of doubt, that a large, unchecked, government would become corrupt. That is why they set up the checks and balances of a three-branch federal government that was restricted in its power. The States retained more power than the federal government. Over the course of our short history, the States have relinquished many of their rights and responsibilities to the federal government. With an ever-growing population, especially with an open-border policy such as the Democrats want, the government will keep growing bigger and bigger and more powerful and more restrictive on the people while less restrictive on it. The Democrats are charging full steam ahead for that ever more powerful centralized government. Just read through the Green New Deal.

The Green New Deal has nothing to do with climate. It doesn’t matter what we, as one nation, do to stop climate change. Unless the entire world stops using fossil fuels and polluting the rivers, lakes and oceans, the air will never be pristine. Climate changes. The Earth has had six Ice Ages and several global warming cycles. This planet takes care of itself and nothing humanity does will change the cycles. What the GND is all about is fundamental economic and societal change. It is Marxism in modern terms. It is totalitarianism. It is government taking full control over the private sector, doing away with private ownership, redistribution of wealth (and not from the rich to give to the poor; it will be taken from all the citizens and given to the government), and power to an elite few. Socialism is for the people, not the Socialist.

The Founding Fathers warned us 243 years ago. They tried to protect us with the greatest form of government ever created. They also told us that if we didn’t keep fighting for it, if we became complacent, if we let our guard down, we would lose our freedoms. That is where we are right now, today. Presumption of innocence has been done away with. Freedom of speech has been done away with. Freedom of the press is done away with. The right to keep and bear arms is being stripped away through regulation. We have become complacent.

Can we endure? Will we keep what the Founders fought and died for? They pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to give us these freedoms that we have taken for granted for so long. Are you willing to pledge anything to keep those freedoms?

Guaranteed Freedom of Speech?

The First Amendment gives the guaranteed right of freedom of speech, the press, religion, the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Five basic, God-given rights that the government cannot take away from us as United States citizens. These rights are not to restrict the people but to restrict the government. Congress cannot legislate any law that would restrict our rights to speak our minds verbally or written, it cannot restrict our right to assemble in public as long as there is no violence, it cannot legislate a certain religion over another, and it cannot keep us from suing the government over things we feel that the government is doing wrong.

This Amendment, ratified by the States on 15 December 1791, made sure that the experimental government of the new nation would not, could not, become a tyrannical dominion over how the people talked, wrote, worshiped, assembled, and that the people could go before the governing body and complain about how they were governing. Those founders, all the citizens of the new nation, had just fought a long and bloody war against the mightiest country in the world to free themselves from a tyrannical government that did restrict everything in their lives. Thousands died to free the colonies from King George’s iron-fisted rule over them. Wasn’t that why they came to the New World in the first place? To be free from tyranny? To be able to speak freely, worship as they pleased, and to be able to gather together without fear?

Flash forward to 2010.

Over the last 234 years, this nation has become the world’s leading power. We have become the bastion of freedom. Downtrodden people the world over want to come to the United States so they can enjoy the freedoms that we took for granted. They want to be able to speak their mind, write down their opinions for the world to read, worship whatever deity they want without worrying whether they will end up in chains, and they want to be able to assemble wherever and whenever they want for whatever reason, even to protest against the government that welcomed them in. America is the beacon in the night for a world kept in darkness.

Barack Hussein Obama, the first multi-racial President of the United States, promised ‘hope and change’ for the nation that was the ‘hope and change’ for millions of immigrants. He wanted to ‘fundamentally change the face of the nation.’ In other words, he didn’t like it the way it was. He didn’t like that America had the leading economy, that individualism was what made this country wealthy, strong, and great. He didn’t like that conservative voices spoke out against him and his policies. He didn’t like that he had to go through Congress to make his policies law. He didn’t like that law enforcement actually upheld the law against any who broke the law, including his fellow blacks. He didn’t like that when a young man, while robbing a store at gunpoint or threatening the life of law enforcement, would get shot and killed. He didn’t like anything about America; except that he had the rights that everyone else did while becoming the leader of the free world. Now that he had made it, he was going to change it.

Change it, he did. He legislated by Executive Order because Congress wouldn’t pass his unconstitutional laws. He turned his head from the violence against law enforcement and rioting by minorities. He used his position against conservatives and conservative companies by ordering his DOJ and the IRS to target those people and companies. He went around the world apologizing for America’s ‘crimes.’ He opened his arms to our enemies and spurned our allies. He invited millions of ‘refugees’ from enemy countries into the United States with little to no vetting. He changed the face of the nation from a world power, respected by everyone, to a weak, effeminate, disrespected country.
With disregard to the wants, and safety, of the people, he allowed men into the women’s bathroom. Why would he do that? His political correctness changed our vocabulary. His policy negated our freedom of speech and our right to petition against government overreach. The press became his propaganda agencies. Christianity was all but outlawed. Our history was being erased, one statue at a time, one picture at a time, one book at a time. He refused to acknowledge individual greatness by saying that it took everyone to create anything, no one person ever created alone. He brought racism back in force by claiming that minorities were still oppressed by the white population. It didn’t matter that he, his partner, his pastor, his mentors, and his colleagues that were minorities had achieved greatness because of the privileges of this nation.

There are black, Hispanic, and Asian people that have achieved great things because of what this country is. People like Ben Carson, a man that was raised in poverty that became a leading neurosurgeon and on to become HUD Secretary. General Colin Powell. Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Representatives Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters, Frederica Wilson, Elijah Cummings. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Athletic superstars such as Magic Johnson, Mohammad Ali, Jackie Robinson, ‘Refrigerator’ Perry, Tiger Woods. All these people are modern, black Americans that achieved greatness. Most were not privileged growing up. They overcame their disadvantages to gain greatness because of what America is: the greatest country in the world. Even those, such as Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson, that speak against the greatness of America can become great.

There have always been those that spoke against the country, against the President, against governmental policy, and that has always been their right. In days past, people have protested policy and unfair laws. How were those protests conducted? Peaceably. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. protested the way blacks were treated. He blocked traffic by walking down the middle of the street with hundreds, even thousands, of people with him. Were stores looted, people beaten, fires started, or lawmen killed? Not when he was there. Dr. King peaceably protested just as the Constitution says we can. Were there riots and lawlessness during those days? Of course, but Dr. King didn’t condone that behavior.

Once again flash forward to 2010 and compare the way protesters conduct themselves. Fires, looting, killings, and destruction of property are all a commonplace occurrence for today’s protests. Our right to petition the government and peaceably assemble has been taken to new levels. During the Obama Administration, law enforcement was made a target and the President did not say a word. Whole neighborhoods were destroyed by such groups as the Muslim Brotherhood, Black Lives Matter, and the Black Panthers and nothing came from the White House against these people. Why? Because they had the right to assemble, petition, and to say what they want. I really don’t think the Founders had this behavior in mind when they guaranteed those rights.

Before we became an independent nation, before the Constitution was written, before our rights were guaranteed by the government, we were controlled by a tyrant across the Atlantic Ocean. King George never set foot on American soil, yet he ruled us, by proxy, with an iron fist. The colonists, once taxed beyond what they thought was fair, went to Boston Harbor and rioted by destroying a shipment of tea. Why would they riot and destroy property? They did it to get the King’s attention. They had tried everything they could from letters to personal appearances before the King to petition their grievances. The King ignored them. They had to do something drastic.

That is one of the reasons that the First Amendment is first. We can go before the government and petition against policy and law. Are we always successful? Of course not. There are plenty of laws on the books that are unfair, unnecessary, and even unconstitutional. But, for over 200 years the people’s representatives actually represented the people. If they didn’t, they were voted out and others replaced them. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The liberal left has always deemed it their mission to subvert our freedoms. They fought against freeing the slaves. They organized the Ku Klux Klan to intimidate those that were freeing the slaves and to keep slaves indentured. They have done what they could to limit our rights and freedoms; and they have done this discreetly behind our backs, a little at a time so as not to be too conspicuous about it.

In the 50s Senator Andrew McCarthy went full steam against communism. A lot of innocent people lost their livelihoods and freedom because of an accusation of being communist. America had fought a war alongside the rest of the world to combat the threat of a communist take-over. Why would an elected official do such a thing? Why would the government limit what the people could talk about and believe in? It was because of the threat against our rights and freedoms. Communism directly goes against everything that America was built on. Was Senator McCarthy right in doing what he did? Some would say he was. Was it necessary? Some would say it was. Was it conducted in a non-tyrannical way? Absolutely not. Presumption of innocence was thrown out the door and the accused had to prove he/she was innocent; for that reason, he was wrong on all counts.

Now, flash forward to 2015 and on to the present year of 2019. Donald J Trump stood at the top of the escalator in Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for President. There were a lot of candidates on the Republican side, well-known people that had served the nation as elected officials and had done a fairly good job for the people. Why did Trump feel as though he needed to give up a billionaire lifestyle to serve as the leader of the free world? He did it because he loves this country and could see the corruption in government, and he wanted to clean it up. It was as simple as that.

What was the Democrat’s reaction to his announcement? “There’s no way that Trump could win. He won’t even get the nomination.” The nomination he got. The Democrat’s reaction to that? “He can’t win against Hillary Clinton.” Election night, 2016, the results coming in as fast as they can, and Trump is winning. The Democrat’s reaction? “Impeach him!” The “Impeach him” rhetoric has not stopped since.

The Obama DOJ used false information, bought by Hillary Clinton, to obtain warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, the Trump transition team, and the Trump Presidency. For over two years the Democrats had an investigation going to prove that Donald J Trump and his campaign colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election. Our government, that guaranteed our rights and freedoms against such actions, unlawfully spied on Americans. The presumption of innocence was gone. The mainstream media, throughout this whole ordeal, continually ‘reported’ on the lawlessness of the Trump Train.

Freedom of the press (which today includes newspapers, television, radio, and internet social media) failed the country. The mainstream media did not report the news. They did not verify any information. They just reported rumor and opinion as the news and truth. Even Bernstein and Woodward did their best to verify what Deep Throat told them about Watergate. Not today. But the Constitution guarantees the right to a free press and freedom of speech. They could say, write, and report what they wanted. They have the Constitution behind them.

Political correctness is another form of limiting speech. With the sexual revolution of the 21st century, there are now about a million different ‘genders’ and each one has its own name. Far-left liberals are demanding that anything connected with men can no longer be spoken. Just recently I heard on The Wilkow Majority that some university in the North East has declared that using the word “guy,” or “guys,” is offensive and is no longer allowed. Across the country, there are many, many terms and phrases that cannot be spoken because of being offensive to some people.

With the freedom of speech comes the freedom to offend. It doesn’t matter whether a word or phrase, is offensive to some minority, it is the freedom to speak your mind. Without freedom of speech, the right to speak your mind, there is no debate, no sharing of ideas, therefore there is no differing opinions. You are limited to one way of thinking. When government begins to limit speech, it is time to take a closer look at that government. Maybe it is time for a new revolution. With political correctness as the form of speech in today’s world, and this is not just in the United States but worldwide, the people are becoming more and more controlled.

How do we stop this limiting of speech, the irresponsibility of freedom of the press, rioters using the freedom to protest to destroy property, needing a permit to have an assembly, and the freedom to worship taken from public places? We do it with the Second Amendment.

The founders knew what they were doing way back in 1789. The knew what government could, and would, do if left unchecked. The Constitution set up the way the government would be run. The first ten amendments, The Bill of Rights, limited the power of government and guaranteed the basic rights that the Creator gave to all men. The American government has been whittling away at those rights for decades. It is just in the last 10 years that the Left has not even tried to hide that fact. Believe me, it is not just the liberal Democrats that are doing this. The conservative Republicans are just as guilty, they just continue to hide what they are doing.

As the First Amendment gave us freedom of speech, the press, to worship, petition the government, and peaceably assemble, the Second Amendment guarantees our right to keep and bear arms. This is no small thing. This amendment is not just so that Americans can go hunting every fall. This amendment guarantees that the citizens of this country can protect themselves against tyranny and take-over from enemies, whether foreign or domestic. The Founders knew that without an armed citizenry, the government could, and would, turn tyrannical. The people would be subjugated once again as they were under the rule of King George. The Second Amendment is also the only one that states clearly that it ‘shall not be infringed.’

Once a country is unarmed, it is unable to protect itself from anything. If only the government has weapons, then the government can do what it wants to the people. Without the right to keep and bear arms, we, the people, the rightful owners of the country, cannot protect ourselves from the government. Washington DC could, and would, do as it pleased. Just as with political correctness going against the freedom of speech or taking down and not allowing any Christian symbols on public property, the rest of our freedoms will go away.

Listen to the 2020 Democratic candidate’s policies. What do they want to do with the country? In a nutshell, they want to do away with the capitalistic, free-market economy and make it socialistic and controlled by the government. They want to open our borders to all comers regardless of who they are. They want to tax the rich into poverty and redistribute that wealth to the poor. They want to pack the Supreme Court so that they can get more liberal Justices. They want to allow abortions up to, and even after, birth. They want to eliminate the Electoral College. They want universal everything from healthcare to education to income. They want to eliminate the Second Amendment and limit the First Amendment. This is not just an opinion. These are policies coming from the mouths of the candidates; all of them.

What does that say to you? When a government wants that much control over a nation, what kind of government is it? Is it a limited government that is bound by the freedoms of the people? No. It is a dictatorship that wants total control over the people. It is what happened in North Korea, Venezuela, China, Russia, and a host of other nations that went to socialism and then on to communism. The Democrats espouse the virtues of the Scandinavian countries that have socialism. What they don’t mention is that those countries are taxed to the point of very little private ownership, limited speech, and no right to petition against the government.

It is known by the State of California that everything they don’t like should be against the law in the rest of the country. Thankfully, it is known by the rest of the country that California is full of morons. Let’s be honest, just this month the State of California outlawed plastic straws and declared the NRA a terrorist organization. They have safe places for addicts to shoot up; the homeless are defecating and urinating on the streets, there are used hypodermic needles laying everywhere; the homeless are sleeping in doorways and entering businesses begging for handouts; tent cities are abundant. San Francisco and Los Angeles are beginning to look like third world countries and the State decides to outlaw straws instead of taking care of the major problems.

To give the devil his due, the State of California is a sanctuary state for illegals and those illegals are given free healthcare, free food, and housing; and they don’t have to worry about being deported by ICE.

What am I saying here about California and what does it have to do with the rights and freedoms of the citizens of the United States? The State of California cares more about illegal aliens and THEIR rights than about their own citizens' safety and rights. It is just this type of government that makes the Bill of Rights necessary; especially the Second Amendment. What California is doing is usurping its power. Granted, what isn’t specifically enumerated in the Constitution as powers granted to the Federal Government is left to the several states. That doesn’t mean that those states can take away the rights of the citizens guaranteed by the federal Constitution which is the Law of the Land.

The State of California and the State of New York are the two most populated states in the Union and have the most representatives in Congress. Because of this these two, far-left, states have a lot of say in legislating. Thank the gods of every pantheon that regardless of what the House of Representatives try to pass, it only takes a 51 vote against any bill in the Senate to keep it from becoming law; and the Senate has only two votes per state so each state has an equal voice. That doesn’t mean that California and New York don’t try to push their far-left ideology on the rest of the nation; they do.

If you look at these two states and what is happening there you can see just how much of a failure the far-left’s ideology is. People are leaving California and New York by the hundred because of high taxes, regulations, and crime. These people are moving into mostly Red (conservative) states where the taxes are reasonable, crime exists but not prevalent, businesses thrive, unemployment is low, and people are happy. The only problem with this is that these Californians and New Yorkers take their liberal ideology with them and do their best to turn that Red state Blue. Simply put: they do their best to turn an economically prosperous, business friendly, low crime state into what they just left.
There will come a day when the socialists gain enough support in Congress to change the nation from our Constitutional Republic into a socialist/communist state. I just hope that that day does not come in my lifetime.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Where Does Elizabeth Warren Stand on the Issues?

The following are a few of Elizabeth Warren's views on important issues. I will attempt to explain these, in layman's terms, as best I can so you, the reader, are able to understand what she stands for and the repercussions of her policies.

On the economy:
Ultra-Millionaire Tax on America’s 75,000 richest families to produce trillions.

So, Ms. Warren wants the taxpayer to believe that taxing the top 75k families more will produce trillions of dollars. How, exactly, does that work? Those top wage earners don't make that much. Is she going to take all their money from them and then some? If she wants to tax enough to make trillions of dollars in federal revenue, she will end up taxing everyone more and more. According to the Treasury Dept. brought in $3.3T last year with spending at $4.2T.

According to the Tax Foundation ( the lowest percent paid was 1.5% for the lowest income earner and the top 1% paid 33.3% tax. Also, the income before taxes and after taxes (this is the really important part) is surprisingly unfair. The lowest quintile earners before taxes share of income is 3.7% but after taxes (you know, with all the refundable credits, AKA redistribution of wealth) is 7.3% while the 81st to 99th percentile's is 38.4% before and 35.1% after. The top 1%, 16.6% and 13.2%. Looks to me like the lowest percentile earners are getting their fair share while the top wage earners are paying for it. And Ms Warren wants to make that an even larger gap in the before and after taxes percentages.

You have to understand that those high wage earners and corporations are the ones that are paying the wages to the lower earners. Those corporations spend billions on expanding their businesses to create more jobs so more people are working and earning. I agree that corporate greed is out of hand but it isn't the businesses, themselves, that are greedy. It is the CEOs, Board members, higher management that are greedy. And let's not forget the shareholders that demand those businesses make more and more profit to give to them.

On education:
Canceling student loan debt for most college graduates, eliminating all tuition costs at public two- and four-year schools.

The entire cost of my broad debt cancellation plan and universal free college is more than covered by my Ultra-Millionaire Tax — a 2% annual tax on the 75,000 families with $50 million or more in wealth."

According to the federal student loan debt for the country is $1.5T with another $119B in private student loan debt. Ms Warren wants to have the Federal Government pay off that debt and then make college free? I don't think those 75K families have that much money to give away along with paying for all the other things she wants them to pay for. Once again, the taxes won't just be coming from the wealthy; she will raise taxes on every working family in the nation.

On energy and the environment:
Cutting carbon pollution roughly in half by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. As the world’s largest historical carbon polluter, the United States has a special responsibility to lead the way.

Wow! Can you believe that? How is she going to cut carbon emissions to net-zero? Along with AOC and the Squat Squad she wants to do away with internal combustion engines. Are you ready to start walking everywhere? Are you ready to quit using your AC and electric heat? Are you ready to quit buying things at the store? To cut carbon emissions to net-zero that is what it would take. Why would you have to stop buying things? It takes an internal combustion engine to power that truck down the road to deliver your iPhone, Nike's, PlayStation, Starbucks, McDonald's, etc. Electricity is produced using coal. You won't be able to own a car. reports that the US is number 2 for greenhouse gas emissions with China as being number one with almost twice the emissions as the United States.

On gun regulation:
 "As president, I will immediately take executive action to rein in an out-of-control gun industry — and to hold both gun dealers and manufacturers accountable for the violence promoted by their products. I will break the NRA’s stranglehold on Congress by passing sweeping anti-corruption legislation and eliminating the filibuster so that our nation can no longer be held hostage by a small group of well-financed extremists who have already made it perfectly clear that they will never put the safety of the American people first.”

Let's see, if gun dealers and manufacturers are to be held responsible for gun violence shouldn't auto manufacturers and dealers be held responsible for car deaths; tool manufacturers and dealers for deaths due to someone using a hammer, crowbar, screwdriver, etc.; doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies held responsible for prescription drug deaths; and maybe the government for deaths during war?

As for the NRA – there has yet to be an NRA member that has committed a gun crime. All the NRA does is stand up for the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Ms. Warren would love to disarm the people totally so that the government can take complete control over the people instead of the people controlling the government.

On healthcare:
"The Medicare for All Act of 2019 would ensure that Americans could get the care they need, when they need it, without going into debt. It would empower the federal government to negotiate prices with drug companies. And it would expand coverage to include home- and community-based long-term care services, ensuring people with disabilities can receive the care they need to stay in their homes and remain part of their communities."

Single-payer, government-controlled healthcare. That's worked so well for the vets in this country. It's also worked well in every country that uses it. People aren't rushing to Canada, the UK, Venezuela, or any other socialist country for their healthcare. They come to the US. Why? They come here because the United States has the best healthcare in the world. Is the system broken and extremely expensive? Of course, it is. Does it need to be fixed? Of course, it does. Does it take government policy to do it? Oh, HELL no! The government shouldn't be involved in anything more than protections for the country. If the US government was put in charge of the Sahara Desert within 10 years there would be a shortage of sand.

On immigration:
 "Decriminalize migration and refocus enforcement on serious criminal activity. Separate law enforcement from immigration enforcement to strengthen our communities. Remake CBP and ICE in a way that reflects our values. Create accountability for the abuse perpetrated during the Trump Era."

"End unnecessary detention. Eliminate private detention facilities. Expand the executive use of parole and invest in alternatives-to-detention."

"Establish professional, independent Article I immigration courts. Eliminate expedited removal and provide due process."

: "Reject exclusionary policies based on race, religion, and nationality. Raise the refugee cap. Affirm asylum protections."

Ok. I get it. The Democrats want to flood the country with illegals. They want to give citizenship to illegals without those individuals going through the same process as the legal immigrants have. They want to do away with ICE so that those illegals in the country don't have to worry about being deported. I get it. They want people that will vote Democrat.

There is nothing else to say about the Democrat's immigration policies. They want open borders, no American sovereignty, and the entire world to be able to come to the United States and have the American taxpayer pay for their healthcare, housing, food, and education.

On impeachment:
"Every member of Congress took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States — not to protect and defend Donald Trump. Every elected official should read the Mueller report. And once they do, they’ll see the facts are inescapable. The House should do its job and begin impeachment proceedings.

This is to the point of being laughable. The Mueller Report stated clearly that there was no collusion and no obstruction committed by Donald J Trump, his campaign, his family, or his administration.

What the Mueller Report did find is that the Clinton Campaign paid for an unverifiable dossier from a foreign spy that got it from a Russian.

The Obama DOJ lied to the FISA court to obtain warrants to spy on an opposing candidate. The FBI exonerated Hillary Clinton before she was even interviewed, for any wrongdoing by having an unsecured, private server with government emails that were hacked by the Chinese. Hillary Clinton obstructed justice by destroying over 30K emails that were subpoenaed by the Congress, then destroyed phones and computers using BleachBit and hammers and removing SIM cards.

Who all was involved in the Trump Spygate? When it all comes out in the IG report I believe the entire Obama Administration, FBI, DOJ, Clinton Campaign, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and even Barack Obama, himself, will be implicated.

If Congress was actually doing its job, it would stop investigating Trump over and over for trying to find a crime he committed and start doing something about illegal aliens, the economy, infrastructure, foreign policy, etc. If they were interested in equal justice and 'no one is above the law' they would be looking at several of their own members such as AOC, Ilan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Maxine Waters, and Frederica Wilson.

There is no equal justice in Congress. Democrats are above the law as has been proven by Hillary Clinton. There are several state officials that have been accused of some terrible crimes but aren't being prosecuted or even investigated. Brett Kavanaugh, on the other hand, is being humiliated by false accusations and Trump has been investigated since he was inaugurated for crimes he hasn't committed.

And the Democrats are demanding his impeachment. It is almost laughable.

So, these are the policies that Elizabeth Warren stands behind; the Green New Deal, open borders, disarming the American citizens, free everything for anyone, taxing the American people into poverty while paying for everyone else, and impeaching a President that has done nothing wrong. Yep! My kind of candidate. Especially since she claimed to be Native American just to get into Harvard and get her first job and then continued to claim minority status until Donald Trump called her out on it. She fits into the Democrat Party just fine.

All information on Elizabeth Warren's standing on the issues is from Warren presidential campaign 2020

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Short Examination of the Constitution

We, The People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for The United States of America.

The preamble to the Constitution starts out with “We, The People of the United States,…” It does not say, ‘We, the government of the United States.’ That, my friends, is the most important thing about the experimental government that the Founders established. Never before had a country been ruled by the people but by a centralized, usually tyrannical, monarchy or parliament. They separated the powers of government into three branches to have checks and balances so that no one person, or branch, had too much power. Each branch was given specific powers and those were enumerated within the body of the Constitution.

‘Article 1, Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.’ Read that again. What this says is that the Congress makes law. That means that the House and Senate legislate. It does not say that the Supreme Court, or any Court, can legislate law. It doesn’t say that if one Party doesn’t get its way that they can go to the Supreme Court, or any Court, and bring suit to get a law passed. It doesn’t say that a President can legislate by Executive Order. It says, specifically, that ‘all legislative powers’ are held by the Congress.

What have the Democrats done, time and time again? They have gone to the Supreme Court, or a District Court, to get their agenda passed. They can’t get their far-left ideology through a fair and balanced legislative process, so they go the Courts to do it. Why do they do this? Most of the laws they do this with are so far left, and against the people, there is no way that the people would allow it. 
‘Article 2, Section 1. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the Persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Senate.’

Thus was established the Electoral College. This was the fairest way to elect the President so that each and every State had a voice in who was running the government. Without the Electoral College, the most populated areas of the country would decide who would be President regardless of that the less populated areas wanted. Today, California and New York, the two most populated states, would control the election, leaving the rest of the country without a voice.

‘Article 3, Section 1. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.

Section 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority; - to all cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls; - to all cases of Admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; - to controversies to which the United States shall be a party; - to controversies between two or more States; - between a State and Citizens of another State; - between Citizens of different States; - between Citizens of the same State claiming lands under grants of different States, and between a State or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, citizens or Subjects….’

Here is where the power of the Supreme Court is established. There is no clause that gives the Supreme Court authority to legislate, only to hear and try cases. Historically, the Supreme Court determines whether a law is Constitutional when it comes to legislation but that is as far as it goes. The Constitution does not give authority to the Court to turn a bill into law.
‘Section 3. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to the Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort….’

Treason. That word has been tossed around a lot in the last few years; especially against Donald Trump. The Democrats have accused the President of treason numerous times, stating that he was colluding with a foreign power to win the Presidency and being an agent of Vladimir Putin.

Who, exactly, has aided and abetted our enemies? Who has given comfort to our enemies? Who has adhered to our enemies? Barack Hussein Obama handed $150 Billion dollars to Iran, our enemy. Isn’t that giving aid? Hillary Clinton sold 20% of our uranium to Russia, isn’t that giving aid to our enemy? Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib adhere to Islam. Isn’t Islam a religion that directly goes against our government and our country? The Democrats, or many of them, demand that our borders be open to all comers regardless of who, or what, they are. Isn’t that giving aid and comfort to an enemy? The State of California and several cities across the nation, including Chicago and New York City, have declared themselves ‘sanctuary cities’ for illegals. Isn’t that the same as giving aid and comfort? Isn’t that aiding and abetting our enemies?

‘Article 4, Section 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasions; and on Application of the Legislature, or the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened against domestic violence.’
What is President Trump trying to do at the Southern Border? He’s doing the job of Congress, which has decided that the safety of the nation isn’t that important. With the violence that hundreds of the illegals crossing our southern border is committing, the President is doing everything he can to close that border and protect the nation against an invasion of millions of illegal aliens and the violence that comes from some of those illegals.

The Democrats say that it is a conspiracy theory that says the influx of illegals is an invasion. If it were just a few hundred, I would concur. It isn’t just a few hundred; it is millions. There have been thousands at one time. If that isn’t an invasion I’d hate to know what the Democrats would call an invasion; and without knowing who these people are, there is a huge influx of the criminal element crossing unchecked.

To be fair, it isn’t just the Democrats that are fighting Trump on securing the border. There are a few Republicans that are mixed in there, also. It is as if our elected officials, those people that we, the people, have chosen to represent us, don’t care about our safety or the sovereignty of our nation. Without borders, there is no country.

What is a ‘Republican’ form of government? A Republican form of governance is one which is considered a ‘public matter,’ not the private concern or property of the rulers. In other words, we, the people, are our rulers not a centralized government that we have no control over. It appears the power is becoming more and more centralized and our representatives are not representing the wants, or the needs, of the people. Trump made a campaign promise to give power back to the people and he is doing his best to do just that; being obstructed at every turn through lawsuits against his policies on the border. Who is fighting against him the most? Not just the far left. There are a lot of conservatives that are caving to the liberal ideology of open borders. Where is our ‘Republican’ form of government?

‘Article 6. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.’

What, exactly, does Article 6 mean? It seems clear to me. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and every member of the government, both federal and state, are bound to obey the laws set by the Constitution. There are three branches of government and each branch has certain powers that keep checks and balances against one person, or branch, from becoming a tyrannical dominion. It gives the people control over the government to keep all three branches from turning against the people. Is there room for ‘interpretation’ of what the Founders meant? Not really. It states clearly what the powers of government are, where those powers lay and with whom. What does need ‘interpreted’ is the laws passed by Congress and signed by the Executive. There have been 45 Presidents since we became an independent nation. There have been liberals and conservatives. There have been 116 Congresses. There have been both liberal and conservative majorities in those conventions. There are laws on the books that are unfair, unnecessary, and, in some cases, unconstitutional.

It is we, the people, that are the rightful rulers of our destinies. We own the government. We own the country. 243 years ago we fought against a tyrannical dominion and won our freedom. Over those 243 years, we have slowly let ourselves be ruled over once again. The Federal Government has usurped its power and now believes that it controls us. Over the last four or five decades, our young have been indoctrinated into the liberal ideology through the public school system, the mainstream media, and, now, social media.

We have become dependent on the government and ruled by the government. It is not a basic right, nor within the authority of the federal government, to receive an education, be fed, have healthcare, receive an income, or have our debts paid by the general public. The biggest problem today is that our young have been indoctrinated into believing that those are basic rights and should be given to them at no cost or effort from them.

Our basic rights, our inalienable rights, are enumerated in the first ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights. Those, and only those, are our basic rights and guaranteed by the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land. The freedom of speech (now being taken away through political correctness), freedom to worship as we please (now being taken away through ‘separation of church and state’ and some state governments demanding Islam to be taught), freedom of the press (even though the press reports rumor and opinion as truth and fact), freedom to peaceably assemble and petition the government for grievances (now meant as rioting and destruction of property); the right to keep and bear arms (now being regulated even though there are no limits stated); the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable search and seizure, warrants not issued but upon probable cause (all it takes is someone with a grudge to be probable cause or the government deciding that you are committing an offense against it); protected against double jeopardy, tried for a capital offense unless upon indictment of a grand jury, to be made to incriminate ourselves in court, or be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process; to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusations and to be confronted with the witness against the accused, to be able to obtain witnesses for him and have the assistance of legal defense; to have a trial by an impartial jury of our peers, that no fact tried by a jury will be taken before another court; excessive bail or fines, or cruel and unusual punishment will be inflicted upon us (tell that to Paul Manafort); that there are other rights retained by the people that are not enumerated in the Constitution; secure in the fact that our homes will not be used to house the military; and that the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or the people.

In recent months there have been citizens that have been deprived of some of these basic rights. As mentioned above, Paul Manafort was held in solitary confinement just to pressure him into fabricating ‘evidence’ against the President, General Michael Flynn was told he didn’t need an attorney while being interviewed by the FBI; Roger Stone, an old man, was raided by the FBI in the early morning hours and, somehow, CNN just happened to be there to film it; Michael Cohen, Trump’s attorney, had his office raided and records confiscated against the policy of attorney/client confidentiality. All these people were coerced by the FBI and/or the Mueller Investigation team to speak out against Donald J Trump, his campaign and his administration. What the Mueller team was doing was trying to find a crime that was committed thus depriving Trump of presumption of innocence. Just as Brett Kavanaugh was accused of being a sexual predator while being confirmed as Supreme Court Justice and the Liberal Left openly said that he was guilty even though the accusations were denied by the people that were supposedly witnesses (later to be admitted as false accusations).

The Second Amendment, in my opinion the most important, has been infringed over and over through regulation. The Constitution is very clear on this right. “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Read that again. And again. And again. “A well-regulated militia, being NECESSARY TO THE SECURITY of a FREE STATE, the RIGHT to keep and bear arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.” There are no limitations on this basic, necessary right. It doesn’t limit arms to single-shot long guns. It doesn’t state that a person needs to buy a permit or license. It doesn’t say that a person needs to pass a background check or that there should be ‘red-flag’ laws. It states extremely clearly that the right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Does mean that anyone should be able to buy and carry weapons? Actually – yes. Do I want anyone to be able to acquire weapons? It doesn’t matter. If someone wants to get a handgun, a rifle, an AR-15 or AK-47, a bazooka, a grenade launcher, land mines or any other weapon, they will do it whether it is legal or not. The only thing that these regulations do is keep honest, law-abiding citizens from being able to protect themselves; which is the very reason for this right to be guaranteed. Criminals don’t obey laws or regulations. The only reason the government institutes these laws is to disarm the citizens. And once disarmed, the citizens won’t be able to protect themselves from the criminal element or a tyrannical takeover from the government.

Political correctness is doing away with our freedom of speech. Why would the government want to do that? Without being able to speak our minds, without being able to offend someone, we start to think with one mind. We become automatons, bricks in the wall, mindless serfs. It is not against nature to offend someone. It brings on debate. It is a differing of opinions. Just because someone’s feelings get hurt doesn’t mean it should be against the law. As is happening around the world today, it has become a hate crime to speak against Islam, homosexuality, transgenders, minorities, etc. Hate crime! Just because a person is against a religion bent on the destruction of all other religions and ways of thinking, that person, if he/she speaks out against Islam, will be arrested and their lives destroyed because of a manufactured hate crime. Because a person speaks out against boys in the girl’s bathroom or a man saying he’s a woman doesn’t mean that it’s a hate crime. Just because a person speaks out against illegal aliens invading the country doesn’t mean it’s a hate crime.

The worst part of political correctness, which includes racist speech, is that only white people are accused and convicted of it. Muslims, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, gays, etc., can say anything they want with impunity. Only straight, white, conservatives are racist, Islamophobic, xenophobic, homophobic, etc. All the while, Islamists, blacks, gays, etc., can say whatever they want against those straight, white conservatives. Minorities demand equal justice but commit the crimes they accuse whites of committing. Unequal equality; a double standard.

Being a Constitutional originalist is being on the right side of morals and values. Not being a very religious person, I still believe in Christian principles. Morality is a social construct. What is moral and legal in one society may not be in another and vice-versa. Once Christian principles were done away with in schools, governmental policy, and even in homes, the culture changed. Where once every pickup truck in the parking lot of any school in America had a gun rack and shotgun in it and nothing thought about it, now is seen as an active shooter and that kid will be arrested and charged with terrorism.

It isn’t more laws we need. It is fewer laws; less government interference in our lives. We need more involvement between parents and children. Less social media and game consoles and more fishing and hunting. Less tolerance taught and more industrial arts and home economics taught. Less liberal indoctrination in schools and more basic education. More caring for American citizens and less importance put on illegal aliens; charity starts at home. Less climate change and more ecology. Less spending on countries that would rather see us dead and more on our own infrastructure. Help our allies, not our enemies. Less socialism and more capitalism.

We are losing our country because of our complacency and more and more dependence on government handouts. It is we, the people, that is allowing the government to gain more and more power over us. I believe it was Lincoln that said that the US would never be overtaken from an outside enemy but from within because of our complacency. Guess he was right.

What the Constitution Means and What Is Happening to It

The First Amendment gives the guaranteed right of freedom of speech, the press, religion, the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Five basic, God-given rights that the government cannot take away from us as United States citizens. These rights are not to restrict the people but to restrict the government. Congress cannot legislate any law that would restrict our rights to speak our minds verbally or written, it cannot restrict our right to assemble in public as long as there is no violence, it cannot legislate a certain religion over another, and it cannot keep us from suing the government over things we feel that the government is doing wrong.

This Amendment, ratified by the States on 15 December 1791, made sure that the experimental government of the new nation would not, could not, become a tyrannical dominion over how the people talked, wrote, worshiped, assembled, and that the people could go before the governing body and complain about how they were governing. Those founders, all the citizens of the new nation, had just fought a long and bloody war against the mightiest country in the world to free themselves from a tyrannical government that did restrict everything in their lives. Thousands died to free the colonies from King George’s iron-fisted rule over them. Wasn’t that why they came to the New World in the first place? To be free from tyranny? To be able to speak freely, worship as they pleased, and to be able to gather together without fear?

Flash forward to 2010.

Over the last 234 years, this nation has become the world’s leading power. We have become the bastion of freedom. Downtrodden people the world over want to come to the United States so they can enjoy the freedoms that we took for granted. They want to be able to speak their mind, write down their opinions for the world to read, worship whatever deity they want without worrying whether they will end up in chains, and they want to be able to assemble wherever and whenever they want for whatever reason, even to protest against the government that welcomed them in. America is the beacon in the night for a world kept in darkness.

Barack Hussein Obama, the first multi-racial President of the United States, promised ‘hope and change’ for the nation that was the ‘hope and change’ for millions of immigrants. He wanted to ‘fundamentally change the face of the nation.’ In other words, he didn’t like it the way it was. He didn’t like that America had the leading economy, that individualism was what made this country wealthy, strong, and great. He didn’t like that conservative voices spoke out against him and his policies. He didn’t like that he had to go through Congress to make his policies law. He didn’t like that law enforcement actually upheld the law against any who broke the law, including his fellow blacks. He didn’t like that when a young man, while robbing a store at gunpoint or threatening the life of law enforcement, would get shot and killed. He didn’t like anything about America; except that he had the rights that everyone else did while becoming the leader of the free world. Now that he had made it, he was going to change it.

Change it, he did. He legislated by Executive Order because Congress wouldn’t pass his unconstitutional laws. He turned his head from the violence against law enforcement and rioting by minorities. He used his position against conservatives and conservative companies by ordering his DOJ and the IRS to target those people and companies. He went around the world apologizing for America’s ‘crimes.’ He opened his arms to our enemies and spurned our allies. He invited millions of ‘refugees’ from enemy countries into the United States with little to no vetting. He changed the face of the nation from a world power, respected by everyone, to a weak, effeminate, disrespected country.
With disregard to the wants, and safety, of the people, he allowed men into the women’s bathroom. Why would he do that? His political correctness changed our vocabulary. His policy negated our freedom of speech and our right to petition against government overreach. The press became his propaganda agencies. Christianity was all but outlawed. Our history was being erased, one statue at a time, one picture at a time, one book at a time. He refused to acknowledge individual greatness by saying that it took everyone to create anything, no one person ever created alone. He brought racism back in force by claiming that minorities were still oppressed by the white population. It didn’t matter that he, his partner, his pastor, his mentors, and his colleagues that were minorities had achieved greatness because of the privileges of this nation.

There are black, Hispanic, and Asian people that have achieved great things because of what this country is. People like Ben Carson, a man that was raised in poverty that became a leading neurosurgeon and on to become HUD Secretary. General Colin Powell. Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Representatives Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters, Frederica Wilson, Elijah Cummings. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Athletic superstars such as Magic Johnson, Mohammad Ali, Jackie Robinson, ‘Refrigerator’ Perry, Tiger Woods. All these people are modern, black Americans that achieved greatness. Most were not privileged growing up. They overcame their disadvantages to gain greatness because of what America is - the greatest country in the world. Even those, such as Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson, that speak against the greatness of America can become great.

There have always been those that spoke against the country, against the President, against governmental policy, and that has always been their right. In days past, people have protested policy and unfair laws. How were those protests conducted? Peaceably. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. protested the way blacks were treated. He blocked traffic by walking down the middle of the street with hundreds, even thousands, of people with him. Were stores looted, people were beaten, fires started, or lawmen killed? Not when he was there. Dr. King peaceably protested just as the Constitution says we can. Were there riots and lawlessness during those days? Of course, but Dr. King didn’t condone that behavior.

Once again flash forward to 2010 and compare the way protesters conduct themselves. Fires, looting, killings, and destruction of property are all a commonplace occurrence for today’s protests. Our right to petition the government and peaceably assemble has been taken to new levels. During the Obama administration, law enforcement was made a target and the President did not say a word. Whole neighborhoods were destroyed by such groups as the Muslim Brotherhood, Black Lives Matter, and the Black Panthers and nothing came from the White House against these people. Why? Because they had the right to assemble, petition, and to say what they want. I really don’t think the Founders had this behavior in mind when they guaranteed those rights.

Before we became an independent nation, before the Constitution was written, before our rights were guaranteed by the government, we were controlled by a tyrant across The Atlantic Ocean. King George never set foot on American soil, yet he ruled us, by proxy, with an iron fist. The colonists, once taxed beyond what they thought was fair, went to Boston Harbor and rioted by destroying a shipment of tea. Why would they riot and destroy property? They did it to get the King’s attention. They had tried everything they could from letters to personal appearances before the King to petition their grievances. The King ignored them. They had to do something drastic.

That is one of the reasons that the First Amendment is first. We can go before the government and petition against policy and law. Are we always successful? Of course not. There are plenty of laws on the books that are unfair, unnecessary, and even unconstitutional. But, for over 200 years the people’s representatives actually represented the people. If they didn’t, they were voted out and others replaced them. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The liberal left has always deemed it their mission to subvert our freedoms. They fought against freeing the slaves. They organized the Ku Klux Klan to intimidate those that were freeing the slaves and to keep slaves indentured. They have done what they could to limit our rights and freedoms; and they have done this discreetly behind our backs, a little at a time so as not to be too conspicuous about it.

In the 50s Senator Andrew McCarthy went full steam against communism. A lot of innocent people lost their livelihoods and freedom because of an accusation of being communist. America had fought a war alongside the rest of the world to combat the threat of a communist take-over. Why would an elected official do such a thing? Why would the government limit what the people could talk about and believe in? It was because of the threat against our rights and freedoms. Communism directly goes against everything that America was built on. Was Senator McCarthy right in doing what he did? Some would say he was. Was it necessary? Some would say it was. Was it conducted in a non-tyrannical way? Absolutely not. Presumption of innocence was thrown out the door and the accused had to prove he/she was innocent; for that reason, he was wrong on all counts.

Now, flash forward to 2015 and on to the present year of 2019. Donald J Trump stood at the top of the escalator in Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for President. There were a lot of candidates on the Republican side, well-known people that had served the nation as elected officials and had done a fairly good job for the people. Why did Trump feel as though he needed to give up a billionaire lifestyle to serve as the leader of the free world? He did it because he loves this country and could see the corruption in government, and he wanted to clean it up. It was as simple as that.
What was the Democrat’s reaction to his announcement? “There’s no way that Trump could win. He won’t even get the nomination.” The nomination he got. The Democrat’s reaction to that? “He can’t win against Hillary Clinton.” Election night, 2016, the results coming in as fast as they can, and Trump is winning. The Democrat’s reaction? “Impeach him!” The “Impeach him” rhetoric has not stopped since.

The Obama DOJ used false information, bought by Hillary Clinton, to obtain warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, the Trump transition team, and the Trump Presidency. For over two years the Democrats had an investigation going to prove that Donald J Trump and his campaign colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election. Our government, that guaranteed our rights and freedoms against such actions, unlawfully spied on Americans. The presumption of innocence was gone. The mainstream media, throughout this whole ordeal, continually ‘reported’ on the lawlessness of the Trump Train.

Freedom of the press (which today includes newspapers, television, radio, and internet social media) failed the country. The mainstream media did not report news. They did not verify any information. They just reported rumor and opinion as the news and truth. Even Bernstein and Woodward did their best to verify what Deep Throat told them about Watergate. Not today. But the Constitution guarantees the right to a free press and freedom of speech. They could say, write, and report what they wanted. They have the Constitution behind them.

Political correctness is another form of limiting speech. With the sexual revolution of the 21st century, there are now about a million different ‘genders’ and each one has its own name. Far-left liberals are demanding that anything connected with men can no longer be spoken. Just recently I heard on The Wilkow Majority that some university in the North East has declared that using the word “guy,” or “guys,” is offensive and is no longer allowed. Across the country, there are many, many terms and phrases that cannot be spoken because of being offensive to some people.

With the freedom of speech comes the freedom to offend. It doesn’t matter whether a word, or phrase, is offensive to some minority, it is the freedom to speak your mind. Without freedom of speech, the right to speak your mind, there is no debate, no sharing of ideas, therefore there is no differing opinions. You are limited to one way of thinking. When government begins to limit speech, it is time to take a closer look at that government. Maybe it is time for a new revolution. With political correctness as the form of speech in today’s world and this is not just in the United States but worldwide, the people are becoming more and more controlled.

How do we stop this limiting of speech, the irresponsibility of freedom of the press, rioters using the freedom to protest to destroy property, needing a permit to have an assembly, and the freedom to worship taken from public places? We do it with the Second Amendment.

The founders knew what they were doing way back in 1789. The knew what government could, and would, do if left unchecked. The Constitution set up the way the government would be run. The first ten amendments, The Bill of Rights, limited the power of government and guaranteed the basic rights that the Creator gave to all men. The American government has been whittling away at those rights for decades. It is just in the last 10 years that the Left has not even tried to hide that fact. Believe me, it is not just the liberal Democrats that are doing this. The conservative Republicans are just as guilty, they just continue to hide what they are doing.

As the First Amendment gave us freedom of speech, the press, to worship, petition the government, and peaceably assemble, the Second Amendment guarantees our right to keep and bear arms. This is no small thing. This amendment is not just so that Americans can go hunting every fall. This amendment guarantees that the citizens of this country can protect themselves against tyranny and take-over from enemies, whether foreign or domestic. The Founders knew that without an armed citizenry, the government could, and would, turn tyrannical. The people would be subjugated once again as they were under the rule of King George. The Second Amendment is also the only one that states clearly that it ‘shall not be infringed.’

Once a country is unarmed, it is unable to protect itself from anything. If only the government has weapons, then the government can do what it wants to the people. Without the right to keep and bear arms, we, the people, the rightful owners of the country, cannot protect ourselves from the government. Washington DC could, and would, do as it pleased. Just as with political correctness going against the freedom of speech or taking down and not allowing any Christian symbols on public property, the rest of our freedoms will go away.

Listen to the 2020 Democratic candidate’s policies. What do they want to do with the country? In a nutshell, they want to do away with the capitalistic, free-market economy and make it socialistic and controlled by the government. They want to open our borders to all comers regardless of who they are. They want to tax the rich into poverty and redistribute that wealth to the poor. They want to pack the Supreme Court so that they can get more liberal Justices. They want to allow abortions up to, and even after, birth. They want to eliminate the Electoral College. They want universal everything from healthcare to education to income. They want to eliminate the Second Amendment and limit the First Amendment. This is not just an opinion. These are policies coming from the mouths of the candidates; all of them.

What does that say to you? When a government wants that much control over a nation, what kind of government is it? Is it a limited government that is bound by the freedoms of the people? No. It is a dictatorship that wants total control over the people. It is what happened in North Korea, Venezuela, China, Russia, and a host of other nations that went to socialism and then on to communism. The Democrats espouse the virtues of the Scandinavian countries that have socialism. What they don’t mention is that those countries are taxed to the point of very little private ownership, limited speech, and no right to petition against the government.

It is known by the State of California that everything they don’t like should be against the law in the rest of the country. Thankfully, it is known by the rest of the country that California is full of morons. Let’s be honest, just this month the State of California outlawed plastic straws and declared the NRA a terrorist organization. They have safe places for addicts to shoot up; the homeless are defecating and urinating on the streets, there are used hypodermic needles laying everywhere; the homeless are sleeping in doorways and entering businesses begging for handouts; tent cities are abundant. San Francisco and Los Angeles are beginning to look like third world countries and the State decides to outlaw straws instead of taking care of the major problems.

To give the devil his due, the State of California is a sanctuary state for illegals and those illegals are given free healthcare, free food, and housing; and they don’t have to worry about being deported by ICE.

What am I saying here about California and what does it have to do with the rights and freedoms of the citizens of the United States? The State of California cares more about illegal aliens and THEIR rights than about their own citizen's safety and rights. It is just this type of government that makes the Bill of Rights necessary; especially the Second Amendment. What California is doing is usurping its power. Granted, what isn’t specifically enumerated in the Constitution as powers granted to the Federal Government is left to the several states. That doesn’t mean that those states can take away the rights of the citizens guaranteed by the federal Constitution which is the Law of the Land.

The State of California and the State of New York are the two most populated states in the Union and have the most representatives in Congress. Because of this these two, far-left, states have a lot of say in legislating. Thank the gods of every pantheon that regardless of what the House of Representatives try to pass, it only takes a 51 vote against any bill in the Senate to keep it from becoming law; and the Senate has only two votes per state so each state has an equal voice. That doesn’t mean that California and New York don’t try to push their far-left ideology on the rest of the nation; they do.

If you look at these two states and the what is happening there you can see just how much of a failure the far-left’s ideology is. People are leaving California and New York by the hundred because of high taxes, regulations, and crime. These people are moving into mostly Red (conservative) states where the taxes are reasonable, crime exists but not prevalent, businesses thrive, unemployment is low, and people are happy. The only problem with this is that these Californians and New Yorkers take their liberal ideology with them and do their best to turn that Red state Blue. Simply put: they do their best to turn an economically prosperous, business-friendly, low crime state into what they just left.

There will come a day when the socialists gain enough support in Congress to change the nation from our Constitutional Republic into a socialist/communist state. I just hope that that day does not come in my lifetime.