We, The People of the United States, in
order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure
domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and
our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for The United States of America.
The preamble to the Constitution starts
out with “We, The People of the United States,…” It does not
say, ‘We, the government of the United States.’ That, my friends,
is the most important thing about the experimental government that
the Founders established. Never before had a country been ruled by
the people but by a centralized, usually tyrannical, monarchy or
parliament. They separated the powers of government into three
branches to have checks and balances so that no one person, or
branch, had too much power. Each branch was given specific powers and
those were enumerated within the body of the Constitution.
‘Article 1, Section 1. All
legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of
the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of
Representatives.’ Read that again. What this says is that the
Congress makes law. That means that the House and Senate legislate.
It does not say that the Supreme Court, or any Court, can legislate
law. It doesn’t say that if one Party doesn’t get its way that
they can go to the Supreme Court, or any Court, and bring suit to get
a law passed. It doesn’t say that a President can legislate by
Executive Order. It says, specifically, that ‘all legislative
powers’ are held by the Congress.
What have the Democrats done, time and
time again? They have gone to the Supreme Court, or a District Court,
to get their agenda passed. They can’t get their far-left ideology
through a fair and balanced legislative process, so they go the
Courts to do it. Why do they do this? Most of the laws they do this
with are so far left, and against the people, there is no way that
the people would allow it.
‘Article 2, Section 1. Each State
shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct,
a number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and
Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress;
but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of
Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an
The electors shall meet in their
respective states, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at
least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves.
And they shall make a list of all the Persons voted for, and of the
number of votes for each; which list they shall sign and certify, and
transmit sealed to the Seat of the Senate.’
Thus was established the Electoral
College. This was the fairest way to elect the President so that each
and every State had a voice in who was running the government.
Without the Electoral College, the most populated areas of the
country would decide who would be President regardless of that the
less populated areas wanted. Today, California and New York, the two
most populated states, would control the election, leaving the rest
of the country without a voice.
‘Article 3, Section 1. The judicial
power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme Court, and
in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain
and establish.
Section 2. The judicial power shall
extend to all cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this
Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or
which shall be made, under their Authority; - to all cases affecting
Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls; - to all cases of
Admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; - to controversies to which the
United States shall be a party; - to controversies between two or
more States; - between a State and Citizens of another State; -
between Citizens of different States; - between Citizens of the same
State claiming lands under grants of different States, and between a
State or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, citizens or
Here is where the power of the Supreme
Court is established. There is no clause that gives the Supreme Court
authority to legislate, only to hear and try cases. Historically, the
Supreme Court determines whether a law is Constitutional when it
comes to legislation but that is as far as it goes. The Constitution
does not give authority to the Court to turn a bill into law.
‘Section 3. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in
adhering to the Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort….’
Treason. That word has been tossed
around a lot in the last few years; especially against Donald Trump.
The Democrats have accused the President of treason numerous times,
stating that he was colluding with a foreign power to win the
Presidency and being an agent of Vladimir Putin.
Who, exactly, has aided and abetted our
enemies? Who has given comfort to our enemies? Who has adhered to our
enemies? Barack Hussein Obama handed $150 Billion dollars to Iran,
our enemy. Isn’t that giving aid? Hillary Clinton sold 20% of our
uranium to Russia, isn’t that giving aid to our enemy? Ilhan Omar
and Rashida Tlaib adhere to Islam. Isn’t Islam a religion that
directly goes against our government and our country? The Democrats,
or many of them, demand that our borders be open to all comers
regardless of who, or what, they are. Isn’t that giving aid and
comfort to an enemy? The State of California and several cities
across the nation, including Chicago and New York City, have declared
themselves ‘sanctuary cities’ for illegals. Isn’t that the same
as giving aid and comfort? Isn’t that aiding and abetting our
‘Article 4, Section 4. The United
States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form
of government, and shall protect each of them against invasions; and
on Application of the Legislature, or the Executive (when the
Legislature cannot be convened against domestic violence.’
What is President Trump trying to do at
the Southern Border? He’s doing the job of Congress, which has
decided that the safety of the nation isn’t that important. With
the violence that hundreds of the illegals crossing our southern
border is committing, the President is doing everything he can to
close that border and protect the nation against an invasion of
millions of illegal aliens and the violence that comes from some of
those illegals.
The Democrats say that it is a conspiracy
theory that says the influx of illegals is an invasion. If it were
just a few hundred, I would concur. It isn’t just a few hundred; it
is millions. There have been thousands at one time. If that isn’t
an invasion I’d hate to know what the Democrats would call an
invasion; and without knowing who these people are, there is a huge
influx of the criminal element crossing unchecked.
To be fair, it isn’t just the
Democrats that are fighting Trump on securing the border. There are a
few Republicans that are mixed in there, also. It is as if our
elected officials, those people that we, the people, have chosen to
represent us, don’t care about our safety or the sovereignty of our
nation. Without borders, there is no country.
What is a ‘Republican’ form of
government? A Republican form of governance is one which is considered a
‘public matter,’ not the private concern or property of the
rulers. In other words, we, the people, are our rulers not a
centralized government that we have no control over. It appears the
power is becoming more and more centralized and our representatives
are not representing the wants, or the needs, of the people. Trump
made a campaign promise to give power back to the people and he is
doing his best to do just that; being obstructed at every turn
through lawsuits against his policies on the border. Who is fighting
against him the most? Not just the far left. There are a lot of
conservatives that are caving to the liberal ideology of open
borders. Where is our ‘Republican’ form of government?
‘Article 6. This Constitution, and
the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance
thereof; and all Treaties made or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land;
and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in
the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary
The Senators and Representatives before
mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all
executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the
several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support
this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a
qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.’
What, exactly, does Article 6 mean? It
seems clear to me. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land
and every member of the government, both federal and state, are bound to
obey the laws set by the Constitution. There are three branches of
government and each branch has certain powers that keep checks and
balances against one person, or branch, from becoming a tyrannical
dominion. It gives the people control over the government to keep all
three branches from turning against the people. Is there room for
‘interpretation’ of what the Founders meant? Not really. It
states clearly what the powers of government are, where those powers
lay and with whom. What does need ‘interpreted’ is the laws
passed by Congress and signed by the Executive. There have been 45
Presidents since we became an independent nation. There have been
liberals and conservatives. There have been 116 Congresses. There
have been both liberal and conservative majorities in those
conventions. There are laws on the books that are unfair,
unnecessary, and, in some cases, unconstitutional.
It is we, the people, that are the
rightful rulers of our destinies. We own the government. We own the
country. 243 years ago we fought against a tyrannical dominion and
won our freedom. Over those 243 years, we have slowly let ourselves be
ruled over once again. The Federal Government has usurped its power
and now believes that it controls us. Over the last four or five
decades, our young have been indoctrinated into the liberal ideology
through the public school system, the mainstream media, and, now,
social media.
We have become dependent on the government
and ruled by the government. It is not a basic right, nor within the
authority of the federal government, to receive an education, be fed,
have healthcare, receive an income, or have our debts paid by the
general public. The biggest problem today is that our young have been
indoctrinated into believing that those are basic rights and should
be given to them at no cost or effort from them.
Our basic rights, our inalienable
rights, are enumerated in the first ten amendments to the
Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights. Those, and only those, are
our basic rights and guaranteed by the Constitution, the Supreme Law
of the Land. The freedom of speech (now being taken away through
political correctness), freedom to worship as we please (now being
taken away through ‘separation of church and state’ and some
state governments demanding Islam to be taught), freedom of the press
(even though the press reports rumor and opinion as truth and fact),
freedom to peaceably assemble and petition the government for
grievances (now meant as rioting and destruction of property); the
right to keep and bear arms (now being regulated even though there
are no limits stated); the right of the people to be secure in their
persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable search and
seizure, warrants not issued but upon probable cause (all it takes is
someone with a grudge to be probable cause or the government deciding
that you are committing an offense against it); protected against
double jeopardy, tried for a capital offense unless upon indictment
of a grand jury, to be made to incriminate ourselves in court, or be
deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process; to be
informed of the nature and cause of the accusations and to be
confronted with the witness against the accused, to be able to obtain
witnesses for him and have the assistance of legal defense; to have a
trial by an impartial jury of our peers, that no fact tried by a jury
will be taken before another court; excessive bail or fines, or cruel
and unusual punishment will be inflicted upon us (tell that to Paul
Manafort); that there are other rights retained by the people that
are not enumerated in the Constitution; secure in the fact that our
homes will not be used to house the military; and that the powers not
delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by
it to the states, are reserved to the states or the people.
In recent months there have been
citizens that have been deprived of some of these basic rights. As
mentioned above, Paul Manafort was held in solitary confinement just
to pressure him into fabricating ‘evidence’ against the
President, General Michael Flynn was told he didn’t need an
attorney while being interviewed by the FBI; Roger Stone, an old man,
was raided by the FBI in the early morning hours and, somehow, CNN
just happened to be there to film it; Michael Cohen, Trump’s
attorney, had his office raided and records confiscated against the
policy of attorney/client confidentiality. All these people were
coerced by the FBI and/or the Mueller Investigation team to speak out
against Donald J Trump, his campaign and his administration. What the
Mueller team was doing was trying to find a crime that was committed
thus depriving Trump of presumption of innocence. Just as Brett
Kavanaugh was accused of being a sexual predator while being
confirmed as Supreme Court Justice and the Liberal Left openly said
that he was guilty even though the accusations were denied by the
people that were supposedly witnesses (later to be admitted as false
The Second Amendment, in my opinion the
most important, has been infringed over and over through regulation.
The Constitution is very clear on this right. “A well-regulated
militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right
of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Read
that again. And again. And again. “A well-regulated militia, being
arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.” There are no limitations on this
basic, necessary right. It doesn’t limit arms to single-shot long
guns. It doesn’t state that a person needs to buy a permit or
license. It doesn’t say that a person needs to pass a background
check or that there should be ‘red-flag’ laws. It states
extremely clearly that the right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE
Does mean that anyone should be able to
buy and carry weapons? Actually – yes. Do I want anyone to be able
to acquire weapons? It doesn’t matter. If someone wants to get a
handgun, a rifle, an AR-15 or AK-47, a bazooka, a grenade launcher,
land mines or any other weapon, they will do it whether it is legal
or not. The only thing that these regulations do is keep honest,
law-abiding citizens from being able to protect themselves; which is
the very reason for this right to be guaranteed. Criminals don’t
obey laws or regulations. The only reason the government institutes
these laws is to disarm the citizens. And once disarmed, the citizens
won’t be able to protect themselves from the criminal element or a
tyrannical takeover from the government.
Political correctness is doing away
with our freedom of speech. Why would the government want to do that?
Without being able to speak our minds, without being able to offend
someone, we start to think with one mind. We become automatons,
bricks in the wall, mindless serfs. It is not against nature to
offend someone. It brings on debate. It is a differing of opinions.
Just because someone’s feelings get hurt doesn’t mean it should
be against the law. As is happening around the world today, it has
become a hate crime to speak against Islam, homosexuality,
transgenders, minorities, etc. Hate crime! Just because a person is
against a religion bent on the destruction of all other religions and
ways of thinking, that person, if he/she speaks out against Islam,
will be arrested and their lives destroyed because of a manufactured
hate crime. Because a person speaks out against boys in the girl’s
bathroom or a man saying he’s a woman doesn’t mean that it’s a
hate crime. Just because a person speaks out against illegal aliens
invading the country doesn’t mean it’s a hate crime.
The worst part of political
correctness, which includes racist speech, is that only white people
are accused and convicted of it. Muslims, blacks, Hispanics, Asians,
gays, etc., can say anything they want with impunity. Only straight,
white, conservatives are racist, Islamophobic, xenophobic,
homophobic, etc. All the while, Islamists, blacks, gays, etc., can
say whatever they want against those straight, white conservatives.
Minorities demand equal justice but commit the crimes they accuse
whites of committing. Unequal equality; a double standard.
Being a Constitutional originalist is
being on the right side of morals and values. Not being a very
religious person, I still believe in Christian principles. Morality
is a social construct. What is moral and legal in one society may not
be in another and vice-versa. Once Christian principles were done
away with in schools, governmental policy, and even in homes, the
culture changed. Where once every pickup truck in the parking lot of
any school in America had a gun rack and shotgun in it and nothing
thought about it, now is seen as an active shooter and that kid will
be arrested and charged with terrorism.
It isn’t more laws we need. It is
fewer laws; less government interference in our lives. We need more
involvement between parents and children. Less social media and game
consoles and more fishing and hunting. Less tolerance taught and more
industrial arts and home economics taught. Less liberal
indoctrination in schools and more basic education. More caring for
American citizens and less importance put on illegal aliens; charity
starts at home. Less climate change and more ecology. Less spending
on countries that would rather see us dead and more on our own
infrastructure. Help our allies, not our enemies. Less socialism and
more capitalism.
We are losing our country because of
our complacency and more and more dependence on government handouts.
It is we, the people, that is allowing the government to gain more
and more power over us. I believe it was Lincoln that said that the US would never be overtaken from an outside enemy but from within
because of our complacency. Guess he was right.
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