Sunday, September 22, 2019

Where Does Elizabeth Warren Stand on the Issues?

The following are a few of Elizabeth Warren's views on important issues. I will attempt to explain these, in layman's terms, as best I can so you, the reader, are able to understand what she stands for and the repercussions of her policies.

On the economy:
Ultra-Millionaire Tax on America’s 75,000 richest families to produce trillions.

So, Ms. Warren wants the taxpayer to believe that taxing the top 75k families more will produce trillions of dollars. How, exactly, does that work? Those top wage earners don't make that much. Is she going to take all their money from them and then some? If she wants to tax enough to make trillions of dollars in federal revenue, she will end up taxing everyone more and more. According to the Treasury Dept. brought in $3.3T last year with spending at $4.2T.

According to the Tax Foundation ( the lowest percent paid was 1.5% for the lowest income earner and the top 1% paid 33.3% tax. Also, the income before taxes and after taxes (this is the really important part) is surprisingly unfair. The lowest quintile earners before taxes share of income is 3.7% but after taxes (you know, with all the refundable credits, AKA redistribution of wealth) is 7.3% while the 81st to 99th percentile's is 38.4% before and 35.1% after. The top 1%, 16.6% and 13.2%. Looks to me like the lowest percentile earners are getting their fair share while the top wage earners are paying for it. And Ms Warren wants to make that an even larger gap in the before and after taxes percentages.

You have to understand that those high wage earners and corporations are the ones that are paying the wages to the lower earners. Those corporations spend billions on expanding their businesses to create more jobs so more people are working and earning. I agree that corporate greed is out of hand but it isn't the businesses, themselves, that are greedy. It is the CEOs, Board members, higher management that are greedy. And let's not forget the shareholders that demand those businesses make more and more profit to give to them.

On education:
Canceling student loan debt for most college graduates, eliminating all tuition costs at public two- and four-year schools.

The entire cost of my broad debt cancellation plan and universal free college is more than covered by my Ultra-Millionaire Tax — a 2% annual tax on the 75,000 families with $50 million or more in wealth."

According to the federal student loan debt for the country is $1.5T with another $119B in private student loan debt. Ms Warren wants to have the Federal Government pay off that debt and then make college free? I don't think those 75K families have that much money to give away along with paying for all the other things she wants them to pay for. Once again, the taxes won't just be coming from the wealthy; she will raise taxes on every working family in the nation.

On energy and the environment:
Cutting carbon pollution roughly in half by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. As the world’s largest historical carbon polluter, the United States has a special responsibility to lead the way.

Wow! Can you believe that? How is she going to cut carbon emissions to net-zero? Along with AOC and the Squat Squad she wants to do away with internal combustion engines. Are you ready to start walking everywhere? Are you ready to quit using your AC and electric heat? Are you ready to quit buying things at the store? To cut carbon emissions to net-zero that is what it would take. Why would you have to stop buying things? It takes an internal combustion engine to power that truck down the road to deliver your iPhone, Nike's, PlayStation, Starbucks, McDonald's, etc. Electricity is produced using coal. You won't be able to own a car. reports that the US is number 2 for greenhouse gas emissions with China as being number one with almost twice the emissions as the United States.

On gun regulation:
 "As president, I will immediately take executive action to rein in an out-of-control gun industry — and to hold both gun dealers and manufacturers accountable for the violence promoted by their products. I will break the NRA’s stranglehold on Congress by passing sweeping anti-corruption legislation and eliminating the filibuster so that our nation can no longer be held hostage by a small group of well-financed extremists who have already made it perfectly clear that they will never put the safety of the American people first.”

Let's see, if gun dealers and manufacturers are to be held responsible for gun violence shouldn't auto manufacturers and dealers be held responsible for car deaths; tool manufacturers and dealers for deaths due to someone using a hammer, crowbar, screwdriver, etc.; doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies held responsible for prescription drug deaths; and maybe the government for deaths during war?

As for the NRA – there has yet to be an NRA member that has committed a gun crime. All the NRA does is stand up for the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Ms. Warren would love to disarm the people totally so that the government can take complete control over the people instead of the people controlling the government.

On healthcare:
"The Medicare for All Act of 2019 would ensure that Americans could get the care they need, when they need it, without going into debt. It would empower the federal government to negotiate prices with drug companies. And it would expand coverage to include home- and community-based long-term care services, ensuring people with disabilities can receive the care they need to stay in their homes and remain part of their communities."

Single-payer, government-controlled healthcare. That's worked so well for the vets in this country. It's also worked well in every country that uses it. People aren't rushing to Canada, the UK, Venezuela, or any other socialist country for their healthcare. They come to the US. Why? They come here because the United States has the best healthcare in the world. Is the system broken and extremely expensive? Of course, it is. Does it need to be fixed? Of course, it does. Does it take government policy to do it? Oh, HELL no! The government shouldn't be involved in anything more than protections for the country. If the US government was put in charge of the Sahara Desert within 10 years there would be a shortage of sand.

On immigration:
 "Decriminalize migration and refocus enforcement on serious criminal activity. Separate law enforcement from immigration enforcement to strengthen our communities. Remake CBP and ICE in a way that reflects our values. Create accountability for the abuse perpetrated during the Trump Era."

"End unnecessary detention. Eliminate private detention facilities. Expand the executive use of parole and invest in alternatives-to-detention."

"Establish professional, independent Article I immigration courts. Eliminate expedited removal and provide due process."

: "Reject exclusionary policies based on race, religion, and nationality. Raise the refugee cap. Affirm asylum protections."

Ok. I get it. The Democrats want to flood the country with illegals. They want to give citizenship to illegals without those individuals going through the same process as the legal immigrants have. They want to do away with ICE so that those illegals in the country don't have to worry about being deported. I get it. They want people that will vote Democrat.

There is nothing else to say about the Democrat's immigration policies. They want open borders, no American sovereignty, and the entire world to be able to come to the United States and have the American taxpayer pay for their healthcare, housing, food, and education.

On impeachment:
"Every member of Congress took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States — not to protect and defend Donald Trump. Every elected official should read the Mueller report. And once they do, they’ll see the facts are inescapable. The House should do its job and begin impeachment proceedings.

This is to the point of being laughable. The Mueller Report stated clearly that there was no collusion and no obstruction committed by Donald J Trump, his campaign, his family, or his administration.

What the Mueller Report did find is that the Clinton Campaign paid for an unverifiable dossier from a foreign spy that got it from a Russian.

The Obama DOJ lied to the FISA court to obtain warrants to spy on an opposing candidate. The FBI exonerated Hillary Clinton before she was even interviewed, for any wrongdoing by having an unsecured, private server with government emails that were hacked by the Chinese. Hillary Clinton obstructed justice by destroying over 30K emails that were subpoenaed by the Congress, then destroyed phones and computers using BleachBit and hammers and removing SIM cards.

Who all was involved in the Trump Spygate? When it all comes out in the IG report I believe the entire Obama Administration, FBI, DOJ, Clinton Campaign, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and even Barack Obama, himself, will be implicated.

If Congress was actually doing its job, it would stop investigating Trump over and over for trying to find a crime he committed and start doing something about illegal aliens, the economy, infrastructure, foreign policy, etc. If they were interested in equal justice and 'no one is above the law' they would be looking at several of their own members such as AOC, Ilan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Maxine Waters, and Frederica Wilson.

There is no equal justice in Congress. Democrats are above the law as has been proven by Hillary Clinton. There are several state officials that have been accused of some terrible crimes but aren't being prosecuted or even investigated. Brett Kavanaugh, on the other hand, is being humiliated by false accusations and Trump has been investigated since he was inaugurated for crimes he hasn't committed.

And the Democrats are demanding his impeachment. It is almost laughable.

So, these are the policies that Elizabeth Warren stands behind; the Green New Deal, open borders, disarming the American citizens, free everything for anyone, taxing the American people into poverty while paying for everyone else, and impeaching a President that has done nothing wrong. Yep! My kind of candidate. Especially since she claimed to be Native American just to get into Harvard and get her first job and then continued to claim minority status until Donald Trump called her out on it. She fits into the Democrat Party just fine.

All information on Elizabeth Warren's standing on the issues is from Warren presidential campaign 2020

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