Friday, September 6, 2019

Is McCarthyism Making A Comeback?

Is McCarthyism making a comeback? Some would say it is. With all the Hollywood elites spouting off about doxing Trump supporters, a lot of far-left wing liberals bashing anyone that supports Trump, with the mainstream media destroying the character of anyone that works for Trump, etc., it sure looks a lot like McCarthyism.

When you look at the rhetoric of the far-left, the policies of the far-left, the attitude of the far-left, it makes a person wonder just who, and what, they are. They scream racism against Trump and anyone that likes him; they scream homophobe, Islamophobe, xenophobe, and every other -phobe and if that doesn’t work, they scream antisemitic. All the while it is they, the far-left, that continually victimize minorities and promote antisemitism. Just listen to what they say.

Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and most of the mainstream media are constantly spewing forth diatribes against Jews, endless speeches of how minorities can’t do anything for themselves and need the Democrats to do for them, stand on their soap-boxes and yell about how law enforcement is unfair to blacks (whether those blacks broke the law or not), and an endless stream of rhetoric against America’s culture, morals, and values; even our heritage and founding.

It was Republicans that fought against slavery. It was Republicans that fought for the rights of blacks and women. It has always been the conservatives that have championed for minorities. On the other hand, it has always been the Democrats that fought against all that; until now. Now, with Donald Trump as President, they are ‘fighting’ for the little guy. But, then again, they have always said they were fighting for the little guy, the downtrodden, the minority. Let me ask all you minorities one question: what has the Democrat Party ever done for you? Have they given you jobs? Have they lifted you out of poverty? Have they made life easier for you?

Take a look at those cities that have been controlled by the Democrats for decades and tell me how the Democrats have enriched the lives of the poor. Tell me how the Democrats have made jobs for Blacks, Hispanics, or women. What have they actually done for you? They have given you government handouts and kept you under their control; all the while doing nothing to help you get ahead in life. And don’t tell me that the low unemployment rate among minorities is because of Barack Obama. He was, and still is, keeping the poor - poor and the downtrodden - downtrodden. Without the poor and miserable, the Democrat Party is powerless. They would have no one to make empty promises to.

The Left has always promised the world to those that needed a hand up. What they have given is a hand-out. There are signs everywhere in state and federal parks across the nation that read: Do not feed the animals. They will become dependent on it and not be able to forage for themselves. Guess what? If you feed people for nothing then they, too, become dependent and unable to forage for themselves. In other words, once a person is given a free-living, they come to depend on that without giving anything in return. Try taking that welfare check and food stamps away from the poor and replacing it with work. A lot of those people will raise the roof. A lot, not all. There are actually those that would prefer to work and support themselves instead of depending on the government to support them. Proof of that is the lowest unemployment rate among minorities and women in history.

The left hates that. That is the one biggest reason that 99.9% of Democrats in power want open borders. They can no longer depend on the minority vote among Americans, so they have to import voters from other countries and give them free healthcare, free housing, free food, free education, and a guaranteed income. All paid for by the hard-working American taxpayer. With open borders and decriminalizing illegal entry into the country and giving those illegal aliens state-issued IDs, those people will vote for those that are giving the handouts. In other words – the Democrats.

Back to the McCarthyism. While doing their best to import voters, the far-left is black-listing all Trump supporters. Several Hollywood elites have openly called for black-listing so that they know who not to work with, who to shun, who to ridicule and destroy. They don’t want conservatives to earn a living if at all possible. Maxine Waters called out to the people to ‘get in their faces wherever they are. In gas stations, restaurants, and even at their homes. Johnny Depp stated, “I wonder when it was the last time an actor killed a President.” Madonna stated, “I have thought many times of blowing up the White House.” It is McCarthyism against conservatives instead of communists. It’s vogue to be a ‘Democratic Socialist’ today.

During the McCarthy years, a lot of people’s lives were destroyed simply by being accused of being a communist. Several of those people were communists but that shouldn’t have mattered. Senator McCarthy destroyed anyone and everyone that was accused. Several of those people committed suicide and the rest died in poverty, unable to find work. That is happening right now, in the 21st century with all the Democrats calling for conservatives to be fired, harassed, destroyed. They don’t care one iota about families. All they care about is turning the entire country blue and destroying conservatism; doing away with the checks and balances that are so desperately needed to continue a healthy government.

How does this make McCarthyism alive and well in the brave, new world? Because, just as Senator McCarthy destroyed anyone put before him as a communist, anyone that the Left doesn’t like (that would be anyone that thinks and believes differently than them) are systematically destroyed. How are they being destroyed? It isn’t by a Senate Judiciary hearing. They are being destroyed by harassing them wherever they are, labeling them as racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, antisemitic, xenophobic, or whatever the name-of-the-day is. Conservatives have quit working for the government by droves because they don’t need, or want, the drama or the character assassination.

Oh, yes, my friends, McCarthyism is alive and well today as much as it was in the 1950s. The only difference is then it was against communism and today it is against conservatism. Everyone knows that to be a Socialist, a Democratic Socialist or a communist is in vogue in politics today. The more radically left a person is the better off they are in Washington, DC.

If we don’t keep watch the far-left will destroy our way of life. They are out to destroy everything American, especially the Constitution of the United States. They have been whittling away at the Bill of Rights for decades; most notably the Second Amendment. Why the Second? That is the one right that the American people have to protect all the others. If the far-left can disarm America, they can, and will, make this Constitutional Republic into a Socialist/communist state and there will be no left or right. It will be a Democrat-controlled dictatorship. McCarthyism will have won the day.

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