Sunday, October 27, 2019


From local government to the highest offices in the world there is corruption. There is absolutely nothing the common man can do about it. Sure, we can vote the corrupt out of office and replace them with others but, soon enough, those new politicians will be just as corrupt as the old ones. Why? Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Federal Government has that absolute power.
What about local government? You know the ones; the mayor, the city manager, the chief of police, the sheriff, the magistrate, county attorney, assessor. They can all be corrupt. Even the newest member of the local Gestapo, sorry, police force. I can't seem to bring myself to call them law enforcement officers because they aren't; they are revenue agents and bullies with badges in a lot of small towns across the nation. Even in the big cities, there are those that use their badge as a crown.
There has always been those in government that did whatever they had to to get their way from bribes to threats to downright murder. Everyone knows the story of Hanging Judge Roy Bean. Wyatt Earp wasn't exactly a saint his whole life. Presidents have been assassinated because someone was afraid they would be exposed by the highest office or someone wanted to move up a notch without going through the democratic process.
Look what is going on in DC today. The far left-wing liberals up there that are supposed to have sworn to uphold the Constitution and protect the nation from threats are fighting against the President who is trying to do just those things. The duly elected Congressmen and women are more interested in making sure the Donald J Trump doesn't win than protecting their constituents against foreign invasion from the southern border by people bound to destroy us.
How about the local constabulary that has a boner for someone? The racist cop, the drug-dealing cop, the cop on the take – it happens all over the country. And these are the ones that have sworn to uphold and protect the law. They do, when a private citizen breaks the law but, if a lawman breaks the law they are protected by the Blue Veil of Secrecy. And, if a citizen even thinks about reporting a lawman breaking the law they are threatened with incarceration for some fabricated crime with planted evidence. It happens. It also happens that there are those lawmen that will fabricate crimes on people they don't like.
How about those that have served time in prison? Let's say someone spends five to ten years in a so-called correctional facility for smoking weed or some other half-baked, nonsense crime. They spend their days doing nothing except going insane from boredom. They are in there with others that have broken some insane law that doesn't make sense and some that broke a law that needed punishment. What happens? They learn that the law is unfair, their minds go numb, they become more and more angry, and, to top it off, they learn how to break more severe laws.
When they come out do they receive help returning to society? Some do, some don't. An ex-con can become a productive member of society if the justice system will help them. A lot of times the justice system does its best to send that ex-con back to prison. Probation officers make it hard for that man, or woman, to get even try to get set up again. Let's put an ankle monitor on their leg that wears a hole in their skin and shows the world that this person is bad. Let's not let them get a driver's license so they can get around. Let's make sure they can't have a phone to make and receive calls from potential employers. Let's not let them have internet access (if they are convicted of any kind of sex crime) so they can't communicate with friends and family.
The justice system is not just and the court system is not blind. Courts are not a place of justice, only what can be proven and how much money you have to spend to defend yourself. Even court-appointed attorneys are not free and they usually work for the county, not the client. Plea bargains are commonplace instead of a presumption of innocence until proven guilty. If you do happen to proven 'not guilty' it isn't saying that you are innocent only that they didn't have enough evidence to prove you guilty.
Congress continually legislates more and more laws. For such a free country we are weighed down with laws against everything. We can't hunt, fish or trap without paying for the privilege of doing so. We have to wear helmets and seat belts. We can't swim where we want. We can't stop, stand or park where we want. We have to pay to do just about everything except breathe and, sooner or later, they will find a way to make us pay for that. If the government can't tax it, they say you have to buy a permit for it. If you take a good, hard, honest look at it, I'd say that close to 70% of what a person makes working goes to the government in some form of tax or permit or fine for some small infraction.
Brings me to another point. The Constitution says that excessive fines are prohibited. Funny, for an overweight fine in some states it can cost from $200 to $4,000. Littering from $75 to $500. Court costs (which I thought taxes paid for the court system) can run up to $500 plus other extortion fees they charge on TOP of the fine. A little excessive if you ask me.
It comes down to corruption. And this country does its best to fight corruption in foreign countries. Corruption in its finest form. We hate it when a foreign nation tries to interfere with our electoral process but we will do our best to screw over some third world, or up and coming, country's government. Who is the corrupt ones? Who is worse – Meduro from Venezuela, Putin from Russia, Kim from North Korea, or Pelosi from the US and May from the UK? Which country is more corrupt? I think it's a toss-up. I live in the USA so I can only say what I see here and it ain't good anymore.

The Political Utopia

“Tyranny is the use of power to dehumanize the individual and delegitimize his nature. Political utopianism is tyranny disguised as a desirable workable and even paradisiacal governing ideology.” So says Mark Levin in his book, Ameritopia. If you stop and think about it, he’s right. Look throughout history and see what tyrannical dominions did, how they treated their subjects. Kings and queens the world over have thought of their subjects as possessions to be used as they saw fit, not as human beings with rights.

Political utopianism, the ideology that the far-left radicals are pursuing, is just that. They are espousing the virtues of equality of everything from economics to so-called basic human rights. When everything, and everyone, is equal, there is no exceptionalism, there is no individualism. The worst-case scenario is there is no freedom; of thought, belief, speech, press, self-preservation or protection. It is tyranny when the government controls everything so that all are equal; except the government, which is privileged because they are the ones giving to the people.

It has been said many times by many people that if you do not study, and understand history, it will repeat itself. It is obvious that the ones promoting equality for all, basically totalitarianism, have not read a single line of history. It has been well documented over the centuries that such societies do not endure the test of time. Karl Marx’s theory of ‘From each according to his ability to each according to his need’ (equality for all) is unsustainable as those that are working the hardest soon realize that it doesn’t pay them to work that hard; especially when those that don’t work receive their support with no effort.

Margaret Thatcher stated it best, “The thing about socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.” Equality for all is just that – the government cannot give anyone anything until it takes from someone else. As Thatcher said, sooner or later that flow of money will disappear because those that the government is taking it from will either 1) leave or 2) become one of the recipients of government handouts. When everyone is on the handout bandwagon there will be no one to pull it.

The far-left are saying they only want to tax the top one percent; the wealthiest. That sounds really good to someone who is in the bottom one percent, or even the bottom ten percent. After all, why should those people that don’t work have all that money while the working man is starving? Throw in the statistics that the bottom ten percent are normally minorities and then you have racial divide on top of class division. What is the far-left’s answer to that question: take the top one percent’s money from them and redistribute it to the bottom percentile through government handouts. The top one percent didn’t get there by being stupid with their time, effort, or money. They will not give it up. If need be, they will take their money and leave the country. When that happens then the taxation falls to the next level down, then the next, and the next. Sooner or later there will be no one left to tax.

The state of Illinois came up with a grand scheme to keep its biggest taxpayers from leaving. That state instituted a tax on anyone leaving the state. Tyranny comes to mind. How can a government demand that a person stay within its’ boundaries or punish whoever wants to leave unless that government is tyrannical? If the ones paying the bills aren’t there to pay them, then that utopia is jeopardized. Thus, Mark Levin was correct in his assumption that political utopianism is tyranny.

How did Hitler win over the hearts and minds of the millions of people in Germany and Austria? He did it through promises of equality and prosperity for all. He propagandized the media of the day. He then turned his utopia into the Nazi regime it became. It took the world to defeat him. He had his loyal followers in the Nazi Party that had everything he promised. What the rest of his people had was poverty, strife, and terror. You either followed him totally or you were exterminated along with the rest of his enemies. He ruled with an iron fist as all totalitarian rules have done. What happened to the utopia he promised? He couldn’t deliver it as he well knew from the beginning. Utopia cannot exist alongside human nature.

Equality cannot ever be achieved. Ever. Not everyone is equal because not everyone has the motivation or ability to be equal to everyone else. Worker’s rights, immigrant’s rights, gay rights, black’s rights, transgender’s rights, the list goes on and one and is never-ending. Therefore, not everyone can be equal. As soon as one group is equal to everyone else, another group emerges demanding equality. This is not to say that everyone should not have equal rights under the law.

Everyone should have the ability to be housed, in a home they can afford; everyone should be able to feed themselves; everyone should be able to have healthcare available to them. Not everyone has the inalienable right to have these things given to them at the expense of the rest of the people. Not everyone is willing to put in the time and effort to afford what the next person has. Some can afford a huge, multi-million-dollar mansion while others can barely afford a two-room apartment. It is the effort put in that makes the difference. Equality, therefore, is equality in misery.

Dr. Ben Carson, the nation’s leading neurosurgeon now HUD secretary, grew up in poverty. Yes, he took advantage of government assistance to eat, be housed, go to school. The difference between Dr. Carson and the average poor person, of any color, is Dr. Carson had the motivation to get out of poverty and become successful. As Bill Gates once said, “If you are born poor, it isn’t your fault. If you die poor, it is.” In the far-left’s vision of Utopia, there can be no success for the individual because individualism is not allowed.

Liberty and equality cannot coexist. The Founding Fathers knew this. They did not create a government that restricted individualism and individual exceptionalism. It was just that individualism that helped create this great nation. It took innovators and free thinkers dedicated to a land of opportunity and freedom to go against the mightiest army and navy in the world. It was that need for freedom and liberty that drove the colonists to fight against King George and the mighty British military. That need was for the common good but brought about by the individuals with the passion for freedom to achieve those freedoms and liberties.

In the last 240 plus years this nation has created the world’s most remarkable things. We have been the leaders in innovation, manufacturing, and technology. We are not a perfect nation by any means because humanity is imperfect. This is another reason utopia will not ever succeed: man’s imperfection. Utopia tries to make the imperfect perfect. Without that perfection, it does not work. Equality demands perfection from all; perfect thought, perfect behavior, perfect obedience to government. Man is not perfect and never will be. God instilled in us free will and that free will demands expression. Without the motivation to succeed, to prosper, we might not have the electric light, automobiles, telephone or cell phone, computers, etc. It took unequal people to achieve this.

Right now, in Hong Kong, there are people protesting the tyrannical dominion of communist China. China is a working model of equality. Everyone is equal to everyone else. Everyone thinks the same, behaves the same, suffers the same; except in Hong Kong. The British had control of Hong Kong for years and those people knew what freedom and liberty were. That is their Utopia and they are fighting to keep it. They do not want to go back under the iron-fisted rule of a tyrannical central government. Hong Kong is the antithesis of Beijing. There is prosperity, free speech, free will, and exceptionalism in everything you see on that tiny island. There is poverty, suffering, and oppression in mainland China. A stark difference between the totalitarianism of an equalized government and a free, liberty-based society.

Barack Obama stated the utopian agenda so eloquently when he said that the individual did not create anything, it took the whole country. That is equality. It destroys the individual’s claim to creativity. Did Mr. Obama start the drive to political utopianism? No. This drive to socialistic tyranny started decades ago when the American people, in their complacency, started giving up their rights and freedoms to government regulation and assistance.

The best way to describe the advent of political utopianism is, as stated by Mark Levin in Ameritopia, “It usually takes the form of material ‘rights’ delivered to the individual by the state. Consequently, equality and liberty are both subjects of utopian demagoguery and manipulation. Liberty is encouraged if its end is equality. Liberty, by itself, is not.

“Equality is also disguised as or confused with people’s sovereignty – that is, the conflagration of ‘the people’s will’ with egalitarian campaigns, such as ‘social justice,’ ‘environmental justice,’ ‘immigrant rights.’ ‘workers’ rights,’ etc.”

Other ways that our liberties are being restricted is through the misconceptions of ‘child safety,’ ‘security,’ ‘health issues,’ ‘government assistance,’ etc. With the advent of the social welfare system came the start of political utopianism; the start of liberty’s downfall. When the people started depending on the government, which depends on taxes paid to it from the people, the people started giving up their rights and conforming to the social utopia envisioned by the far left. Was the left as radical in the 1920’s, 30’s, even up to the 1990’s as they are now in the 2010s? Not outwardly.

The left has slowly but surely been indoctrinating the country into their utopian vision. That was the only way to achieve their goal. Once the ideology was out in the open during the Obama era, it was no longer necessary to be discreet about their ultimate end. The left now has at least one full generation indoctrinated into the utopian ideology as can be seen with the calls for socialism by many young people and the celebration of openly socialist politicians.

As I stated earlier, this did not start in the recent past. In 1887, Congress created the Interstate Commerce Commission. This was the start, the embryo, of our socialist society. In 2016, Congress passed 2,966 pages of laws and other federal agencies churned out 97,110 pages of new regulations. Even President Calvin Coolidge was concerned about the power growth in government. “This is not the government which was put into form by Washington and Hamilton and popularized by Jefferson. Some of the stabilizing safeguards which they had provided have been weakened. (The Conservative Sensibility, George F. Will, 2019)

Gary Lawson described one small part of the monstrosity that had developed in our government with his description of the Federal Trade Commission:

“The Commission promulgates substantive rules of conduct. The Commission then considers whether to authorize investigations into whether the Commission’s rules have been violated. If the Commission authorizes an investigation, the investigation is conducted by the Commission, which reports its findings to the Commission. If the Commission thinks that the Commission’s findings warrant an enforcement action, the Commission issues a complaint. The Commission’s complaint that a Commission rule has been violated is then prosecuted by the Commission and adjudicated by the Commission. The Commission adjudication can either take place before the full Commission or before a semi-autonomous Commission administrative law judge. If the Commission chooses to adjudicate before an administrative law judge rather than before the Commission and the decision is adverse to the Commission, the Commission can appeal to the Commission. (Conservative Sensibilities, George F. Will, 2019)

What Mr. Lawson said, in a nutshell, is that the Federal Trade Commission has absolute power in conducting its’ business and if its’ rules are broken can investigate and adjudicate within its’ own authority with no oversight from anywhere else. This is just one example of government overreach and abuse of power. Since the start of the 20th Century, the various government agencies have become so numerous and large that instead of being the exception to the rule, Philip Hamburger once said, they have ‘swallowed the rule.” Administrative law has “dwarfed statutory law and has become the federal government’s pervasive mode of dealing with the public.” Federal agencies’ regulation filled 18,000 pages of the Code of Federal Regulations in 1938 and 175,000 by 2014. (Conservative Sensibility, George F. Will, 2019)

This is exactly what the Founding Fathers feared most; a tyrannical government that was so large as to be unstoppable in its’ thirst for power over the people. The power that is not enumerated in the Constitution is left to the several states and the people of the country. What the federal government has done is overreach those boundaries a little at a time until it has gotten to the point where the people cannot live without it. With each new agency, each new department, there are more and more regulations and restrictions on the people and more and more power to the federal government. The political utopianism has been in the making for well over a century.

Before I could graduate high school in 1978, I was required to take a course called Government. This course taught the way government should be run, what government was, what powers the government had. Sadly, there was no comparison to what the government was to what the founders intended. I was not taught the Constitution and what it said about separation of power, enumerated powers, responsibilities of each branch, etc. I was taught the Preamble and the Bill of Rights. The sad thing is that my children were not taught these things. I taught them what the Constitution was and what rights and privileges we, the people, have.

The government-run schools don’t want the people to know how the founders intended the government to be restricted. They don’t want the people to know what rights they have or what power they have over the government. This is why young people today are demanding a more and more socialist society, equality for all, the political utopia. What these young people aren’t taught is that Marxism, Stalinism, socialism, and equality for all are all terms for tyranny, suffering, and oppression for all.

American exceptionalism is a very unique thing. The founders created a never-before-heard of style of governance of, for, and by the people. That, in and of itself, is unique. No other country in the world had ever been so governed and no other country in the world has ever done it since. There are democratic countries other than the United States; the United Kingdom is now democratically run by a parliament for example, but the monarchy remains. It is our exceptionalism that has made this country the greatest power in the world. What took Rome, Greece, and Britain hundreds, or thousands of years to achieve, the United States did in a little over a century; we became a world power that others sought out for help in crises. Today, it is the United States that polices and subsidizes the world. It is our military might that protects weaker countries. Even the once greatest military in the world, the British, come to us for help. The left’s vision of a political utopia would destroy that.

Equality for all is equality for none. Socialized medicine is not exceptional healthcare for all. It is healthcare only for those that keep producing for years; whether or not the sick had paid into the system. It doesn’t matter if a 70-year-old person had paid into the system their entire life, if they needed a major medical procedure and there was a 16-year-old patient, that had not paid in a penny, that needed a similar procedure the 16-year-old would receive care and the 70-year-old would not. Why? Simply because the younger patient has years of work ahead of him/her and the 70-year-old does not. Yet, socialized medicine is being called Medicare-For-All.

No country in the world has ever made socialism or communism work for the benefit of the people. The left keeps espousing the benefits of the Scandinavian countries and their socialist societies. What the left doesn’t say is that those countries are taxed so high that private ownership is practically unheard of and that most of them are on the verge of bankruptcy. Is that what you want for our country?

Madison and Federalist #10

With all that is happening in Washington, DC, I think it prudent to discuss Federalist #10. Written by James Madison in November of 1787, Federalist #10 discusses the subject of factions.

“Among the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union, none deserves to be more accurately developed, than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction... The instability, injustice, and confusion, introduced into the public councils, have, in truth, been the mortal diseases under which popular governments have everywhere perished; as thy continue to be the favorite and fruitful topics from which the adversaries to liberty drive their most specious declamations... our governments are too unstable; that the public good is disregarded in the conflicts of rival parties; and that measures are too often decided, not according to the rules of justice, and the rights of the minor party, but by the superior force of an interested and overbearing majority.

“By a faction, I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or the the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.

“There are two methods of curing the mischiefs of faction: the one, by removing its causes; the other, by controlling its effects.

“There are again two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence, the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests.”

What was Madison saying here? When a country is a strong union, one of the advantages that should be developed is a way to keep a faction from becoming too strong and violent. When a faction becomes too powerful it will instill instability, injustice, and confusion into the government; that, throughout history, that instability, injustice, and confusion has been the downfall of governments and are the favorite and useful tools that adversaries of liberty are wont to use.

When he speaks that our governments (meaning of the several states) were too unstable without a central, unionizing government, and that the good of the public was not taken into consideration because of the conflicts between political parties; that legislation and policy too often is decided by force of the majority party outside the rules of justice and forsaking the rights of the minority party.

When a group of people is united in a cause, whether they are the majority or not, inspired by a common passion, there is no thought of the rights or interests of other people it is a faction.

There are two ways of curing the effects of a faction: one, by removing the reasons, the passion, of the faction, and the other is to control the outcome. Madison went on to say that there are two ways to remove the causes of the faction. One, by destroying the liberties that actually allow the faction to operate, and the other to force everyone to believe as the faction does.

If we were to remove the liberties we have, the right to free speech, freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble and to petition the government, any faction would no longer be able to operate. This is not what the Founders wanted. They put those rights into the Constitution because they had, themselves, been deprived of those rights. Without the freedom to voice our opinions, to print our thoughts, assemble to protest and petition the government, we would lose the ability to debate, to grow, to learn. In other words – we would stagnate and become automatons, mindless serfs. This would be much worse than having a number of people out there spouting their rhetoric to the masses.
To force another's opinion onto the masses would be even worse. We need to be about to have different opinions. The government cannot legislate how a person thinks or believes. At least not in any kind of free society. So what would be the best way to subdue a violent faction? There is no way. People will always have differences because of differing cultures, religions, etc. All we can do is try to keep the damage at a minimum.

But, if you take what is going on today with the faction of far-left radical liberalism, the animosity toward the President and his policies, the fight against our Constitution and our freedoms, can you see what Madison was talking about? Do you see the prophetic statements about how a faction will do what it can against the rights and interests of others, no matter how unjust, to have their way? What are the far-left radicals doing in Washington, DC, and have been for the last three years? The Trump Derangement Syndrome is escalating daily.

It was less than 48 hours after the election when the left started talking about impeaching Donald Trump. He hadn't even taken office yet. What made it worse is that the mainstream media, such as the New York Times and CNN, were right there with them. The propaganda that Trump had to be impeached went on every day, 24 hours a day. This is the faction, the confusion, the violence that Madison warned us about. This anti-Trump faction doesn't care about what their actions are doing to the country as a whole. All they care about is getting rid of a duly elected President because he was not supposed to win.

Madison continued, “No man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause; because his interest would certainly bias his judgment, and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity. With equal, nay, with greater reason, a body of men are unfit to be both judges and parties, at the same time;” Does this maybe state why Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Elijah Cummings, etc. should not be investigating their illegal impeachment inquiry? They are but judges and parties in this scheme. Their interests are definitely biased and their integrity has been corrupted. It is painfully obvious when Mr Schiff stands before the House of Representatives and recites a transcript of the President's conversation with the President of Ukraine that is totally fabricated.

Madison continues to explain that in a pure democracy, the faction, if it is the majority, will win the day. That is the main reason that the Founders set up our country as a Constitutional Republic. We are not a democracy. We have elected officials to represent our wants and needs. This is the only way that a majority faction can be controlled. We need to let our representatives know what we want and need. It is their job to represent us in the central government. If the majority faction is going against the rights and liberties of the whole, it is only through equal representation that the minority can have a voice and keep those rights and liberties.

Yes, the House of Representatives is controlled by the Democrat Party. There are a number of Republicans that have sided with the Democrats. The question is: Are these representatives actually representing what the people want? Do the people of the country, as a whole, want to impeach a President that is up for re-election in a little over a year? Wouldn't it be more prudent to let the country decide next November if Donald Trump should stay in office or not?

If the House continues down the path of impeachment, it will go to the Senate for trial. The Senate, being Republican-controlled, will hear the evidence and vote whether to expel the President from office or to allow him to continue as Commander-in-Chief. It really doesn't matter what the House decides.

We have entered into very dark times. For the last three years, the Democrats have changed rules on a lot of different things just so they could find something, anything, against the President. What they have actually done is made it to where any President can be thwarted by Circuit Courts, undermined by planted spies, impeached just because the opposing party doesn't like him/her. In effect, the Democrat Party has bastardized the Constitution into a weapon when needed, ignored when needed. The House has become the authoritarian dictator that they claim Trump is.

Let's take a little trip down memory lane. Remember when Congress subpoenaed over thirty-thousand emails and the private server they were stored on; when phones were smashed with hammers and the SIM cards taken out; when computers were wiped clean with BleachBit? Do you also remember when the FBI director exonerated the perpetrator in that little debacle?

Do you remember when people screamed and cried because the wrong candidate won the Electoral College and then the opposition party declared that candidate used foreign interference to win the election? How about when, not even 48 hours after the election, the opposition party started yelling impeachment? Do you remember an investigation that lasted over two years with a special prosecutor looking for a crime to impeach a duly elected president?

Then there was a phone call from the President to the President of Ukraine congratulating him on his wins and, as an after-thought, the President asking if Ukraine could look into an American Vice-President's son being put on the Board of Directors of a Ukrainian gas and oil company with no experience in the gas and oil industry and the then Vice-President strong-arming the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor looking into it or they wouldn't receive a billion dollars in foreign aid. That started an impeachment inquiry against the President; no full House vote, only Democrats involved in questioning and calling witnesses and done behind closed doors without any chance of cross-examination or the President's attorneys present.

Everything that the Democrats have accused Trump of doing is exactly what they have done. They accused him of colluding with the Russians to win the election. It was the Clinton Campaign and the DNC that bought an unverified dossier against Trump from a former foreign spy that got it from the Russians. The Democrats accused Trump of obstruction of justice yet it was Clinton that destroyed her phones and computers and deleted over thirty-thousand emails that were subpoenaed by Congress. The Democrats accuse Trump of strong-arming the Ukrainian government to interfere in the 2020 election yet it was Vice-President Joe Biden that admitted to withholding a billion dollars of foreign aid if the Ukrainians didn't fire their head prosecutor investigating Burisma Holdings for corruption; a company that Hunter Biden, Joe's son, was paid fifty thousand dollars a month from for being on their Board of Directors. Hunter Biden had no experience or knowledge of oil and gas or of Ukraine yet he got this job while his father was Vice-President of the United States.

Is there a faction at work here? It was common knowledge that Donald Trump would not win the 2016 election and that Hillary Clinton would win. When Mrs. Clinton lost, it started the Trump Derangement Syndrome and Anti-Trump campaign. It didn't matter what policy Trump wanted to institute, the Democrats thwarted him. They used the 9th Circuit Court to stymie any attempt to stop the flow of illegals into our country, to stop his ban on immigration from enemy countries, to stop him from doing anything that needed to be done to protect the country. Since the 2018 election, when the Democrats won the House, nothing has gotten done except for investigation after investigation, accusation after accusation, obstruction on any bill presented, and now, impeachment proceedings. Why? It would seem simply because Hillary Clinton didn't win the election.

The Democrat Party is so intent on power and getting rid of Donald Trump that they have gone so far as to suggest impeaching Vice-President Mike Pence first and forcing Trump to appoint a VP to their liking then finish the impeachment of him. If Trump refuses to appoint their choice for VP, then Nancy Pelosi would become President and the Democrats would have their power. At least until next November. To keep the White House, the Democrats want to do away with the Electoral College thus making 95% of the country's voters invalid. After all, the two most populated states are New York and California, both deep blue states. Add Illinois in there, also a blue state, and the conservative voice is silenced.

The Democrats also want to stack the Supreme Court with liberal Justices. For decades the Democrats have used the Supreme Court to legislate into law their far-left policies. With a mostly originalist Court, they won't be able to get their policy into law since they aren't able to actually legislate it into law. Unfortunately, it isn't the Court's duty to legislate, only to judicate.

Yes, this is the faction that Madison warned about. It is dangerous to our republic and our way of life. Unchecked, this faction would do away with our most cherished rights and freedoms. They have already effectively silenced the conservative voice through censorship in social media, propaganda in mainstream media, indoctrination in education, and political correctness. Through their actions against Donald Trump and his associates, they have done away with the presumption of innocence and the rule of law. They are fighting a war against the Second Amendment, effectively doing away with it through regulation. Every presidential candidate on the Democrat ticket has stated they want to raise taxes up to 97%, do away with capitalism, open our borders to any and everyone, and most terrifying, turn our Constitutional Republic into a Socialist State.

The chaos and violence of this faction are growing. It is propagandized by the mainstream media, taught in public schools, celebrated in entertainment, and forced down our throats by our elected officials. Only through due diligence can we turn this tide. Only through forcing our representatives to actually represent us can we stop this threat to our rights and freedoms. It is up to the rightful owners of the government, of the country, to keep America true to her heritage. A heritage that was fought for with the blood of thousands. Only we can prevent socialism from taking over and destroying the greatest country on Earth.

The Silent Coup Against America

Election night, November 2016. As the election results come in, no one believes that Donald J. Trump could possibly win the Presidency. No one. TV commentators keep saying it, “Donald Trump stands no chance of winning. Hillary Clinton has the White House.” No one believed it until he kept winning county after county after county. The final tally – Donald Trump: 304 electoral votes. Hillary Clinton: 227. The Chosen One had lost. The Democrat Party had counted on Hillary Clinton winning the election and finishing the job that Barack Hussein Obama had started. She was going to continue the Obama Legacy of destroying the Constitutional Republic called the United States of America. Now, that dream was over.

Thank the gods of every pantheon that the Founders knew the majority vote was not the way to elect a president. Hillary Clinton did win the majority vote; thanks to California, New York, and Illinois. The Electoral College gives every state, therefore every voter, a voice in who leads this country for at least four years. If it were the majority vote, three states would have elected the president. That is 0.06 percent of states. As it was, 100 percent of states had their voices heard. It drove the Democrats crazy.

Democrat voters across the nation screamed and cried, had to have safe spaces, and needed counseling. They believed that Hillary Clinton would win and that Donald Trump would destroy our country. Within 48 hours, members of Congress were saying that Donald Trump needed to be impeached. Never before had this happened. The newly, duly elected President-elect was under the microscope and being investigated for impeachment and he hadn’t even taken the oath of office yet.

How can I say that? It has come to light through four investigations that the Obama DOJ and FBI spied on the Trump Campaign for anything that could be used against him. With information from the Mueller Investigation we know that FBI employees would do anything to keep Trump from winning and, if he did, would have an ‘insurance policy’ against him. The Deep State, those that are employed within the government, not elected, that were loyal to Obama hated Trump and spied on him for information. The Clinton Campaign paid a former foreign spy, Christopher Steele, for a dossier filled with unverified dirt on Trump that Mr. Steele collected from Russia. The FBI used this dossier to acquire FISA warrants to spy on Trump associates, such as George Papadopoulos and Carter Paige.

The FBI also used assets to try to get Trump associates to collude with foreign governments in an effort to sway the election to Trump. James Comey, then head of the FBI, leaked information to the press about this, and other things, in order to force a special prosecutor and investigation against Trump. For the next two years that special prosecutor investigated. Robert Mueller, a well-respected prosecutor in Washington, was assigned that duty. After hundreds of subpoenas and interviews, the Mueller Report finally came out. What did the top investigators in the country come up with? What came out of all the investigations was that the Democrats colluded with the Russians and Donald Trump and his campaign were clear of any wrongdoing. There was no Russian collusion nor any obstruction of justice on the part of Trump or any of his associates.

Yes, there were associates that were tried, and convicted, of other crimes; some conjured out of thin air or orchestrated by the investigators. They were convicted of lying to the FBI, tax evasion, or were forced into confessions of crimes they did not commit. Paul Manafort was kept in solitary confinement for months in the hopes that he would break and construct some lie about Trump. General Michael Flynn was forced into a confession or his son would have gone under investigation for some fabricated crime. As for any wrongdoing in the election process, there was none.

With all that, still there are members of Congress that are yelling impeach him. Almost from day one that has been the battle cry of the Democrat Party. Rep. Maxine Waters went to the streets and encouraged people to ‘get in the face’ of any Trump Administration officials no matter where they were. What came of this? Trump officials were driven out of restaurants by angry Democrat voters and Hillary Clinton supporters. Trump officials were harassed anywhere they went in public. Some were even accosted at their homes. And it wasn’t just officials. Some conservative talk show hosts, such as Sean Hannity, were harassed at their homes.

Celebrities have even gotten into the political arena with their take on taking down the Trump Administration. Madonna made a statement that she had ‘thought a lot about blowing up the White House.’ Johnny Depp stated, “I wonder when it was the last time an actor killed a president?” Kathy Griffin showed up onscreen with a decapitated head of Donald Trump. It is not just the President that has been threatened. Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner (Ivanka’s husband), and even Barron Trump, the President’s 10-year-old son, have all been threatened in one way or another.

During the previous administration, then Vice-President Joe Biden was tasked with going to Ukraine to give the Ukrainian government a billion dollars in foreign aid so they would not go bankrupt. At the time, VP Biden’s son, Hunter, had been placed on the Board of Directors of a Ukrainian gas and oil company known as Burisma Holdings. Young Mr. Biden had no experience, nor knowledge, of the oil and gas industry, or even of Ukraine. The Ukrainian government was investigating Burisma Holdings for corruption and VP Biden instructed the government to fire the head prosecutor in the investigation. Why? Was it because that prosecutor was about to interview Hunter Biden? It really doesn’t matter. What happened was that VP Biden threatened to withhold the billion dollars if the prosecutor wasn’t fired within six hours. In a TV interview, VP Biden bragged about extorting the Ukrainians and stated, “Son of a bitch! The prosecutor was fired.”

In another case of possible ethics violations is when Hunter Biden rode on Air Force 2 with VP Biden to China. Within days, the Chinese government’s bank entrusted a newly formed equity holding company, owned by Hunter Biden, Chris Heinz (stepson of John Kerry) and a nephew of a known mafia-type, with $1.5 Billion. None of the owners had any experience in finance. Instead of handing the nation’s money to an experienced equity company such as Goldman Sachs, the Chinese handed it to inexperienced people.

Donald Trump, in a phone call with the newly elected President of Ukraine, simply asked if the Ukrainian government would look into the firing of the prosecutor and mentioned Joe Biden. The Democrats went berserk, stating that Trump was trying to influence the 2020 election by having a foreign government investigate a political rival. How did they find out about the private phone call between heads of state? A whistleblower; a person without firsthand knowledge of the call. The Democrats have protected this whistleblower’s identity for fear of retribution. All Trump wants to know is who it is so he can figure out whether it is another liberal spy. As it turns out, the person is a CIA operative.

The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, gave a press conference informing the American public that she was instituting a formal impeachment inquiry into the matter of the phone call. The Constitution gives the sole authority of impeachment to the House of Representatives. The entire House, not just the Speaker. Ms. Pelosi has yet to call for a full House vote and has given Rep. Adam Schiff, Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, the duty of heading up the inquiry. All interviews have been behind closed doors, in secret, without any Republican being present to ask questions; without the President’s attorneys present to cross-examine, and without the authority of the full House.

In the last three years, since Donald Trump was elected, almost every non-elected person in power in Washington has been fired. James Comey, James Clapper, and John Brennen, all heads of intelligence departments, are gone for one reason or another; mostly for abuse of power or leaking classified information. Peter Strozk, Lisa Page, Bruce Orr, still employed but implicated in the illegal spying on Trump. Former officials such as Loretta Lynch, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, and Sally Yates are all implicated. The list goes on and on of former Obama Administration officials that are anti-Trump. It is rumored that James McCabe, former FBI department head, claimed that he was following the orders of Barack Obama.

This is a silent coup against a duly elected President of the United States. The Democrat Party has done everything it can against the President to keep him from fulfilling his promises to the American People. According to the Heritage Foundation, of the more than 360 policies that needed to be changed, President Trump had achieved in his first year over 60% of them. All without the help of Congress. Most Presidents would do good to achieve that goal after 8 years with the help of Congress.

After three years in office, Trump has brought back many manufacturing jobs, given the largest tax cut in history, gotten over seven million people off food stamps, lowered the unemployment rate to an average of less than 4%, raised the employment rate for minorities and women to record highs, is securing the southern border, has gotten North Korea to the bargaining table and is making headway in fair trade deals with all nations. Donald John Trump is just what this nation needed to fix what the former administrations couldn’t, or wouldn’t. That is why the establishment politicians are against him – he has achieved, single-handedly, in three years what they couldn’t, or wouldn’t, in decades. He is making them look unnecessary, ineffectual, and useless.

As I was listening to Mark Levin this afternoon, he read a transcript (obtained by the Washington Review) of an interrogation Adam Schiff had with the Ukrainian Ambassador. During his questioning, Mr. Schiff demanded that the Ambassador say what he wanted him to. He almost forced a foreign dignitary to say that Trump had strong-armed the Ukrainian government into investigating Joe Biden. When the Ambassador refused to do it, Mr. Schiff basically put the words into his mouth. This is not something that Americans do. This is Soviet-style interrogation. Yet, the Democrats accuse Trump of being an autocrat that is power-hungry.

As the Democrats continue to say that no one is above the law, that Donald Trump is shredding the Constitution, and that the President is destroying our Constitutional Republic, I have to sit back and shake my head. Every Democrat that has broken the law has gotten a pass from Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, James Comey, James Clapper, Loretta Lynch, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, to Barack Hussein Obama, himself. What are the crimes that they have committed? Obstruction of justice, spying on American citizens, trying to influence an election using a foreign power, blackmailing a foreign nation for personal gain using the power of the Vice-Presidency, extortion, and treason.

It is the Democrat Party that has shredded the Constitution in every conceivable way. Refusing to give presumption of innocence to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and now the President; using the press as their propaganda medium; silencing the conservative voices through censorship on social media, public speaking, and assembling; not allowing due diligence on the part of the Republicans during an impeachment inquiry; using Soviet-style interrogation of witnesses to obtain evidence against the President in an impeachment inquiry; using the power of the House of Representatives to overturn an election. If you want to go further than that, the 2020 Democrat candidates have all stated that they would do away with the Electoral College, effectively do away with the Second Amendment by forcing citizens to surrender their firearms, stack the Supreme Court in their favor, and open the borders to all comers (the President has the power of immigration, not the Congress).

As for destroying our Constitutional Republic – well, the word of the day is Socialism. Many of the Democrats have stated that they are Democratic Socialists and want to change our societal and economic structure to that of Socialism. If that isn’t trying to destroy our Constitutional Republic, I’d like to know what is.

These are not just my opinions, people. These are things that I have seen and heard from the left over and over. They don’t hide it anymore. The Democrat Party is corrupt as any communist government that ever existed. How do they get away with it? The mainstream media is covering for them. Nothing that is done is reported and if it is, well, it’s minimized by CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, etc. Even though Joe Biden is on tape bragging about blackmailing the Ukrainian government, the mass media, and Democrat Congressmen, are saying it is a conspiracy theory and unverified. Even though Hillary Clinton deleted over thirty-thousand emails, destroyed computers and phones, and removed SIM cards, all subpoenaed by Congress, she was exonerated by James Comey and that means she did no wrong. These are just two examples of their corruption.

When the Democrats are saying that Donald Trump wants Joe Biden investigated to get dirt on a political opponent, think about this: What are the Democrats doing with their Soviet-style impeachment inquiry? They are interrogating witnesses behind closed doors, with no cross-examination or witnesses from the opposing party. No Republicans know what is happening behind those doors except what Rep. Adam Schiff leaks out. The witnesses that are being subpoenaed are all disgruntled former employees or Obama-era left-overs. Add to those facts that Rep. Schiff is strong-arming witnesses that don’t testify exactly what he wants them to. This is the Democrats getting dirt on an opposing presidential candidate and the taxpayer is paying for it!

The only thing Trump was wanting was for the Ukrainian government to investigate possible corruption in their government. It just happened that Joe and Hunter Biden were involved. He was fulfilling his Constitutional duty as President of the United States of upholding the law. Unlike Biden, there was no quid pro quo involved. He didn’t demand that they investigate, he asked if they would. He didn’t withhold any funding if they didn’t.

Don’t think that it is only the Democrats that are involved in this silent coup. There are a lot of Republicans that would like to see Donald Trump taken out of office. President Trump is doing exactly what he said he would – draining the swamp, one politician at a time. Trump is not a political insider; he is a businessman. The Washington elite have so entrenched themselves in politics and the power they have that they believe they own the government. They all become extremely wealthy through their offices. How does a politician that makes between $174,000 and $210,000 get to be worth tens, even hundreds, of millions of dollars? It isn’t all on book deals and it isn’t all on the up-and-up. There are backroom deals with foreign countries, special interests, and big corporations. Trump is doing all he can to do away with all that and the elites don’t like it. They don’t want to lose their cushy jobs, their power, their control, or their money machines.

This isn’t just a silent coup against the President; it is a coup against the country, and it didn’t start with the election of Donald J. Trump. It started many decades ago. When the American people allowed the government to grow into the monster it has become is when the take-over started. When we, the people, allowed the government to slowly whittle away our rights and freedoms through legislation and regulation is where it started. It took both the Democrat and the Republican Parties to achieve what is now our over-reaching, tyrannical government. As I’ve stated over and over, each and every Democrat candidate in the 2020 campaign has openly stated their socialist policies; redistribution of wealth through high taxation, open borders, doing away with the Electoral College, stacking the Supreme Court, taking (by force if necessary) our firearms, free everything to everyone whether a citizen or not, abortion up to the day of birth, government takeover of business and private property; the list goes on and on. The worst part of it is that there are very few Republicans that are speaking out against this radical agenda.

Some would say that I am a conspiracy theorist and that I am parroting Breitbart and Fox; nothing could be further from the truth. I have listened to the candidates, the interviews with Congressmen from both parties, the speeches from both sides and have heard the words right from their mouths. I’ve researched the campaign promises, ideas, and policies that the Democrats want. I’ve listened to just how powerful four freshman Congresswomen have become and how radical their ideology is.
I’ve heard long-time Congressmen rail against Trump since before he was elected. I’ve read the news articles and heard the tapes of the wrongdoing by the Democrats and Republicans alike. There is corruption, deceit, and disloyalty to America on both sides of the aisle. What’s worse is there is crime committed by both sides and they get by with it.

As each day goes by, I hear more and more about the corruption in Washington and I become more and more frustrated. Fact be known, I become more and more fearful for my country. I fear that the rights and freedoms that were fought for 243 years ago will soon be gone. I fear that our Constitutional Republic will soon become the next Venezuela. Mostly I fear that the American people have become so complacent that they don’t care. The Millennial Generation and Generation Z don’t have the fortitude to fight for their rights. If it came down to it, I don’t know that they would know what their Constitutional rights are. What are we teaching our children these days? That they are entitled to everything without working for anything; and these are the leaders of tomorrow.

God protect us from the evils of the tyrannical dominion that is rearing its ugly head in the seat of our national government. It took a nation to win the rights and freedoms that we have enjoyed for so long. It will take a nation to gain them back. Remember: we are the rightful owners of the courts and the government. We, the People, must make sure that the government never forgets that.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Letter to the 116th Congress of the United States

The following is a letter written to the 116th Congress of the United States. I implore everyone to read this, comment, share, and sign it. The conservative voice cannot be silenced by the far-left radicals. Time is of the essence here, patriots. The Democrats cannot be allowed to sully the name or reputation of the President. 

Please, please, please... share this. If there are things that you don't agree with, or you believe need to be changed, please let me know. I think this covers most of the important things going on today.

The People of the United States of America
Every town in the Fifty States

116th Congress
Administrative Council
Ford House Office Building
Room 217
Washington, DC 20515
To the Members of the 116th Congress
Regarding the endless investigations and pending impeachment of the President of the United States, Donald John Trump, we take this means to let you know where the American People stand.
You have accused President Trump of collusion with a foreign nation, obstruction of justice, and trying to influence an election. You have spent millions of dollars chasing after these goals. Since the day Mr. Trump was elected, members of  Congress have demanded impeachment, even before he was sworn into office. It is abundantly clear to the nation that the bias against this man runs deep.

While the Democrat Party bought and paid for a fake dossier from a former foreign spy with information gathered from Russia, the FBI used this unverifiable dossier as a verified document to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, transition team, and administration, Trump associates were forced to give false testimony against Mr. Trump, and Trump associates were tried and convicted of minor crimes just to have something to use against the President, they were left unscathed, uninvestigated, and not charged.

James Comey illegally exonerated Hillary Clinton in the email debacle. Remember the 30,000 deleted emails, smashed phones, BleachBit used on hard drives? It was the Clinton Campaign that bought the Russian dossier. It is Rep. Adam Schiff that is on tape asking for nudes of Donald Trump. Reps. Leahy, Menendez, Murphy, and others sent letters to the Russians and/or the Ukrainians asking for dirt on Donald Trump. The Ukrainians tried to give the Congress information stating that they were used by the Democrats to influence the 2016 election and were ignored.
It has come to light that former Vice-President Joe Biden used his authority and power to force the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor that was investigating Burisma Holdings, a company that his son was on the Board of Directors; a man with no experience or knowledge of the company’s business or of Ukraine. Mr. Biden strong-armed the Ukrainians by withholding $1 Billion of foreign aid if the prosecutor was not terminated.

It has, also, come to light that Hunter Biden gained access to government officials in China through his father and thus gained business from the government bank of China for his newly formed investment company; co-owned by Chris Heinz, a stepson of John Kerry, former Secretary of State. Abuse of power comes to mind in these affairs yet, they are cast aside as if it were normal business.
The President has done nothing wrong that would warrant any investigation, much less impeachment. He won the Electoral College in the 2016 election because we, the people, are tired of the status quo of Washington, DC. We, the People, are tired of government officials being above the law. We, the People, demand that the real criminals in Washington be investigated, charged, and tried. Who are these people? As a start: Hillary Rodham Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper, Loretta Lynch, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, Adam Schiff, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, Elijah Cummings, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Peter Strozk, Lisa Page, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Joe Biden, and Barack Hussein Obama. All on charges of collusion with a foreign nation, obstruction of justice, campaign finance violations, lying to the American public, and treason.

The United States was formed as a Constitutional Republic and a capitalist economy. There are three branches of government as oversight and checks and balances of power. Unfortunately, we have become a two-party political system with a deep bias on each side. The last three years have shown that the Democrat Party has no interest in a Constitutional Republic, nor even the will of the people. With Democrat Representatives telling the public to ‘get in the face’ of all Trump administration officials, that conservatives should be silenced, that rioting and destruction are just forms of protest, it clearly shows that the Democrat Party is truly the authoritarian power that they claim Donald J Trump is trying to be.

We should hope that you, as members of the federal government, would know what the Constitution says; what the powers vested in each branch are; what the Federal Government can, and cannot, do. It seems as though it is time for Congress to re-read, or maybe read for the first time in some cases, the Constitution of the United States of America. If the Speaker of the House knew what that most important document actually said, she would not be announcing a formal impeachment inquiry without a full House vote. ‘Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 6: The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.’ If you will note, that says the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES; not the Speaker of the House and her minion committee chairmen.

We, the People, are the rightful owners of the courts and the government. You, the members of our Congress, are our representatives in that government. You are employees of the American people. It is your responsibility to represent the will of the people, not your power and wealth. For decades the members of Congress have whittled away the rights and freedoms of the people through regulation and litigated policy. It was in secret, silent. Now, it is blatantly open that you are fighting for control of the people. Freedom of speech is suppressed when it comes to the conservative voice. The right to keep and bear arms is getting more and more difficult for law-abiding citizens. Presumption of innocence is only for liberals. That is not what the Founding Fathers envisioned but, made provisions for.

The federal government was not intended to be an overbearing, far-reaching power against the people. They feared large government. Only the powers enumerated in the Constitution are allowed to the federal government, the rest lies with the several states. When the power returns to the people, when government officials are brought to justice and are no longer above the law, and when the federal government returns to what the Founders intended, then, and only then, will we, the People, have trust and faith in government once again.
No longer obediently yours
We, The People
The Rightful Owners of Government
The People of the United States of America

I Really Do Get It

I get it. I really do. For the last, almost three years the Democrat Party and the Never-Trumpers have screamed, usually at the top of their lungs, that Donald J Trump has to be impeached. Since he was ELECTED, not even sworn into office, they have not ceased their incessant rhetoric about how he has impugned the office of the Presidency, humiliated the United States, colluded with our enemies, obstructed justice, and the list goes on and on and on…. In the last debacle, other than the blatant lies about collusion, Rep. Adam Schiff read a ‘transcript’ of a phone conversation between our President and the President of Ukraine. What Schiffty Schiff read was a total fabrication. The real transcript was released, with the permission of Ukraine, and there was absolutely nothing untoward about it.

That has been the policy of the Democrats and Never-Trumpers since the beginning. It wouldn’t matter if President Trump cured cancer, world hunger, or made peace throughout the land, they would find or manufacture something to get him out of office. Why? With record-low unemployment, including historically high employment for minorities, record-high GDP, manufacturing returning to the States, historical tax cuts, fairer trade agreements with several countries, NATO members finally paying their fair share, North Korea at the bargaining table, securing our borders, building up our military, etc., why do they want to impeach and remove the President from office?

I’ll let you in on a secret: they don’t like him. The Democrat Party and Never-Trumpers hate Donald J Trump. He was not supposed to win the election in 2016. Hillary Clinton was supposed to win so she could finish the job that Barack Hussein Obama started. Trump promised a lot of things on the campaign trail just as any politician would. The biggest difference between Trump and a politician – Trump delivers on his promises. He promised a stronger, safer America. He promised economic growth, tax cuts, higher wages, and a border wall. Most of all he promised to drain the bloody swamp of Washington, DC and that is exactly what he is doing. That is why they all hate him. They, the Democrats and Never-Trumpers, are so corrupt and imbedded into the governmental quagmire that they don’t want him to out them; which is exactly what he is doing.

With all the left-wing rhetoric that has been propagandized over the last three years, Trump is showing the American people just how inept, corrupt, and useless the Congress is. From the Clinton email scandal to the Ukraine call ‘whistleblower’ he is showing just how low the Democrat/socialist/communist Party, et. al. will go to keep from being discovered. Attorney General Barr is investigating the investigators. The Mueller Investigation was a farce from the beginning. Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strokz, Page, Clinton, Lynch, Gates, and the rest of the Trump haters will be outed. Will they be charged? Will they be tried? Will they be convicted? Will they be sentenced to a fair punishment? I hate to say it but it is doubtful. The coup crew are so well-entrenched and powerful they will escape prosecution and punishment.

The ’whistleblower(s)’ are afraid for their safety. Their attorneys are keeping them secret and refuse to let the President and the American people know who they are. Why? Do these whistleblowers have information against the Clintons? After all, Trump hasn’t had any witnesses die mysterious deaths like Jefferey Epstein committing suicide in a federal prison while under suicide watch while the temporary guards fall asleep and the cameras stop working. What are these people afraid of? It is the right of the accused to face their accuser. Just because Trump is President doesn’t mean he has given up his civil and Constitutional rights. Let the cowards show themselves so that he, and we, can scrutinize his/her/its character. It’s already be ascertained that they are connected to the far-left wing’s attorneys and political associations. George Soros is bankrolling many of these associations and probably paying for the attorneys. That is why they are afraid to show themselves. They don’t want the American people to know just who they are and that they are part of the coup against the present administration.

What do the Democrats and Never-Trumpers hope to gain by impeaching the President and removing him from office? If Trump is removed, Pence becomes President and he is behind Trump one hundred percent. Will Hillary have him offed in some way like she has so many others? Nancy Pelosi will not become President and neither will Hillary Clinton. That is what they want, though. They want to take over the country at all costs – even if they have to destroy the country to do it.

Just how are they getting away with this not-so-silent coup? Through the mass media. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and every other media outlet, even down to Facebook, Google, Bing, etc., are behind them. Even FoxNews is becoming a mouthpiece for the left. The communist, anti-American, impeach the President, we want everything free media gives a 24/7/365 barrage of far-left-wing propaganda. ‘News’ anchors and talk show hosts ask leading questions. When guests refuse to give the left-wing answer and start talking truth, those hosts and anchors start arguing with their guests, talking over them, shutting them up. There can be no argument against the left’s agenda. There can be only one – and that one must be Hillary Clinton.

After eight years of societal decay and economic failures brought on, or continued by Barack Hussein Obama, the rebirth of America under Trump is astounding. Obama said that a one percent economic growth was the best we could ever hope for. Obama said that it would take a magic wand to bring manufacturing back into the country. Under Obama, there were over four million new recipients of food stamps. Under Obama, we were taxed to our teeth, fined for not having health insurance that was unaffordable to those that work, law enforcement was undermined, riots were just a part of societies right to protest, boy were allowed in the girl’s bathroom, our enemies were invited into the country as ‘refugees,’ our enemies were given $150 BILLION dollars cash and other currency. Our country was going downhill at a high rate of speed. It was Barack Hussein Obama’s mission to destroy our Constitutional Republic and the capitalist society that made this country great. He hated then and still hates today the United States of America.

Hillary Clinton was to continue Obama’s legacy of destruction. She was to put the final nail in the coffin and turn our freedom-loving country into a socialist/communist, open border, a government-controlled dictatorship under the guise of free elections. Trump waylaid their plans. The American people decided that the left’s agenda wasn’t for them. The American people, through the fair Electoral College, elected Donald J Trump to the White House. It was time to drain the swamp. After decades of the government taking away our rights and freedoms little by little, we, the people, decided to take our country back and make America great again. We, the People, are the rightful owners of this country and the government that sits in Washington, DC. The elected government is not all-powerful. The power belongs to the people. The Founding Fathers knew that there would come a day when the government would become so large that it couldn’t be stopped. That is why they wrote the Constitution the way they did. To limit the government and restrict its’ power.

The Democrat Party has fought against the Constitution since its’ inception. They look at the Constitution as an obstacle to be gotten around. The conservatives, the patriots, the true Americans, believe the Constitution to be a road map, a guide. Conservatives do not ‘interpret’ the Constitution to their advantage. It is the Law of the Land as written. There is no ‘interpretation’ of what the Founders and writers of that most important document meant. When it says we have the freedom of speech it doesn’t mean only if you speak liberalism. When it says we have the right to keep and bear arms and that that right shall not be infringed it means we are able to own and carry weapons. When it says we have the right to be secure in our possessions and homes it means just that. There is no interpreting what, exactly, our rights are or what those words mean. They mean what they say – period. Exclamation point. End of story.

The government demands, by law, that our children go to school. Most of our children go to a public, government-controlled, school. Why? Because private school is expensive, and it usually takes a two-income family just to pay the bills and buy food, so homeschooling is out of the question. What happens in public schools? Indoctrination. From kindergarten through college our children are inundated with leftist ideology. There is no getting around it. We are forced to send our children there to learn what the government demands that they learn. What are they learning today? Tolerance for Islam; LGBTQ; capitalism: bad – socialism: good; America is the bad guy; history has got to be erased because it hurts someone’s feelings. Haven’t you wondered why there are so many young people that are pro-socialism? That, my friends, is why. That is what they are taught from day one in our public schools; usually by teachers that are there only for the paycheck and to promote their ideology. (I am NOT saying that all teachers are bad, only that most of them are not up to snuff.)

As the 2020 election cycle gets underway, I listen to the Democrat candidates and wonder just what planet they are from. Do they not understand that socialism has failed around the world throughout history? Do they not see what happened in the last 20 years with Venezuela? Do the celebrities and the elites outside of government think that they will be immune to the demands of the tyrannical dominion they so desperately want? Do they really think that socialism/communism is a Utopia? If so, they are less informed and mentally challenged than I thought. Once the Communists take control only the elite government officials and a handful of their favorites will have anything.

I heard an interview today on SiriusXM Patriot that explained, exactly, what the Democrats are after. I don’t remember who was being interviewed but it was someone high up in the Democrat Party and she was being interviewed on CNN. What this woman said should scare the hell out of any red-blooded American from either Party. She told the interviewer that Trump needed to be gotten out of the way as well as Pence. After that, if Trump didn’t appoint a Democrat approved Vice-President replacement, Nancy Pelosi would become President and then the Oval Office would be in the right Party’s control and there it would stay. Read that sentence again. And then once more. As the Democrats accuse Trump of being an autocrat, a dictator, and ignoring the Constitution it is they that are doing exactly that, and they have finally said it on the record. They want total control of the country with no chance of a conservative ever getting into power again.

As Brian Mudd said on the Mark Levin show tonight, “Two sides to every story. One side to the facts.” The only problem with facts is the liberal left doesn’t care about them.

It is dark and dangerous times in which we live. This is a fight for our freedoms, our liberties. If the Democrats win the White House and the Senate, we are lost. They will do away with the Bill of Rights, especially the Second Amendment. Without a way to fight back against their tyrannical rule, the Constitution will no longer exist; conservatism will no longer exist; freedom of speech – gone; presumption of innocence – gone; free elections – gone. That is their goal. The endgame is total control over the people, even our lives. If you don’t believe me, as I have reiterated numerous times, just look at Venezuela.

For those that are too young to have been taught the correct way our government should be run and how socialism/communism works, read Animal Farm or 1984. If you don’t know how to read because the school system didn’t teach you, watch The Hunger Games, The Darkest Minds, Maze Runner, even Robin Hood will show you just how a tyrannical dominion treats the citizens under their control. Hollywood predicts what is actually happening or going to happen in the near future.
Don’t believe me? Zombie movies started coming out by the dozens and then the CDC put up posters on their website stating – Don’t be a Zombie, Be prepared. Now, what is coming out in theatres from the great City of Make-Believe? Dystopian world movies such as the aforementioned Hunger Games, Darkest Minds, Maze Runner, etc. Movies where the government has total control over the people.

Patrick Henry’s statement of, “Give me liberty or give me death” resounds quite loudly in today’s world of American politics. It isn’t the British coming for our lives but our own elected officials. Remember this, Hitler did not invade Austria. They voted him in on the promises of a better life. It took the Austrians about five years to finally see what kind of monster he was. It was too late by then. Is that what will happen in our country? Will the leftist propaganda win the day with all the free stuff that is unaffordable by any standard? With a yearly budget of around $4 Trillion, the cost of the New Green Deal alone is unattainable. If you add to that free healthcare, free college, and a guaranteed income it becomes mind-boggling. The GND alone will cost approximately $9.4 Trillion a year. Free healthcare is about $4.3 Trillion and free college is around $2.5 Trillion. There isn’t enough money in the country to pay for any of it. So, will the leftists win the day, or will freedom ring true?

Police State?

“Police State: a totalitarian state controlled by a political police force that secretly supervises the citizens’ activities.” That is the definition given by the Google dictionary. I would like for you to read that again and then once more. Then, think about just how this country is controlled.

I’m not saying that the United States is a totalitarian state. I am saying that, in the last few years, the country has become more and more controlled by a secretive law enforcement. What did the Obama Administration do? President Barack Hussein Obama used the IRS, FBI, State Patrol, and local police against conservative entities, including private citizens. I know that the liberal left will disagree with that statement; mainly because they love the 44th President more than they love their freedoms.

Look around the world and notice what country’s law enforcement is obvious and which are not. In Great Britain the police are in cars that are well recognized as police cars. The same for most democratic countries. Communist and socialist controlled countries don’t have that luxury. Yes, each democratic country has its’ ‘secret police,’ but those agencies are used for covert activities to protect that country.

Now, look at the United States. As you are driving down the road, either out on the open road or in the city or small town, do you always see well-marked police cars? Or do you not see that unmarked state trooper sitting alongside the road? How about the unmarked city cop in the Dodge Charger or SUV? I’ve seen all types of vehicles used by state and local law enforcement out on the road that are not marked in any way as law enforcement, even down to the license plate.

The Obama Administration set its’ DOJ agencies against conservative entities more than once. President Obama used the IRS to target conservative companies and individuals. During the 2016 election, he even used the FBI against the Trump campaign. Isn’t this the definition of a police state? When a government uses law enforcement as a means to control the citizens activities to make sure that those citizens are behaving in a manner prescribed to a certain ideology, I would submit that it has become a police state. That is what Obama, and now the Democratic Party, wanted – a socialist, totalitarian state, controlled by a secret police force to make sure that the citizens behave exactly as the government wishes.

Why do I say that? Let’s look at some of the things the Democrats are doing. In California, it is illegal to use plastic straws. In New York City it is illegal to call an illegal alien and illegal alien. It is almost a hate crime to say anything against Islam and is a hate crime to speak unfavorably about gays. The 2020 Presidential candidates on the Democrat ticket all are campaigning on universal everything, thus forcing the citizens to pay for things they don’t want or need. The worst example is what the liberal left is doing to our present President.

Donald Trump cannot have a phone conversation with another world leader without it being spied upon and then leaked to the media. The Whistleblower Act was reworded a few days before the phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian president was reported as presidential overreach. The Whistleblower Act read that the person reporting whatever act had to have first-hand knowledge of the act that was being reported; now it reads that anyone can report anything, even just rumor. This means that anyone can report anything at any time regardless of whether there is any first-hand knowledge or truth to it. In other words, if you don’t like someone, just report them as a national security risk on a rumor of wrongdoing.

These are dark and dangerous times we are living in. We have a president that gave up a billionaire lifestyle to be ridiculed, investigated, accused, insulted, and spied upon. He turns his salary over to charities, so he isn’t even getting paid. He was a billionaire when he entered public service, yet the Democrats want to know how he made his money. Most of Congress has made millions while in service and no one questions where their money came from.

The Democrat Party has used the intelligence community against Donald Trump since the day he announced his candidacy in 2015. The FBI used unverifiable information to obtain FISA warrants to surveil his campaign, his associates, even his attorney. Presumption of innocence has been thrown out the window for Republicans, but Democrats all have gotten free passes.

Do we live in a police state? When state and local law enforcement must hide from the citizens to protect the citizens, when federal law enforcement is used against an opposition party, when the presumption of innocence is ignored, I would surmise that we do, indeed, live in a police state. When one political party demands justice against another for crimes committed by the demanding party (then Democrat Vice-President Joe Biden bragged on camera about strong-arming the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor that was investigating a company his son was making a ton of money from but the Democrats have accused Trump of doing just that because he asked the new Ukrainian President for the favor of looking into the 2016 collusion) it would seem as though we have a totalitarian state in the making.

Since the 2016 election, it has become more and more obvious just how corrupt the Democrat Party is. The Clinton campaign paid for a dirty dossier that was filled with unverifiable information from a former foreign spy that got the information from Russia. Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, used an unsecured server for government emails that were then subpoenaed by Congress. Mrs. Clinton deleted over thirty-thousand emails, destroyed the computers with BleachBit, destroyed phones with hammers and took SIM cards so that Congress could not investigate the information held on those devices. Those emails, by the way, were hacked by the Chinese and were read, real-time, by foreign countries. The Clinton campaign rigged the 2016 primaries so that Mrs. Clinton would win over Bernie Sanders.

The list goes on and on. As soon as Donald Trump as elected, not even inaugurated, the Democrats in Congress were screaming for his impeachment and it hasn’t stopped since. They spent over $35 Million dollars and over two years on an investigation against him for Russian collusion and obstruction of justice. What did that investigation determine? No collusion and no obstruction. What did the evidence prove? That the Clinton campaign was doing a lot of underhand dealing. Yet, the Democrats are still screaming to impeach the President, even though there is no evidence in any way, shape, or form that he has done anything illegal; much less committed treason or high crimes and misdemeanors.

The Left wants control of the country and will go to any length to gain that control. They have used law enforcement against honest citizens and government officials. Their policies directly go against our Constitution and the freedoms that were guaranteed by the Constitution. If one would open one’s eyes and see what was going on, one would realize that the Democrat Party is a totalitarian regime in the wings, waiting impatiently, to take control of the country and run it as they please. It doesn’t matter that every policy they have is unconstitutional. It doesn’t matter that the country is against most of their policies. It doesn’t matter that they no longer represent their constituents but only their own lust for power. They are the totalitarian government that the Founders warned us about.
In the last week the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, called for a formal impeachment inquiry without calling for a full vote of the House of Representatives. She and six of her allies in Congress have declared that they, alone, have the power to impeach. This is the start of their totalitarian regime. They are instituting a soft coup and intend to depose our duly elected President anyway they can, and it doesn’t matter to them what the rest of the country wants or thinks. They are the government and will do whatever they want.

The Deep State has had spies on the inside of the Trump Administration watching, waiting, listening for anything at all to use against the one person in government that is working for America. Donald Trump is upsetting their status quo and they don’t like it. He is on the horizon of revealing all their corruption, not just the Democrats, but of all of Congress and the federal government. They are out to stop him by any means. If this is not a police state, a totalitarian state, it is as close as it can be. When the will of the country is ignored by those in power; when Congress thinks it can decide who should be in the Oval Office over those that have already chosen; when the federal government spies on the President and lies about his actions; it is time to change the people in Congress and the federal government. We, the People, are the rightful owners of the country and the government. It is up to us to remind those that have been in power for decades that they are not above the law, nor do they own the government or country.

We, the People, have got to stop the totalitarianism that is infecting our Constitutional Republic before it becomes to instilled to get rid of. The liberal ideology of the Democrat Party of today is totally foreign to the original Democrat Party. The Republican Party is totally foreign to what was once the Republican Party. There are 535 members of Congress and only a handful of them are true American patriots. The rest are power-hungry, narcissistic hedonists that want to change our very way of life. The problem there is that they are getting it done right before our eyes.

Through indoctrination of our young by Marxist educators from kindergarten through college, through propaganda by mainstream media, through victimization of minorities and racial/social/economic division, the far-left liberals have steadily been instilling Marxism, socialism, and communism into the very fabric of our society. With promises of free education, free healthcare, reduced housing costs, even guaranteed income, the far-left liberals have won over the next generation of voters, which include illegal aliens, ineligible voters and the dead. Win at any cost. Beg, borrow, cheat, steal, or lie, it doesn’t matter as long as they get the power to control the country and do as they please.

If a person believes that the left will fulfill any of their promises, as they have been stated, then that person is mentally challenged. Austria wasn’t invaded and conquered by Hitler. They voted him in because of his promises of a better life. It took five years for the Austrians to figure out just what kind of monster Hitler was. The Democrat Party, at least the far-left radicals, are following in the footsteps of such people as Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Marx, Alinsky, Kim, Mao, Che Guevarra. Their playbooks are Rules for Radicals, the Communist Manifesto, and Mein Kampf. And we, the People, are falling for their rhetoric.

Is the United States a totalitarian state; a police state? Not totally. There are still those that are true to the Founders vision, that are patriots and believe in the Constitution, that will stand and fight to their last breath for the freedoms that we have enjoyed for over 200 years. The fallen soldiers of the Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Civil War will not have died in vain if we can persevere and win the day against the tyranny that is knocking at our door; the men and women that fought and died in WWI, WWII, the Korean Conflict, and the Vietnam Police Action will not have died in vain; those that have fought and died in the Middle East for the last twenty years will not have paid the ultimate price for naught. At least they won’t have paid that price if we, the People, refuse to let tyranny overrun us; as long as we continue as the Constitutional Republic that those who have served, are serving, and those that gave their all swore to protect.