local government to the highest offices in the world there is
corruption. There is absolutely nothing the common man can do about
it. Sure, we can vote the corrupt out of office and replace them with
others but, soon enough, those new politicians will be just as
corrupt as the old ones. Why? Power corrupts and absolute power
corrupts absolutely. The Federal Government has that absolute power.
about local government? You know the ones; the mayor, the city
manager, the chief of police, the sheriff, the magistrate, county
attorney, assessor. They can all be corrupt. Even the newest member
of the local Gestapo, sorry, police force. I can't seem to bring
myself to call them law enforcement officers because they aren't;
they are revenue agents and bullies with badges in a lot of small
towns across the nation. Even in the big cities, there are those that
use their badge as a crown.
has always been those in government that did whatever they had to to
get their way from bribes to threats to downright murder. Everyone
knows the story of Hanging Judge Roy Bean. Wyatt Earp wasn't exactly
a saint his whole life. Presidents have been assassinated because
someone was afraid they would be exposed by the highest office or
someone wanted to move up a notch without going through the
democratic process.
what is going on in DC today. The far left-wing liberals up there
that are supposed to have sworn to uphold the Constitution and
protect the nation from threats are fighting against the President
who is trying to do just those things. The duly elected Congressmen
and women are more interested in making sure the Donald J Trump
doesn't win than protecting their constituents against foreign
invasion from the southern border by people bound to destroy us.
about the local constabulary that has a boner for someone? The
racist cop, the drug-dealing cop, the cop on the take – it happens
all over the country. And these are the ones that have sworn to
uphold and protect the law. They do, when a private citizen breaks
the law but, if a lawman breaks the law they are protected by the
Blue Veil of Secrecy. And, if a citizen even thinks about reporting a
lawman breaking the law they are threatened with incarceration for
some fabricated crime with planted evidence. It happens. It also
happens that there are those lawmen that will fabricate crimes on
people they don't like.
about those that have served time in prison? Let's say someone spends
five to ten years in a so-called correctional facility for smoking
weed or some other half-baked, nonsense crime. They spend their days
doing nothing except going insane from boredom. They are in there
with others that have broken some insane law that doesn't make sense
and some that broke a law that needed punishment. What happens? They
learn that the law is unfair, their minds go numb, they become more
and more angry, and, to top it off, they learn how to break more
severe laws.
they come out do they receive help returning to society? Some do,
some don't. An ex-con can become a productive member of society if
the justice system will help them. A lot of times the justice system
does its best to send that ex-con back to prison. Probation officers
make it hard for that man, or woman, to get even try to get set up
again. Let's put an ankle monitor on their leg that wears a hole in
their skin and shows the world that this person is bad. Let's not let
them get a driver's license so they can get around. Let's make sure
they can't have a phone to make and receive calls from potential
employers. Let's not let them have internet access (if they are
convicted of any kind of sex crime) so they can't communicate with
friends and family.
justice system is not just and the court system is not blind. Courts
are not a place of justice, only what can be proven and how much
money you have to spend to defend yourself. Even court-appointed
attorneys are not free and they usually work for the county, not the
client. Plea bargains are commonplace instead of a presumption of
innocence until proven guilty. If you do happen to proven 'not
guilty' it isn't saying that you are innocent only that they didn't
have enough evidence to prove you guilty.
continually legislates more and more laws. For such a free country we
are weighed down with laws against everything. We can't hunt, fish or
trap without paying for the privilege of doing so. We have to wear
helmets and seat belts. We can't swim where we want. We can't stop,
stand or park where we want. We have to pay to do just about
everything except breathe and, sooner or later, they will find a way
to make us pay for that. If the government can't tax it, they say you
have to buy a permit for it. If you take a good, hard, honest look at
it, I'd say that close to 70% of what a person makes working goes to
the government in some form of tax or permit or fine for some small
me to another point. The Constitution says that excessive fines are
prohibited. Funny, for an overweight fine in some states it can cost
from $200 to $4,000. Littering from $75 to $500. Court costs (which I
thought taxes paid for the court system) can run up to $500 plus
other extortion fees they charge on TOP of the fine. A little
excessive if you ask me.
comes down to corruption. And this country does its best to fight
corruption in foreign countries. Corruption in its finest form. We
hate it when a foreign nation tries to interfere with our electoral
process but we will do our best to screw over some third world, or up
and coming, country's government. Who is the corrupt ones? Who is
worse – Meduro from Venezuela, Putin from Russia, Kim from North
Korea, or Pelosi from the US and May from the UK? Which country is
more corrupt? I think it's a toss-up. I live in the USA so I can only
say what I see here and it ain't good anymore.
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