Saturday, October 12, 2019

Police State?

“Police State: a totalitarian state controlled by a political police force that secretly supervises the citizens’ activities.” That is the definition given by the Google dictionary. I would like for you to read that again and then once more. Then, think about just how this country is controlled.

I’m not saying that the United States is a totalitarian state. I am saying that, in the last few years, the country has become more and more controlled by a secretive law enforcement. What did the Obama Administration do? President Barack Hussein Obama used the IRS, FBI, State Patrol, and local police against conservative entities, including private citizens. I know that the liberal left will disagree with that statement; mainly because they love the 44th President more than they love their freedoms.

Look around the world and notice what country’s law enforcement is obvious and which are not. In Great Britain the police are in cars that are well recognized as police cars. The same for most democratic countries. Communist and socialist controlled countries don’t have that luxury. Yes, each democratic country has its’ ‘secret police,’ but those agencies are used for covert activities to protect that country.

Now, look at the United States. As you are driving down the road, either out on the open road or in the city or small town, do you always see well-marked police cars? Or do you not see that unmarked state trooper sitting alongside the road? How about the unmarked city cop in the Dodge Charger or SUV? I’ve seen all types of vehicles used by state and local law enforcement out on the road that are not marked in any way as law enforcement, even down to the license plate.

The Obama Administration set its’ DOJ agencies against conservative entities more than once. President Obama used the IRS to target conservative companies and individuals. During the 2016 election, he even used the FBI against the Trump campaign. Isn’t this the definition of a police state? When a government uses law enforcement as a means to control the citizens activities to make sure that those citizens are behaving in a manner prescribed to a certain ideology, I would submit that it has become a police state. That is what Obama, and now the Democratic Party, wanted – a socialist, totalitarian state, controlled by a secret police force to make sure that the citizens behave exactly as the government wishes.

Why do I say that? Let’s look at some of the things the Democrats are doing. In California, it is illegal to use plastic straws. In New York City it is illegal to call an illegal alien and illegal alien. It is almost a hate crime to say anything against Islam and is a hate crime to speak unfavorably about gays. The 2020 Presidential candidates on the Democrat ticket all are campaigning on universal everything, thus forcing the citizens to pay for things they don’t want or need. The worst example is what the liberal left is doing to our present President.

Donald Trump cannot have a phone conversation with another world leader without it being spied upon and then leaked to the media. The Whistleblower Act was reworded a few days before the phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian president was reported as presidential overreach. The Whistleblower Act read that the person reporting whatever act had to have first-hand knowledge of the act that was being reported; now it reads that anyone can report anything, even just rumor. This means that anyone can report anything at any time regardless of whether there is any first-hand knowledge or truth to it. In other words, if you don’t like someone, just report them as a national security risk on a rumor of wrongdoing.

These are dark and dangerous times we are living in. We have a president that gave up a billionaire lifestyle to be ridiculed, investigated, accused, insulted, and spied upon. He turns his salary over to charities, so he isn’t even getting paid. He was a billionaire when he entered public service, yet the Democrats want to know how he made his money. Most of Congress has made millions while in service and no one questions where their money came from.

The Democrat Party has used the intelligence community against Donald Trump since the day he announced his candidacy in 2015. The FBI used unverifiable information to obtain FISA warrants to surveil his campaign, his associates, even his attorney. Presumption of innocence has been thrown out the window for Republicans, but Democrats all have gotten free passes.

Do we live in a police state? When state and local law enforcement must hide from the citizens to protect the citizens, when federal law enforcement is used against an opposition party, when the presumption of innocence is ignored, I would surmise that we do, indeed, live in a police state. When one political party demands justice against another for crimes committed by the demanding party (then Democrat Vice-President Joe Biden bragged on camera about strong-arming the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor that was investigating a company his son was making a ton of money from but the Democrats have accused Trump of doing just that because he asked the new Ukrainian President for the favor of looking into the 2016 collusion) it would seem as though we have a totalitarian state in the making.

Since the 2016 election, it has become more and more obvious just how corrupt the Democrat Party is. The Clinton campaign paid for a dirty dossier that was filled with unverifiable information from a former foreign spy that got the information from Russia. Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, used an unsecured server for government emails that were then subpoenaed by Congress. Mrs. Clinton deleted over thirty-thousand emails, destroyed the computers with BleachBit, destroyed phones with hammers and took SIM cards so that Congress could not investigate the information held on those devices. Those emails, by the way, were hacked by the Chinese and were read, real-time, by foreign countries. The Clinton campaign rigged the 2016 primaries so that Mrs. Clinton would win over Bernie Sanders.

The list goes on and on. As soon as Donald Trump as elected, not even inaugurated, the Democrats in Congress were screaming for his impeachment and it hasn’t stopped since. They spent over $35 Million dollars and over two years on an investigation against him for Russian collusion and obstruction of justice. What did that investigation determine? No collusion and no obstruction. What did the evidence prove? That the Clinton campaign was doing a lot of underhand dealing. Yet, the Democrats are still screaming to impeach the President, even though there is no evidence in any way, shape, or form that he has done anything illegal; much less committed treason or high crimes and misdemeanors.

The Left wants control of the country and will go to any length to gain that control. They have used law enforcement against honest citizens and government officials. Their policies directly go against our Constitution and the freedoms that were guaranteed by the Constitution. If one would open one’s eyes and see what was going on, one would realize that the Democrat Party is a totalitarian regime in the wings, waiting impatiently, to take control of the country and run it as they please. It doesn’t matter that every policy they have is unconstitutional. It doesn’t matter that the country is against most of their policies. It doesn’t matter that they no longer represent their constituents but only their own lust for power. They are the totalitarian government that the Founders warned us about.
In the last week the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, called for a formal impeachment inquiry without calling for a full vote of the House of Representatives. She and six of her allies in Congress have declared that they, alone, have the power to impeach. This is the start of their totalitarian regime. They are instituting a soft coup and intend to depose our duly elected President anyway they can, and it doesn’t matter to them what the rest of the country wants or thinks. They are the government and will do whatever they want.

The Deep State has had spies on the inside of the Trump Administration watching, waiting, listening for anything at all to use against the one person in government that is working for America. Donald Trump is upsetting their status quo and they don’t like it. He is on the horizon of revealing all their corruption, not just the Democrats, but of all of Congress and the federal government. They are out to stop him by any means. If this is not a police state, a totalitarian state, it is as close as it can be. When the will of the country is ignored by those in power; when Congress thinks it can decide who should be in the Oval Office over those that have already chosen; when the federal government spies on the President and lies about his actions; it is time to change the people in Congress and the federal government. We, the People, are the rightful owners of the country and the government. It is up to us to remind those that have been in power for decades that they are not above the law, nor do they own the government or country.

We, the People, have got to stop the totalitarianism that is infecting our Constitutional Republic before it becomes to instilled to get rid of. The liberal ideology of the Democrat Party of today is totally foreign to the original Democrat Party. The Republican Party is totally foreign to what was once the Republican Party. There are 535 members of Congress and only a handful of them are true American patriots. The rest are power-hungry, narcissistic hedonists that want to change our very way of life. The problem there is that they are getting it done right before our eyes.

Through indoctrination of our young by Marxist educators from kindergarten through college, through propaganda by mainstream media, through victimization of minorities and racial/social/economic division, the far-left liberals have steadily been instilling Marxism, socialism, and communism into the very fabric of our society. With promises of free education, free healthcare, reduced housing costs, even guaranteed income, the far-left liberals have won over the next generation of voters, which include illegal aliens, ineligible voters and the dead. Win at any cost. Beg, borrow, cheat, steal, or lie, it doesn’t matter as long as they get the power to control the country and do as they please.

If a person believes that the left will fulfill any of their promises, as they have been stated, then that person is mentally challenged. Austria wasn’t invaded and conquered by Hitler. They voted him in because of his promises of a better life. It took five years for the Austrians to figure out just what kind of monster Hitler was. The Democrat Party, at least the far-left radicals, are following in the footsteps of such people as Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Marx, Alinsky, Kim, Mao, Che Guevarra. Their playbooks are Rules for Radicals, the Communist Manifesto, and Mein Kampf. And we, the People, are falling for their rhetoric.

Is the United States a totalitarian state; a police state? Not totally. There are still those that are true to the Founders vision, that are patriots and believe in the Constitution, that will stand and fight to their last breath for the freedoms that we have enjoyed for over 200 years. The fallen soldiers of the Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Civil War will not have died in vain if we can persevere and win the day against the tyranny that is knocking at our door; the men and women that fought and died in WWI, WWII, the Korean Conflict, and the Vietnam Police Action will not have died in vain; those that have fought and died in the Middle East for the last twenty years will not have paid the ultimate price for naught. At least they won’t have paid that price if we, the People, refuse to let tyranny overrun us; as long as we continue as the Constitutional Republic that those who have served, are serving, and those that gave their all swore to protect.

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