With all that is happening in
Washington, DC, I think it prudent to discuss Federalist #10. Written
by James Madison in November of 1787, Federalist #10 discusses the
subject of factions.
“Among the numerous advantages
promised by a well constructed Union, none deserves to be more
accurately developed, than its tendency to break and control the
violence of faction... The instability, injustice, and confusion,
introduced into the public councils, have, in truth, been the mortal
diseases under which popular governments have everywhere perished;
as thy continue to be the favorite and fruitful topics from which
the adversaries to liberty drive their most specious declamations...
our governments are too unstable; that the public good is disregarded
in the conflicts of rival parties; and that measures are too often
decided, not according to the rules of justice, and the rights of the
minor party, but by the superior force of an interested and
overbearing majority.
“By a faction, I understand a number
of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or minority of the
whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion,
or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or the the
permanent and aggregate interests of the community.
“There are two methods of curing the
mischiefs of faction: the one, by removing its causes; the other, by
controlling its effects.
“There are again two methods of
removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty
which is essential to its existence, the other, by giving to every
citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same
What was Madison saying here? When a
country is a strong union, one of the advantages that should be
developed is a way to keep a faction from becoming too strong and
violent. When a faction becomes too powerful it will instill
instability, injustice, and confusion into the government; that,
throughout history, that instability, injustice, and confusion has
been the downfall of governments and are the favorite and useful
tools that adversaries of liberty are wont to use.
When he speaks that our governments
(meaning of the several states) were too unstable without a central,
unionizing government, and that the good of the public was not taken
into consideration because of the conflicts between political
parties; that legislation and policy too often is decided by force of
the majority party outside the rules of justice and forsaking the
rights of the minority party.
When a group of people is united in a
cause, whether they are the majority or not, inspired by a common
passion, there is no thought of the rights or interests of other
people it is a faction.
There are two ways of curing the
effects of a faction: one, by removing the reasons, the passion, of
the faction, and the other is to control the outcome. Madison went on
to say that there are two ways to remove the causes of the faction.
One, by destroying the liberties that actually allow the faction to
operate, and the other to force everyone to believe as the faction
If we were to remove the liberties we
have, the right to free speech, freedom of the press, the right to
peaceably assemble and to petition the government, any faction would
no longer be able to operate. This is not what the Founders wanted.
They put those rights into the Constitution because they had,
themselves, been deprived of those rights. Without the freedom to
voice our opinions, to print our thoughts, assemble to protest and
petition the government, we would lose the ability to debate, to grow,
to learn. In other words – we would stagnate and become automatons,
mindless serfs. This would be much worse than having a number of
people out there spouting their rhetoric to the masses.
To force another's opinion onto the
masses would be even worse. We need to be about to have different
opinions. The government cannot legislate how a person thinks or
believes. At least not in any kind of free society. So what would be
the best way to subdue a violent faction? There is no way. People
will always have differences because of differing cultures,
religions, etc. All we can do is try to keep the damage at a minimum.
But, if you take what is going on today
with the faction of far-left radical liberalism, the animosity toward
the President and his policies, the fight against our Constitution
and our freedoms, can you see what Madison was talking about? Do you
see the prophetic statements about how a faction will do what it can
against the rights and interests of others, no matter how unjust, to
have their way? What are the far-left radicals doing in Washington,
DC, and have been for the last three years? The Trump Derangement
Syndrome is escalating daily.
It was less than 48 hours after the
election when the left started talking about impeaching Donald Trump.
He hadn't even taken office yet. What made it worse is that the
mainstream media, such as the New York Times and CNN, were right
there with them. The propaganda that Trump had to be impeached went
on every day, 24 hours a day. This is the faction, the confusion, the
violence that Madison warned us about. This anti-Trump faction
doesn't care about what their actions are doing to the country as a
whole. All they care about is getting rid of a duly elected President
because he was not supposed to win.
Madison continued, “No man is allowed
to be a judge in his own cause; because his interest would certainly
bias his judgment, and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity. With
equal, nay, with greater reason, a body of men are unfit to be both
judges and parties, at the same time;” Does this maybe state why
Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Elijah Cummings, etc. should
not be investigating their illegal impeachment inquiry? They are but
judges and parties in this scheme. Their interests are definitely
biased and their integrity has been corrupted. It is painfully
obvious when Mr Schiff stands before the House of Representatives and
recites a transcript of the President's conversation with the
President of Ukraine that is totally fabricated.
Madison continues to explain that in a
pure democracy, the faction, if it is the majority, will win the day.
That is the main reason that the Founders set up our country as a
Constitutional Republic. We are not a democracy. We have elected
officials to represent our wants and needs. This is the only way that
a majority faction can be controlled. We need to let our
representatives know what we want and need. It is their job to
represent us in the central government. If the majority faction is
going against the rights and liberties of the whole, it is only
through equal representation that the minority can have a voice and
keep those rights and liberties.
Yes, the House of Representatives is
controlled by the Democrat Party. There are a number of Republicans
that have sided with the Democrats. The question is: Are these
representatives actually representing what the people want? Do the
people of the country, as a whole, want to impeach a President that
is up for re-election in a little over a year? Wouldn't it be more
prudent to let the country decide next November if Donald Trump
should stay in office or not?
If the House continues down the path of
impeachment, it will go to the Senate for trial. The Senate, being
Republican-controlled, will hear the evidence and vote whether to
expel the President from office or to allow him to continue as
Commander-in-Chief. It really doesn't matter what the House decides.
We have entered into very dark times.
For the last three years, the Democrats have changed rules on a lot of
different things just so they could find something, anything, against
the President. What they have actually done is made it to where any
President can be thwarted by Circuit Courts, undermined by planted
spies, impeached just because the opposing party doesn't like
him/her. In effect, the Democrat Party has bastardized the
Constitution into a weapon when needed, ignored when needed. The
House has become the authoritarian dictator that they claim Trump is.
Let's take a little trip down memory
lane. Remember when Congress subpoenaed over thirty-thousand emails
and the private server they were stored on; when phones were smashed
with hammers and the SIM cards taken out; when computers were wiped
clean with BleachBit? Do you also remember when the FBI director
exonerated the perpetrator in that little debacle?
Do you remember when people screamed
and cried because the wrong candidate won the Electoral College and
then the opposition party declared that candidate used foreign
interference to win the election? How about when, not even 48 hours
after the election, the opposition party started yelling impeachment?
Do you remember an investigation that lasted over two years with a
special prosecutor looking for a crime to impeach a duly elected
Then there was a phone call from the
President to the President of Ukraine congratulating him on his wins
and, as an after-thought, the President asking if Ukraine could look
into an American Vice-President's son being put on the Board of
Directors of a Ukrainian gas and oil company with no experience in
the gas and oil industry and the then Vice-President strong-arming
the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor looking into it or they
wouldn't receive a billion dollars in foreign aid. That started an
impeachment inquiry against the President; no full House vote, only
Democrats involved in questioning and calling witnesses and done
behind closed doors without any chance of cross-examination or the
President's attorneys present.
Everything that the Democrats have
accused Trump of doing is exactly what they have done. They accused
him of colluding with the Russians to win the election. It was the
Clinton Campaign and the DNC that bought an unverified dossier
against Trump from a former foreign spy that got it from the
Russians. The Democrats accused Trump of obstruction of justice yet
it was Clinton that destroyed her phones and computers and deleted
over thirty-thousand emails that were subpoenaed by Congress. The
Democrats accuse Trump of strong-arming the Ukrainian government to
interfere in the 2020 election yet it was Vice-President Joe Biden
that admitted to withholding a billion dollars of foreign aid if the
Ukrainians didn't fire their head prosecutor investigating Burisma
Holdings for corruption; a company that Hunter Biden, Joe's son, was
paid fifty thousand dollars a month from for being on their Board of
Directors. Hunter Biden had no experience or knowledge of oil and gas
or of Ukraine yet he got this job while his father was Vice-President
of the United States.
Is there a faction at work here? It was
common knowledge that Donald Trump would not win the 2016 election
and that Hillary Clinton would win. When Mrs. Clinton lost, it
started the Trump Derangement Syndrome and Anti-Trump campaign. It
didn't matter what policy Trump wanted to institute, the Democrats
thwarted him. They used the 9th Circuit Court to stymie
any attempt to stop the flow of illegals into our country, to stop
his ban on immigration from enemy countries, to stop him from doing
anything that needed to be done to protect the country. Since the 2018
election, when the Democrats won the House, nothing has gotten done
except for investigation after investigation, accusation after
accusation, obstruction on any bill presented, and now, impeachment
proceedings. Why? It would seem simply because Hillary Clinton didn't
win the election.
The Democrat Party is so intent on
power and getting rid of Donald Trump that they have gone so far as
to suggest impeaching Vice-President Mike Pence first and forcing
Trump to appoint a VP to their liking then finish the impeachment of
him. If Trump refuses to appoint their choice for VP, then Nancy
Pelosi would become President and the Democrats would have their
power. At least until next November. To keep the White House, the
Democrats want to do away with the Electoral College thus making 95%
of the country's voters invalid. After all, the two most populated
states are New York and California, both deep blue states. Add
Illinois in there, also a blue state, and the conservative voice is
The Democrats also want to stack the
Supreme Court with liberal Justices. For decades the Democrats have
used the Supreme Court to legislate into law their far-left policies.
With a mostly originalist Court, they won't be able to get their
policy into law since they aren't able to actually legislate it into
law. Unfortunately, it isn't the Court's duty to legislate, only to
Yes, this is the faction that Madison
warned about. It is dangerous to our republic and our way of life.
Unchecked, this faction would do away with our most cherished rights
and freedoms. They have already effectively silenced the conservative
voice through censorship in social media, propaganda in mainstream
media, indoctrination in education, and political correctness.
Through their actions against Donald Trump and his associates, they
have done away with the presumption of innocence and the rule of law.
They are fighting a war against the Second Amendment, effectively
doing away with it through regulation. Every presidential candidate
on the Democrat ticket has stated they want to raise taxes up to 97%,
do away with capitalism, open our borders to any and everyone, and
most terrifying, turn our Constitutional Republic into a Socialist
The chaos and violence of this faction
are growing. It is propagandized by the mainstream media, taught in
public schools, celebrated in entertainment, and forced down our
throats by our elected officials. Only through due diligence can we
turn this tide. Only through forcing our representatives to actually
represent us can we stop this threat to our rights and freedoms. It
is up to the rightful owners of the government, of the country, to
keep America true to her heritage. A heritage that was fought for
with the blood of thousands. Only we can prevent socialism from
taking over and destroying the greatest country on Earth.
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