Saturday, October 12, 2019

I Really Do Get It

I get it. I really do. For the last, almost three years the Democrat Party and the Never-Trumpers have screamed, usually at the top of their lungs, that Donald J Trump has to be impeached. Since he was ELECTED, not even sworn into office, they have not ceased their incessant rhetoric about how he has impugned the office of the Presidency, humiliated the United States, colluded with our enemies, obstructed justice, and the list goes on and on and on…. In the last debacle, other than the blatant lies about collusion, Rep. Adam Schiff read a ‘transcript’ of a phone conversation between our President and the President of Ukraine. What Schiffty Schiff read was a total fabrication. The real transcript was released, with the permission of Ukraine, and there was absolutely nothing untoward about it.

That has been the policy of the Democrats and Never-Trumpers since the beginning. It wouldn’t matter if President Trump cured cancer, world hunger, or made peace throughout the land, they would find or manufacture something to get him out of office. Why? With record-low unemployment, including historically high employment for minorities, record-high GDP, manufacturing returning to the States, historical tax cuts, fairer trade agreements with several countries, NATO members finally paying their fair share, North Korea at the bargaining table, securing our borders, building up our military, etc., why do they want to impeach and remove the President from office?

I’ll let you in on a secret: they don’t like him. The Democrat Party and Never-Trumpers hate Donald J Trump. He was not supposed to win the election in 2016. Hillary Clinton was supposed to win so she could finish the job that Barack Hussein Obama started. Trump promised a lot of things on the campaign trail just as any politician would. The biggest difference between Trump and a politician – Trump delivers on his promises. He promised a stronger, safer America. He promised economic growth, tax cuts, higher wages, and a border wall. Most of all he promised to drain the bloody swamp of Washington, DC and that is exactly what he is doing. That is why they all hate him. They, the Democrats and Never-Trumpers, are so corrupt and imbedded into the governmental quagmire that they don’t want him to out them; which is exactly what he is doing.

With all the left-wing rhetoric that has been propagandized over the last three years, Trump is showing the American people just how inept, corrupt, and useless the Congress is. From the Clinton email scandal to the Ukraine call ‘whistleblower’ he is showing just how low the Democrat/socialist/communist Party, et. al. will go to keep from being discovered. Attorney General Barr is investigating the investigators. The Mueller Investigation was a farce from the beginning. Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strokz, Page, Clinton, Lynch, Gates, and the rest of the Trump haters will be outed. Will they be charged? Will they be tried? Will they be convicted? Will they be sentenced to a fair punishment? I hate to say it but it is doubtful. The coup crew are so well-entrenched and powerful they will escape prosecution and punishment.

The ’whistleblower(s)’ are afraid for their safety. Their attorneys are keeping them secret and refuse to let the President and the American people know who they are. Why? Do these whistleblowers have information against the Clintons? After all, Trump hasn’t had any witnesses die mysterious deaths like Jefferey Epstein committing suicide in a federal prison while under suicide watch while the temporary guards fall asleep and the cameras stop working. What are these people afraid of? It is the right of the accused to face their accuser. Just because Trump is President doesn’t mean he has given up his civil and Constitutional rights. Let the cowards show themselves so that he, and we, can scrutinize his/her/its character. It’s already be ascertained that they are connected to the far-left wing’s attorneys and political associations. George Soros is bankrolling many of these associations and probably paying for the attorneys. That is why they are afraid to show themselves. They don’t want the American people to know just who they are and that they are part of the coup against the present administration.

What do the Democrats and Never-Trumpers hope to gain by impeaching the President and removing him from office? If Trump is removed, Pence becomes President and he is behind Trump one hundred percent. Will Hillary have him offed in some way like she has so many others? Nancy Pelosi will not become President and neither will Hillary Clinton. That is what they want, though. They want to take over the country at all costs – even if they have to destroy the country to do it.

Just how are they getting away with this not-so-silent coup? Through the mass media. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and every other media outlet, even down to Facebook, Google, Bing, etc., are behind them. Even FoxNews is becoming a mouthpiece for the left. The communist, anti-American, impeach the President, we want everything free media gives a 24/7/365 barrage of far-left-wing propaganda. ‘News’ anchors and talk show hosts ask leading questions. When guests refuse to give the left-wing answer and start talking truth, those hosts and anchors start arguing with their guests, talking over them, shutting them up. There can be no argument against the left’s agenda. There can be only one – and that one must be Hillary Clinton.

After eight years of societal decay and economic failures brought on, or continued by Barack Hussein Obama, the rebirth of America under Trump is astounding. Obama said that a one percent economic growth was the best we could ever hope for. Obama said that it would take a magic wand to bring manufacturing back into the country. Under Obama, there were over four million new recipients of food stamps. Under Obama, we were taxed to our teeth, fined for not having health insurance that was unaffordable to those that work, law enforcement was undermined, riots were just a part of societies right to protest, boy were allowed in the girl’s bathroom, our enemies were invited into the country as ‘refugees,’ our enemies were given $150 BILLION dollars cash and other currency. Our country was going downhill at a high rate of speed. It was Barack Hussein Obama’s mission to destroy our Constitutional Republic and the capitalist society that made this country great. He hated then and still hates today the United States of America.

Hillary Clinton was to continue Obama’s legacy of destruction. She was to put the final nail in the coffin and turn our freedom-loving country into a socialist/communist, open border, a government-controlled dictatorship under the guise of free elections. Trump waylaid their plans. The American people decided that the left’s agenda wasn’t for them. The American people, through the fair Electoral College, elected Donald J Trump to the White House. It was time to drain the swamp. After decades of the government taking away our rights and freedoms little by little, we, the people, decided to take our country back and make America great again. We, the People, are the rightful owners of this country and the government that sits in Washington, DC. The elected government is not all-powerful. The power belongs to the people. The Founding Fathers knew that there would come a day when the government would become so large that it couldn’t be stopped. That is why they wrote the Constitution the way they did. To limit the government and restrict its’ power.

The Democrat Party has fought against the Constitution since its’ inception. They look at the Constitution as an obstacle to be gotten around. The conservatives, the patriots, the true Americans, believe the Constitution to be a road map, a guide. Conservatives do not ‘interpret’ the Constitution to their advantage. It is the Law of the Land as written. There is no ‘interpretation’ of what the Founders and writers of that most important document meant. When it says we have the freedom of speech it doesn’t mean only if you speak liberalism. When it says we have the right to keep and bear arms and that that right shall not be infringed it means we are able to own and carry weapons. When it says we have the right to be secure in our possessions and homes it means just that. There is no interpreting what, exactly, our rights are or what those words mean. They mean what they say – period. Exclamation point. End of story.

The government demands, by law, that our children go to school. Most of our children go to a public, government-controlled, school. Why? Because private school is expensive, and it usually takes a two-income family just to pay the bills and buy food, so homeschooling is out of the question. What happens in public schools? Indoctrination. From kindergarten through college our children are inundated with leftist ideology. There is no getting around it. We are forced to send our children there to learn what the government demands that they learn. What are they learning today? Tolerance for Islam; LGBTQ; capitalism: bad – socialism: good; America is the bad guy; history has got to be erased because it hurts someone’s feelings. Haven’t you wondered why there are so many young people that are pro-socialism? That, my friends, is why. That is what they are taught from day one in our public schools; usually by teachers that are there only for the paycheck and to promote their ideology. (I am NOT saying that all teachers are bad, only that most of them are not up to snuff.)

As the 2020 election cycle gets underway, I listen to the Democrat candidates and wonder just what planet they are from. Do they not understand that socialism has failed around the world throughout history? Do they not see what happened in the last 20 years with Venezuela? Do the celebrities and the elites outside of government think that they will be immune to the demands of the tyrannical dominion they so desperately want? Do they really think that socialism/communism is a Utopia? If so, they are less informed and mentally challenged than I thought. Once the Communists take control only the elite government officials and a handful of their favorites will have anything.

I heard an interview today on SiriusXM Patriot that explained, exactly, what the Democrats are after. I don’t remember who was being interviewed but it was someone high up in the Democrat Party and she was being interviewed on CNN. What this woman said should scare the hell out of any red-blooded American from either Party. She told the interviewer that Trump needed to be gotten out of the way as well as Pence. After that, if Trump didn’t appoint a Democrat approved Vice-President replacement, Nancy Pelosi would become President and then the Oval Office would be in the right Party’s control and there it would stay. Read that sentence again. And then once more. As the Democrats accuse Trump of being an autocrat, a dictator, and ignoring the Constitution it is they that are doing exactly that, and they have finally said it on the record. They want total control of the country with no chance of a conservative ever getting into power again.

As Brian Mudd said on the Mark Levin show tonight, “Two sides to every story. One side to the facts.” The only problem with facts is the liberal left doesn’t care about them.

It is dark and dangerous times in which we live. This is a fight for our freedoms, our liberties. If the Democrats win the White House and the Senate, we are lost. They will do away with the Bill of Rights, especially the Second Amendment. Without a way to fight back against their tyrannical rule, the Constitution will no longer exist; conservatism will no longer exist; freedom of speech – gone; presumption of innocence – gone; free elections – gone. That is their goal. The endgame is total control over the people, even our lives. If you don’t believe me, as I have reiterated numerous times, just look at Venezuela.

For those that are too young to have been taught the correct way our government should be run and how socialism/communism works, read Animal Farm or 1984. If you don’t know how to read because the school system didn’t teach you, watch The Hunger Games, The Darkest Minds, Maze Runner, even Robin Hood will show you just how a tyrannical dominion treats the citizens under their control. Hollywood predicts what is actually happening or going to happen in the near future.
Don’t believe me? Zombie movies started coming out by the dozens and then the CDC put up posters on their website stating – Don’t be a Zombie, Be prepared. Now, what is coming out in theatres from the great City of Make-Believe? Dystopian world movies such as the aforementioned Hunger Games, Darkest Minds, Maze Runner, etc. Movies where the government has total control over the people.

Patrick Henry’s statement of, “Give me liberty or give me death” resounds quite loudly in today’s world of American politics. It isn’t the British coming for our lives but our own elected officials. Remember this, Hitler did not invade Austria. They voted him in on the promises of a better life. It took the Austrians about five years to finally see what kind of monster he was. It was too late by then. Is that what will happen in our country? Will the leftist propaganda win the day with all the free stuff that is unaffordable by any standard? With a yearly budget of around $4 Trillion, the cost of the New Green Deal alone is unattainable. If you add to that free healthcare, free college, and a guaranteed income it becomes mind-boggling. The GND alone will cost approximately $9.4 Trillion a year. Free healthcare is about $4.3 Trillion and free college is around $2.5 Trillion. There isn’t enough money in the country to pay for any of it. So, will the leftists win the day, or will freedom ring true?

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