Sunday, February 10, 2013

The King's Conundrum

A conundrum, by definition is: A paradoxical, insoluble, or difficult problem; a dilemma. Looking at the present state of affairs of this nation, we are in a conundrum. Barack Hussein Obama and Joseph Biden, along with the Congress, would like to change our democracy into something akin to a dictatorship (as shown by the government’s intense desire to do away with our Constitution and the rights and privileges granted therein) while maintaining the appearance of a free nation. Since his election in 2008, Mr. Obama has fulfilled quite a few of his campaign promises, the biggest one being that he wanted to ‘change the face of this nation.’

Mr. Obama, in his run for office in 2008, made an estimated 506 campaign promises. According to Politifact (an entity that follows promises kept, broken, stalled or in the works), the president has kept 24% of those promises. Not bad for a president that promised bi-partisanship and delivered an even greater divide between the parties. So, how do I come up with my assessment that he fulfilled quite a few of those promises when Politifact does not? Let me explain.

Politifact follows those promises that were stated outright and in the open. Things like creating jobs (which he did while eliminating more than he created), helping the poor and needy, tax reform, immigration reform, strengthening national infrastructure and universal health care. On those type promises the president has not been so successful. What he HAS been successful on are the things that he hinted at or directly stated in speeches around the country that no one really listened to. Things like class warfare, doing away with the rights and freedoms of American citizens, allowing illegal immigrants into the country unabated and making America the ‘bad guy’ to the world.

I know that there are a lot of liberals that believe Mr. Obama is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Why do they think that way? I really don’t have an answer to that other than my opinion. I have asked, repeatedly, liberals to help me understand the way they think and I have received no answer. My opinion on this is: Liberals really like government control of their lives as long as the government gives them what they need and want. Let’s take welfare for an example. Franklin Delano Roosevelt created the welfare system to help America come out of the depression. He created jobs with things like the TVA and WPA. At the time, those programs helped the nation quite a bit. What has become of these programs?

Government assistance for a living has become a way of life for many, many people. There are families in this country that has lived on government handouts for generations. These people know how to ‘work the system’ and get all they need to live relatively well without working. These people will vote Democrat in every election simply because the Democratic Party, the liberals, gives people what they want without having to work for it. The Liberal Left is the “Gimme Party.” That is why I say that liberals like government control of their lives. They don’t care what rights and freedoms are taken from them as long as they don’t have to take responsibility for their own lives and welfare. (Note that this is only my opinion and not proven by any government or private research to my knowledge.)

Executive Order 13589 Promoting Efficient Spending is probably the biggest farce that Mr. Obama has signed. The Federal Government spends more money wastefully than can possibly be imagined. If any person, or private business, in this country spent money like the government does, said person, or business, would be bankrupt and destitute. This is not just Mr. Obama. The Federal Government has been spending more than it takes in for quite a while; just look at the National Debt owed to Japan and China. Those debts didn’t happen overnight, but Mr. Obama is continuing to raise the debt limit and borrowing money from foreign nations to give to foreign nations just for the sake of keeping up appearances.

Executive Order 13583 Developing an Integrated Strategic Counterterrorism Communications Initiative basically states that the Federal Government can intercept and read any communication that it believes pertains to terrorism against the United States. Granted, the Order does say communications sent abroad, but also indicates any communication that could possibly be directed toward, or about, al-Qaeda. This would indicate that the government is now monitoring all communications (emails, snail mails, phone calls, etc.) going beyond the borders of the U.S. and possibly those within the borders.

Executive Order 13576 Delivering an Efficient, Effective and Accountable Government states that the Federal Government has, is and will be as transparent as possible. This has NOT happened. The Federal Government under Mr. Obama has been the least transparent, efficient and effective in modern history.

The preceding Executive Orders were found on the White House website ( and are open to the public. The amazing thing about this is there are no Executive Orders listed for the month of January 2013 and only six for December of 2012. Mr. Obama did sign about 17 Executive Orders at the end of last year that effectively excluded Congress from a lot of his actions that the Constitution requires Congressional oversight. This is the transparency that Mr. Obama has stated, time and time again, that his administration is adhering to.

The latest indication of the nation losing its freedoms is the drone strikes against American citizens, so far just abroad, that are suspected of terrorism against the nation. Let it be known that there need not be any evidence to be suspected of terrorism. I realize that this goes against what the majority of the people think about our government. People want to believe that the government is fair and true and honest. This simply is not the case. The present administration is the most unfair, dishonest and least transparent of any previous administration.

We are not a free people anymore. Yes, we still have the right to free speech, as long as it is not anti-government (openly you can say what you want but if it is too far against the government you can, and probably will be accused of terrorism against the government). We still have the right to keep and bear arms (this is in the works to be done away with if the government has its way). We have the protection against illegal search and seizure (even though law enforcement will find some reason under ‘probable cause’ to search and detain you). We have the right to peaceably assemble (as long as it is in groups of three or less or there is a permit obtained). Do you see where this is leading? We are, but we are not a free nation.

The conundrum of a soft dictatorship trying to appear as a democratic republic is why I refer to Barack Hussein Obama as a king instead of a president. His theory is the same as Adolf Hitler; conquer slowly from within and the people will love you. It will be that way, the people of this nation giving him kudos and smiling at his policies, until the day the iron fist comes down and he shows his true colors. He has shown them, time and again, but the people of this nation have refused to see it because he is the modern-day savior of the people, just as Hitler was. The Austrians actually voted in Hitler to rule over them, he made sure of it. It wasn’t until five years after the fact that his true colors were shown and his true intentions shown; then it was too late.

Every day there is something new that comes up from the Obama regime that is anti-American. Most of these things are just a smokescreen for what is actually happening. The important things, like the drone strikes, are overlooked simply because the present administration knows that Americans believe in the Constitution and will fight to keep their rights. The argument over the Second Amendment is overshadowing the drone strikes ten to one. Why? Because all true American citizens will do whatever it takes to keep their rights and privileges that the Constitution has given them. These are the Conservative Right, the ones that will go to war against anyone that tries to take our freedoms away. Mr. Obama uses whatever he can to cause chaos, class warfare, dissension between parties and to cover-up what his true intentions are.

I, and a handful of other conservative believers have tried for years to enlighten the country with our insights and thoughts to no avail. Liberals believe what they are told without research into what is actually being done; they are the sheeple that keep these anti-American politicians, such as Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd and Harry Reid, in office. They are the ones that want the government entitlements so they don’t have to work to pay for what they need. Those are the ones that will allow the downfall of Free America. They believe that America needs to allow illegals into the country because they are downtrodden and without civil liberties and necessary entitlements. Those are the ones that believe America needs to support the world. Those are the ones that believe America is the only hope for this blue rock. Those are the ones that have no sense of self-responsibility, only government responsibility to the world.

I don’t dislike liberals, as much as it seems that way. After all, for an airplane to fly it takes a right wing AND a left wing, otherwise it won’t even get off the ground. For the same reason the Founding Fathers set up the three branches of government for checks and balances there are two ways of looking at everything, left and right. What has happened over the last fifty years is that the right has become more and more left and the left has gone too far left. What was considered a far-left wing liberal in 1960 (John F. Kennedy was considered one of those) is now a little bit to the right of what the conservative right is. As a nation, we are becoming more and more a socialist state and less of a democratic republic. Only by going back to the true conservative values of the late 18th, early 19th centuries can we get back to what we once were.

I realize that, to some, I am suggesting we regress into the past. That is NOT what I am for, nor do I adhere to that time period’s social structure. What I am suggesting is that, for our nation to get back to the greatness it once was, we need to get back to the morals and values of an earlier time instead of thinking that we are the only hope for mankind. We need to return to a semi-isolationist ideal and take care of our own problems before taking on anyone else’s. We need to feed OUR hungry, house OUR poor, educate OUR illiterate, rebuild OUR deteriorating roads and buildings, and put OUR citizens to work. We are too busy trying to feed, house, educate, rebuild and put to work the world that our own are, in some cases, worse off than a lot of Third World countries. The problem with that is the liberal left and the present administration don’t understand that; all they see is that we are responsible for the world’s ills and we are to take care of the world, and it’s killing us as a nation.

The King’s conundrum, keeping this nation appear free while taking everything that is America and giving it to the world and making America what the world wants it to be. We are a free nation. Our Founding Fathers started an experimental government that has worked, and worked well, for two hundred and thirty-seven years. That experiment is going awry now with a man that has no respect for what we are. King Obama believes that anti-colonialism is the key and America is the main villain and he is determined to make this nation pay for all the crimes and bad things in the world by making us his subjects. Even his wife, Queen Michelle, has indicated the same.

When Mr. Obama was first selected as the Democratic nominee for president in 2008 the, now, First Lady made this statement: “Finally I can be proud of my country.” What did she mean by that? FINALLY, she can be proud of her country? Her country that GAVE her an education, gave her the rights and freedoms that allow all of us to speak our minds, gave her the ability to get where she is at now and it was only when her husband, the first multi-racial candidate received the nomination and then became President that she could be proud of her country? She should have been proud all along, as well as Oprah Winfrey and Chris Rock and all the other black people that are now politically savvy when they once couldn’t care less.

I realize that now I seem the racist, which is so far from true. I don’t care whether a person is white, black, brown, olive, yellow, red, pink or polka-dotted, they are people. What I do care about is that when the first multi-racial person to gain the White House is the only reason that people of color get pride in their country and become political aficionados. Once again, the King’s Conundrum… how do we keep this country from being racist while making racial remarks and actions continually? The answer to that one is simple: blame the conservatives for what the liberals are doing. Once again, I am not a racist; I would have voted for Colin Powell in a heartbeat; before he turned to the liberal side (my opinion is because the King is black, before that he was a staunch Republican conservative).

Here is a piece of trivia that most people in this country don’t want to realize: All these immigrants, the Russians/Ukrainians, the Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Sudanese, etc., etc., etc. are being paid, by our tax dollars, to come here, take our jobs, receive free medical, dental, vision, food and rent plus a monthly stipend. Hard to believe that our government would pay people to come here to do all that, huh? Ask any honest immigrant if he/she gets a monthly check from the Federal Government. Oh, and most don’t pay taxes for seven years once they get here. Is that fiscally responsible and nationally secure? No wonder the King cares little about illegal immigration or legal immigration reform. Those are the ones that get the Liberals elected!

The King’s Conundrum… how to destroy a nation while maintaining the appearance of normalcy. Only time will tell how he gets it done. Until then, we political conservatives will continue to try to educate and enlighten those on the left that refuse to believe anything but what they are told. We will continue to fight against the enemies of the state and a tyrannical dominion. We believe in personal responsibility and working for what we get instead of huge government and their handouts for nothing. Once everyone is on the government handout wagon… who is going to pull it? Oh, I forgot, those rich people that the left is so against. The ones that have worked hard for what they have that don’t want to give it to those that want something for nothing. Most, not all but most, of the rich pay more in taxes than the rest of the people combined. It’s the ones that want the handouts that don’t pay a dime in taxes that are complaining about those with millions. Class warfare, a liberal staple.

If anyone can prove, I mean PROVE, me wrong, please do so. I want to believe in our country; I do in the conservative way. I want to believe in the rightness of people, but I don’t. I want to be proven wrong on so much but am proven right too often. So, Liberals, PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG. Give me facts and figures not just rhetorical bull. This is the King’s Conundrum.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to add this point to the above post: When I speak of Liberals, I am talking about the far-left wing liberals, not the moderate or conservative liberals. I was informed that I was lumping all liberals together in this post and, after re-reading it, realized that I did not differentiate between the three types of political viewpoints that EACH side has.
    There are good and bad in each party, there are also those liberal conservatives (an oxymoron?) that could also be placed into the category of anti-American.
    I apologize for offending anyone in the Liberal class that does not think the way those in the FAR-LEFT WING does. (Kathy, I have known you for a long time and I know you don't fit the mold that I have described above.)


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