Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The More I See People The More I Like Fish

The more I see people, the more I like fish. I’ve said this repeatedly for the last twenty years and people just didn’t understand it. Most people still don’t understand what I mean when I say it. It is not that difficult to understand the concept. Look at it this way: when you deal with people what are you actually dealing with? A lot of two-timing, drama inducing, judgemental, back-stabbing assholes. When you deal with fish what are you dealing with? A being that is quiet, doesn’t require much care, will not talk about you behind your back and, as long as you put in some food once a day and clean the tank once a month, will not give you any problems.

Be honest. I know that is actually a foreign concept for most people as most people think they have to be exactly what they think everyone wants them to be, but if you are totally honest  (which is actually quite easy if you try) you will understand what I am trying to say. If it were up to you it would be much easier to deal with fish than with the people that surround you most of the time. Admit it: you really don’t even like most of the people around you. They are there simply to fill a void that cannot be filled by anything else.

I used to have dozens, literally dozens, of people around me at all times. I didn’t think that I could get by without those people around me, at least until they weren’t there. When everyone disappeared I realized that the quiet was actually quite enjoyable. There was no one there to take advantage of my kindness, no one to steal from me, no one to talk about me behind my back. It was beautiful. I could finally be, well, me. I didn’t have to try to impress anyone or be someone that I wasn’t.

I think the biggest thing is that I didn’t have to deal with all the stupidity. People are stupid in a way that no other living creature is. Nature has a way of dealing with stupid:  it’s called survival of the fittest; stupid just doesn’t come into the equation until you input humanity. We are the stupidest of all of the god’s creations with all of our knowledge and civilized way of life. We are creative, intelligent and adaptive yet we give up all of what we are when we give up intuition and common sense. When a creature lives to get all they can from whoever they can get it from regardless of the hurt it causes and without conscience we become a parasite. There are very few humans that are deserving of life.

Mother Theresa and the Dali Lama are two that are very deserving of life. They give (gave) without thought of personal gain of any kind. They loved without regard to race, religion, creed, sexual orientation, color or nationality. They knew not about getting ahead of the ‘other guy’ because the ‘other guy’ might just get more than them or get there before them. The clock had nothing to do with their timeline. Let me put that into perspective for all you corporate go-getters.

It’s five o’clock in the afternoon in any major metropolitan area in the country on Friday afternoon, the western sky is bathed in the golden glow of a winter sundown. The roads are, as truck drivers would say, dry and dusty and no precipitation is anticipated until after the weekend. As you pull onto the freeway what is it that is first noticeable? For anyone that isn’t used to it the first thing would be the traffic at almost a complete standstill with three to six lanes going in each direction depending on what city you’re in. That’s right, a COMPLETE standstill in ALL lanes. Why? Because Joe Blow in the Beemer there has to get ahead of Jim Dirt in the Ford Taurus because Jim just might not be going as fast as Joe when traffic clears and Joe is much more important than Jim because he drives a Beemer and that Taurus is just so below being in front of him.

Then, oh my bloody god, there comes a semi-truck! We all know that trucks go so much slower than anyone else so we have to stay ahead of it no matter what. If we have to drive on the shoulder at faster-than-light speed we will just to get ahead of that truck, then we can slow down once we get back into the lane of traffic. Of, shit! Here you are, out in what a driver calls the ‘hammer lane’ (that means it’s for fast traffic) going as fast as you can possibly go and there, just a few feet in front of you is your exit that you’ve taken every weekday for the last ten years yet you were so bent on getting in front of everyone that you weren’t paying attention to where you were. What do you do? Why you just cut across all those slower lanes of traffic regardless of traffic; after all it isn’t like there could possibly be another exit less than a mile away that you could get to much safer.

Stupidity. That is all it is; stupidity with total lack of common sense and courtesy for anyone. That was just an example of Friday night rush hour in ANY metro area in the nation. Think about it: What is so important that people cannot sit back and relax, drive safely and courteously and think about the other guy? Your house isn’t going to be gone, mom and dad aren’t moving without telling you, the wife is going to cheat on you whether you catch her or not and the Chinese take-out will still be hot when you pick it up whether it’s in ten minutes or twenty.

Trucks are a different thing altogether, they are on a time schedule. They don’t go slow because they want to, they weigh from thirty to eighty thousand pounds or more and it takes a minute to get to speed and hills slow them down because of the weight. That does not mean they want to slow your happy ass down and keep you from getting home to your dearly beloved, cheating wife and monster kids that have way too much for who they are (they don’t appreciate what they have, anyway).That professional driver does not want to keep you from that all-important rendezvous with that cute little waitress at the IHOP that is just after you for your money and your wife will find out sooner or later about it anyway. Those trucks are doing a JOB just like you got off of only their job is much more important than yours because without that truck you wouldn’t have that little foreign, or domestic, car to get to and from work, that nice thousand dollar suit that you’re wearing or the gold watch that you so desperately want. You wouldn’t have those high dollars toys that you have in and around your house. In fact, you wouldn’t have your house. Why, you ask? Because if you have it, a truck brought it, period. There is nothing that you could have, want or need that a truck does not haul to the wholesaler or retailer. Give ‘em a break.

That is a little off-subject but still needed to be said. I was talking about how stupid the human race is and THAT is even more important than letting all the idiots in moving vehicles know to leave trucks to do what they need to without being harassed.

People have this insane habit of needing to talk about people behind their backs, downgrade others and generally be dicks towards everyone else. People have this insane need to have what everyone else does, or better. You see it all the time in the skrewl system. While being indoctrinated into mainstream liberalism by the tax-payer paid educational system kids are bent on being better than everyone they think is below them. Just look at what they wear: name-brand, labeled jeans, Abercrombie shirts and two hundred dollar tennis shoes. When a kid can’t afford that those poor bastards are put down and made fun of. Why? They have Wrangler jeans and Hanes tee-shirts with Nike tennis shoes all bought from Goodwill for less than those preppy idiots paid for a pair of their Gloria Vanderbilt socks.

If a person doesn’t like someone, for whatever off-the-wall reason they could possibly have, it is normal for them to start rumors to make everyone else not like that person. Hell, they could even say something that is true but unimportant to the workings of the world, but it is something that in embarrassing; or they could bring up a handicap that some kid has (i.e., ADHD, Bipolar, Down Syndrome, etc.). All to make that person seem small and the one spouting the BS feel better about themselves. Stupid isn’t it? Yes it is but it happens every day, everywhere. It is the human condition to do this and that is why fish are much better than people. Fish don’t do that.

Let’s not forget the money. What does money have to do with liking fish over people, you ask? I’ll tell you. People are out to get as much as they can no matter who they hurt to get it. It’s a sickness with the human race to get more than they need. It isn’t like anyone can take it with them at the end of this life. I have yet to come across any fact that proves when a person leaves this life that any of the possessions they have are transferred over to their next life. Years and years of research have come up with nothing that proves it goes with you, but people still have to take more and more and more. There is only so many things you can purchase, so many things you can own, so much you can just throw away; yet people have this insane need to acquire, not just millions, but billions and billions of dollars. Why?

What do fish want? Nothing. They ask for nothing and expect nothing. What do fish do? They swim around in their little tank making not a sound. You feed them a little fish food every day or so and clean their tank once a month and those fish are happy. Not a care in the world. No noise, no messy litter box or piles of poop on the carpet; no back biting or rumor-mongering, either. Fish won’t steal from you or try to take your best girl/boyfriend from you. The most amazing thing about fish is that they have no desire to get more than they have; as long as they are fed that is all they need. If you forget to feed them and you do happen to find them belly-up in the tank… you flush them. No muss, no fuss, no expense.

Now is it understandable why I like fish better than people? If not, you are one of the 99.99999% that I really want nothing to do with because you haven’t got the sense the god’s gave a rock. I am not a racist because I hate everyone equally. I have a very limited number of people that I allow around me (not including those idiots that my children call friends) because there are a limited number of people that have common sense and intelligence, that won’t take what they can from me without permission and that I can trust with my life through years of being around them. Other than those few… the more I see people the more I like fish…

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