Friday, August 30, 2019

Don't Be A Dick to Truck Drivers

First, there were regulations on hours of service. A truck driver could only drive so many hours before having to rest for so long. When I started driving way back in 1986, I could drive 10 hours then had to rest for 8. Now, that 10 hours of driving could be divided any way I wanted, as well as the 8 for rest, effectively making it where I could drive up towards 24 hours if I worked it right. What made it good was that we had paper logbooks. If I couldn’t get it done on time following the HOS (hours of service) rules, I’d just get a new book and have 70 more hours to work with. We couldn’t, and still can’t, work more than 70 hours in 8 days.

Thanks to Werner Enterprises and the advent of the Electronic Log, along with the change in HOS where we couldn’t work more than 14 hours after starting our clock, it’s much harder to work those extra long days and make those extra miles. And when you get paid by the mile that can really affect the paycheck. Now, the FMCSA is instituting a new rule to the ELD mandate – if a truck moves more than 5 mph it automatically goes onto the DRIVE line. What this means is: if I am on a DOT mandated 30-minute break it could possibly put me back ON DUTY and the time I had already spent on break doesn’t count. When a driver is on a tight schedule, and most of us are, that can make us late to a pick-up or delivery.

That is just part of what a driver puts up with. Along with the tight DOT mandated rules, a lot of companies are now employing Collision Avoidance Systems and inward-facing cameras. What the CAS does is tell a driver when he is too close to the vehicle in front of him and if he gets too close it will slam on the brakes. Any driver that has any experience at all knows how far away he is from the vehicle in front of him and knows how long it will take to stop in case of emergency. I know that I don’t need to have some computer software tell me where I am on the road. It is for those inexperienced drivers that shouldn’t be operating a bicycle much less an 80,000-pound vehicle. Oh, yeah! This little piece of equipment is also tied into the ELD software, so it is also a tattle-tell to the company about how you’re driving.

The inward-facing camera is, in my opinion, an invasion of privacy. I live in my truck. That camera shows everything that is going on inside the cab and the sleeper (if the sleeper curtains are open). Companies will say that it is to protect the driver and the company in case of an accident. What it does is show what the driver was doing in any given incident. If I touch the center or fog line, my camera will record an event. If I hit a pothole and jar the truck hard it will record an event. If I swerve to miss an object in the road it will record an event. Any recording can, and will, be used against me. I could be lighting a cigarette, taking a drink of coffee, anything and that is a distraction and used against me. If I’m looking out my side window at my mirrors – yep, distraction.

The laws regarding cell phones is another part of it. I must have a hands-free unit to talk on the phone. I have no problem with that. I cannot text and drive – no problem there. BUT, if I pick up my phone to hit a number to call, if I touch my phone to talk into it (so I am not texting and driving) and the camera records an event of any kind that is used against me. Now, include the CAS that just might slam on the brakes because of a road sign on a curve in-line with the radar on the front of the truck the camera will record an event. It all works together against the driver. All in the name of ‘safety.’
Think about this for just a second: every day I must inspect my truck to make sure that everything is roadworthy. Every day, before I even start my truck. That is DOT regulation. If I don’t and I get pulled behind a scale and inspected, they check my logs and I get a ticket for not following the rules. Do you check your vehicle out every day to make sure that there is nothing hanging off it, that all the lights work, that there aren’t any leaks? I highly doubt it. It doesn’t matter anyway. You don’t have to do that. Your POV (privately owned vehicle) doesn’t have to be roadworthy to be driven down the road. Mine does.

In the unfortunate case of an accident, guess what, I get a drug test. It doesn’t matter who is at fault, either. I am forced to pay out of my pocket for a drug screen to make sure that I am not doing drugs or drinking while driving. Do you? Nope! You can be high as a kite and as long as you can act straight you will get by with it. It is almost impossible for a commercial driver to get by with doing drugs or drinking on the road. We are subject to RANDOM drug tests. That means that we can get pulled over for no reason what-so-ever and given a drug test. Yeah! Makes my day when that happens because I don’t do drugs.

With all that being put out there for you to ponder, here’s so more for you to think about: most drivers are on a tight schedule. We have only so much time to get from point A to point B. There is no give most of the time. A lot of us try to drive about 5 mph OVER the speed limit (which is allowed in all states) so that we can make our pick-ups and deliveries on time and still have time to actually eat, shower and sleep. I don’t know about a lot of these newbies out here on the road but I have never had the time to eat right, sleep right, shower every day, or even take the time to have a healthy emptying of my colon.

When I’m trying to get somewhere it never, ever fails that some POS in their little powder-blue Prius decides to cut me off, slow down in front of me, not let me pass, etc. It NEVER fails. I’ve had old men drive 10 mph UNDER the speed limit in front of me then, when I try to get around them, they speed up so I can’t just to slow down again when I get back behind them. I’ve had people pass me on the right on the shoulder just to hit the brakes a quarter mile down the road to make a turn. This, my private citizen friend, is interfering with interstate commerce. It is interfering with me delivering the goods that YOU buy.

With three lanes of traffic there is a hierarchy of where to be. The far-right lane is for grandma and those that are lost. You know, the s-l-o-w drivers. The center lane is for those that are doing the speed limit or a little more, keeping it going. The far-left lane – hammer down! This lane is for those that are in a definite hurry to get nowhere fast. If there is a line of cars half a mile long behind you and no one in front of you – YOU ARE IN THE WRONG LANE! Move the hell over to the right. Don’t impede traffic because you are a self-appointed speed cop. Yes, it takes a truck a ways to get up to speed but, after we get there it’s balls to the wall. We will probably be going faster than you if you only go the speed limit. Don’t pass us while we’re getting up there just to slow us down once we get to road speed.

Remember this: there is absolutely NOTHING that you have that hasn’t been hauled in some form by a truck. Your car was delivered to the dealer by a truck. That cell phone that you’re using to report a driver for being rude – hauled to the store by a truck. The clothes you wear, the food you eat, the TV you watch, the desk you sit at, the equipment you operate, everything in your life was hauled by a truck at some point. Everything. And you want to screw with a driver because you don’t want to be behind him because you think he’s going to slow your dumb ass down. Let me tell you something, cupcake. I have to be there. You have nowhere to go with all day to get there. You could have started earlier to get to work. You don’t have to be first to the stoplight. That truck is what keeps the WORLD going. Without trucks, the world stops.

I really don’t care if you like trucks or not (especially in California, New York, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois). Commercial drivers have more laws to follow than you could imagine. We are regulated more than most industries. We don’t get paid near enough to be gone from our families for days, weeks, or months at a time and put up with the crap that a lot of personal drivers give us. If you honestly believe that trucks are dangerous and shouldn’t be allowed on the road then stop buying things. Don’t go to Mike’s Mini Mart and get a 4-pack of Red Bull and carton of Marlboros. Don’t run over to Walmart and buy that new T-shirt that has the picture of Iron Maiden on it. Don’t shuffle off to Fred Meyer and get groceries. That new iPhone has no place in your pocket. The PS4 and all the games that go with it need to be forgotten. ALL these things are hauled by a truck.

Professional drivers are tired, over-worked, under-paid, stressed people. There are bad drivers out there to be sure. I’ve run into a lot more of them in the past few years. Too many ‘schools’ are pushing through people that shouldn’t be allowed to operate a bicycle in a wide-open field. We, the old-timers, are still the White Knights. We are still the professional drivers that would love to stop and help a stranded driver, a hitchhiker, someone who’s broken down on the side of the road. We can’t. We don’t dare. It’s too dangerous for us, it could make us use up valuable time off our tight clocks. It doesn’t mean that we don’t want to, we just can’t do it anymore. Why? We can’t because there are too many people in POVs that would kill us, literally.

Think about what you’re doing while on the road. It isn’t rocket science to operate safely and courteously on the highways of the nation. If a semi-truck is being rude to you it’s probably because he’s been treated pretty badly by several POVs that day. It’s easier for a car to slow down and regain speed than it is for a truck. You are not going to be delayed very long by staying behind a truck for a mile or two. We’re governed at a slower speed (this means we can only go so fast and no more – usually between 63 and 70 mph) so you can always get around us if need be. You are not the center of the universe nor are you more important than anyone else. Be aware. Prepare. If the sign says that a lane is closed in two miles, move over now, don’t wait till the last few feet then force your way in because you got a few cars forward. If your exit is coming up, get in the right lane half a mile or more before it, don’t wait till your almost past it.

When Is America Going to Realize There Is A Double Standard

When is America going to realize that there is a double standard that cannot be broken? When are the people going to get their heads out of their backsides and do something about it?

Great way to start an article, huh?

Let’s take a look at all this crap that has been happening over the last few years, shall we? Hillary Clinton has gotten away with murder. Barack Obama got away with destroying our democracy. Powerful government people have gotten away with treason. Anyone that has information against a liberal dies or is imprisoned while liberals can do or say whatever they want with impunity. Prove me wrong.

The latest incident is the IG report on James Comey. He broke several laws and refused to follow FBI policy. What did the AG say? ‘Nah! We ain’t gonna prosecute him.’ He’s getting another pass. He broke the law. He lied to everyone and admitted it. What does this guy know? Why does the AG refuse to send him to jail?

Why is there no investigation against the Clintons? Why does Hillary get a pass on the overwhelming evidence against her on obstruction of justice and using the Federal Government against a political opponent? Why are there no investigations in the deaths of several people that were going to testify against her? Why are a lot of the deaths around the Clintons classified as a suicide when they clearly were not? Kinda hard to commit suicide by shooting yourself twice in the back of the head or two guards conveniently sleeping on the job while the cameras mysteriously don’t work and injuries more consistent with homicide than suicide. No one should have that much power. No one.

This isn’t medieval times where royalty was immune to any wrongdoing. Yet, here we are. There are a handful of people in this country that can do whatever they please with no consequences. The peasants, the serfs, the barons, etc. are subject to the law and will suffer greatly under that law. Royalty and their loyal followers are immune to that law. Who is that royalty? Why, the Clintons and Obamas. Who are their loyal followers? The Obama DOJ, former Obama Administration officials, anyone working for the mainstream media (CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc.), and most governmental far-left liberals.

Who are the peasants, serfs, and barons? Anyone that supports Donald J Trump, the Constitution of the United States, the Rule of Law, wants secure borders, is against infanticide, against normalizing abnormal sexual behavior (such as boys in the girl’s bathroom or people encouraging LGBTQ behavior in children), and conservatives. Oh, and anyone that might consider testifying against the Clintons (they will commit suicide or die in some mysterious way).

I have never seen a time that people will work so hard against all things good while championing things like killing babies, supporting illegal aliens over natural-born citizens, destroying the Constitution, demanding open borders, assassinating the character of anyone opposing their views, encouraging civil unrest and violence against American values, supporting Islam over Christianity, etc. What are all those things that I claim are good? The Rule of Law, the Constitution of the United States and Bill of Rights, keeping children innocent from sexual deviancy, having only two genders, democracy over socialism, supporting the president even though he isn’t your party, putting Americans over illegal aliens, secure borders to keep our sovereignty, supporting our allies (Israel), keeping Islam (which goes against our Constitution and our Constitutional Republic) and Sharia Law out of our country and politics, and not killing innocent babies because they are an inconvenience.

I’ve been told I want to take us back to the dark ages. Back to a time of segregation, rampant racism, intolerance. Maybe I do. I don’t agree with racism, but it will never totally disappear. I don’t agree with being intolerant of other’s choices, as long as those choices aren’t forced on me. I actually want to go back to a time when Americans were patriotic; the Flag and National Anthem were respected; babies were treasured instead of killed; Christianity was lauded; the Constitution was the Law of the Land; a time when people were kind, considerate and respectful. Yes, I want to go back to the dark ages because that was a time when family was all-important and people would help each other. It was a time when a person’s word meant something, when friends were loyal, commitment meant forever (not until something else came along), and people weren’t afraid and offended by everything. It was a time when people were held accountable for their actions and there was no double standard under the law.

I grew up in the 1960s and 70s. We had civil unrest because of the Vietnam Conflict and racism. We had Martin Luther King, Jr and John Fitzgerald Kennedy. We went to the moon. There were hippies and free love as well as stuffy old people that didn’t understand that new rock-n-roll music. Nixon lied to the American people and was held accountable, some of his administration officials actually went to prison. The best part was that your friends were your friends, not snakes that would turn on you over nothing, people didn’t get offended by everything, boys were boys and girls were girls, if someone needed help it was given by a neighbor, not the nation, we recited the Pledge of Allegiance with pride and held our hands over our hearts instead of kneeling and complaining. Even the most downtrodden were patriotic to America. This was the greatest nation on Earth.

America. Land of the free because of the brave. We have fought wars to keep our freedoms and our rights. We have fought against tyranny around the world. The world has come to us for help and guidance. America – a beacon in the night. We have never gone quietly into the night when things were going bad, we fought for what we believed in and we believed in being free from tyranny, that all men were created equal and had equal rights. We have opened our arms to the downtrodden of the world as long as they believed in the same things we did. We have helped our neighbors and allies. We have stood against all who would-be tyrants. We aren’t that nation any more.

There are those in this great land that would do away with our God-given rights; that would change our very core to something that is equal to tyranny. We have elected officials that believe they know better how to run our lives than we do; that believe their way of governing is better than the people governing themselves. Corruption runs rampant in government. We no longer vote for the better man, instead, we vote for the lesser of two evils. The very foundation of our nation is at risk of crumbling into dust. Our choices for government stand before us bashing their opponents instead of informing us of what they would do to make things better. And we vote them in because of the lies and slander they force down our throats until we believe what they say.

This isn’t the America I grew up in. It isn’t even close. Parents today cannot raise their children the way I was raised because that America doesn’t exist anymore. I know that I rant about the liberals constantly, but they make it so hard not to. Liberal policy has ruined this great nation. We can’t discipline our kids because it might hurt their feelings. We can’t say what we think because it might hurt someone else’s feelings. We can’t protect ourselves because we might become a mass killer. We can’t demand legal immigration because illegals have our rights also. We don’t dare help someone because they might become offended or, gods forbid, something goes wrong and they sue us. We have to allow boys into the girl’s bathroom because they don’t feel comfortable peeing in front of other boys. We can’t speak out against anyone because we’ll be called a racist, xenophobe, homophobe, Islamophobe, etc. We can’t stand up for our rights because our rights only belong to those that aren’t citizens.

No, this isn’t the America I grew up in. Corruption is the norm. Deviant behavior is the norm. Anti-American rhetoric is the norm. I want my America back. The only person that is willing to stand up against the Anti-America crowd is a multi-billionaire that gave up that lifestyle to work, for free, to make America Great Again and he is bashed 24/7/365 by almost everyone except for people like me that love this country.

There is something that everyone needs to understand and that is simply: We, the people, the rightful owners of our own destinies and the rule of this nation, are now the peons, the peasants, the serfs, the slaves. There is one set of rules for the government and another for the citizens. The government does not legislate themselves; they legislate the people. What is good enough for us is not for them. The government has the best healthcare, educational facilities for their children, best housing, etc. What they tell us we must have is far less than what they have. As with most tyrannical dominions, the elites of Washington live lavishly on the taxpayer’s dollars.

As far as the rule of law goes – that only applies to the lesser people. With all the overwhelming evidence against such powerful people as Hillary Rodham Clinton, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, the entire Obama DOJ, etc., there will be no justice. Even the victims of Jeffery Epstein will not receive justice; not because he committed ‘suicide’ while awaiting trial in prison, but because the evidence that was found on his property was against some of the most powerful people in the world. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Why did the Congress, and the nation, ratify the twenty-second amendment? Congress decided that if one man could hold the office of President for more than eight years that would give him too much power. Think about this: there are people serving in Congress that have been there for over forty years. The record is fifty-nine years. These people are the most powerful in the nation. The Speaker of the House, currently Nancy Pelosi (D, Ca), is the third most powerful person in government. If perchance, the President and the Vice-President were to be killed, the Speaker of the House becomes President. That’s a LOT of power for a person that could be in office for a lifetime. Shouldn’t there be term limits on Congress as well? These people are actually more powerful than the President because of their length of service. And I use the term ‘service’ very loosely.

It is time for we, the people, to re-evaluate our current government. The Constitution specifically limits the government’s power. The current Congress is usurping its power with abandon and we are allowing it. We are willingly giving up our rights and freedoms to a group of power-hungry, egotistical, vile, vicious, oligarchs. All our so-called representatives want is more and more power over the people. They don’t care about the country. They don’t care about the people. They don’t care about the law. They don’t care about anything but gaining and keeping power. And they will do anything necessary to get it.

It’s time for the country to wake up. I’m not just talking about the Democrats, the liberals, or the idiots. I’m talking to every single American citizen but Red and Blue. If you were raised in the time when true history was taught, not this rewritten, anti-American rhetoric that kids are taught today, and know what the Constitution says and means, then you should be appalled at what the politicians are doing to our nation. It doesn’t matter if that representative is a Democrat or a Republican; if he/she is a liberal or conservative; they are all the same. The left and right wings are still part of the same bird. They are not representing the nation’s best interest or the interest of the citizens of the nation. They are representing themselves alone. Wake up and smell the cocaine coming from the hallowed halls.

I am an American. I love my country. I am appalled and disgusted with my government. I am appalled and disgusted with the double standards. I am appalled and disgusted with the corruption. I am terrified of where we are going as a country. At this point, the only thing the government fears is the people waking up and uniting once again into one nation, indivisible, that will rise up against the corruption and deceit that is in the Capitol. Isn’t it time that we, the people, re-unite as we did 243 years ago against a tyrannical government?

The Conservative Talk Show Hosts Are Idiots

Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Andrew Wilkow, David Webb, and, yes, Rush Limbaugh – You all are complete and total buffoons. You are idiots.

Let me elaborate on that statement just a little. These conservative radio/tv talk show hosts sit behind their microphones touting the advantages of conservatism and the hoaxes of the far-left wing’s liberalism. Each and every day, Monday through Friday and sometimes on the weekends, the airwaves are filled with their right-wing rhetoric. They call out the liberals on their lies and hypocrisy. Sometimes they answer their listener’s calls and comment on those opinions. In other words – they do exactly what the liberal hosts do in the opposite.

Why does that make them buffoons and idiots? It is rare that a liberal will call in and they answer that call. On the occasions that they do take those calls they usually talk over them. I’ve listened to Tucker Carlson shut down liberal guests on his show by not letting them answer questions fully. I’ve heard Hannity, Levin and Limbaugh do the same thing. I do have to admit that Levin did a great job in letting that psychiatrist woman put out her opinion on Trump the other day. You know, the one that diagnosed Trump as being ‘dangerous’ to the world because of his narcissism and mental instability?

What these conservatives don’t do is tell the whole truth. They don’t say that Trump can be a childish egotist. That his tweeting is middle school mentality at times. That his name-calling is consistent with a five-year-old most of the time, especially when it comes to other world leaders (Rocket Man come to mind?). They stick with the accolades of his accomplishments and what he is trying to do.

It doesn’t matter that minority unemployment is at record lows. It doesn’t matter that he has quashed the ISIS threat. It doesn’t matter that the stock market is at record highs. It doesn’t matter that he’s doing everything he can to secure our southern border. It doesn’t matter that he instigated the largest tax cuts in years and put more money into middle America’s pockets. All that matters is that the whole truth is spoken.

If these conservative talk show hosts would just open up and say that Donald J Trump isn’t a saint. If they would just say that he’s not gotten North Korea to dispose of their nuclear weapons and that Iran will never adhere to any deal they make with America. Maybe they should tell their listeners that China might agree to a free-trade deal but when the Democrats win back the White House it will go back to stealing our intellectual property and putting tariffs back on our products going into China while not paying America a dime.

His mental capacities are waning. He’s 70-some years old and everyone knows that Alzheimer’s has got to be setting in. He speaks out against Omar, Tlaib, AOC, Nancy, and Chuck more and more instead of praising them for their inability to work with him on any issue. He stands by Israel which is, as everyone knows, the bane of the world because of its’ desire to survive as a sovereign nation against every other country’s demands for its’ annihilation. He expects North Korea and China to stand by any deal made with them and that Russia will not interfere with any other country in the world.

Another way to prove that Trump is losing his mind is by his insults against the far-left-wing liberals that are campaigning for the 2020 election. Sleepy, Creepy Joe Biden who doesn’t even know where he is most of the time shouldn’t be disparaged. After all, he was the Vice President of the United States and has served in Congress for decades. Elizabeth Warren, Pocahontas, can’t help it that she lied about her heritage to gain power and influence. Corey “Spartacus” Booker was just making his point when he spouted off during the Senate hearings for Brett Kavanaugh. This name-calling has got to stop.

The conservative radio/tv hosts should bring all this up while expounding on the virtues of conservatism and the Constitution. Which brings me to another issue. The Constitution of the United States of America. It was written and ratified over two hundred years ago. The Founding Father could not have expected people today to follow the Law of the Land to the letter. They didn’t expect the country to have over a billion people living here and importing millions every year. They couldn’t have foreseen the advent of a police force that was militarily equipped and able to respond within minutes to any call for help that might need to be answered in seconds. Why would they expect the country to become a two-party political system where one party uses the press against the other on an hourly basis? Did they think that law enforcement would ever forget about unreasonable search and seizure or presumption of innocence?

All these conservative hosts do is talk about the rights and freedoms that have been fought for since the beginning. That just isn’t right. They need to address the feelings and wants of every single individual that might be offended by words or presumed actions against them. They need to start advocating for the murder of unborn (and in some states the barely born). They need to stand up for boys wanting to use the girl’s bathroom because boys are being turned into effeminate wimps by the immoral minority. They should agree that every single person that wants to come to America to take what we have and not give anything in return should be able to. Borders are just imaginary lines drawn on a piece of paper; except when that border is a wall around a multi-million-dollar estate owned and occupied by a liberal.

Back to why these hosts are buffoons and idiots. They are such because they are preaching to the choir. They are the pastors of a great church that sits empty except for the choir. The windows are open, and the doors are not locked. Everyone is welcome and invited in. The only problem is that the ones that need to hear the message won’t listen and the ones that listen don’t need to hear it, they know it. They talk to Congress over the airwaves. They talk to the liberal left over the airwaves. They are idiots because they actually believe that the left is listening to them just as the pastor believes his message is getting to the ones that need it the most but are preaching to an empty congregation.

To the very few that they do get to, it doesn’t matter because they have been brainwashed into believing that all conservatives lie and twist the truth. The few liberals that I have listened to on these radio shows wouldn’t change their minds for love nor money. Well, maybe money. Maybe but doubtful. It does absolutely no good to talk about any of it. It doesn’t change a thing. It didn’t change the liberal’s belief that Trump had colluded with the Russians for over two years when every bit of evidence showed it was the Clinton campaign colluding and obstructing justice. They will not change their minds.

Until the brainwashing stops it won’t change. I am all for freedom of the press and speech. I don’t have to agree with the opposition. But when the press usurps its responsibility and becomes propaganda for a political belief that goes against the Constitution and everything that has made America what she is, then maybe that freedom should be curtailed just a bit. With great power comes great responsibility.

Yes, Hannity, Levin, Wilkow, Webb, Carlson, Limbaugh and the rest of the conservatives on radio and tv are idiots for believing they are actually making a difference by speaking out against the socialism/communism of the liberal left. They aren’t. Even I, as a conservative blogger, am doing nothing to keep America great and free. My message doesn’t get to the ones that need it. Hell, my blog isn’t even read enough to make a difference to a conservative. I could only wish that I had the exposure that radio and tv has.

I’m glad they are there. I just wish that it would actually do some good.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Quest For Power

Yesterday, August 18, 2019, was interesting to say the least. I tuned in to Sean Hannity on Sirius XM and thought that I had entered the Twilight Zone. I could hear Rod Serling intone, “Imagine, if you will, a world where sanity and common sense did not exist.”

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has decided that a person can now decide his/her/its gender as male, female, or x on the state’s driver’s license. Yes, it’s true. One of the original thirteen states, the state where the Liberty Bell resides, the Declaration of Independence was signed, and the Constitution was written has decided that it is perfectly fine and legal to claim that you don’t know whether you have a johnson or not. Or is it that they know but don’t like what they have. Either way, Pennsylvania has made it easy for people to claim to be anything at this point. After all, where it says “sex” on your driver’s license it can now be ‘X.’

Don’t get me wrong about this. I really don’t care whether you like the opposite sex, the same sex, both sexes, farm animals, etc. That is none of my business. It is no one’s business what goes on behind the bedroom door except those that are involved. Unless you are an exhibitionist does it really matter? Not in the least; except in Pennsylvania where anyone who looks at your license will know.

This is how far away from nature we have gotten. What do I mean by that? It is nature, genetics, God if you believe that way, the Universe if you believe that way, that decides what sex you are. You don’t. There are only X and Y chromosomes that combine to determine if a person is male or female. The reason for this is reproduction. It takes a male and female to reproduce. Period. Two males cannot reproduce anything. Two females cannot reproduce anything. And for those far-left wing believers in choosing what they are – there are only two sexes and you are what you were born with.

“Oh, my God! You’re a homophobe!” I can hear it now. I am not. I couldn’t care less who you have sex with. It doesn’t matter to me in the least. Ain’t none a mah business there cupcake. And I can’t repeat that enough. It is you, the LBGTQ(wnxrke…whatever else you want to put in there) that is demanding the real world know and accept what you do. I don’t like for straight people to go down the street grabbing each other’s butts or engaging in public displays of affection. Giving someone a hug or holding hands is one thing, as well as kissing someone goodbye but to get down and ‘lovey-dovey’ is something for the bedroom or the privacy of your own home.

I have several friends that are gay. I’ll fight to the deepest pits of Tartarus for them. I have friends that are transitioning and I will fight for them even though I don’t believe in changing your physical makeup because of a way of believing. Being gay, bi or trans is mental, a way of thinking. It is not ‘hardwired’ into a baby at birth. Being straight is what has kept every species alive today continuing. This is another issue I cannot repeat enough. It takes a male and female for a species to procreate.

So, why is it that the left feels it necessary to ‘legalize’ LBGTQ? Why do they need to ‘normalize’ it? It is in their mindset that all standard, normal, generational beliefs be destroyed. If the left can destroy all things from the past, all beliefs of the past, all morals of the past, they can fundamentally change the world into their Utopia where everyone thinks the same, believes the same, talks the same, is the same. That way, there are no wars, no disagreements, no opposing views. One mindset, one consciousness, no individuality. “We are the Borg. Resistance is futile.”

The only problem with what the left wants is that it just doesn’t exist. You cannot legislate thought or emotion. Marxism cannot exist because humanity will not cooperate. Just because the left thinks they can make America their Utopia doesn’t mean that Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia, China, etc are going to cooperate and change the way they think and believe. “Allahu Akbar!” “Kill all infidels!” Islam will definitely not cooperate with anyone that doesn’t believe as they do.

The Left is doing all they can to destroy common sense, individuality, freedom of choice, and the rights of all. The only ones they care about is the fringe, the minority, the off-center. They demand that those that think and believe differently than the majority be above the majority and have more rights. It isn’t about equal rights, people. It is unequal rights for those that are different. I’m not talking about Blacks or Hispanics or other ‘colored’ people. I’m talking about the ones that think differently. The worst part of this is that the Left that rule really doesn’t care about those people at all. They believe that if they champion their causes they will vote for them and give them all the power.

Power. That is all the Left knows. That is all they want. They will do anything they can to gain that power and keep it. Look at what the socialist/communist rule has done around the world. It took ten years for Venezuela to go from one of the richest countries in South America to turn into a shithole. Why did it? Venezuela was a democratic country when it was prospering then it turned socialist. Socialism, communism, Marxism does not work. The only people those ideologies help is the ruling class. The common people are the ones that suffer and starve.

I know that throughout history there are people that have suffered needlessly. There were Irish, Chinese and black slaves; whole ethnic groups were exterminated; certain ways of believing were illegal; being gay was illegal. That does not make anything like that right. “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.” Take that literally. All men are equal when they are born. We all have the same chances at success or failure. But the world is not an equal place. Men put chains on others because of their color, their ethnicity, their way of thinking or believing. Even governments put restrictions on the people.

As Lincoln said, “Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation. A nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war testing whether that nation, or any nation, can long endure.” At this point in history, we are once again engaged in a civil war. It isn’t being fought on the battlefield with weapons of destruction but in the nation’s capital, on the nation’s streets, in the media, on social media. It is being fought with words and ideas and beliefs. The very foundation of this great nation is under fire.

The Left believes that the Constitution of the United States is a living, growing, changing document. The Right believes that document was cast in stone. Think about this – if the law is ever-changing, if the system is ever-changing, if the government is ever-changing, where is the stability or the foundation? What does the country believe in? Or better yet – where is the country going?

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It is cast in stone. It restricts the federal government from infringing on the inherent rights of the citizens. Everyone in this country has the right to speak his mind, the press has the right to put before the public its views, the people can worship as they please, and we can assemble, peaceably, anywhere and anytime we want. These aren’t rights given to the people by the government. They are guaranteed by the Constitution and the government cannot take them away.

The First Amendment doesn’t say we have the right to riot, destroy property, get in someone’s face, trespass on private property or lie about someone. The Left has determined that all these things are ‘freedom of expression.’ Unfortunately, the Constitution does not say that. It says freedom of speech, press, peaceable assembly, and worship.

Because of the Left’s insane desire for power over the people, they have overstepped their bounds and demanded that the people of this nation accept abnormal activities as normal. Political correctness instead of free speech and thought. They have victimized minorities into believing they have no rights. This is their game plan; change the nation into a Marxist Utopia by championing for the fringe, the different, the ‘colored.’ Give those citizens more rights and privileges than the mainstream citizens, the evil white people, the rich, the conservatives. Make America accept the LGBTQ community even though the majority of Americans don’t care who you have sex with. Make America pay for black slavery even though not one black alive today was a slave or any white alive today owned any slaves, and forget about the Irish and Chinese slaves, they don’t count. Keep Christianity out of our schools and public places even though our whole country was set up on Christian values.

Get the picture yet? What, exactly, has the Left done, in recent history, to help anyone? Nothing. The Left has victimized minorities to the point where it is bullying against anything conservative or against the way they think and believe. The Left has waged war against the Constitution and conservatism. What all these minorities need to realize is that the Left doesn’t care about them. The Left doesn’t care about illegal aliens. They care about votes. They care about power. They care about control. That is their goal but instituting these ridiculous laws and regulations.

The attack on the Second Amendment has nothing to do with safety or curbing mass shootings. It is to disarm the American people so we have no way to protect ourselves. There are no laws that can be made that will stop gun violence. Each and every law that is made concerning guns is one step closer to eliminating the Second Amendment. Do away with guns, disarm America and then they can take over completely without incident.

The attack on conservative speech is not because the Left is so thin-skinned. It is to keep silent the truth. The Left doesn’t want the people to know what they are doing and the Right has to be silenced so we don’t find out. Over forty people have mysteriously died that were connected to the Clintons; suicide by shooting yourself in the back of the head twice; hanging yourself in high security, suicide watch prison cell with no real way to do it; dying of complications in a hospital while undergoing simple surgery. There are countless examples around the world where it got that bad just so one person, one party, one ideology could take and keep power. You know, one person can’t possibly have that many friends that commit suicide or die under mysterious circumstances; unless your last name is Clinton.

This is the Left’s quest for power; complete, uncontested, irrevocable power. Why do you think they want the borders open and a constant influx of illegals? That is their voter base. The American people are finally getting smart and figuring out their game. If the liberals can flood the country, the entire country with illegals that get everything given to them by the Democrat Party, the Republicans and conservatives will have no hope to ever regain anything more than a token vote in Congress. The Democrats will have won. That is their ultimate goal. Open your eyes. Open your ears. Don’t be Helen Keller. They aren’t hiding it anymore for anyone that actually pays attention to what they say and do.

We just saw a liberal lose a rigged election in her favor and the party went bananas! Donald Trump hadn’t even been inaugurated and the Democrats were screaming, “IMPEACH HIM!” Really? That, in and of itself, should have told the American people something. Since then we’ve had over two years of fake allegations perpetrated by the former administration to keep an opposing candidate from winning and then to unseat a duly elected President. Now, since the Russian Collusion Delusion didn’t work it is turning to racism and antisemitism. Their quest for power will never end and they will stoop to the lowest levels to try and win.

A Marxist regime is the least thing they want. A communist dictatorship is the ultimate goal. The downfall of Free America. All you need to do is read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx or Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky and you will finally understand what the far-left radical liberals are doing. Those two books are their playbooks – to the letter.

The time is now to nip it in the bud. Cut the ties. Get and keep the radicals out of our government. Tlaib, Omar, AOC, Harris, Bernie, Warren, Booker, Waters, Pelosi, et al. They are all in it together. Time to clear the swamp. Time for equal treatment under the law. Time to bring the Constitution back and let the American Dream live.

Only YOU can prevent the downfall of Free America.

Chaos and Tyranny vs Rule of Law and Freedom

Antifa counter-protested against some white supremacists this past weekend. Nothing new to either group. The thing about this protest, which was in Portland, Oregon, is that there were around a thousand Antifa and maybe two hundred others (white supremacists, journalists, on-lookers). Antifa, being the peaceful, kind, and generous group that they are shouted obscenities, threw hammers at people, threatened people’s lives, etc. After the smaller group disbanded, they then decided to start attacking law enforcement.

Mainstream media decided not to report about the violence, threats, or foul language of Antifa. The fact of the matter is, CNN, MSNBC, the local news source, and several other liberal-leaning outlets reported that Antifa was there as a peace-keeping force protecting the citizens of Portland from those oppressive white supremacists. Too bad there was a video of the whole ordeal that proves otherwise.
The far-left politicians seem to embrace anything that is violent, anti-American, antisemitic, and/or pro-chaos. Antifa is their go-to army against anything they don’t like. They seem to enjoy the chaos that follows the terrorist group and will never say anything against them.

Then again, the far left won’t say anything against anyone that has anti-American values. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are embraced instead of censured for their blatant antisemitism and hatred for everything American or Jewish. Nothing is said about the map of Israel with ‘Palestine’ written over Israel that hangs in Rashida Tlaib’s congressional office. Nothing is ever said about the rhetoric spewing forth from any of the Squad’s mouths that goes against the Constitution, our greatest ally in The Middle East or our American values.

Chaos and anarchy are the left’s biggest allies. Without these two ingredients, along with poverty and victimization of minorities, the left wouldn’t know what to do with themselves. They wouldn’t have any agenda to fight. Look at San Francisco, Los Angeles, Detroit, Baltimore, NYC or any other big Democrat-controlled city and you will find homelessness, poverty, filth, open use of drugs, crime, and violence. They look like Third World countries, not American cities. Not that Republican-controlled cities don’t know these things also but not to the extent of the Democrat-controlled.

This is what the left wants. It gives them a purpose. It gets them votes. It increases their power. How? They lie. They promise to fix things, make people’s lives better, they ‘feel’ for the impoverished. They lie. What has the left done for anyone? Not a damn thing except make people’s lives worse while making their own lives better. While politicians live in multi-million-dollar mansions surrounded by walls and armed guards, the constituents of those politicians live in crime-ridden, filthy shitholes either on the streets or in homeless encampments. The homeless are increasing in numbers in these cities by the day. Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Kamala Harris, etc., all say that we need to pay more in taxes to help the needy. How about they get their ultra-rich buddies, throw a party and raise a hundred million for housing, food, medical treatment, etc. for those homeless instead of demanding the rest of the country pay for their screw-ups?

That is what the left does though. Wealth redistribution…as long as it isn’t THEIR wealth.
Let’s look at Chicago for a minute. Every weekend there are tens of shootings and homicides. Why don’t we hear about those? It doesn’t fit the narrative. Chicago is a violent city with some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. How can the left use Chicago to help their cause when it is under their control, with their strict laws, and it is still the highest gun violence in the nation? It’s all about politics and how to get more power for them. If they can’t blame Trump somehow, it isn’t worth talking about.

The El Paso and Dayton shootings were hours apart. The El Paso shooter allegedly wrote a manifesto citing his hatred of illegals, liberalism, and the chaos of the border. He also allegedly wrote that the left and media would say it was all because of Donald Trump but that it was, in fact, his own idea that had been in planning for years. He didn’t want anyone to think that Trump’s rhetoric or speeches had anything to do with it. The Left blamed Trump.

The Dayton shooter was a self-proclaimed Elizabeth Warren fan, liked the far-left ideology and was acting on the rhetoric of the far-left Congresswomen’s words of violence against conservatism. The Left was silent. The shooter at the ball field in Virginia a couple of years ago where Steve Scalise was shot and almost killed was a Bernie Sanders supporter. The Left was silent. Any time a mass shooting occurs and the perpetrator is a left-wing supporter the Left is silent. If the perp is even half-way supportive of conservatism or Donald Trump the left and the media shout to the heavens that it is all because of Trump. Do you get the idea yet?

Donald Trump makes the statement that the Jews that support the Democrats must be unknowledgeable or not loyal to Israel. The Left went nuts stating that Trump was anti-Semitic. Ilan Omar and Rashida Tlaib openly demand boycotting Israel, say how evil Jews are, that they want the end of the Jewish State, refuse to call the country Israel calling it Palestine and that it is occupied territory. The left defends these two women.

Do you get it yet?

Democrat policy is not founded in American values, morals, or culture. The Left wants open borders, decriminalization of illegal entry into the country, free healthcare for everyone that comes to the United States, freedom of speech only if it agrees with far-left ideology, doing away with Christianity, embracing Islam and Sharia Law, abolishing the Second Amendment, not giving the presumption of innocence to any conservative but ignoring any broken laws by liberals, taxing the people into poverty, growing government until the government controls every aspect of our lives,… the list goes on and on. In a nutshell, the Left wants a Marxist society here in the USA.

Do you get it yet?

Chaos over peace, tyranny over freedom. And the Left has the mainstream media on their side. When the nation’s top newspaper openly admits to pushing a false narrative, the Russian Collusion Delusion (as President Donald Trump calls it), for over two years then states they need to change their agenda to Trump’s racism and the racism of the conservative people it’s obvious that they no longer report news and prefer chaos.

When liberals are openly stating that they want a recession before the next election just so Trump won’t win, it’s obvious they want chaos over calm. When they refuse to denounce terrorist organizations such as Antifa, the Muslim Brotherhood, Black Lives Matter, etc., it’s obvious they want chaos. When sitting members of Congress openly spew forth antisemitism, the rhetoric of overthrowing the sitting President by way of the 25th Amendment, demanding to impeach the President when he’s done nothing wrong (except winning the election against a known criminal), it is obvious they want chaos.

When every Democratic candidate running for the Oval Office in 2020 has policies of open borders, free healthcare for anyone and everyone, up to 70% tax rates, packing the Supreme Court, doing away with the Electoral College… you guessed it… it’s blatantly obvious they want tyranny. That is the Democrat Party of today. It didn’t use to be, not when John Kennedy was President. Today’s Democrats are socialists, communists, anti-Americans, and power-hungry oligarchs. They definitely don’t want what’s best for the nation. Look at those Democrat-controlled cities again and the hopelessness those people must be enduring. All the while these politicians are saying that illegals need to be protected and are welcomed in these towns.

With all the freebies promised by the Democrats a lot of Americans are saying, “Sure! Why not? I’ll vote for free healthcare, guaranteed income, who needs an AR-15 anyway, open borders because those poor people need our help, etc.” What the Democrats don’t, and won’t, tell their supporters is that with all the free stuff they want the government to hand out there comes a price. Not just higher taxes, to the point of forcing most middle-class taxpayers into poverty but the rationing of services from medical to education to food to housing. If you don’t believe me just look at any socialist/communist society throughout history.

Chaos and tyranny follow hand-in-hand with hard socialism, Marxism, and communism. Venezuela is the best example in recent history. Once the richest country in South America is now in chaos under the Socialistic control of Maduro. The people are begging for food and healthcare. They are being shot down in the streets by the military and police. That is what hard socialism is. That is what the Left wants. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Have you been paying attention to Hong Kong? The people of that little island are waving the AMERICAN FLAG and singing the AMERICAN national anthem because they want to keep the freedoms they have enjoyed under British control and do not want to fall under the Chinese communist rule. All the while our own Congress and celebrities are belittling our country, kneeling for the national anthem, and stomping on the American flag. Why? Because they can. They hate America yet love the freedom to protest everything American. I believe it was Abraham Lincoln that said that America would never be won over from the outside but would be overrun from within if we let our freedoms be taken from us through complacency. That is where we are today. We are complacent in our freedoms as those very freedoms are taken from us through regulation and unconstitutional laws passed by a corrupt Congress full of anti-American politicians.

As the world looks to us as the last bastion of hope and freedom, we are giving our freedoms away to tyranny. “But, but, but… you can’t fight the government.” Oh, but yes, we can. The Founders stated very plainly that is was not just our right but our responsibility to keep hold of our freedoms if our government ever usurped its authority. I’d say when Congress starts passing laws that go against the Supreme Law of the Land it has usurped its authority. Tyranny and chaos are on the horizon and we are sitting back and letting it get closer and closer without a fight.

Why do you think the Democrats are so intent on regulating away our Second Amendment? That Amendment guarantees that the government cannot disarm the people of the nation. The Supreme Court has ruled over and over that the government cannot go against the Second Amendment and that it is an inalienable right for us to keep and bear arms. So, what do the liberals do? They REGULATE everything around that so-important right. They regulate the magazine capacity. They put restrictions on which weapons can be bought. There are extensive background checks (not a bad idea with all the nutjobs running around these days). Now they are talking about ‘red-flag’ laws.

What are red-flag laws? Glad you asked. The red-flag law states that if ANYONE says that you are mentally unstable, were violent in any way even in speech, that you may be a threat to yourself or someone else, the government will confiscate your weapons and then you have to prove, beyond any shadow of doubt (even more so than in a court of law when charged with a crime) that you are competent to own those weapons. That’s right. All it takes is someone, anyone, making a statement against you. And that someone could be a person that holds a grudge against you. It won’t matter. It will cost you time, money, and more than likely, your weapons. How do you prove you are innocent? Wait, doesn’t that go against the presumption of innocence? Yes, it does.

Once again, the evil politicians are showing just how much they hate Americans and want complete control over us. We can fight back. It takes more than one of us. It takes more than a dozen. It takes the majority to beat back tyranny. If we can’t vote them out, then we become the bad guys. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

The Left, and unfortunately several of the conservative representatives, are bound and determined to take control from the people. Please, open your eyes and ears. Pay attention to what is actually going on in Washington, DC. Watch what your state government is doing. If we aren’t careful we will all be California, New York, Illinois, or Michigan.

Friday, August 16, 2019

A Further Discussion on the Second Amendment

With all the rhetoric around gun control, especially with the numerous shootings that have happened recently, I thought that I should expand on my discussion of the Second Amendment. When the Amendments were ratified, the Founders made sure that the most important was placed first. The first ten amendments are called The Bill of Rights for a reason. These are rights, not privileges, that are given by a greater power than a government and guaranteed in writing by the government.

The Bill of Rights are not listed as rights given to the people by the government but are actually restraints on the government. Our Founders were intelligent enough to know that men are inherently greedy, self-centered, egotistical, power-hungry scoundrels. They made sure that the government, not the people, were restricted. It was their intention to keep government small.

What does this have to do with our right to ‘keep and bear arms?’ Everything.

David W. Brown, in his article in The Week (How Alexander Hamilton solved America’s Gun Problem – 228 Years Ago, asserted that the ‘Militiamen’ of Oregon, Ohio, Idaho, etc., are not actually militiamen but insurrectionists. Why? Because the militia is ‘comprised of sane men and women who own guns and wish to comply with state law.’

The Second Amendment states, in entirety, “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

Hamilton wrote in Federalist 29: If circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little, if at all, inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their own rights and those of the fellow citizens.

So, let’s go back to those militiamen that confronted federal agents in Oregon, Idaho, Ohio, etc. What was the government doing? What did those federal agents do that forced the militiamen to confront them? They were infringing on the rights of those citizens. They were attempting to confiscate private property for the government. So, were those militiamen insurrectionists? Not in my opinion. They were standing up to a government that had overstepped its’ bounds. Those militiamen were protecting their rights as free citizens.

The Declaration of Independence states it perfectly: That secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

What has our ‘duly elected’ officials in Washington, DC been doing? What are they doing now? They are slowly but surely whittling away our liberties, our rights, our freedoms by regulation, unconstitutional laws, etc., all in the name of safety. Ben Franklin said it so eloquently, (paraphrased) If a person gives up a few liberties for a small amount of safety, that person deserves neither Liberty nor Safety.

Our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms has no restrictions on the people. It restricts the GOVERNMENT. The government cannot inhibit the citizens of this great nation from owning or possessing firearms; regardless of make, model, caliber, magazine capacity, whether it is used for personal protection or hunting, or any other restriction. The Second Amendment states it clearly and the Supreme Court has upheld that right.

It doesn’t matter how many laws are passed or how intensive a background check is made; it doesn’t matter if capacity is restricted or if a certain model of weapon is banned; if a criminal wants a weapon he/she/it will get a weapon. Criminals don’t care about laws or restrictions. I’m sure that the shooter in Philadelphia last night went to a gun shop on Main Street and told the owner that he wanted an AR-15 to kill protect himself against the police and to kill police officers if they came to arrest him. Yep! That’s what he did.

The shooter in El Paso, the same thing. Or in Dayton. They went to the store and told the owners that they wanted to go kill people because of their racism, political beliefs, jobs, etc. And the guy that tried to blow up the ICE office in Tacoma. Same thing. These people didn’t care about any law. They didn’t get their weapons through legal channels. If they did they sure didn’t let on that they were going to use those weapons in mass destruction of human life.

Laws are only for law-abiding citizens. Criminals don’t follow laws. If they did, we wouldn’t need police officers, sheriffs or deputies, FBI, ATF, etc. These politicians are saying we need to ban guns, have buy-backs, confiscate weapons, red-flag people (and that is a totally different discussion), etc. All these people are doing is trying to disarm the people so they can take complete control. If Americans are disarmed they can be overtaken by anyone just like North Korea, China, Venezuela, etc. The Democrats keep saying we need to be like Denmark, Sweden, Norway, or some other European Socialist country. Sure we do. The only country in Europe that has little to no gun violence is Sweden.
According to, Sweden ranks 10th out of 178 countries in the world for per capita gun ownership but in 2014 had only 21 homicides by firearms. Maybe if our Democrat friends in Congress would reverse their stand on guns the problem of mass shootings, violent attacks on people, armed robberies, etc., would lessen considerably. After all, the lion will attack anything that doesn’t fight back. If a violent attacker doesn’t know if his victim is armed or not, whether they are able to kill them instead of the opposite, they will think twice about attacking that person. Most, not all, of the mass shootings, violent attacks, homicides, etc. that have been reported in recent years have all been in gun-free zones. Schools, malls, concerts, sanctuary cities, anti-gun cities and states. Shouldn’t that tell these politicians something?

Our Second Amendment right is under attack and has been for some time. Politicians say that we don’t need to protect ourselves, we have law enforcement for that. Sure, when seconds count the law is only minutes away. How has that helped the thousands that are shot and/or killed in Chicago or Baltimore? I’d rather have a gun and never need it than need it and not be allowed to have it.

The Founders knew what they were doing. They had just fought a long, hard war against a much better armed and trained military. The English King was a tyrannical ruler. The colonists were treated badly, had few rights and privileges, were taxed into poverty without having anything in return, were arrested and tried unfairly, etc. They knew that it would take an armed citizenry to protect the country against such tyranny again. They set up our experimental government to protect us against such tyranny. It was then and is now the people’s responsibility to keep those freedoms that were won through such hardship. Tens of thousands killed and maimed to win our freedom from that tyranny. Did they die in vain?

The first president of our nation that went against the Constitution openly was Abraham Lincoln. Everyone thinks the Civil War was fought over slavery. It was not. It was fought over State’s Rights. The southern states took up arms against the north because they felt that the government was unfair and overstepping its’ bounds. Lincoln would not let them secede as was their right. Did he do the right thing? I think so but that doesn’t mean that he was right in doing it. He freed the slaves. He kept the country one union. The United States is better for it. But he set a precedent. Today, the government oversteps its bounds all the time. Our Representatives represent themselves, their own power and wealth not the people that elected them. We are taxed almost to poverty without our consent for reasons that the government wants.

This is why there is a Second Amendment. We have the right, the duty, to stand up to a government that has usurped its’ power. In today’s world, we shouldn’t have to take up arms against our own governing body. We should be able to vote them out. Just listen to the candidates and what they are campaigning on for the 2020 election. It sure isn’t their socialist/communist policies. It is all about destroying the duly elected President. Propaganda is how people get elected. Criminal spying and frivolous lawsuits against opponents is how elections are won. It is no longer voting for the better man; it is voting for the lesser of two evils.

If it comes down to it, I do believe the American patriots will take up arms against the tyrannical dominion of the socialist/communist soft coup that is going on. If the government demands we give up our arms and starts arresting and incarcerating people for owning weapons then those patriots will fight back in more and more violent ways. Antifa had better watch out. Black Lives Matter had better watch their step. Sharia Law advocates had better keep their religion to themselves. Anti-Semites might want to leave the Jews alone. Illegal aliens might want to rethink crossing the border other than through a legal entryway. This is not being racist, it is being honest.

The Second Amendment is there for the people to protect their property, their families, their communities, their freedoms, and their rights. True American patriots will only take so much before they start to fight back. That is what that amendment is for.

The usurpations of the radical left and the weak right that inhabit the hallowed halls of Congress is getting to a point of no return. The American people and the several states have given up rights after rights to the federal government because of complacency and trust. People like my 94-year-old mother who believes with all her heart that our government wouldn’t do anything against the people that elected them were the last ones that had a half-way decent government. It is my generation, the baby-boomers that really started giving away our rights. We allowed the government to do more and more for us while taking more and more from us. It is the Millennials that are saying, “I demand the government gives me everything.” And it is Generation Y that will do it.

The Bill of Rights will be revoked. Freedom of Speech will go away and be replaced with government thought police (political correctness is the start of it and everything being hate speech is keeping it going), freedom of the press is only the progressive press, if more than a couple of people are assembled it is disbanded because of a public threat. Only the government needs to have weapons, eminent domain supersedes private ownership, the presumption of innocence has been replaced with guilty until proven not guilty. You see the pattern?

The Second Amendment is our one way to protect ourselves against these usurpations. It is the ONLY way to keep the other rights we have enjoyed for over 240 years. It is the one right that makes us safe from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. In my opinion, the Second is the most important of our rights, of the restrictions of government.

And that is why the government is so hard-pressed to do away with it. That is why the government will restrict ownership, regulate capacity, caliber, and model. That is why the socialist/communist candidates are all calling for bans on ownership. That is why we must make sure that our Second Amendment right is never taken away.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Scandals, Crimes, and Policies of the Democrat Party


1- James McDougal – Clintons convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.

2 – Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown .. The murder …happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

3 – Vince Foster – Former White House counselor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.

4 – Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the Air Traffic controller committed suicide.

5 – C. Victor Raiser, II – Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.

6 – Paul Tulley – Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock , September 1992. Described by Clinton as a “dear friend and trusted advisor.”

7 – Ed Willey – Clinton fundraiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.

8 – Jerry Parks – Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock .. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock Park’s son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.

9 – James Bunch – Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a “Black Book” of people which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas

10 – James Wilson – Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.

11 – Kathy Ferguson – Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

12 – Bill Shelton – Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee.

13 – Gandy Baugh – Attorney for Clinton’s friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.

14 – Florence Martin – Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal, Mena, Arkansas, airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.

15 – Suzanne Coleman – Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.

16 – Paula Grober – Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.

17 – Danny Casolaro – Investigative reporter, investigating Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation.

18 – Paul Wilcher – Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 “October Surprise” was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993, in his Washington DC apartment had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.

19 – Jon Parnell Walker – Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington ,Virginia apartment balcony August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.

20 – Barbara Wise – Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death: Unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, naked body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.

21 – Charles Meissner – Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.

22 – Dr. Stanley Heard – Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton ‘s advisory council personally treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother.

23 – Barry Seal – Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no accident?

24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr. – Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.

25 – Stanley Huggins – Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released.

26 – Hershell Friday – Attorney and Clinton fundraiser died March 1, 1994, when his plane exploded.

27 – Kevin Ives & Don Henry – Known as “The boys on the track” case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.


28 – Keith Coney – Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck, 7/88.

29 – Keith McMaskle – Died, stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988

30 – Gregory Collins – Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.

31 – Jeff Rhodes – He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989.

32 – James Milan – Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death was due to “natural causes.”

34 – Richard Winters – A suspect in the Ives/Henry deaths. He was killed in a set-up robbery July 1989.

35 – Major William S. Barkley, Jr.
36 – Captain Scott J . Reynolds
37 – Sgt. Brian Hanley
38 – Sgt. Tim Sabel
39 – Major General William Robertson
40 – Col. William Densberger
41 – Col. Robert Kelly
42 – Spec. Gary Rhodes
43 – Steve Willis
44 – Robert Williams
45 – Conway LeBleu
46 – Todd McKeehan

47 -- Seth Rich, the DC staffer murdered and “robbed” (of nothing) on July 10. Wikileaks found Assange claims he had info on the DNC email scandal.

And the most recent, Jeffery Epstein, the multi-billionaire accused of human trafficking and pedophilia being held in a federal prison awaiting trial was found dead of a supposed suicide while on suicide watch. Epstein owned and operated a jet called The Lolita Express and an island where elites could fulfil their sexual pleasures. Rumors have it that Bill and Hillary Clinton were frequent flyers and visitors of Epstein as well as several other high profile Democrat politicians, foreign dignitaries, and royalty.


1. Monica Lewinsky: Led to only the second president in American history to be impeached.

2. Benghazi: Four Americans killed, an entire system of weak diplomatic security uncloaked, and the credibility of a president and his secretary of state damaged.

3. Asia fundraising scandal: More than four dozen convicted in a scandal that made the Lincoln bedroom, White House donor coffees and Buddhist monks infamous.

4. Hillary’s private emails: Hundreds of national secrets already leaked through private email and the specter of a criminal probe looming large.

5. Whitewater: A large S&L failed and several people went to prison.

6. Travelgate: The firing of the career travel office was the very first crony capitalism scandal of the Clinton era.

7. Humagate: An aide’s sweetheart job arrangement.

8. Pardongate: The first time donations were ever connected as possible motives for presidential pardons.

9. Foundation favors: Revealing evidence that the Clinton Foundation was a pay-to-play back door to the State Department, and an open checkbook for foreigners to curry favor.

10. Mysterious files: The disappearance and re-discovery of Hillary’s Rose Law Firm records.

11. Filegate: The Clinton use of FBI files to dig for dirt on their enemies.

12. Hubble trouble: The resignation and imprisonment of Hillary law partner Web Hubbell.

13. The Waco tragedy: One of the most lethal exercises of police power in American history.

14. The Clinton’s Swedish slush fund: $26 million collected overseas with little accountability and lots of questions about whether contributors got a pass on Iran sanctions.

15. Troopergate: From the good old days, did Arkansas state troopers facilitate Bill Clinton’s philandering?

16. Gennifer Flowers: The tale that catapulted a supermarket tabloid into the big time.

17. Bill’s Golden Tongue: His and her speech fees shocked the American public.

18. Boeing Bucks: Boeing contributed big-time to Bill; Hillary helped the company obtain a profitable Russian contract.

19. Larry Lawrence: How did a fat cat donor get buried in Arlington National Cemetery without war experience?

20. The cattle futures: Hillary as commodity trader extraordinaire.

21. Chinagate: Nuclear secrets go to China on her husband’s watch.


1. IRS targets Obama’s enemies: The IRS targeted conservative and pro-Israel groups prior to the 2012 election. Questions are being raised about why this occurred, who ordered it, whether there was any White House involvement and whether there was an initial effort to hide who knew about the targeting and when.

2. Benghazi: This is actually three scandals in one:

·         The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission.

·         The changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video

·         The refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack

3. Watching the AP: The Justice Department performed a massive cull of Associated Press reporters’ phone records as part of a leak investigation.

4. Rosengate: The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.

5. Potential Holder perjury I: Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with “potential prosecution” of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.

6. The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme: Allowed weapons from the U.S. to “walk” across the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers. The ATF lost track of hundreds of firearms, many of which were used in crimes, including the December 2010 killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

7. Potential Holder Perjury II: Holder told Congress in May 2011 that he had just recently heard about the Fast and Furious gun walking scheme when there is evidence he may have known much earlier.

8. Sebelius demands payment: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for ObamaCare.

9. The Pigford scandal: An Agriculture Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority and female farmers who probably didn’t face discrimination.

10. GSA gone wild: The General Services Administration in 2010 held an $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA administrator.

11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World: The agency wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. An assistant secretary was fired.

12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act: A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speech in her official capacity last year. During the remarks, Sebelius called for the election of the Democratic candidate for governor of North Carolina.

13. Solyndra: Republicans charged the Obama administration funded and promoted its poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed for bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.

14. AKA Lisa Jackson: Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name “Richard Windsor” when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.

15. The New Black Panthers: The Justice Department was accused of using a racial double standard in failing to pursue a voter intimidation case against Black Panthers who appeared to be menacing voters at a polling place in 2008 in Philadelphia.

16. Waging war all by myself: Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.

17. Biden bullies the press: Vice President Biden’s office has repeatedly interfered with coverage, including forcing a reporter to wait in a closet, making a reporter delete photos, and editing pool reports.

18. AKPD not A-OK: The administration paid millions to the former firm of then-White House adviser David Axelrod, AKPD Message and Media, to promote passage of Obamacare. Some questioned whether the firm was hired to help pay Axelrod $2 million AKPD owed him.

19. Sestak, we’ll take care of you: Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).

20. I’ll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the “Dream Act.”

How about the people involved in the Mueller Investigation?

Obama’s DOJ People

Tashina Gauhar is a Department of Justice attorney who was deeply involved in applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) Court, which were used to spy on the Trump campaign using the dossiers. Gauhar was also one of the few people to see or be notified of the existence of missing Hillary Clinton emails found on Anthony Weiner’s computer. Weiner was being investigated for pedophilia and was married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Gauhar and Andrew McCabe sat on those emails, and a cursory investigation—led by anti-Trump FBI agent Strzok—was only conducted when FBI field agents in New York threatened to go public. Gauhar later played a role in recommending former attorney general Jeff Sessions’ recusal from overseeing Mueller’s probe.

John Carlin is the head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division, and got out of the DOJ in late 2016. He was the former chief of staff to Mueller, when Mueller led the FBI in the 2000s. Carlin was involved in the FBI’s systemic abuse of the FISA surveillance laws, which included spying on the Trump campaign.

Gauhar later played a role in recommending former attorney general Jeff Sessions’ recusal from overseeing Mueller’s probe.

This included omitting information on FBI wiretap abuse to the FISA court, and omitting information when applying to spy on Trump campaign official Carter Page to the FISA court. Carlin was also regularly briefed on and involved with the FBI’s overall investigation into the Trump campaign, called Crossfire Hurricane.

David Laufman is a high-level DOJ official in the national security division. Laufman worked with FBI counterintelligence guy Strzok on both the Clinton email investigation and the investigation into the Trump campaign based on the still-unproven, Clinton-paid, and Russian-sourced “dossier.”

Mary McCord was the acting assistant attorney general for a time, replacing Carlin as the head of the DOJ’s national security division. She left the DOJ in 2017. McCord played a role in Yates’s plan to spy on Flynn and entrap him with the Logan Act.

George Toscas, a senior official in the Justice Department, was in charge of the “Mid-Year-Exam” investigation into Clinton’s email abuses. Toscas had a front seat to both McCabe and Comey’s efforts to hide the fact that Clinton’s emails were found on Weiner’s computer, and former Obama attorney general Loretta Lynch’s efforts to stymie the Clinton email investigation.

The importance of Hillary’s emails wasn’t just her flouting security rules. Many have speculated that Hillary’s 30,000 missing emails, which were stored on her home-brew server, would have shown pay-to-play activities Clinton conducted while Obama’s secretary of state.

Obama’s State Department People

Victoria Nuland was a top Obama State Department official, and potentially Clinton’s secretary of state. Nuland had a role in pushing Fusion GPS conspiracy theories in the State Department, and in the broader Obama administration.

She received the Steele dossier just after it was created, via Jonathan Winer, in July 2016. That was possibly two months before the document was in the hands of the FBI, unless the FBI had it sooner than we currently know. She then ultimately gave permission for the FBI to make the contact with Steele, which was initiated by Michael J. Gaeta, an FBI agent based in Rome who became Steele’s handler.

Steele even came to the State Department to directly brief officials on his work, paid for by the Clinton campaign. Nuland had an awkward exchange with Sen. Richard Burr, where she claimed she “actively” avoided this Steele briefing, but also said she didn’t hear about the briefing until after it occurred.

Safe to say that if Nuland was tied to the Trump campaign, she would already be indicted for perjury by Mueller’s team of angry Democrats.

Jonathan Winer was a top Obama State Department official. Winer received documents alleging Trump-Russia collusion from notorious Clinton guy Cody Shearer, through another even more notorious Clinton guy named Sidney Blumenthal, and received the Steele dossier from Steele in summer 2016.

She claimed she ‘actively’ avoided this Steele briefing, but also said she didn’t hear about the briefing until after it occurred.

Winer shared the contents of these documents with his boss, Nuland, and prepped a summary of these docs for the State Department. He also gave the Shearer document to Steele, who then gave it to the FBI. That both Shearer and Blumenthal are known Clinton cronies and hatchet-men never seemed to be important to Winer. Winer was also a source for at least two journalists who wrote articles prior to the election based on the Steele dossier.

Jonathan Finer was another Obama State Department official, and the chief of staff to former secretary of state John Kerry. Finer got the so-called dossier from Winer, and gave it to John Kerry. This of course, among several other pieces of information, raises questions as to whether President Obama saw the dossiers and knew about what was being done to the Trump campaign.

Elizabeth Dibble was the deputy chief of mission at the U.S. embassy in London. She was reported to be one of the State Department officials who received information from Australian ambassador to the U.K. Alexander Downer, who has ties to the Clinton Foundation, about George Papadopoulos saying to Downer that Joseph Misfud—a European professor with potential ties to western intelligence agencies—told Papadopoulos that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

This of course, among several other pieces of information, raises questions as to whether President Obama knew what was being done to the Trump campaign.

Misfud allegedly told Papadopoulos this in April 2016, and Papadopoulos allegedly told Downer what Misfud had said in early May. It is entirely possible that Papadopoulos was set up by Misfud, who has now disappeared and is hopefully just in hiding and not at the bottom of some body of water.

This chain of events became important when the FBI began using the Papadopoulos tip as an excuse for its “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation into the Trump campaign, in order to say why they didn’t rely on the Clinton-funded dossier.

But the FBI didn’t open Crossfire Hurricane until several months after the Dibble-Downer tip was received, and that tip, if it ever even occurred, didn’t go through the normal and proper chain of intelligence (others have claimed that the tip wasn’t taken seriously until the Democratic National Committee hack was made public).

More damning for the FBI’s Papadopoulos excuse was that they didn’t interview Papadopolous until after the 2016 election, and went after Carter Page for FISA surveillance instead. This was no damning piece of firsthand information, or emergency. It was hearsay, and what Papadopoulos said to Downer, and what Misfud said to Papadopoulos, is still disputed.

The reality is that the Clinton-funded dossier started the FBI’s investigation into Trump, at least the official Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

Finally, Thomas Williams is another State Department guy in the London embassy. Colin Kahl, Kathleen Kavalec, and Lewis Lukens were all State Department officials who had some sort of interaction with the dossier, or Fusion GPS people.

People Tied to the DNC or Clinton Campaign

Perkins Coie, a law firm, was paid by the Clinton campaign to serve as a go-between to hide the fact that Hillary’s campaign was paying Fusion GPS to push the Trump-Russia smear.

Marc Elias is a lawyer at Perkins Coie, who hired Fusion GPS for the Clinton campaign.

Michael Sussmann is another lawyer at Perkins Coie, who received a story about a Russian bank, Alphabank, communicating with a server in Trump Tower from Fusion GPS. Sussmann went directly to the FBI with that story—to James Baker, who was general counsel of the FBI under Comey—prompting reports midway through the 2016 campaign that hinted Trump had nefarious ties with Russia.

Although it was widely debunked, the server angle again showed up in media stories, including in New York Times and Slate articles, right before the election in September of 2016. Hillary Clinton even tweeted that Slate article when it posted.

Robbie Mook was a top Hillary Clinton campaign official. As Fusion GPS was working on the dossier, Perkins Coie was getting the information from Steele and briefing Mook. It is important to note that Mook was the first Hillary official to publicly say that Russia wanted to help Trump win. Mook said this right before the Democratic National Convention.

This is more evidence that Clinton’s campaign is the entity that started the Russia investigation, by alleging that Trump had nefarious ties with Russia to distract from the DNC and Clinton campaign’s mistreatment of Bernie Sanders, as was revealed by the DNC email theft that was leaked by WikiLeaks right before the Democrats’ 2016 national convention.

Jake Sullivan is another top advisor in Clinton’s campaign, who played a role in forming the Trump-Russia collusion narrative.

Cody Shearer is a longtime Clinton dirty tricks guy, with a record of smearing the Clintons’ political opponents. He authored a “dossier,” largely based on Steele’s work, that was picked up by Winer at Obama’s State Department.

Sidney Blumenthal is an even more infamous Clinton stooge. “Sid” is so infamous that Obama told Hillary that he didn’t want Blumenthal associated with the Obama administration. Blumenthal got the Trump-Russia conspiracies written by Shearer into the Obama State Department, when only the Clinton campaign was talking about Trump-Russia collusion.

Fusion GPS People

Fusion GPS is a D.C. based opposition research and public relations firm with a history of representing less-than-savory actors, including Planned Parenthood, the Venezuelan dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro, and Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Fusion has been shown in court documents to have paid still-unknown journalists, likely for the placement of stories or to push a certain narrative.

Rinat Akhmetshin is the aforementioned Russian spy guy who was working with Fusion GPS when he showed up in Trump Tower. Get him under oath and ask him how much he knew about Fusion’s work for the Clinton campaign.

Edward Baumgartner is the British national, fluent in Russian and with ties to the Kremlin, who actually worked on most of Steele’s dossier. To compile the dossier, Baumgartner used unknown Russian sources that were paid and totally unverified, possibly tied to the Kremlin.

Peter Fritsch is a partner at Fusion GPS.

Mary Jacoby is the wife of Fusion GPS head Simpson, and has bragged publicly that her husband started the Russia investigation.

Shailagh Murray was a senior advisor to the Obama administration. Her husband is Neil King Jr., who works at Fusion GPS.

Neil King Jr., a Fusion GPS guy married to Murray, was also Obama’s top communications advisor. On a related story, Politico quoted King without mentioning he worked for Fusion GPS. This is just one of many examples of the endless ties between reporters and Fusion GPS, and between so-called journalists and prominent Democrats.

Thomas Catan is a Fusion GPS executive. He pled the Fifth in front of Congress when asked questions about the role of the dossier for the Hillary campaign.

Daniel Jones, a former staffer to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, heads the Penn Quarter Group, a D.C. “consulting firm.” He also heads a “nonprofit” called the “Democracy Integrity Project.” Jones’ groups have received millions from the likes of George Soros and Tom Steyer, two leftwing billionaires, to continue investigations into Trump via Fusion GPS. It appears as if Jones began picking up the tab for Fusion to continue its work as soon as the Clinton campaign and the DNC stopped paying Fusion after the election.

Glenn Simpson is the head of Fusion GPS. There are lots of indications that he lied to Congress during his testimony about Nellie Ohr, the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr, before it was publicly known that Nellie worked for Fusion GPS. Specifically, Simpson told Congress that only Baumgartner spoke Russian at Fusion. But Nellie spoke Russian, and she was largely hired because she was a Russia expert (and because her husband worked at DOJ).

Simpson also lied about the timing of his contacts with Bruce Ohr. Again, if he were associated with Trump, he would have been indicted by Mueller already.

The Big Fish

Of course, there’s also former director of national intelligence Jim Clapper, Comey and Andrew McCabe at FBI, and former CIA director John Brennan.

Comey and McCabe are leakers, and should be prosecuted as such. Brennan is a particular bad actor, and did much to spread the dossiers around the federal government and our intelligence community. It is also thought that Brennan pushed the FBI to investigate Trump, or at least increase the intensity of its spying on Trump’s campaign.

Let’s take a look at the 2020 Democratic Presidential candidates and where they stand on issues.

JOE BIDEN – Abolishing the Electoral College, Gun bans, free college, legal weed, open borders, allowing everyone in the country to vote, not for Medicare-for-All but expanding ObamaCare, closing the wealth gap (in layman’s terms – redistribution of wealth), and the Green New Deal.

ELIZABETH WARREN – Medicare-for-All, closing the wealth gap, Green New Deal, free college, gun bans, taxing the rich to pay for housing for the poor, open borders, legal weed, letting everyone vote, packing the Supreme Court, abolishing the Electoral College, and universal child care.

KAMALA HARRIS – Medicare-for-All, closing the wealth gap, Green New Deal, wants to ban guns, wants to guarantee housing for blacks, open borders, legal weed, abolishing the Electoral College, letting everyone vote, packing the Supreme Court, and universal child care.

BERNIE SANDERS – Medicare-for-All, closing the wealth gap, Green New Deal, ban guns, free college, legal weed, abolishing the Electoral College, packing the Supreme Court, universal child care, letting everyone vote, but he is NOT for open borders.

I could go on with all the other candidates but they all seem to go along the same lines. They all are socialists that want the government to pay for everything, they all want to do away with the Electoral College (this would give the Democrats the upper hand due to the high populations in California, New York, Chicago, Detroit, etc. Basically giving one or two states control over who run the entire country without the majority of states having a say), they all want to take from the rich and give to the poor, open the borders (except for Bernie Sanders) and pack the Supreme Court with left leaning justices. They all want to make sure the American people have a hard time to ‘keep and bear arms’ at best and take the Second Amendment away totally at worst. The minority candidates are pushing for everything for blacks and all the candidates want the people to pay reparations for something they had nothing to do with and no one today was a part of.

So, let me go through what this article is all about. I have had numerous discussion with a lot of liberals that refuse to admit that the Obama Administration, the Clinton Machine, and the Mueller Investigation were involved in any scandal or subterfuge. The lists above are proof of the crimes of Barack Hussein Obama, the Clintons, and all those involved in the Mueller investigation of Donald Trump. The amazing thing about the Mueller probe is that he was charged with finding out about foreign interference in the 2016 election. ALL the evidence pointed to Hillary Rodham Clinton but she was not investigated. The entire focus of that investigation was on Donald Trump, his campaign, his associates and his family.

Watching and listening (as long as I can possibly stand to) to the Democrats, all they want is total control. They will do ANYTHING to get control back and keep it. The Democrat candidates aren’t talking about what they will do if elected. All they can do is bash the President. 

Sean Hannity asked every one of the candidates to come onto his radio show for an interview. Only one accepted. Mayor Bill de Blasio showed up and Sean had a hey day. Mr. de Blasio evaded answering simple ‘yes or no’ questions with a lot of double talk. When Sean tried to talk policy, all the Mayor could do was argue with him and accuse him of playing games.

The far left are nothing but Communists in American disguise. After reading The Communist Manifesto I realized just how Marx words could convert a sane person into the Communist insanity. He started out with statements that actually made sense. The only problem was, the further I read, the more insane he became. This is what the Democrats have been doing for some time. At first they make sense but if you really listen to what they say, it turns into complete rubbish and anyone with any sense at all can see just how insane they are.

My next conquest will be Saul Alinsky. I don’t know if I will be able to find his works or, if I do, if I can actually get through it without throwing it through a window.

The 24/7 attacks on President Trump, his family, his supporters and those that voted for him is getting far too intense. If people are told something long enough, they tend to believe it. Especially if they are weak minded and easily influenced. The Left uses entitlements and give-aways to induce people to vote for them. Since most of America has gotten tired of their violent rhetoric, they have started to import voters. Even though they screamed, “Foreign interference!” in the 2016 election, it is they that are now screaming that even illegals should have the right to vote in our elections.

The hypocrisy sickens me to my soul. The 2020 election will be the most important election in my lifetime. It will be between freedom and tyranny. If, by some remote chance, the Democrats win the White House and, gods forbid, the Senate, and keep the House then this country will fall into chaos, anarchy and a tyranny that the world has never known. The Left will turn this country into something much worse than Venezuela.

My hope is that America will never let that happen. If it comes down to the people overturning the government, as it is our responsibility to keep America free and the Constitutional Republic that she is, then so be it. As the Democrats yell that Donald Trump will destroy the country, it is they that are demanding that our freedoms, our rights, be revoked and the government become all powerful. It is as plain as the nose on my face to anyone that opens their eyes and sees what they are saying and doing.

Stay vigilant. Stay strong. Keep America Great!