Antifa counter-protested against some
white supremacists this past weekend. Nothing new to either group.
The thing about this protest, which was in Portland, Oregon, is that
there were around a thousand Antifa and maybe two hundred others
(white supremacists, journalists, on-lookers). Antifa, being the
peaceful, kind, and generous group that they are shouted obscenities,
threw hammers at people, threatened people’s lives, etc. After the
smaller group disbanded, they then decided to start attacking law
Mainstream media decided not to report
about the violence, threats, or foul language of Antifa. The fact of the
matter is, CNN, MSNBC, the local news source, and several other
liberal-leaning outlets reported that Antifa was there as a
peace-keeping force protecting the citizens of Portland from those
oppressive white supremacists. Too bad there was a video of the whole
ordeal that proves otherwise.
The far-left politicians seem to
embrace anything that is violent, anti-American, antisemitic, and/or
pro-chaos. Antifa is their go-to army against anything they don’t
like. They seem to enjoy the chaos that follows the terrorist group
and will never say anything against them.
Then again, the far left won’t say
anything against anyone that has anti-American values. Ilhan Omar and
Rashida Tlaib are embraced instead of censured for their blatant
antisemitism and hatred for everything American or Jewish. Nothing is
said about the map of Israel with ‘Palestine’ written over Israel
that hangs in Rashida Tlaib’s congressional office. Nothing is ever
said about the rhetoric spewing forth from any of the Squad’s
mouths that goes against the Constitution, our greatest ally in The Middle East or our American values.
Chaos and anarchy are the left’s
biggest allies. Without these two ingredients, along with poverty and
victimization of minorities, the left wouldn’t know what to do with
themselves. They wouldn’t have any agenda to fight. Look at San
Francisco, Los Angeles, Detroit, Baltimore, NYC or any other big
Democrat-controlled city and you will find homelessness, poverty,
filth, open use of drugs, crime, and violence. They look like Third
World countries, not American cities. Not that Republican-controlled
cities don’t know these things also but not to the extent of the
This is what the left wants. It gives
them a purpose. It gets them votes. It increases their power. How? They
lie. They promise to fix things, make people’s lives better, they
‘feel’ for the impoverished. They lie. What has the left done for
anyone? Not a damn thing except make people’s lives worse while
making their own lives better. While politicians live in
multi-million-dollar mansions surrounded by walls and armed guards,
the constituents of those politicians live in crime-ridden, filthy
shitholes either on the streets or in homeless encampments. The
homeless are increasing in numbers in these cities by the day. Nancy
Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Kamala Harris, etc., all say that
we need to pay more in taxes to help the needy. How about they get
their ultra-rich buddies, throw a party and raise a hundred million
for housing, food, medical treatment, etc. for those homeless instead
of demanding the rest of the country pay for their screw-ups?
That is what the left does though.
Wealth redistribution…as long as it isn’t THEIR wealth.
Let’s look at Chicago for a minute.
Every weekend there are tens of shootings and homicides. Why don’t
we hear about those? It doesn’t fit the narrative. Chicago is a
violent city with some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. How
can the left use Chicago to help their cause when it is under their
control, with their strict laws, and it is still the highest gun
violence in the nation? It’s all about politics and how to get more
power for them. If they can’t blame Trump somehow, it isn’t worth
talking about.
The El Paso and Dayton shootings were
hours apart. The El Paso shooter allegedly wrote a manifesto citing
his hatred of illegals, liberalism, and the chaos of the border. He
also allegedly wrote that the left and media would say it was all
because of Donald Trump but that it was, in fact, his own idea that
had been in planning for years. He didn’t want anyone to think that
Trump’s rhetoric or speeches had anything to do with it. The Left
blamed Trump.
The Dayton shooter was a
self-proclaimed Elizabeth Warren fan, liked the far-left ideology and
was acting on the rhetoric of the far-left Congresswomen’s words of
violence against conservatism. The Left was silent. The shooter at
the ball field in Virginia a couple of years ago where Steve Scalise
was shot and almost killed was a Bernie Sanders supporter. The Left
was silent. Any time a mass shooting occurs and the perpetrator is a
left-wing supporter the Left is silent. If the perp is even half-way
supportive of conservatism or Donald Trump the left and the media
shout to the heavens that it is all because of Trump. Do you get the
idea yet?
Donald Trump makes the statement that
the Jews that support the Democrats must be unknowledgeable or not
loyal to Israel. The Left went nuts stating that Trump was
anti-Semitic. Ilan Omar and Rashida Tlaib openly demand boycotting
Israel, say how evil Jews are, that they want the end of the Jewish
State, refuse to call the country Israel calling it Palestine and
that it is occupied territory. The left defends these two women.
Do you get it yet?
Democrat policy is not founded in
American values, morals, or culture. The Left wants open borders,
decriminalization of illegal entry into the country, free healthcare
for everyone that comes to the United States, freedom of speech only
if it agrees with far-left ideology, doing away with Christianity,
embracing Islam and Sharia Law, abolishing the Second Amendment, not
giving the presumption of innocence to any conservative but ignoring
any broken laws by liberals, taxing the people into poverty, growing
government until the government controls every aspect of our lives,…
the list goes on and on. In a nutshell, the Left wants a Marxist
society here in the USA.
Do you get it yet?
Chaos over peace, tyranny over freedom.
And the Left has the mainstream media on their side. When the
nation’s top newspaper openly admits to pushing a false narrative,
the Russian Collusion Delusion (as President Donald Trump calls it),
for over two years then states they need to change their agenda to
Trump’s racism and the racism of the conservative people it’s
obvious that they no longer report news and prefer chaos.
When liberals are openly stating that
they want a recession before the next election just so Trump won’t
win, it’s obvious they want chaos over calm. When they refuse to
denounce terrorist organizations such as Antifa, the Muslim
Brotherhood, Black Lives Matter, etc., it’s obvious they want
chaos. When sitting members of Congress openly spew forth
antisemitism, the rhetoric of overthrowing the sitting President by way
of the 25th Amendment, demanding to impeach the President
when he’s done nothing wrong (except winning the election against a
known criminal), it is obvious they want chaos.
When every Democratic candidate running
for the Oval Office in 2020 has policies of open borders, free
healthcare for anyone and everyone, up to 70% tax rates, packing the
Supreme Court, doing away with the Electoral College… you guessed
it… it’s blatantly obvious they want tyranny. That is the
Democrat Party of today. It didn’t use to be, not when John Kennedy
was President. Today’s Democrats are socialists, communists,
anti-Americans, and power-hungry oligarchs. They definitely don’t
want what’s best for the nation. Look at those Democrat-controlled
cities again and the hopelessness those people must be enduring. All
the while these politicians are saying that illegals need to be
protected and are welcomed in these towns.
With all the freebies promised by the
Democrats a lot of Americans are saying, “Sure! Why not? I’ll
vote for free healthcare, guaranteed income, who needs an AR-15
anyway, open borders because those poor people need our help, etc.”
What the Democrats don’t, and won’t, tell their supporters is
that with all the free stuff they want the government to hand out there
comes a price. Not just higher taxes, to the point of forcing most
middle-class taxpayers into poverty but the rationing of services from
medical to education to food to housing. If you don’t believe me
just look at any socialist/communist society throughout history.
Chaos and tyranny follow hand-in-hand
with hard socialism, Marxism, and communism. Venezuela is the best
example in recent history. Once the richest country in South America
is now in chaos under the Socialistic control of Maduro. The people
are begging for food and healthcare. They are being shot down in the
streets by the military and police. That is what hard socialism is.
That is what the Left wants. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts
Have you been paying attention to Hong
Kong? The people of that little island are waving the AMERICAN FLAG
and singing the AMERICAN national anthem because they want to keep
the freedoms they have enjoyed under British control and do not want
to fall under the Chinese communist rule. All the while our own
Congress and celebrities are belittling our country, kneeling for the
national anthem, and stomping on the American flag. Why? Because they
can. They hate America yet love the freedom to protest everything
American. I believe it was Abraham Lincoln that said that America
would never be won over from the outside but would be overrun from
within if we let our freedoms be taken from us through complacency.
That is where we are today. We are complacent in our freedoms as
those very freedoms are taken from us through regulation and
unconstitutional laws passed by a corrupt Congress full of
anti-American politicians.
As the world looks to us as the last
bastion of hope and freedom, we are giving our freedoms away to
tyranny. “But, but, but… you can’t fight the government.” Oh,
but yes, we can. The Founders stated very plainly that is was not
just our right but our responsibility to keep hold of our freedoms if
our government ever usurped its authority. I’d say when Congress
starts passing laws that go against the Supreme Law of the Land it
has usurped its authority. Tyranny and chaos are on the horizon and
we are sitting back and letting it get closer and closer without a
Why do you think the Democrats are so
intent on regulating away our Second Amendment? That Amendment
guarantees that the government cannot disarm the people of the
nation. The Supreme Court has ruled over and over that the government
cannot go against the Second Amendment and that it is an inalienable
right for us to keep and bear arms. So, what do the liberals do? They
REGULATE everything around that so-important right. They regulate the
magazine capacity. They put restrictions on which weapons can be
bought. There are extensive background checks (not a bad idea with
all the nutjobs running around these days). Now they are talking
about ‘red-flag’ laws.
What are red-flag laws? Glad you asked.
The red-flag law states that if ANYONE says that you are mentally
unstable, were violent in any way even in speech, that you may be a
threat to yourself or someone else, the government will confiscate
your weapons and then you have to prove, beyond any shadow of doubt
(even more so than in a court of law when charged with a crime) that
you are competent to own those weapons. That’s right. All it takes
is someone, anyone, making a statement against you. And that someone
could be a person that holds a grudge against you. It won’t matter.
It will cost you time, money, and more than likely, your weapons. How
do you prove you are innocent? Wait, doesn’t that go against the
presumption of innocence? Yes, it does.
Once again, the evil politicians are
showing just how much they hate Americans and want complete control
over us. We can fight back. It takes more than one of us. It takes
more than a dozen. It takes the majority to beat back tyranny. If we
can’t vote them out, then we become the bad guys. You either die a
hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
The Left, and unfortunately several of
the conservative representatives, are bound and determined to take
control from the people. Please, open your eyes and ears. Pay
attention to what is actually going on in Washington, DC. Watch what
your state government is doing. If we aren’t careful we will all be
California, New York, Illinois, or Michigan.
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