Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Quest For Power

Yesterday, August 18, 2019, was interesting to say the least. I tuned in to Sean Hannity on Sirius XM and thought that I had entered the Twilight Zone. I could hear Rod Serling intone, “Imagine, if you will, a world where sanity and common sense did not exist.”

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has decided that a person can now decide his/her/its gender as male, female, or x on the state’s driver’s license. Yes, it’s true. One of the original thirteen states, the state where the Liberty Bell resides, the Declaration of Independence was signed, and the Constitution was written has decided that it is perfectly fine and legal to claim that you don’t know whether you have a johnson or not. Or is it that they know but don’t like what they have. Either way, Pennsylvania has made it easy for people to claim to be anything at this point. After all, where it says “sex” on your driver’s license it can now be ‘X.’

Don’t get me wrong about this. I really don’t care whether you like the opposite sex, the same sex, both sexes, farm animals, etc. That is none of my business. It is no one’s business what goes on behind the bedroom door except those that are involved. Unless you are an exhibitionist does it really matter? Not in the least; except in Pennsylvania where anyone who looks at your license will know.

This is how far away from nature we have gotten. What do I mean by that? It is nature, genetics, God if you believe that way, the Universe if you believe that way, that decides what sex you are. You don’t. There are only X and Y chromosomes that combine to determine if a person is male or female. The reason for this is reproduction. It takes a male and female to reproduce. Period. Two males cannot reproduce anything. Two females cannot reproduce anything. And for those far-left wing believers in choosing what they are – there are only two sexes and you are what you were born with.

“Oh, my God! You’re a homophobe!” I can hear it now. I am not. I couldn’t care less who you have sex with. It doesn’t matter to me in the least. Ain’t none a mah business there cupcake. And I can’t repeat that enough. It is you, the LBGTQ(wnxrke…whatever else you want to put in there) that is demanding the real world know and accept what you do. I don’t like for straight people to go down the street grabbing each other’s butts or engaging in public displays of affection. Giving someone a hug or holding hands is one thing, as well as kissing someone goodbye but to get down and ‘lovey-dovey’ is something for the bedroom or the privacy of your own home.

I have several friends that are gay. I’ll fight to the deepest pits of Tartarus for them. I have friends that are transitioning and I will fight for them even though I don’t believe in changing your physical makeup because of a way of believing. Being gay, bi or trans is mental, a way of thinking. It is not ‘hardwired’ into a baby at birth. Being straight is what has kept every species alive today continuing. This is another issue I cannot repeat enough. It takes a male and female for a species to procreate.

So, why is it that the left feels it necessary to ‘legalize’ LBGTQ? Why do they need to ‘normalize’ it? It is in their mindset that all standard, normal, generational beliefs be destroyed. If the left can destroy all things from the past, all beliefs of the past, all morals of the past, they can fundamentally change the world into their Utopia where everyone thinks the same, believes the same, talks the same, is the same. That way, there are no wars, no disagreements, no opposing views. One mindset, one consciousness, no individuality. “We are the Borg. Resistance is futile.”

The only problem with what the left wants is that it just doesn’t exist. You cannot legislate thought or emotion. Marxism cannot exist because humanity will not cooperate. Just because the left thinks they can make America their Utopia doesn’t mean that Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia, China, etc are going to cooperate and change the way they think and believe. “Allahu Akbar!” “Kill all infidels!” Islam will definitely not cooperate with anyone that doesn’t believe as they do.

The Left is doing all they can to destroy common sense, individuality, freedom of choice, and the rights of all. The only ones they care about is the fringe, the minority, the off-center. They demand that those that think and believe differently than the majority be above the majority and have more rights. It isn’t about equal rights, people. It is unequal rights for those that are different. I’m not talking about Blacks or Hispanics or other ‘colored’ people. I’m talking about the ones that think differently. The worst part of this is that the Left that rule really doesn’t care about those people at all. They believe that if they champion their causes they will vote for them and give them all the power.

Power. That is all the Left knows. That is all they want. They will do anything they can to gain that power and keep it. Look at what the socialist/communist rule has done around the world. It took ten years for Venezuela to go from one of the richest countries in South America to turn into a shithole. Why did it? Venezuela was a democratic country when it was prospering then it turned socialist. Socialism, communism, Marxism does not work. The only people those ideologies help is the ruling class. The common people are the ones that suffer and starve.

I know that throughout history there are people that have suffered needlessly. There were Irish, Chinese and black slaves; whole ethnic groups were exterminated; certain ways of believing were illegal; being gay was illegal. That does not make anything like that right. “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.” Take that literally. All men are equal when they are born. We all have the same chances at success or failure. But the world is not an equal place. Men put chains on others because of their color, their ethnicity, their way of thinking or believing. Even governments put restrictions on the people.

As Lincoln said, “Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation. A nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war testing whether that nation, or any nation, can long endure.” At this point in history, we are once again engaged in a civil war. It isn’t being fought on the battlefield with weapons of destruction but in the nation’s capital, on the nation’s streets, in the media, on social media. It is being fought with words and ideas and beliefs. The very foundation of this great nation is under fire.

The Left believes that the Constitution of the United States is a living, growing, changing document. The Right believes that document was cast in stone. Think about this – if the law is ever-changing, if the system is ever-changing, if the government is ever-changing, where is the stability or the foundation? What does the country believe in? Or better yet – where is the country going?

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It is cast in stone. It restricts the federal government from infringing on the inherent rights of the citizens. Everyone in this country has the right to speak his mind, the press has the right to put before the public its views, the people can worship as they please, and we can assemble, peaceably, anywhere and anytime we want. These aren’t rights given to the people by the government. They are guaranteed by the Constitution and the government cannot take them away.

The First Amendment doesn’t say we have the right to riot, destroy property, get in someone’s face, trespass on private property or lie about someone. The Left has determined that all these things are ‘freedom of expression.’ Unfortunately, the Constitution does not say that. It says freedom of speech, press, peaceable assembly, and worship.

Because of the Left’s insane desire for power over the people, they have overstepped their bounds and demanded that the people of this nation accept abnormal activities as normal. Political correctness instead of free speech and thought. They have victimized minorities into believing they have no rights. This is their game plan; change the nation into a Marxist Utopia by championing for the fringe, the different, the ‘colored.’ Give those citizens more rights and privileges than the mainstream citizens, the evil white people, the rich, the conservatives. Make America accept the LGBTQ community even though the majority of Americans don’t care who you have sex with. Make America pay for black slavery even though not one black alive today was a slave or any white alive today owned any slaves, and forget about the Irish and Chinese slaves, they don’t count. Keep Christianity out of our schools and public places even though our whole country was set up on Christian values.

Get the picture yet? What, exactly, has the Left done, in recent history, to help anyone? Nothing. The Left has victimized minorities to the point where it is bullying against anything conservative or against the way they think and believe. The Left has waged war against the Constitution and conservatism. What all these minorities need to realize is that the Left doesn’t care about them. The Left doesn’t care about illegal aliens. They care about votes. They care about power. They care about control. That is their goal but instituting these ridiculous laws and regulations.

The attack on the Second Amendment has nothing to do with safety or curbing mass shootings. It is to disarm the American people so we have no way to protect ourselves. There are no laws that can be made that will stop gun violence. Each and every law that is made concerning guns is one step closer to eliminating the Second Amendment. Do away with guns, disarm America and then they can take over completely without incident.

The attack on conservative speech is not because the Left is so thin-skinned. It is to keep silent the truth. The Left doesn’t want the people to know what they are doing and the Right has to be silenced so we don’t find out. Over forty people have mysteriously died that were connected to the Clintons; suicide by shooting yourself in the back of the head twice; hanging yourself in high security, suicide watch prison cell with no real way to do it; dying of complications in a hospital while undergoing simple surgery. There are countless examples around the world where it got that bad just so one person, one party, one ideology could take and keep power. You know, one person can’t possibly have that many friends that commit suicide or die under mysterious circumstances; unless your last name is Clinton.

This is the Left’s quest for power; complete, uncontested, irrevocable power. Why do you think they want the borders open and a constant influx of illegals? That is their voter base. The American people are finally getting smart and figuring out their game. If the liberals can flood the country, the entire country with illegals that get everything given to them by the Democrat Party, the Republicans and conservatives will have no hope to ever regain anything more than a token vote in Congress. The Democrats will have won. That is their ultimate goal. Open your eyes. Open your ears. Don’t be Helen Keller. They aren’t hiding it anymore for anyone that actually pays attention to what they say and do.

We just saw a liberal lose a rigged election in her favor and the party went bananas! Donald Trump hadn’t even been inaugurated and the Democrats were screaming, “IMPEACH HIM!” Really? That, in and of itself, should have told the American people something. Since then we’ve had over two years of fake allegations perpetrated by the former administration to keep an opposing candidate from winning and then to unseat a duly elected President. Now, since the Russian Collusion Delusion didn’t work it is turning to racism and antisemitism. Their quest for power will never end and they will stoop to the lowest levels to try and win.

A Marxist regime is the least thing they want. A communist dictatorship is the ultimate goal. The downfall of Free America. All you need to do is read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx or Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky and you will finally understand what the far-left radical liberals are doing. Those two books are their playbooks – to the letter.

The time is now to nip it in the bud. Cut the ties. Get and keep the radicals out of our government. Tlaib, Omar, AOC, Harris, Bernie, Warren, Booker, Waters, Pelosi, et al. They are all in it together. Time to clear the swamp. Time for equal treatment under the law. Time to bring the Constitution back and let the American Dream live.

Only YOU can prevent the downfall of Free America.

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