Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Tolerant Left

The anti-Trump agenda is ramping up. With twenty or more candidates running against him on the Anti-American (aka Democrat) Party ticket, the rhetoric is worsening by the minute. Not only are all the candidates anti-Trump, they are also very pro-socialist/communist. They each talk raising taxes, spending more, giving away trillions of dollars worth of services to those that either refuse to work or are not motivated to enrich their lives through work, not to mention the millions of illegal aliens that continue to invade our country.

They believe that the poor are unable to better themselves without governmental interference. I think that people like Ben Carson would refute that. There are countless examples of extremely poor people gaining greatness, and wealth, through hard work, perseverance and motivation. Some had governmental assistance, some didn't.

The liberals are wanting to give away college educations at the taxpayers expense. How about we cap college professor's salaries and the profit margin of colleges? How about we start promoting tech schools instead of 4 year degrees in liberal arts or majors that aren't in demand? How about maybe encouraging on-the-job training and internships? Why does the taxpayer have to foot the bill for an unusable 4 year degree?

They also want universal health care. I agree that healthcare is needed. I also believe that insurance companies need to stop raping people with high premiums. I believe that Big Pharma needs to stop raping the American public with exorbitant pricing while having their drugs priced cheaply in other countries. When it can cost around $150.00 to see a doctor for 5 minutes, an asprin can cost $80 in the hospital, an ER visit $500, and an ambulance ride takes a second mortgage on your house you tend to think that healthcare is a little expensive and ridiculous. But, it doesn't take government to pay for it. It takes government to regulate it.

Each of the liberal candidates seem to want open borders and amnesty for all illegals. The Liberal Congress can't seem to get anything done with and don't seem to want to enforce the laws we have. With Homeland Security and ICE running out of money to take care of the hundreds of thousands of illegals that we already have, Congress refuses to give them more. That is not surprising seeing as how that is a major talking point for them – how the Trump Administration is mistreating illegals. The Donald is just trying to enforce the laws that are on the books now.

Another thing the left has driven into the ground is the obstruction of justice and Russian collusion rhetoric. Bob Mueller didn't find any evidence against Trump or his campaign. The Left keeps saying that no one is above the law. They refuse to admit that the Clinton Campaign, the Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton, the Obama DOJ, and possibly (more than likely) Barack Obama himself broke the law by colluding with foreign agents and obstructed justice. All they want is to get rid of Donald Trump. Why? It's probably because he isn't a politician that can be bought. Maybe it's because he loves America and the American way of life. Could be because he's actually doing what he promised and what Congress hasn't been able to do for half a century. Maybe it's because he puts America first before lobbyists, special interest, and foreign powers. Maybe it's because he is a patriotic American.

The Anti-American (aka Democrat) Party is pro-socialist to the point of being communist. If that is what the people of this country want we are doomed. All you have to do is look at cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Detroit, or New York City to see what socialist policy does. All these cities are Democrat controlled and they all look like third world countries. While the elitists live in luxury, the general population live in squalor. Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, Andrew Cuomo, Bill de Blasio, the Hollywood celebrities, etc. all live in their walled mansions while there are tent cities, people defecating on the streets, drug paraphernalia everywhere, etc. All the while those same elitists scream that the government needs to spend more and more on illegals. How about those same, extremely rich elitists spend some of their ill-gotten gains on social problems and the elected government officials take care of their own cities problems? Why doesn't the state of California take some of the BILLIONS of dollars they spend on protecting illegals and spend it on housing for the homeless AMERICANS? One of the reasons they don't is because they need those illegals to vote for them. The American people have come to realize that the Anti-American (aka Democrat) Party doesn't represent their best interest but their own wealth and power.

Don't get me wrong; there are good Democrats. You know, the JFK Democrats, those that are still American with the American dream still in their blood. The problem with them is that they are being driven out, over-ruled, and even ridiculed by the far-left socialist/communist sect. They are silenced just as the conservatives are being silenced. The far-left liberals are out to destroy our Constitutional Republic and turn it into another Venezuela, China, Soviet Russia, North Korea, or even an Islamic State. Anything but a free nation where the people have a voice; where freedom reigns. Those far-left wingers want total control over every aspect of our lives and they will do anything, no matter how low they have to go, to get and keep that power.

The far left, the ones I call libtards, will stop at nothing to get and keep power over the people. They scream racist, fascist, Nazi, whateverphobe at whoever disagrees with them. The intolerant left preach tolerance as long as their agenda isn't challenged. The First Amendment applies only if it helps them. The Second Amendment only applies to them (if they actually aren't afraid of weapons), The Fourth Amendment is only for them. The Fifth Amendment? Only the Left can use it. The Sixth Amendment? Well, did Paul Manafort get an impartial jury? I think that the fact that the Liberal run House of Representatives, redoing the collusion and obstruction of justice case against Trump goes against the Seventh Amendment. The Tenth Amendment, well, let's see, the States, themselves, have turned a lot of their rights over to the federal government. The people of the country have, themselves, turned a lot of their rights over to the government whether voluntarily or behind their backs in the dark of night.

If there comes a time that another Civil War is fought, it will not be North against the South. It will be American against the Anti-American (aka Democrat) Party. The Democrats have traditionally been more socialist than the GOP. Some Democrat policy has been needed. There will always be social needs that should be addressed. But for the federal government to take over and control these programs is NOT in the best interest of America. Charity needs to start at home and should not be forced on anyone. If I want to donate to a charity, I will. I do not want to be forced to donate to anything that I don't believe in. I don't believe in financing people that refuse to work but are able to. I don't believe in donating to abortion for convenience. I don't believe in financing illegals. I don't want to donate to anyone's college fund other than my own children's. I don't want to pay for anyone's healthcare other than my own family's. I sure don't want to donate to a foreign country. But I am forced to, every time I pay my taxes. MOST, not all, but most of these policies are Democrat.

This country, America, was built on self-reliance, hard work, innovation, imagination, Capitalism. It was not built on government handouts and socialism. Nowhere, no time, in history has socialism/communism worked. The far-left elitists, people like Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke, etc, scream the accolades of socialism while they are worth millions. Will they redistribute their wealth to the masses? Of course not. Bernie said that all anyone had to do was write a bestselling book and become rich while he has never had a real job in his life; never received a paycheck other than for public service. Nancy Pelosi screams that walls are immoral yet lives in a walled estate and has had illegals arrested for trespassing on her property. Only two examples of how the elitist left are hypocritical. They are hell-bent to spend the money of anyone but them.

The far left effectively silence conservatives by screaming racist, fascist, Nazi whenever the right speaks out. They protest against anything that goes against their agenda while saying that tolerance is necessary. By protest I mean riot. Only the left use destruction of property, physical and verbal attacks, even accusations of wrong-doing as protest. All you need to is see how the left react to people like Milo Yannoplois, Ben Shapiro, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, even President Donald J Trump. Yes, the left is very tolerant - for illegals, Islam, and anything that is anti-American. Their least violent protest is not standing for the National Anthem and desecrating the American Flag (which a liberal court decided was freedom of SPEECH).

Another example of the far left's intolerance is the big tech companies. Maybe you've heard of some of them: Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram. These major players are censoring conservatives. At one point Facebook went so far as to claim a statement by Mother Theresa as hate speech. Anything that goes against the far-left agenda is censored, belittled, condemned, deleted. Tolerance at its best.

How does the far-left keep track of all these conservative voices? Surveillance. How do they surveil us? By using tech. Our phones listen to us all the time waiting to hear “OK Google.” Alexa is always listening. Our computers, always right there. If you are naive enough to think that the government is not using our own devices against us, to listen and watch us, then you, my friend are lost. Any device that has a camera and/or microphone is a spying device for Big Brother. Who is Big Brother? The government, the Deep State, advertising agencies, and foreign powers are all in there together watching and listening to everything we say and do. Not a conspiracy theory – fact.

Look around honestly. Open your eyes to what is going on. George Orwell's '1984' is upon us and the far-left is at the forefront. The time is coming when they will win and political correctness, socialism/communism, a no-borders policy, etc. will be the norm. By the way, political correctness is just thought control. Soon enough the left will be able to arrest a person for what they are thinking. Everything against their agenda is hate speech. You can't use certain words but have to use what they want you to (after all, those five million different genders all have different pronouns and if you don't use the right one you've hurt someone's feelings and are in deep trouble).

Recently Antifa rallied in Portland, Oregon. They have the right to peaceably assemble and voice their opinions. The problem with Antifa (Anti-Fascist) is that none of their protests are peaceful. During this protest Antifa members physically attacked a conservative journalist and gave him a brain hemorrhage. What did law enforcement in Portland do about this? They did absolutely nothing. The esteemed mayor of Portland had instructed law enforcement to stand down, allow events to play out as they would. There is going to be law suits over this. The mayor should be charged, law enforcement should be charged, and Antifa members should be charged. Will they be? Only time will tell but even if they are the consequences will be minimal. There is now a double-standard in the law. Liberals are allowed while conservatives are not.

Keep vigilant. Keep wary. We are the greatest country in the world because we are the only country in history that gave the people the ability to govern themselves. Don't throw that away. It won't be an easy conflict. The far-left is embedded deep within our ranks. Freedom can, and will win the day if patriotic, freedom loving Americans continue to fight against the far-left. Keep America Great.

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