When did the Democrat Party become so
anti-American? A better question would be – why did they become so
anti-American? If you are a Democrat you would disagree with me on
this. The problem with that is all a person needs to do is listen to
what each and every Democrat in Washington DC is saying. Listen to
what the two dozen or so Presidential candidates are saying on the
campaign trail. It is all about socialism, anti-Trump, doing away
with the Bill of Rights (or at least some of them), more for illegals
(to the point of making being an illegal alien legal), racism,
sexism, anti-white and pro-black, gay, trans, immigrant, etc.
If this country was so racist and
sexist then people like Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker,
Maxine Waters, Ayanna Pressley, Colin Powell, Ben Carson, etc would
not be in Congress or other government offices. In fact, according to
the Democrats the Republicans are so racist that it's pathetic.
Amazing since the 41st Congress had two House members and
a Senate member that was black. These three were from Georgia, South
Carolina and Mississippi and all were Republican. The 42nd
Congress (1871 to 1873) had five Black members, all Republican. The
43rd Congress had seven House members, all Republican. The
44th, eight; the 45th, four; the 46th,
one; the 47th, two; 48th, two.... all
Republican and all from the southern states. The first Democrat was
in the 74th Congress (1937-39).
As for women in Congress, it was the
65th (1917) Congress before a woman was elected. And guess
what? She was a Republican. It was another four years before another
woman served, the 67th (1921-23) Congress had four women,
one was a Democrat. Since that first Representative, Jeannette Rankin
of Montana, served 365 women have served in Congress. As of the first
of this year, there are 131 women serving. This and the information
for blacks in Congress came from House.gov/history.
With this record it is obvious that
America is racist and sexist. As of right now, the 116th
Congress has 52 immigrants and children of immigrants serving in the
House and 16 serving in the Senate of which 57 are Democrats and 10
are Republican. Bernie Sanders, the final one, is a self-proclaimed
Democratic Socialist but a registered Independent. This is from the
Pew Research Center.
Let' go with LGBT members. There have
been three Senators, Democrats, that are openly gay or bisexual and
21 House members, of which seven are Republican. Currently, there are
only ten members, all Democrats. I guess this means that the country
isn't made up of a bunch of homophobes or xenophobes, either.
Granted, the list of openly gay members was from Wikipedia which I
don't usually use as a resource but it was the only page that would
open on my phone.
Let's get into the freshman members of
this Congress: AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley. These
four, calling themselves “The Squad,” are very vocal about how
bad the USA is. AOC being the most vocal. Not only is everything
about this country racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, and Nazi,
they hate that our economy is capitalist, we want secure borders, we
want the rule of law, and we don't want all the illegals to stay
here. AOC is so vocal about it that she makes a fool of herself with
all her falsehoods about what is happening with the illegals held in
detention. Omar is spouting off embellished facts about our history
to high school students to make the country look bad and Tlaib is
demanding that we do away with the Bill of Rights. Pressley is just
following along with her cohorts tirades no matter what they say.
This is what America wants? This is what the Democrat Party is
Every day there are more and more
incidents that make me wonder where these people are from. There are
far too many things said, and done, by the Anti-American Party on a
daily basis that it is hard to keep up with it all. There is nothing
these people don't want to destroy when it comes to American morals
and values. They want a socialist country. Period. They want total
government control over every aspect of our lives. They want the
American taxpayer to fund living expenses to illegals and the
able-but-unwilling to work. They want white Americans to pay for the
transgressions of our ancestors by way of reparations for slavery; by
the way, those reparations are only to blacks, not the Irish or the
Chinese whose ancestors were slaves. They want universal healthcare
paid for by the taxpayer. College tuition paid for. Down payments for
housing for poor blacks. What happened to being responsible for
yourself? What happened to American pride? What happened to
So, since the Democrats want to spew
falsehoods out of their mouths constantly about how bad this country
is, I would like to know when they became the Anti-American Party?
Why are they so against everything American? I realize that their
hatred for the current Commander-in-Chief is tantamount to GHW Bush's
hatred for broccoli or WJ Clinton's love of sex but that shouldn't
mean that they should do everything in their power against the people
of the country. Especially since it is the people that have voted
them in. At least I think the people voted them in. Maybe it wasn't
the citizens of the country but the illegals, the dead, the double
voting that got them all elected or re-elected. However, they got in
there, or kept their seats, it is a shame that they don't represent
the country, the flag, or their constituents.
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