Saturday, March 18, 2017

Capitalism versus Socialism

Capitalism versus Socialism - that is the big debate these days. Here it is, 2017 and we have to debate the pros and cons of two different economic platforms? Hasn’t history taught us anything? First of all, we need to know what the definitions of these are so let’s go to my favorite dictionary, The Oxford American Dictionary.
Capitalism: n. a system in which a county’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit. Synonyms: private enterprise, free enterprise, the free market, private ownership. Antonyms: communism.
Socialism: n. the theory that a country’s land, transport, industries, etc., should be owned or controlled by the community as a whole. There are no synonyms or antonyms listed.
Since the antonym of Capitalism is communism, I’ll put the definition of it here also.
Communism: n. 1 a political system in which all property is owned by the community. 2 a system of this kind based on Marxism.
Marxism: n. the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, which formed the basis for communism.
So, as you can see, Capitalism is a free trade system which promotes economic growth and Socialism stagnates growth. If you don’t believe that, you’ve been living under a rock for the last hundred years. The American economic system is set up on Capitalism, one of the reasons why this country has become the world power that it is. We have created more wealth for private individuals than any other country in history. Take a look at John D. Rockefeller, Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Joseph Kennedy, and a host of others that built great fortunes through capitalism. If the government had controlled their industries do you really think they would have built such empires? No.
Now, let’s take a look at other countries such as Russia, China, Korea, etc. The economies of these countries, Russia before the fall of the Berlin Wall and the separation of the Russian states, are government controlled. The people are extremely poor, underfed, worked jobs that paid little and the economy suffers. People cannot speak out against the government and, in the case of China and North Korea, communication is censored. The people cannot access social media or interact with other countries. Why? Because they would learn of the freedoms that capitalism and a free enterprise system has. They would rebel against government control, as happened during the Bolshevik Revolution and then when President Ronald Regan made that famous statement, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”
The liberal left in America today wants a more socialistic system put in place. They want government controlled healthcare, government controlled industry, government controlled thought (political correctness is government control of your thought processes), government control of whether you can own a firearm, etc. The left would love to see the government in control of every aspect of our lives. They will, of course, deny this claim. If you think about it, honestly, what is their platform? Political correctness, gender neutrality, open borders, anti-religion, anti-Semitic, dependence on government in the form of welfare, pro-choice, labels on people of differing lifestyles, color, national origin, and many other socialistic programs. They protest against capitalism and free enterprise, freedom of expression (except of their own ideals), protecting our borders, illegal acts being punished (in the case of illegal immigration even rewarded with money and the same rights and privileges given to legal immigrants and natural citizens), etc.
The left scream that people that have worked hard for their money don’t deserve that money and should give it to the poor; some even say the poor deserve it because those rich bastards stole it from them. Is there corporate greed? Of course there is. Should people be paid an honest day’s wage for an honest day’s labor? Of course. What isn’t said in all these tirades is that those people getting paid those low wages can’t even count change; they are uneducated and have no motivation to progress in life in any way, shape or form. They live their little lives doing drugs, drinking, and getting tattoos without thought of where the rent or utility bill money is going to come from; after all, society OWES them a living so they wait for the welfare check.
Are there those that do try to improve their lives, are just stuck in a rut that they can’t get out of? Yes, in a way. There are more opportunities open in this country to improve a person’s life than anywhere else in the world. A person just has to have the motivation to seek them out. Dr. Ben Carson is a fantastic example of this. A boy raised in poverty that rises above his environment and becomes one of the world’s finest neural surgeons. You can’t tell me there aren’t more pros than cons in a capitalistic society.
The liberal left won’t claim victories like Dr. Carson. They would rather scream racism, homophobia, xenophobia, white privilege, etc. The left promote victimhood, not triumph against all odds. The labels they put on people are symbolic of socialism. It fuels the flame toward that stagnation and destruction of growth and wealth. If they can keep people divided and fighting against each other, sooner or later, capitalism will be overcome by socialism and then, finally, communism. If you were paying attention to the definitions you will see the opposite of capitalism is communism and, by definition, socialism ultimately will become communism.
Do the liberals have some good ideas? Of course they do. In the 1960’s it was the liberals that stood up against racism (I never have understood that term…after all, we are all ONE race – the human race). Since that time, racism (which will never disappear any more than school bullying will) has been almost done away with. Well, unless you listen to the liberals. They need things like racism to keep their agenda going. Gay rights is another good example. The problem with all these things is that if it weren’t for the liberals screaming ‘special people’ there wouldn’t be any problems in today’s world. Everyone, regardless of color or orientation or national origin, have the same rights and privileges as anyone else. Are there those that disagree with this? Yes, but they are the minority. Are there laws against same sex marriage? No. In fact, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that state-level bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional.
What about climate change and/or use of renewable energy? Climate change is a big debate today. Is it because of humanity or just the cyclic nature of the Earth, itself? My opinion is the latter but the liberals seem to want to blame humans. As for renewable energy, this should have been started long ago. Wind, solar, water energy is renewable and doesn’t damage the Earth in any way. Why industry waited so long to start to explore this is totally unknown to me other than it went against big business (oil and coal) and would cut into those corporate profits. (Yes, I am very liberal on that. I believe in capitalism but not greed.) The problem isn’t that liberals have bad ideas; they have bad ways of promoting those ideas. They demand a government controlled way of doing it through legislation instead of a private way of doing it where people will actually grow and make money. Socialism/communism versus capitalism.
The United States of America, a country not yet 250 years old, set up a government that was for, by, and of the people. We were a country that developed an experimental government. Now, because of liberalism, that government has grown and grown until we now have a government that has a country. We are no better than any other country. Socialism is on the rise. Our Democratic Republic is fast becoming a Marxist society. The liberals seem to think that the Constitution of the United States was written as a guideline instead of as the Law of the Land. The only time the Constitution is right is if it is in their favor. I honestly believe that left to their ideals, the Constitution would be done away with and the Communist Manifesto or Mein Kampf would become the new law. The left absolutely hates capitalism and whole-heartedly embraces socialism. Without it, they would not exist.

I, for one, will rely on capitalism to continue to make this country great. I will fight the liberal agenda toward socialism/communism every step of the way. I will stand up for America and the rights and freedoms that my forefathers fought and died for. 

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