Sunday, March 12, 2017

What Exactly Is a Conservative, Liberal or Libertarian?

What does it mean to be a conservative? What does it mean to be a liberal? How about a libertarian? I mean, we all claim to be something politically, emotionally, socially, etc. So, what does that mean, exactly? To figure that out, we need to know the definition of each. Let’s go to my favorite dictionary, the Oxford American Dictionary, Third Edition.
Conservative: adj. 1 opposed to change and holding traditional values. 2 (in politics) favoring free enterprise and private ownership. [Synonyms: 1 right-wing, reactionary, traditionalist, old-fashioned, dyed-in-the-wool, hidebound, unadventurous, set in your ways. 2 conventional, sober, modest, sensible, restrained. Antonyms: socialist, radical.]
Liberal: adj. 1 willing to respect and accept behavior or opinions different from your won. 2 (in politics) supporting the freedom of individuals and in favor of political and social reform. 3 generous in applying or adding something. 4 not strictly literal or exact. [Synonyms: tolerant, unprejudiced, broad-minded, open-minded, enlightened, permissive, free (and easy), easygoing, libertarian, indulgent, lenient. 2 a liberal social agenda, progressive, advanced, modern, forward-looking, forward-thinking, enlightened, reformist, radical. Antonyms: reactionary, strict.]
Libertarian: n. 1 a person who believes in libertarianism. 2 a person who argues for civil liberty. Libertarianism: n. a political philosophy arguing for very limited state intervention in the lives of citizens.
So, where do we all stand, politically and socially? As for me, a conservative, I believe in less government, self-reliance and self-responsibility, strong defense, secure borders, semi-isolationism, literal meaning of the Constitution, keeping personal freedoms and respecting others opinions even if they differ from mine. So, what am I really? According to the definitions above I am actually part conservative, part liberal and part libertarian.
Where do my liberal friends stand? Seems to me like they are just a bit liberal and libertarian; no conservatism there at all. Funny how the antonyms of conservative is “socialist and radical” and how those two terms seem to fit the liberals behavior since the election of November 8, 2016. (Especially the ‘radical’ part.)
This is not going to be me downgrading the liberals. Not this time. For one reason, I have not a clue as to why my liberal friends do what they do or think what they think. I did hear someone, I simply do not recall the guy’s name, title, job description or political party, explain that liberals, since the early 1960’s and the race problems of the time, have identified with being on the moral high ground. After all, they stand up and fight for the minorities of the world thus placing them above everyone else, especially conservatives, in this politically correct world. Is this how they really think? They would disagree, I believe. I really don’t know since I am not a liberal.
I am a conservative, with a little liberal and libertarian thrown in for good measure. I don’t like change and I will grab on to those traditional values with a death grip. Free enterprise and private ownership (capitalism for those of you from Chariton, Iowa and Rio Linda, California), are what brings about competition and wealth building. I do believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and their right to voice those opinions, even if they differ from my own. I believe in individual freedoms as long as those freedoms do not interfere or do away with my own. I will fight for everyone’s civil liberties (which, to me, are individual freedoms).
I try to be tolerant of other people’s lifestyles, religions, ethnicity and cultures. I am as far from prejudiced as you can get as far as racism, religion and orientation. Open-minded, yes (I have actually been known to change my mind if given facts that I didn’t know before). As for permissive, indulgent and lenient? Nah, too much of that and people become ‘entitled’ and that is not a good thing. I would like to think that I am forward-thinking, advanced and modern (as much as my old school brain can manage).
What strikes me most about liberals, as for synonyms, is radical, permissive, indulgent, and lenient. If a parent is permissive, indulgent and lenient with a child, what happens to that child? They become brats that think they deserve everything without giving anything or working for things. REALLY? And where is America today? We have a bunch of ‘entitled’ children that are brats, have no respect for anyone or anything (including law enforcement and government), and believe the world owes them a living and don’t want to work for anything.
I have not known any liberal to actually tolerate, indulge, or be willing to respect and accept opinions of anyone other than those that think the way they do. Try to have a debate with a liberal. You can’t. You cannot use logic, common sense or facts if any of those things go against what they believe. I have been called some of the most heinous of things because I don’t agree with the liberal way of thinking on a lot of subjects. When I state facts, they are said to be ‘alternative facts’ or lies or unsubstantiated reports. Doesn’t matter if those facts are from reputable sources or even their own officials.
I am not insulting any liberal or, at least, I’m not trying to. All I am doing is stating facts as I have seen and heard through personal experience. Am I just as hard-headed as some liberals? Of course I am on some subjects; on other subjects, not so much. Prove to me where I am wrong and I will most likely change my view. But I must have facts from reputable sources, eye witnesses, and incontrovertible evidence. Call me Trey Gowdy, Jr.
So, how do you look at yourself? Are you conventional, sensible, restrained, and a traditionalist or are you socialist, radical, easygoing, indulgent, lenient, reformist? Only you know the answer to this question. The bigger question is where do you want our country to go? We were founded on those fundamentally traditionalist, right-wing, old-fashioned, sensible, restrained ideals with individual freedoms and liberties guaranteed by our Constitution. That is what America is. We are not a country without borders, without respect for government and law enforcement, where everyone gets their way regardless of how others feel, where government controls every aspect of our lives and everyone is entitled to everything without working for it.
Free enterprise is what built this nation. Individual freedom is what has brought millions and millions of immigrants here (legally). Radical ideas of a new form of government, never tried before in history, is what got us those things. You can’t reinvent the wheel and make it better. It still has to be round to move that vehicle. A country without borders is not a country. National security is more important than open arms to anyone. Free everything will kill our economy. Wealth redistribution will not make anyone wealthy. The biggest problem with socialism is that sooner or later you will run out of other people’s money. Traditional values, you know - self-reliance and self-responsibility, are what will keep us going forward.
Dressing up as vaginas and protesting for ‘women’s rights’ will not gain anything; especially since those doing that are not actually protesting for women’s rights, only the right to kill unborn children. Women have equal rights and in a lot of cases have more rights. Minorities have the same rights as those so-called white-privileged people. If not, then why are there so many minorities that have risen to great heights? People like Barack Obama, Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Condaleeza Rice, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jackie Robinson, etc. are all far above a lot of white-privilege people. So don’t tell me that just because a person is white they are better off than those that are not. Don’t tell me that homosexuals are worse off than heterosexuals when Hollywood is filled with extremely rich and powerful homosexuals. Don’t tell me that immigrants can’t become great statesmen/women, businessmen/women, athletes, etc. when you see it all the time.
As soon as you stop empowering that victim ideology to people and start empowering the fact that anyone can achieve their dreams then this country, actually the world, will become a better place for everyone.
Sorry, got a little off topic didn’t I? Not really when you consider that all the racism, victim ideology and radical protests are coming from the liberal left and the conservative right is out here wondering why they are doing it.

Decide for yourself what you are and what you want. As Smokey the Bear said, “Only You can prevent the downfall of America.”

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