Sunday, March 5, 2017

We Are Bent On Our Own Destruction

I’ve been thinking lately. I know, like that never happens. But, with all that is going on in the world, what with global terrorism, three or four wars going on (I’ve actually lost count), countries in debt up to their collective eyebrows to the 13 wealthiest families, working citizens taxed into poverty to support the non-working people that can but refuse to work, and political parties trying to destroy each other, I’ve come to the conclusion that the best thing that could happen is a world-wide catastrophe that wipes out the entire human race.
That seems a bit extreme doesn’t it? After all, humanity is God’s gift to the planet. The great, omniscient being that supposedly created the entire universe and all that resides here, gave dominion of this one tiny rock to humankind to do with as we pleased. Look what we’ve done. We have overpopulated the world because we don’t know how to keep our hedonistic hormones in check. We’ve polluted the air, water and land with garbage, radioactivity, noxious gases, and toxic waste with no end in sight. We tear down mountains to build a few more just so we can house the ever increasing population. We continue to take the natural resources from Mother Earth just to keep our lives going when there are better, less destructive means. All this because corrupt, greedy corporations and politicians can make more and more money that they will never be able to spend in several lifetimes.
People, in all their cumulative knowledge and wisdom over several millennia of existence, have not yet learned how not to take from others, live in peace and tolerance, not force their way of thinking on others, share their knowledge and wisdom with those without, put others before themselves, or even consider that someone else might have a better idea if they would only listen with an open mind. I, myself, have been known to try to get people to change their minds about something without taking their point of view into consideration. That is not the way to live. That is not the way to peace and harmony. That is not a way to keep the human race from destroying itself.
When people are so entrenched, so adamant, about their philosophy, their ideology, that they cannot even entertain the thought of another way, it becomes a one way ticket to total annihilation. We cannot exist without compromise; without open minds; without being able to dismiss prejudice and intolerance. Unless we can learn to dismiss the old ways of thinking that there is only one way to do things, we will never progress above where we are now.
I know, a lot of you will say, “But, you, yourself, retain that old way of thinking. You won’t change your mind on certain things.” This is true. I am pretty well set in a certain way of thinking and believing when it comes to societal behavior, fiscal responsibility, personal responsibility, and rights and freedoms. There is such a thing as common sense, responsibility, and the unalienable rights and freedoms that all people have, or should have. Does this make me one of the dinosaurs that should be eliminated from the equation because of my steadfast beliefs? Some would say so. Others would say not.
Common sense has become an almost extinct quality in today’s world. Especially here in the United States of America. True, this is not the 19th or 20th centuries where puritan values are embraced. But, there are some things that should not be changed. In today’s world, if you are not a heterosexual you are believed to be a minority that deserves to force your way of life onto the heterosexual majority. Most people, not all but most, really don’t care about anyone else’s sexual orientation; most don’t even think about it. What the homosexual, bisexual, transgender, transvestite, lesbian, etc. set want is more rights and freedoms it seems. They already have the same freedoms as anyone else. They can sleep together, live together, eat together, go out, party, take walks, whatever, just as anyone else can do; even get married and adopt children in a lot of cases. That isn’t enough. They want to force their lifestyle onto everyone and pass laws that say regardless of their sex they should be able to use whatever restroom they ‘identify’ with. Common sense says, if you have a penis, you use the boy’s room and if not, you use the girl’s. There is a reason for this. A five year old girl doesn’t need to see a 50 year old man’s junk in the bathroom.
Should gays be able to get married, adopt children, live as they please just as the heterosexual community does? Sure. Why not? Two people in love are two people in love and it doesn’t matter if they are opposite or the same sex. Is that the way it is? In a lot of cases but not all. Are homosexuals harassed and persecuted? For the most part, no. If a homosexual throws his/her sexual orientation into the faces of the hetero world, chances are they will be harassed. I’m not saying that gays should go back into the closet. All I’m saying is that I don’t throw my sexuality in the faces of anyone, no one should do it to me. It’s like having a penis. It’s nice to have, you should be proud of it but you should not take it out and force it onto to others. That goes for both ways of living; heterosexuals shouldn’t do it, either. Leave the PDA at home.
Religion is another good example. Like the illustration above, like the penis, don’t take it out and force it on anyone else. I believe the way I believe just as you do. I won’t force my heathenism onto you so don’t force your religion on me.
When you envy someone for what they have and you don’t, then greed and lustfulness takes over. Just because someone has worked hard for something and you haven’t doesn’t mean that you need to take that from them. Maybe you have worked hard your whole life and still have nothing to show for it. Maybe you should stop and ask yourself why instead of thinking, “that somnabitch has more than me and I deserve it more than he does.” Maybe that person did without a lot of luxuries and maybe even some necessities to get where he’s at. Maybe he went to college and got a better education so he could get a better paying job. Maybe you just wasted a ton of money on things that you didn’t need like wine, women and song. Maybe you spent a month’s pay on that old Chevy truck you wanted that you had to repair before you could even drive it. Maybe you partied the nights away at the bar instead of staying home watching TV and having a beer. Whatever the reasons, that person has more than you and there is no reason good enough that makes the argument in your favor. Be happy for them. They succeeded for whatever reason and you didn’t for whatever reason. What they worked so hard for does not belong to you and you do not deserve it.
It took a lot of centuries for the human race to develop into what we call a civilized race. It took many more just to become industrialized. In the last 70 years we have advanced exponentially technologically. Is this a good thing? Not really. With all the technology advancements we have lost touch with our humanity, with our instincts, with our world. We don’t talk to one another, we text (even from the next room). We don’t use our hands to do things, we use machines. We use up our natural resources and throw the waste into our water, air and all over the landscape. We take mountains and dig holes for the resources to save other resources. What we don’t do is use renewable energy for things. We don’t use solar power, wind power, water power. We have to use coal, oil, uranium, lithium, etc.; all things that are not renewable and destroys our planet. That is progress. That is our destruction.
We tear down forests for the lumber and to plant fields; all the while not caring that those trees are what gives us oxygen and keeps the wind from blowing away that precious topsoil that is needed. We fill our atmosphere with noxious gases from exhaust so that we can drive to work instead of using mass transit or even walking. We take toxic waste and dump it into our rivers and streams thus polluting our water supply and, eventually, the oceans; all so that we can pretend that we are making a better life for ourselves. What are we actually doing? It may surprise you that all this is not by our choice as a whole. We are told from childhood on that this is the way it has to be. It is humankind’s destiny to destroy itself by believing that we are doing what is right. It is not right at all.
We are destroying ourselves at a high rate of speed and we don’t even care. Yes, it is extreme to think that a catastrophe eliminating the human race is what is needed. It is also extreme to think that one way of thinking is the only way to think. It is extreme to believe that yours is the only belief that is correct. It is extreme to kill unborn children, let the homeless be homeless, let the starving starve and go to war over greed or religion. It is especially extreme to kill the one thing that gives us life: Mother Earth. So which is the worst case of extremism? Let the radical Islamic terrorists kill everyone and then find out those 72 virgins are a myth, or actually 12 year old boys or some form of animal so they kill themselves off. Let the T virus loose. Use the nukes. Let humanity kill itself off so that Mother Earth can repair herself and return to the pure beauty and pristine condition she was in before we evolved into the ‘civilized’ system we are.

It would take approximately 500 years to get rid of any trace that man ever existed. It has actually only taken approximately 150 years to get to where we are in destructiveness. Since the beginning of time we have been bent on our own destruction. Let it happen. Let mankind disappear. The world would be a better place for it.

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