“People think a
soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul
mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back,
the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.
A true soul mate is
probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down
your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too
painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of
yourself to you, and then leave.
A soul mates
purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your
obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make
you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then
introduce you to your spiritual master...”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
I was trying to find a good
subject for a blog but couldn’t get my mind around it. Mi Hijo turned me on to
this website called GoodReads that has quotes from books, authors, celebrities
on other famous people. Now, I have been known to write about a lot of things
that I know absolutely nothing about so I thought maybe I would try the subject
of love and soul mates. I found this quote to be very enlightening. I like what
Ms. Gilbert said so I will continue on with this as best I can with wit, humor
and a base of knowledge that comes to the sum total of zero.
My idea of a soul mate has always
been exactly what Ms. Gilbert said in that first sentence: the perfect fit. You
know; that one person in the world that completes you, fills you up and you
never want to be without. Isn’t that what everyone wants? Of course it is. The
best friend, the lover, the confidante all rolled into one. That, my friends,
is a soul mate. At least that’s what I thought it was until I read this quote
and got to thinking about it. As I read through this I got to thinking about it
more closely. What is a best friend? What is a confidante? We all know what a
lover is.
A best friend is someone who
loves you no matter who you are, what you are, where you are or anything else.
They don’t care if you are rich or poor, skinny or fat, cute or ugly or even popular
or an outcast. They love you for you; all of you. That best friend will also
let you know when you screw up, when you are going down the wrong path or when
you are on the precipice of oblivion. They let you know when you are sabotaging
yourself and make you look at yourself honestly. Your walls are non-existent to
them because you trust them so implicitly and because your walls are down, they
are able to make you see yourself for who you are. They hold the razor to your
life and can cut you to the heart, destroying you because they know everything
about you. That is a best friend because they can do all that and still love
you for it all. The good, the bad and the ugly. It is always up to you to
change if you choose and if you choose not to they will still love you.
The confidante is that person
that knows every secret in your life. Well, maybe not every secret but pretty
darn close. You go to them for advice, consolation, in victory and defeat. They
are the Robert to your John Kennedy. More than a best friend yet not quite
because that razor isn’t in their hand like it is with the Best Friend, but
they kinda hold the hand that holds the razor.
So, going on this line of
thought, a soul mate is best friend, confidante and, a lot of the time, the
lover, but this type of soul mate described by Ms. Gilbert is one that comes
into your life, is all the above for a while and then leaves because their job
is done. Once this type of soul mate has broken you down to build you up, they
go somewhere else to do the same damage to someone else knowing that you are
the better person for it. I kind of agree with this yet disagree because I
believe that this type soul mate stays in your life as the mentor type person.
Still a best friend and still someone you confide in. They still hold that damn
razor. They may no longer be the lover for one reason or another but they will
always be in your life simply because you will always need that person to keep
you in line, show you a different route, and help you along the way to keep
from falling.
Let’s go a little bit further.
Let’s say that you have someone in your life that you think is your soul mate.
It doesn’t matter whether that soul mate is same sex or not. You have to look
at who they are and what they do for you. Is it that they just make you happy?
Is it that you’ve known them forever and have been close friends your whole
life? Is it because they like the same things you do? Is it because they are
there when you need them no matter what? All good questions to think about.
If they just make you happy that
does not make a soul mate. It just means that you like to be around them, they’re
funny, and they can make you smile when you’re in a bad mood. Just about anyone
can do that if they try hard enough. Go to a bloody circus and watch the
clowns, if you’re not afraid of clowns. After a while that frown will turn to a
smile. The same goes for if it is because they like the same things you do. I’ve
known people that mimicked someone because they wanted to be like them to the
point where their whole lives changed. I read something decades ago about a kid
that loved Star Trek’s Spock so much that he changed himself into Spock, to the
point of not even showing emotion. That doesn’t make a person a soul mate.
So you’ve known this person your
whole life and have been best friends. This person would do their best to come
to your aid in the middle of the night if you needed them. Most people have
friends like that; most, not all. Does that make this person your soul mate?
Hardly. If it did then everyone would have their soul mates without trying and
no one would be looking for that special someone.
Let’s put it all together now.
You have a best friend that likes everything you do, makes you happy and will
come to your aid that you have known your whole life. You can even share your
inner-most thoughts, fears and dreams with this person. They might even know
you better than most but that does not mean they are your soul mate. Re-read
Ms. Gilbert’s description and you’ll see what I mean. A soul mate will tear you
down, make you see yourself honestly, help you find yourself, guide you, advise
you, be there for you, tear up your ego a little just to make you see yourself
more honestly and then build a stronger you.
A true soul mate, that one person
that comes into your life that so special, is a rarity; so much so that when
you find that person you should grab hold of him/her and love them with all
your heart and soul and never let them go. The true soul mate, whether same sex
or not, will be more to you than anyone else; loyal, trustworthy, the
confidante, the conscience, the guide, the mentor and could possibly even be
the lover. Most people see their soul mate as the lover simply because they
believe their soul mate is opposite sex. If that soul mate is same sex it can,
and sometimes does, include a sexual relationship, albeit, discreet and secret.
The vast majority of people
believe that sex is an integral part of soul mates. If it is a same sex person
then is sex that important? To some it is, others it is not. A person can be
straighter than a stripper pole and still be in an intimate relationship with
someone that is same sex. Both parties can be straight and still be in that
same sex relationship if there is trust, loyalty, devotion and love. Then, the
soul mate relationship will be totally complete as the majority sees it. The
sexual side, if same sex, is unknown to the world but enjoyed by the two
involved behind closed doors.
So, when you find that special someone,
and if you haven’t, you will, it won’t matter who they are, how old they are,
what sex they are or where they are in life, they will be there for you and
love you more than anyone else could or would, so take hold of them like a
drowning man grabs a life preserver. Keep them close and believe that, no
matter what, they are there and there is nothing that you could do or say that
will ever make them not love you. Trust him/her to always have your back, never
cut you down, never humiliate you, always build you up and to love you with all
their heart and soul. There is that someone out there for you. All you have to
do is open your eyes and see.
Soul mate...humm..well is NOT a spouse! Sorry, but if you think they are like your last paragraph, you are going to die of boredom! There would be no disagreements, no mystery, no spice. And you know that you can make them NOT love you simply by ignoring them, arguing with them, etc...I really don't believe in soul mates at this point. I guess if I ever meet mine I will have to change my opinion. But for now, soul mates do NOT exist!