Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The State of America Today

 Finally a major win for conservatives! Elon Musk has successfully acquired Twitter. What he does with it should make it much easier for the conservative voice to be heard. This is much to the chagrin of the far-left radicals in the country. Will he silence the liberal voice? He says he is for free speech and that he hopes his haters won't leave Twitter. We shall see what happens in the next few months.

On the Chinavirus front, Mr. Fauci has declared that a conservative, Federal judge does not have the authority to override mandates from the CDC. Does this mean that, no matter what, the CDC has autonomous power over the people on everything? If the CDC decides that it's not healthy for a person to eat more than one slice of pizza, have more than one sweet tea, engage in perverted sex, etc., do they, and they alone, have the power to ban such things? According to Mr. Fauci, a resounding, Yes!

How about the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Should we, as allies of Ukraine, put boots on the ground to save a free nation from tyranny? Is sending arms and humanitarian aid enough? Mr. Biden has lead from behind on everything Ukraine. He was last to help them on all fronts and continues to be last. Several European nations have re-opened their embassies in Kiev but not the US. Several European leaders have gone to Ukraine to talk with Volodymir Zelenski. Biden, finally sent his Secretary of State, in the middle of the night, under the utmost secrecy. Once again, leading from the rear.

How about our southern border? We have had an invasion of illegal aliens of enormous proportions since the Biden Administration took power. What are they doing about it? Well, from what I've been hearing, they are sending the word out that everyone around the world is welcome regardless of health, criminal background, political/socioeconomic ideology, or whether they hate America or not.

Inflation is at a record level since the 1970's. Gas prices are at historic highs. Workforce participation is at record lows since the 1980's. Iran is on the pathway to nuclear weapons. China is fast becoming the economic power of the world. North Korea is testing long range missiles again. The oil cartels are, once again, raking in billions of American dollars. Our President is obviously mentally not up to leading the free world. Our Vice President talks gibberish when she isn't laughing. The Assistant Director of Health and Human Services is a man that thinks he's a woman. We now have a Supreme Court Justice that can't define what a woman is even though she is a woman. There are thousands of illegals crossing the southern border unmolested; in fact, they are transported wherever they want to go on the taxpayer's dollar.

What is Congress worried about? Our elected officials are more concerned about an unarmed 'insurrection' that occurred on January 6, 2021. They are concerned that parents don't want their children indoctrinated into the LGBTQIA+ ideology and transitioned into the opposite sex without parental consent, or knowledge, in schools. The thing they are most concerned about is losing their power over the people.

I predict, as do a lot of conservatives, that no later than October, there will be another major outbreak of the Chinavirus and mail-in voting will be a necessity. Why? Because that is the only way the Democrats can possibly win the mid-term elections. You heard it right. The Democrats will cheat, just as they did in the 2020 Presidential election. That is the only way they can win and continue the destruction of the greatest nation on Earth.

Our MSM is government owned and controlled just as much as it is in Russia, North Korea, China, etc. If all you do is listen to that you are just a brainwashed sheeple. A useful idiot. And you will get exactly what you have coming to you – tyranny that will never go away.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Corruption in the Federal Government

 The liberal left are still claiming a violent insurrection happened on January 6, 2021. They still are trying everything to find some illegality on the part of President Donald J Trump. They still believe that we, the People, are so stupid as to believe their lies and propaganda.

The problem is: there are a lot of people out here that actually do believe it.

Facts mean nothing to the far-left radicals and anti-Trumpers. They believe that a small group of unarmed people, peacefully protesting, can effectively take over the government of the United States. It doesn't matter to them that the only people that were armed were the Capitol Police and the only person violently killed was an airman that was looking around the Capitol by an unnamed policeman.

My biggest question for all those people that voted against Trump is this: Is this what you voted for? Did you vote for record high inflation, record high gas prices, supply chain problems, millions of illegals crossing the border, a nuclear Iran, a war between Russia and Ukraine? Yes, I asked if you voted for the Russian/Ukrainian war. Why? I asked that because Putin wouldn't have even thought about it under the Trump Administration. With the utter weakness of the present administration, our enemies are emboldened to do as they please.

Biden is leading from behind. He dragged his feet to supply Ukraine with arms first of all and he has waited until other NATO nations has stepped up before he's done anything to help. Is this our war? No. Do I think we should send troops to help? No. Do I think Ukraine needs arms and supplies to win over the hostile takeover? Yes. Putin won't stop at Ukraine if he wins. His goal is to re-establish the Soviet Union. He saw the utter failure of the withdrawal in Afghanistan and how Biden left thousands of Americans and American allies behind enemy lines. He saw the billions of dollars worth of military equipment Biden left for the enemy. He is emboldened to do as he pleases.

Meanwhile, on the domestic front, we have millions of illegals crossing our southern border unmolested. No one knows who these people are and our government doesn't seem to care. Just let them come and good old Uncle Joe will let them do as they please, go where they want. Everyone is asking, “Why isn't anything being done about this?” The answer to that question is so blatantly obvious: voters for the far left. From the reports that I've heard it's already happening in New York where non-citizens are allowed to vote. The Left is changing our demographic and replacing American citizens with illegal aliens.

The present administration is more concerned with finding something to charge Donald Trump with than taking care of the nation as their oath of office demands. There are still hundreds of innocent citizens in DC jails, being held without bail or being charged with any crime. The Left is hoping to find something to charge them with other than simple trespassing. It is political persecution on a scale never seen in this country before. January 6th is all important to them. The riots, looting, arson, assault and insurrection of the summer of '20 is inconsequential to them. The 'armed insurrection' of the Trump Rally and protest at the Capitol Complex is so much more dangerous.

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr is the most destructive president this country has ever had. The present Congress is the most anti-American we have ever had. The end goal is total take-over. A one party government. A tyrannical rule that would make Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, Chavez, and Kim very proud. In a little more than a year, the Biden Administration has effectively destroyed our economy, our world respect and strength, our demographics, our morals, values, and standards, and divided us more than Obama did.

The Left doesn't put qualifications for a job as a prerequisite. The only thing it takes to get a job with the Left is to be a special interest minority, i.e.: gay, trans, black, female (or pretending to be female), Hispanic, etc. There is not one person in the present administration that is actually qualified for the job they have. Buttegieg knows nothing about transportation. Levine is a man that thinks he's a woman but is second in charge of health and human services. Jackson-Brown, a woman, can't define what a woman is. P-saki has to 'circle back.' The list goes on and on and one. The worst part is that our President isn't mentally able to hold a press conference and the Vice President can't give a sensible speech and laughs at everything.

Why do we have a government like this? We have a weak, unqualified government simply because we, the People, allowed it. The states changed the voting rules unconstitutionally with impunity; the election results were not challenged hard enough; and the Democrats committed fraud, whether it was proven or not because NO ONE would challenge that Biden had more votes than Obama after campaigning from his basement and having rallies with a dozen people present.

Rumor has it that the corrupt, compromised, mentally challenged geriatric in charge is not the one actually running the country. Well, obviously he isn't mentally capable of that task after watching him shake hands with no one, wander around the stage, not be able to construct complete, sensible sentences, and fall down the stairs to Air Force One three times on one trip (pun not intended). So, who is running the show? Is it his Chief of Staff, Nancy Pelosi, AOC, or someone much more ominous? Conspiracy theorists surmise that Barry Sotoero (aka Barack Obama) is the one calling the shots. Is that possible? Anything is possible in this administration but is it probable? Yes, regardless of what anyone in the mainstream media or government says.

Sotoero and his 'wife' were bent on changing the very fabric of our Constitutional Republic. They did a really good job of it. They put boys in the girl's bathrooms; brought back racism to levels worse than the 50's and 60's; marginalized law enforcement; bowed to Muslim leaders; gave billions to our enemies; unconstitutionally taxed the American citizens through a 'fine' if we didn't buy his unconstitutional ObamaCare insurance; and condoned terrorist activities throughout the nation by saying it was because of racism. What the Biden Administration is doing is just carrying on that legacy exponentially. No one can destroy a nation as fast as Biden has unless it's on purpose. America Last is the motto of the new Democrat Party (better known as the American Communist Party).

Under President Donald Trump this nation was once again the greatest nation in the world. Record high employment and record low unemployment among women and minorities; a booming economy; energy independence and an exporter of energy; a secure border; four peace agreements in the Middle East; MIA's returned from North Korea from the Korean Conflict and no missile testing from there; tax cuts and higher wages; NATO nations starting to pay their fair share; record sanctions against Russia; fair trade deals with China; etc. What has Biden done? He undid everything Trump had done, basically on day one. Trump's motto: America First! Biden's motto: America Last.

I do not condone violence. Not at all but, if war is to come to this nation to protect our Constitutional Republic and our rights and freedoms, let it be in my time so that my children and grandchildren shall know the freedoms that I have known. I would rather die on my feet, fighting for freedom, than die on my knees subservient to a tyrannical dominion such as the Democrat Party wishes to put on us. We are not a Socialist State. This great country was built on capitalism, exceptionalism, hard work, and self-reliance; not social programs and government handouts.

FARO Free America Resistance Organization MAGA Make America Great Again. Vote conservative.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Do We Really Want To Impeach Joe Biden?


The Republicans, if they win the House and Senate, want to impeach our fearful leader, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. Why? I'm not saying that the corrupt, compromised, mentally challenged geriatric hasn't done things since being installed as President to warrant being impeached; I'm just asking because of who would take over the job of leader of the Free World. We all know that Kamala Harris isn't qualified for Vice President, much less as President.

Mistress VP got her start in politics by having an affair with a powerful, married California politician. Her record as a prosecutor is shady at best. As Senator her record is almost non-existent; other than decrying conservative policies and voting against the Constitution, rights, and freedoms for all Americans.

As VP, her record is failure after failure after failure. She has giggled and laughed her way through interviews and her speeches make absolutely no sense at all. She finally made her way to the border – the Polish/Ukrainian border, not the American/Mexican border.

I really don't think the Republicans could come up with enough votes to impeach Biden. We all know that Mittens Romney won't do it. Murkowski won't and neither will Collins. There are enough RINOS in the Senate that, even if the House did impeach, it wouldn't go through. Maybe not because they don't want to rid the country of the worst President since Woodrow Wilson, but because they know Harris isn't up to standards for the big chair.

There isn't one person in the Biden Administration that is qualified for the job they hold. Not one. At least if you want to keep America strong, free, and sovereign. If the end goal is the downfall of the bastion of freedom, then the right people are up there, making millions off the taxpayers they are screwing over.

As for the career politicians in DC, well, they all need to be replaced. From Pelosi to McConnell, to Schumer, Schiff, Swalwell, Omar, Cortez, Tlaib, Grassley, etc. There are only a handful of Congressmen that are actually working for America and Americans. Out of 535 people elected to represent us and our interests, only about a dozen are upholding their oath of office; and some of them are questionable.

So, Republicans and RINOS, go ahead, impeach Biden on grounds of actual high crimes and misdemeanors. He's guilty of whatever you want to charge him with from not fulfilling his oath to corrupt business deals as VP to needing the 25th Amendment instituted against him. It will be on you when the promiscuous Vice becomes full fledged and China, Russia, North Korea, and every Mid-Eastern terrorist country decides to start WWIII with the United States because we won't have anyone at the helm that knows what they are doing.

It sure would be nice to have a government that wasn't working against their own country once again. You know, like it was under Trump – AMERICA FIRST!

FARO – Free America Resistance Organization. MAGA – Make America Great Again. Term limits for Congress.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Is It Genius or Madness

 To be one step ahead of everyone is to be insightful. To be more than that is to be called insane. Think about that. If someone had said that 2021 would be the disaster it was and that inflation and fuel prices would be running rampant at record high levels in 2022 during the 2020 campaign, no one would have believed them. Once our anti-American, pro-Chinese/Russian president was installed then it would have sounded more feasible.

If someone would have said, during the campaign, that Biden would win over Trump, it would have been one step ahead of everyone else. Even I didn't think that Biden would actually win the election. In my opinion, he did not. I will contend to the end of days that Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide and that there was no way on Earth that Biden could have gotten more votes that Obama. The evidence was there, it was obvious, it was blatant. Just because no one wanted to go against the far-left and actually investigate the fraud and corruption doesn't mean it wasn't there.

I will never say that I cannot make mistakes in my predictions. I have made many. The problem is that 90% of my predictions have come true. That's right; if not 90% it is pretty darn close to that. I predicted all the bullshite that Obama pulled. I predicted that Trump would turn the country around. Worst of all, I predicted that IF Biden got into the White House it would be a disaster. Where was I wrong? If you don't think I wasn't saying all this, go back through my Fakebook posts and blog entries.

There are several American patriots that have said, over and over, what would happen if the far-left got power in DC. They were all right! It wasn't just yours truly. What we didn't foresee was blatant political persecution of everyday citizens for their patriotism and exercising their Constitutional rights to peacefully protest and speak their minds. No one could have possibly envisioned the abuse of power of the left that has been perpetrated over the last year. No one could have foreseen the utter destruction of our great country in so short a time

With people like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Mitt Romney, AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayianna Pressley, etc. in Congress is a slap in the face to the thousands of Americans that have died fighting for freedom around the world and the Founding Fathers and rebels that fought against such tyranny during the Revolution and the War of 1812. This IS the government that our Founders warned us about and tried to legislate against. Over the decades, even centuries, the government has become more and more powerful and controlling. We, the People, have allowed this. We, the People, should have stood up and fought against the bloating of the Federal Government when it first started. We, the People, should still be able to tar and feather corrupt politicians and run them out on a rail.

No one has any fear anymore. Criminals don't fear the laws. Why should they? They get caught, jailed, released. Politicians get by with just about anything they want. Don't believe me? Hillary Clinton and her personal server with thirty thousand deleted emails. Joe Biden selling access to the Federal Government through his son, Hunter. The fraudulent FISA Court documents. The illegal spying on a political candidate and then President. The corruption that happens in Congress every day with insider trading, back door deals with lobbyists and donors, trillions of dollars going out the country to pay for things that have nothing to do with America or Americans.

The Barr/Durham report that was supposed to come out before the 2020 election is still not out and no one has been indicted except a low level attorney. What about McCabe, Comey, Strozk, Paige, and the rest of the FBI and intelligence bigwigs that did everything they could to overthrow President Trump? Why is Hillary Clinton still running around loose? What about Hunter Biden and his sketchy deals with Barisma, the Communist Chinese, and selling access to his dad, VP Biden? What about all those people involved with Jeffery Epstein and his pedo island?

Crickets. Crickets. Crickets. Not even a coyote howling in the night. Only crickets.

Was it madness or genius when people said that nothing would come of any of the investigations? Was it madness or genius when people said, over and over, that a Democrat run Congress would be the worst thing for this country? Was it madness or genius when conservatives were saying that the Hunter Biden laptop was not Russian misinformation? At the time, and even now when it's come out that the laptop is legitimate, the left was saying we were all idiots that believed the scarce reports of its legitimacy. A lot of left-leaning voters said that we were idiots to think that Congress, and the present installed Administration, would destroy the country like it has. We, the conservatives, are mad! Mad, I tell you!!! Until we're proven right. Only then does the left change their minds and agree with us, albeit reluctantly.

All that has happened over the last twelve to fourteen years has been predicted by conservatives and delegitimized by liberals. Today, there are still people out here in the real world that believe Orange-man bad. No amount of factual data on all the good Trump did will change their minds. So, tell me, who is it that is mad and who are the geniuses?

By the time all is said and done I believe that the conservative voices will prove to be the genius and the liberal voices will fall by the way-side will the label of madness. Think about it. Only a madman would put people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (or, as I like to say: Always Obnoxious Cortez) into federal office. Only the mentally challenged would keep people like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Maxine Waters, Mitten Romney, Mitch McConnell, etc. in office year after year.

So, tell me, good patriots, who is mad and who is genius? Is it madness or insanity to believe the way you do? Perspective is all we have to go on. If you are an anti-American, far-left radical, socialist or communist, then the Constitutional patriots are mad. The other way around, it's the same. Is it a 6 or a 9? Do you believe in what the Founders envisioned or do you believe that government control of your life is the right way?

Think about it and get back with me. I'm curious to know just what you think.

Friday, April 1, 2022

How Well Did You Know Your Teachers

 Did you know your K-3 teachers? I mean really know them? I grew up on the farm so my neighbors were up to a mile away. My kindergarten and first grade teacher lived on the next farm over; my second grade teacher lived about 4 miles away, and my third grade teacher lived about 8 miles away. Did I know them? I sure did my kindergarten/1st grade and my 2nd grade teachers. My dad helped out all the neighbors on the farm and they helped him. Once a month all the people in the neighborhood, which included about about a dozen farm families, would get together and spend an evening doing what adults did back then; us kids would hang out and play together leaving the adults to do their thing.

That was way back in the stone age though and in a farm community. I'd say that the town kids would not have been so unlucky as to have teachers that spent a lot of time with their parents.

What am I getting at here, you ask? Just this: even though my first teachers were people I grew up around, I did not know everything about their personal lives. Town kids knew even less. Most teachers way back then kept their personal lives just that – personal. They did not share their weekend adventures or last nights dinner with any of their students; and that's what we were – their STUDENTS. We were not their kids or their children. Their job was to educate us with things that were age appropriate.

Now, there is a liberal kindergarten teacher that is afraid that he won't be able to share everything about his personal life with his 'kids'. Including that he is gay. Is it appropriate for a 5 year old to know that his/her/its teacher is gay and that he and his partner went kayaking over the weekend? What else does this so-called educator share with his students? From the interview I heard all his students know that he is gay and that his partner is someone that he sleeps with. My opinion? Totally inappropriate for 5 years old minds to be told.

If your children know anything at all about their teacher's personal lives it is no longer being educated but, indoctrinated. I still don't know the political beliefs of any of my former teachers but teachers today make sure that their students are indoctrinated into the liberal way of thinking. The really bad thing about it is that there are a lot of school boards that don't think parents should know anything about what they are teaching those kids. Parents standing up to school boards have been branded as domestic terrorists and had the FBI called in on them. All because those parents are tired of their kids being forced to listen to liberal bullshite like CRT and anti-American propaganda.

Why and when did we, the People, allow the government to totally take over our lives and the lives of our children? Government-run schools are nothing more than indoctrination centers, especially if the parents aren't allowed to know what is being taught. There are things that should be left up to the parents to teach their kids, not the job of the school district. Things like sex, gender, politics, religion, morals, and values. Not only do we need to take our government back, we need to take our schools back as well.

FARO- Free America Resistance Organization. Remember Red Dawn!

Romance of the Ranchos

 During the 1950s there was a radio show called Romance of the Ranchos. This was the history of Southern California from the late 1700s to early 1900s. According to the broadcast announcer, all the information contained in the show was true history with only dialogue added that was probably what was said between the historical figures.

Romance of the Ranchos told the story of the immense ranches that were granted to Mexican citizens when Mexico controlled Southern California. It told of the beauty and fertility of the valleys. Frank Graham, the narrator, told of how the Dons lived peaceably amongst themselves and the Indians of the area. These ranchos were not small. Land grants were given for anywhere from twenty thousand to sixty thousand acres with one person as owner.

It was when the Americanos went to war with Mexico and took over the area that things changed. The peaceful hills and valleys that had been used for cattle, horses, vineyards, grazing, etc. started to change. The pueblos and missions were still there, dotting the countryside but now, with the money-hungry Americanos there, the ranchos were in serious trouble. They had never worried about proving who owned what, everyone knew that. They had wealth, not in money, but in livestock.

The Americanos moved in, squatted on land not theirs, put money before honor, and the Dons got into financial trouble. All ended up being forced to sell their beautiful homesteads to the Americans.

What happened then? What always happens when greedy American businessmen get involved? Industry, growth, destruction. The ranchos were divided up, towns sprouted and grew. The lush green valleys and fields turned into dirty construction sites. The towns turned into cities. The harbors were crowded with ships. California was no longer the peaceful, beautiful area it once was.

You look at southern California now. Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Barbara, etc. have taken over the grazing lands and open beaches. Where once was green fields is now desert. America has struck again! Destroy all the beauty to create huge metropolises for millions of people. Drain all natural resources for the millions to be comfortable. Mother Nature won't care. All that matters is making money and destroying all beauty.

I've said this for years: Humanity is the bane of the Earth. I don't know what the good Lord was thinking when he put mankind in charge over the Earth. All we do is destroy. John Denver said it in Rocky Mountain High: we tear down the mountains to put in a couple more. It isn't just California that we've destroyed. Colorado was once a beautiful state with clean air and beautiful scenery. The last time I went to Denver I couldn't breathe because of the smog. It's probably 40 miles out of the LA area that the air starts getting yellow with pollution. NYC is the same. Chicago, Detroit, Philly, etc. all polluted.

When are we going to get it through our heads that Mother Earth is the one that lets us live? When are we going to start to understand that we can't keep destroying the planet? I'm far from a pine needle junkie or a fresh air freak but I do believe that we need to take care of this ball of rock we call home. Instead of trying to find an Earth-like planet somewhere else in space or to industrialize Mars or the Moon, why don't we start to clean up this planet? If we can't take care of this one, what makes anyone think we can do it somewhere else? Or is it that greedy industrialists and elitists just want to exploit the natural resources of every other planet like they have this one?

Think about it. Get back to me.