I understand that the divide in this
country is getting wider. It has almost gotten to the point of no
return. Why, is the big question. Why are we so divided? Why can we
not repair the damage done? Why can we not discuss our differences
instead of trying to silence the opposite view? Why is one side
ignoring the Constitution, or interpreting it to mean what they want?
Why are our morals and values being destroyed? Why? Why? Why?
It is painful for me to watch this
great country devolve into a quagmire of deceit, deception,
intolerance, and violence. Not since the Civil War has the country
been so divided as to have brother against brother, father against
son, mother against daughter, and friend against friend. Our Congress
is against the President in everything he does or tries to do. They
will not give him credit for any of his accomplishments such as: the lowest unemployment rate in recent history, highest employment rate
for women and minorities in history, the largest tax cut in history,
trade deals that are great for America, getting rid of the ISIS
leader and giving the credit to the military that did the work,
putting America first in all things, exposing the corruption and the greed of politicians and the Deep State, etc.
If you read the Federalist Papers, the
Federalist Farmer letters, and the Constitution you will see that
what we have for a government now is not what the Founding Fathers
envisioned. Point in fact, it is exactly what they feared the most.
We have a Congress that is so partisan that the impeachment
proceedings are one-sided against the President. The Democrats have
all the power; the Intelligence Committee is leading the inquiry
instead of the Judiciary Committee; the Chairman of the Committee has
final say in who is interviewed, what the witnesses can be asked, who
can be present, and what can be brought forth as evidence; the
accuser is being kept secret and not allowed to be interviewed in
person; only selective information is being leaked to the press;
worst of all, the American people are being kept in the dark. The
Founders did not want to include impeachment into the Constitution
for this very reason.
We have Congressmen/women that have
served for thirty, forty, even fifty years. This is, again, not what
the Founders envisioned. They envisioned a Congress that would serve
for a term or two then return to the real world, their real life,
their real job. Why? Because our representatives needed to keep in
touch with their constituents. To realize the ramifications of their
legislation; to keep Congress from becoming too powerful. We, the
People, and Congress determined that a President could serve only two
terms so as not to become too powerful, to become a monarch. Isn’t
it time that the real power in Washington, in our government, be
subjected to the same limitation? The President can do nothing
permanent without the consent of Congress. Congress can overrule the
President, even if he vetoes legislation, simply by casting another
vote. As has been proven in the last three years, Congress can overrule
the President by using a Circuit Court that is sympathetic to
their cause. This is too much power for any group of people.
The Founders did not want a large
government that could rule over the country. They wanted a limited
centralized government that had limited power over the people. The
States had the power over their citizens, not the Federal Government.
Today, we have hundreds of thousands of federal employees in hundreds
of agencies, offices, and committees that can ‘legislate’ without
being elected. This is the Deep State; those that have not been
elected yet have the power to control the citizen’s actions. Who are
these people? They are employees of the EPA, DHS, DNR, Commerce
Commission, FMCSA, Federal Trade Commission, Federal Communications
Commission, etc. These people are not elected to any office but have
the authority and power to enact laws that we, the People, are
subject to regardless of whether we agree or not.
What are some of these laws? We now
must ask permission to hunt or fish and pay for that right. We must
ask permission to build a house and pay a fee to do so. We are
required to secure our children in car seats up to a certain age. We
are limited in our speed on the roads. We must watch what we say
(political correctness is of utmost importance – we cannot, under
any circumstances, offend anyone). It doesn’t matter what action it
is; it is either 1) regulated, 2) taxed, or 3) illegal. This is 95%
due to the Deep State and its ability to enact law without debate,
consent, or vote by elected representatives.
What does all this have to do with the
country being so divided? There are two ideologies at work in the
United States; one being Constitutional originalists that believe the
Constitution is set in stone and the law of the land. These
conservatives also believe in a free market, capitalist economy and
limiting government control. The other side believes that the
Constitution is a living document meant to be interpreted with every
passing fancy, a large, controlling government that the people depend
upon, and a Socialist economy that redistributes wealth from those
that have, to those that have-not.
The United States grew to be the
world’s wealthiest nation by people that were innovators,
believers, doers. If Edison hadn’t believed he could make money
with his inventions, we probably wouldn’t have the electric light
bulb. If Bell hadn’t seen that there would be profit made, we
wouldn’t have had the telephone. Ford wouldn’t have created the
assembly line for automobile manufacturing. We wouldn’t have gone
to the moon. Capitalism and the free market are what encourages
innovation. In a little over a hundred and twenty-five years, this
country grew to the nation that the world looked to for everything.
We had the strongest military, the strongest economy, the greatest
inventors, and in a lot of ways, the greatest thinkers. All this is
due to our freedoms, our rights as citizens, our values of
compensation for effort and work. In short, because we were a
capitalist society with little government regulation or control over
the people.
There has never been a successful,
strong nation that was socialist or communist. Socialism does not
encourage innovation or even participation. When the government gets
its hands into anything bureaucracy strangles creativity to the point
of creativity, innovation, and invention being almost non-existent.
Almost. There will always be government-sponsored innovation, but it
is shadowed, by far, by the innovations of a free society. Yes, the
Russians were the first to put a ship into space, but it was the
Americans that were first to put a man into space and to land on the
moon. True, the Chinese have developed some pretty good tech, but it
doesn’t match the quality of that produced by the United States.
The far-left would have us become a
socialist state with the government controlling our healthcare, all
our schools, how our homes are built, how much money we can make and
where that money would go, what kind of energy we use, car we drive,
what we eat, etc. The far-left wants to regulate what companies can
charge for their products, especially in the pharmaceutical industry.
True, healthcare is expensive and needs to be more consumer-friendly.
How do you do that? Less regulation and more free market. Competition
is what brings about lower costs and better service. I don’t mean
that drug companies, hospitals, clinics, doctors and nurses shouldn’t
be licensed and certified as competent. I’m saying that if they
weren’t so regulated by policy that there would be more competition
in the field and that would lower costs. It isn’t like the FDA
doesn’t allow harmful drugs to be distributed to the public. There
are hundreds of drugs that have side effects worse than the disease
they treat.
The radical left would like to do away
with fossil fuels. Oil and gas are what drives the world. Without
using petroleum products how would consumer goods be shipped? I
really don’t think a solar-powered semi-truck would get the job
done as efficiently as a diesel-powered one. With the world being as
mobile as it is, how would people travel? Do we go back to sailing
across the oceans in ships such as the Mayflower? Do we return to the
days of the steam engine train to travel across the nation? Do we go
back to the horse and buggy and stagecoach? If the radical left gets
their way we will have to; they want to do away with cars, planes,
trucks, cruise liners, cargo ships, and trucks.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would
like to retrofit all existing buildings, including homes, in the
nation to make them totally green with no carbon footprint. Not only
would that be fiscally impossible, what is she planning on heating
and cooling those buildings with? I don’t think those high rises in
New York City have enough roof space for solar panels to run the
light, heat, and air conditioning, as well as all the electronics
that today’s society depends upon. As for wind generators, well, it
takes more energy to construct them than what they would save in
their useful lifetime. Ms. Cortez has not come up with any viable
solution as of yet. The Green New Deal is nothing more than a way to
change the economic structure of our nation to one of government
control over private ownership.
The division of the country gets even
wider as each day goes by just by actions of the far-left Democrats
and the liberal media propagandists. As Democrats commit crime after
crime and get away with them without even a slap on the wrist,
President Trump is being impeached on nothing more than doing his
job. What Rep. Adam Schiff is doing in the way of investigating a
supposed quid pro quo is actually a way for the Democrats to get as
much dirt on the President as they can on the taxpayer’s dollar for
the election. They are doing everything they can to find a crime that
he has committed while actual crimes committed by Democrats are going
totally ignored.
With the 24/7/365 propaganda against
the President by mainstream media and our elected Democrat
representatives in Congress, the people of the nation are being torn
apart. The liberal voters are taking whatever is fed to them as truth
no matter what it is (as long as it is against the President) while
conservatives are questioning everything. If a conservative tries to
inform a liberal with facts on a subject, that liberal ignores those
facts and continues on with their emotional rant. It doesn’t seem
to matter that Hillary Clinton obviously engaged in obstruction of
justice by smashing phones with hammers, destroying emails, and
removing SIM cards that were subpoenaed by Congress. It doesn’t
seem to matter that the Clinton campaign and the Obama DOJ engaged in
spying on the Trump campaign and using foreign operatives to get
negative information on an opposition party. It doesn’t seem to
matter that the DOJ lied to the FISA court to obtain warrants against
Americans. It doesn’t matter that Joe Biden bragged, on tape, that
he engaged in a quid pro quo with the Ukrainians to protect his son.
All that matters is that Trump be deposed and destroyed in any way
possible with accusations of exactly what the Democrats have done.
Trump is guilty and the facts against the Democrats are just
conspiracy theories. The country divides more.
Over the last forty years, the liberal
left has slowly been indoctrinating our young into the socialist way
of thinking. The Millennial generation has become almost 100%
socialist. GenZ is up for grabs at this point. The problem is this:
with liberal indoctrination from kindergarten through college, the
people have not been taught what this country was built on. They have
been taught that America is the bad guy; that capitalism is unfair;
that the feelings of the few outweigh the rights of the many. Kids
don’t know what it means to lose, to have their opinions debased,
to not get what they want through throwing tantrums. They have been
taught that everyone deserves a trophy, that their feelings are more
important than the next person’s, that freedom of speech is only
for those that agree with them, etc. With this way of thinking
contradicting the Constitution and the ideology of the Founding
Fathers, the country has become more divided now than during the
Civil War. With conservatives on one side fighting for the God-given
rights that the Constitution guarantees and the liberals on the other
trying to take down everything that America is.
The Republican Party has never had a
backbone. The elected representatives have never stood up and faced
down the Democrats in Congress no matter what went on. They have
always believed in fighting fairly and openly. The Democrats, on the
other hand, have fought dirty, low and with no mercy. They would do
anything to win. Anything. That is being proven right now, today,
with all that is going on in Washington, DC. And as the left fights
tooth-and-nail against the right, the country is being torn apart.
The sad part about it is that the Democrats, and the left-leaning
Republicans, don’t care. They would see our nation totally
destroyed just to gain power. What they don’t understand is that if
they destroy the country, they will have no one, and nothing, to rule
It doesn’t matter which side you are
on. You can be a Democrat or a Republican, a conservative or a
liberal, a socialist or a capitalist. If you don’t start believing
in the United States as a sovereign nation, with immigration laws,
Constitutional rights for citizens, equal justice under the law, an
unbiased media, and fair elections, then you are part of the problem.
You are part of the division of this great nation. If you can’t
question what is being shoved down your throat by the media and
politicians, and believe all that you read and hear, then you are
part of the problem. If you are one of the millions that believe that
only the government can fix the problems in the country, then you are
part of the problem. We don’t need a huge, unchecked central
government. That is not what the Founders wanted. We don’t need to
be regulated so tightly that it will get to the point where we have
to ask permission to use the restroom, and then worry about who is in
The Constitution enumerates the powers
of Congress. That is all the power they have; no more, no less. We,
the people, have allowed the federal government to grow to such a
monstrosity that it will never be the way it was intended. As long as
there are those that like the government doing for them, providing
for them, thinking for them, we will never truly be the free nation
that we started as. We have been divided so much that it has become
another Civil War. Not with shot and powder, but with regulation,
propaganda, and ideology.
Maybe we can fix the problem without
going to a physical war. If we can only return to the founding principles
of the nation; if we can go back to the Constitution, as written.
Maybe we can heal the nation of the wounds inflicted by dividing
ideology. Maybe.
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