What has happened to the world? It wasn't that long ago that
Americans were proud to be Americans, were kind and considerate of
others, believed in God, guns and country, would do whatever it took
to protect their own, had a little common sense and were actually
fairly intelligent.
I've driven a truck from border to border and coast to coast over the
last 30 plus years and have seen a lot of things but what is
happening today is beyond my imagination. People, driving both cars
and semi-trucks, are getting more and more stupid every day. I've had
to hit the brakes to keep some idiot from taking off my hood because
of cutting in too fast so many times in the last few months, I've had
truck drivers act like they were driving a powder blue Prius and was
late for their date with a caramel, chocolate, non-dairy,
extra-espresso latte at Star Bucks. There are so many people that
will screw with trucks that the considerate ones are the exception
instead of the rule. Speed up, slow down, speed up, slow down, don't
let that truck get in front of me for any reason whatsoever even
though I'm only going ten miles under the speed limit and he's late
for an appointment or is trying to get there before his clock runs
out (and this is from BOTH POVs and trucks).
What happened to common sense and intelligence in America (or the
world for that matter)? When a state will elect an air-headed barmaid
running on giving everyone free stuff with no way to pay for it,
well, that is a sure sign of the downfall of our way of life. The
United States wasn't founded on free stuff. It was founded on hard
work, self-reliability and self-responsibility.
When did racism make its big comeback? Dr Martin Luther King, Jr had
a dream of equality for all people and we, as a nation, were well on
the way to that goal. Now, everyone is a racist and everything that
Dr King stood for has been erased. The liberal left blames Donald J
Trump. Which is actually pretty hilarious when you come to think
about it. After all, it wasn't until Barack Hussein Obama that racism
reared its ugly head and that was before Trump was in office.
Now we have so many 'movements' as to be confusing. There's the MeToo
Movement, the IslamicsArePeaceful Movement, the OpenBorders
Movement... get my drift? None of these liberal 'movements' are
helping America at all. They are damaging our nation and destroying
our society. A man can't ask a woman out without fear of being
accused of assault. We can't speak our mind about radical Islamic
terrorism without fear of being called xenophobic and Islamophobic
and being arrested. We can't speak out for strong borders and keeping
illegal aliens out of our country without being called racists,
fascist, or nazi.
The rule of law is only for liberals, if they ever get into trouble
at all. Assumption of innocence is a thing of the past when it comes
to conservatives. With overwhelming evidence against Hillary Rodham
Clinton, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, etc., the liberals are bound and
determined to 'get Trump' on anything and will spend as much time and
taxpayer money as they have to to find something on him. All the
while ignoring what is actually criminal activities.
Corruption in government has become the norm. If the liberals don't
win an election they argue about it, throw shit-fits and demand
recounts. If they still lose, they being investigations because there
is no way that a conservative could actually win an election, they
had to cheat somehow. The only problem with that is when someone
constantly accuses you of wrongdoing, it's usually them that are
doing it. Take the Florida mid-terms for example. Broward and Palm
Beach counties have had to do recounts since the Bush/Gore election.
This year, not only did the same woman that has been found to be
corrupt against conservatives every election for the last 20 years
have control over the election again, she made sure that the
conservative didn't get any more votes in the recount by missing the
deadline by two minutes thus making those extra votes null and void,
she kept 'finding' votes by the thousands after the election was
officially over.
The left want to change the election rules to make sure that they
win, no matter what. The saddest part of this is that the
conservative side of government won't do anything about it. In fact,
they have kowtowed to the left, even with a majority in both the
House and Senate for the last two years. The conservative party is so
weak that they are afraid of a couple of Congressmen just because
those people call them names. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have
effectively taken control of our government simply by being bullies
against their colleagues across the aisle.
I have long believed that the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centers,
the Pentagon and the failed attack on the White House was a
conspiracy so that G. W. Bush could take us to war with the Middle
East and whatever terrorist organization that would surface. That
being said, how did we go from watching a plane hit the World Trade
Center to being afraid of offending Muslims? Islam, as a whole, has
been the enemy of every nation, every religion, every society since
its inception about twelve hundred years ago. Islam is against
anything that is not Islam and they are bound by their religion to
destroy anything that fails to convert to Islam. Something like Old
Testament Christianity. The worst part of this is that the world over
is bowing to Islam now. Islam is NOT a religion of peace. They
believe in killing anyone for just about any reason just because the
Q'aran says they must. Their prophet, their revered leader, was a
monster. He had child brides as young as seven, he had slaves, he
murdered and was a thief. He demanded that anyone not believing in
Islam (the infidels) should be killed...PERIOD. Gays are to be
killed. Women have no rights. Islam, the religion of peace, tolerance
and human rights. Let's protect them and let them take over our
governments and countries.
Then there is this 'caravan' of people from El Salvador and
Guatemala. What the hell are the liberals thinking? Let them in? Are
they insane? Over 10,000 people at one time is not a bunch of people
looking for asylum; it is an invasion. Especially since at least 80%
of those people are young, healthy men. What do you suppose those men
are wanting? It ain't asylum; if it was they would have brought their
families WITH them instead of leaving those defenseless women and
children in the dangerous conditions these people are supposedly
running from.
Mexico offered most of these people asylum, and jobs, but these
people refused Mexico's help. All they want is to get to the USA and
take advantage of our benefits and to be able to attack us from
within. Yet, the liberals in all their higher moral glory have
decided that conservatives are racist because we want to protect our
borders and make people come in LEGALLY. Our Constitution was written
for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, not the world. Our Constitution
applies to United States CITIZENS, both natural born and naturalized,
NOT anyone who wants to infiltrate our borders for whatever reason.
When the Constitution was written giving immigrants birthright
citizenship, we were a new nation and there were a lot of people that
were coming here as immigrants. The Founding Fathers wanted to make
sure that those people's children were citizens of this new nation.
That is what the birthright citizenship was about. Those people
weren't here ILLEGALLY; they were here to help this country grow.
Because of the wording of the Constitution the liberals seem to think
that everyone should be a citizen if they are born here whether the
parent is here legally or not. With an ever growing population of
immigrants in this country there has to be a way to control said
growth. The way the immigration system works now it doesn't matter
whether you are legal or not, you will be released into the country
on a promise to return for your hearing. Few return, have babies and
are anchored in our country to reap the benefits reserved for those
that have done it the legal way.
Michael Savage has said for years that liberalism is a mental
illness. If you listen to what the liberals say, you will eventually
have to agree with him. This is a capitalist country, built on hard
work and compensation for that work. Without capitalism, this country
would have ended up like a lot of the European, South American and
Asian countries with most of the population in poverty, slow economic
growth, slow technological growth and little incentive to strive for
better. THAT is what the liberals want - open borders and government
controlled everything, Socialism gives them power over the people and
power is all they want. What they don't understand is that once
everyone is on the government dole wagon, there will be no one to
pull it. And gods forbid that they should give up their wealth and
redistribute it to the poor.
Now we have a government shut down. Yes, Donald Trump shut one
quarter of the government down so that the liberals (read: Nancy
Pelosi and Chuck Schumer) would relent and allocate $5Billion to
build a border wall along the Rio Grande. Yes, he is being petulant
in not relenting to the aggression of the left. Why? Because he wants
a secure border and you can't have that without a physical barrier.
Common sense, America.
Once Ms Pelosi gained her status back as Speaker of the House, the
Donald had a meeting with her and the Minority leader of the Senate,
Mr Schumer. What happened? Nothing. They had another meeting in the
Situation Room and what happened? Trump asked the two of them if he
gave them what they wanted and re-opened the government would they
give him border security and the wall. Guess what? They said, NO. He
stood up, said it was a waste of time and walked out. Why try to
negotiate when the other party won't give anything?
The President had an eight minute speech on TV informing the people
of this great country of the crisis on the border and why we need the
Wall. Chuck and Nancy demanded equal time for a rebuttal. A FUCKING
running this country? The Speaker of the House and the Senate
Minority Leader or the the President? Looks to me like the Congress
is trying to take over. Then again, isn't that what they have been
trying to do since before Donald was elected?
Everything that President Trump has asked for Nancy, Chuck, Obama,
Hillary and the rest of the opposition have already voted for in the
past. Why won't they give it now? Because Donald J Trump is President
instead of Hillary Rodham Clinton. All because a businessman won the
election instead of a bought and paid for politician. Who are these
people working for? It sure ain't the people that elected them.
Why won't the liberals give Trump what he wants? Are they making
money from the drug cartels and human traffickers? Are MS-13 and the
radical Islamic terrorists paying them money to keep the borders open
so they can come in without prejudice? Seems like it.
Then we have the freshman class of Congressmen. Those socialists and
Muslims that the liberal states seemed to desperately need to rule
over them. Tlaib spouting off that they were going to “impeach that
motherfucker.” Ocasio-Cortez spouting off that taxes needed to go
up to 70% plus to pay for all her socialist policies. Sarsour hiding
her Islamic agenda behind a sly smile. Yep, this country is had and
it won't be long before the Constitution is done away with. Wait,
watch, and worry.
Sixty million guns and hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammo won't
be enough to fight off the liberals that don't even know which
bathroom to use. Why? Because they will have the full power of the
United Socialist States of America behind them and with that the
might of the military. Abraham Lincoln foresaw this and told us about
it. “America will never be defeated from an outside enemy but from
within.” Paraphrased but I think you get the idea.
Anonymous, The III%, the Militiamen... none are doing anything that
they say they will. They do a lot of talking but little action. The
left is DOING. When is the RIGHT going to start standing up for
American values, morals, rights and freedoms? All these people do is
TALK. Action speaks volumes. Talk is just bullshit. You can write, or
call, your Congressmen. You can post on Facebook. You can even bitch
to your neighbors, friends and family but that ain't gonna do a damn
thing. It's time to fight back. March in the streets. Stand up for
your First and Second Amendment rights. Don't back down in the face
of the tyrannical libtards. That is how they are winning.
Conservatives back down and try to do the right thing without
confrontation. The left doesn't give a shit. They will 'get in your
face!' They will bitch and scream and go to the 9th
Circuit Court that is so fucking liberal it ain't funny.
Stand up. Don't back down. Go ahead and write or call your elected
officials. After all, they are supposed to be working FOR you. But,
do more. Protest. March. Demand equality of rights. Don't be afraid
to be called a racist, bigot, misogynist, Islamiphobe, xenophobe,
etc. Like Moron Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said, if that is what a
radical is, then I am a radical. I don't give a rat's ass what the
left thinks of me. THEY are the ones that are destroying MY country,
MY Constitution, taking MY rights away and giving them to foreigners.
Remember this, the liberals think that walls are immoral yet they all
surround their homes with walls. They think that $5B for a border
wall is too much to protect the country yet want to spend $20B on
foreign aid and $12 B on foreign ABORTIONS. If that doesn't tell you
something about who the left want to represent then maybe YOU are
part of the PROBLEM. Charity starts at home. We need to take care of
ourselves before we can take care of anyone else. If you don't
believe that, once again, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. If you think
that illegal aliens should be taken care of before our own homeless
and hungry (yes, there ARE homeless and hungry AMERICAN children)
then YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. If you think that illegal Muslims,
gang members, human traffickers, drug dealers, murderers, etc.,
should be allowed in the country and given money, food, shelter and
healthcare while there are US military veterans that need these
things first, then YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. America First. Then
the world. It ain't OUR problem that these people can't stand up for
themselves and take care of their own problems. We have our own that
need addressed. Maybe we should become isolationists again. Let the
world burn. Let China and Russia spend their money on these people
that won't lift a finger to help themselves.
Do we need to have a presence in the world scene to keep our own
republic free? Yes. Do we need to keep a military strong around the
world to protect those that are trying to keep their own freedoms?
Yes. Do we need to go in and try to change other countries
governments and change their way of life? No. The Middle East has
been killing each other for centuries. We aren't going to change
that. That is how they live and they really don't want to change. Let
them kill each other off. Gene Roddenberry had the right idea with
his Prime Directive in Star Trek; DON”T INTERFER WITH ANEYONE'S
SOCIETY. Let them figure it out for themselves.
A novel idea for this country would be this: let's take care of the
corruption in our own government. Let's take care of our homeless and
hungry. Let's take care of our ecological problems. Let's take care
of US. There is a large enough plank in our own eye that needs taken
out before we can even begin to remove the splinter in someone else's
eye. We have corrupt politicians in Washington DC all the way down to
local government. We have enough corrupt lawmen in this country that
need weeded out that it could take decades to take care of. And by
lawmen I mean from the FBI down to the local sheriff's department and
city police. By politicians I mean from Congress down to your City
Manager and Mayor.
Wait. What? Are you telling me that Mayor Honest Harold is corrupt?
And Sheriff Andy is too? What about Deputy Fife? Wake up, sheeple.
Just because you haven't seen the corruption doesn't mean it doesn't
exist. Just ask anyone who has been persecuted by local law
enforcement or the City government. All it takes is someone that
doesn't like you and you're had. Trust me on that one. A lot of local
government is run just like Hazzard County Mississippi right out of
the Dukes of Hazzard. There are more 'bad lieutenants' in this
country than there are Andy Taylors. Especially in small town America
where oversight is at a minimum. Lawmen use their badges as crowns
and get away with it through deceit or threats. Local government
officials cover-up their wrongdoings with deceit and new ordinances.
There are more and more new laws that restrict us every day. All in
the name of safety for the people. No, it is control over the people.
Revenue for the government. Power for the politician. People used to
be able to take care of little problems on their own. It may have
ended in fisticuffs, yes. BUT, it was done and over with without
spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on attorneys and court
costs. Now, the first thing people do is call the law, get someone
arrested, have to pay attorneys exorbitant fees and extortion based
court costs. AND, it doesn't matter who is in the right. There is no
justice in court. Only what can be proven. There are a lot of things
that people do that cannot be proven in court because there are no
witnesses, no paper trail. It was much better when you could go out
behind the bar, beat the shit out of each other then go back in and
drink a beer together. It was done and over with. Not anymore. Let's
all go to court! Let's make more laws. Let's make it harder and
harder on everyone (well, everyone but us politicians because the
laws don't pertain to us).
Yes, friends, this is a country in distress. A country on a slippery
slope. Are you willing to sit back and watch it die? Or are you
willing to stand up and fight for it, to defend it, to keep it free?
It's in your hands and your decision. You will have to live with it
and so will your children and their children.
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