Thursday, September 7, 2023

Our Constitutional Republic is Gone

 Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. John Kennedy

It isn't that our liberal friends don't know anything. It's just what they know is wrong. Ronald Reagan

Now we are involved in a great Civil War. Testing whether this nation, or any nation, so conceived or so dedicated, can long endure. Abraham Lincoln

They aren't after me. They're after you. I'm only in the way. Donald J Trump

The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself. Franklin D Roosevelt

These are all great quotes from past Presidents. In the case of Roosevelt, it was in the heart of the Great Depression and he promised to get the country back to economic health. Lincoln, of course, was plagued by the Civil War. Kennedy, the Communist threat of Russia and the beginnings of the Vietnam conflict. Reagan took on Communist Russia's Gorbachev. Who was Trump fighting? Well, Donald J Trump was fighting the Democrats and RINOS of our own nation.

On June 15, 2015 Trump announced his candidacy for the 2016 Presidential election. Nineteen minutes later, Politico's headline announced his impeachment. Since that time, it has been a battle of the wits, and wills, between Donald J Trump and the far-left radicals in politics, the mainstream media, and social media. There has been an onslaught of negativity against him from day one; all day, every day.

The Clinton campaign spied on his campaign, transition, and administration. The Democrats conducted investigation after investigation against him. There were two failed impeachments. After a very questionable 2020 election, he left office and was still persecuted until finally the far-left contrived a false case against him. Alvin Bragg, a George Soros backed prosecutor, used a charge that was past the statute of limitations in a way that made it a federal crime and indicted him; the first President to be indicted in our history.

William Jefferson Clinton was impeached and found guilty. The Attorney General decided that, since Clinton was leaving office, it was not in the best interest of the country to indict him. He finished his term in office and was left alone. Not Trump. He had to be stopped. His MAGA platform was/is a threat to the far-left agenda of destroying our Constitutional Republic. What the far-left hasn't realized is that the American public like having the rights and freedoms granted by the Creator and guaranteed by the Constitution.

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr has done more to destroy this nation in two years than any other 'elected' Presidential administration in our history. He has destroyed our economy, energy independence, respect among other nations, our military, our national security, and our freedoms. Unless a person has been living under a rock or is a far-left radical it would be impossible not to know this and how it's been done.

It amazes me how the left don't care about the blatant, obvious criminality of the Biden family, Clintons, weaponized FBI and IRS, the invasion of illegals across our borders, and the collapse of our economy. All they care about is 'getting Trump' on anything, even if it's a fake charge; or, in this case, four indictments and nearly 100 charges. The only thing they are doing is proving they hate America and that they are nothing more than Communists and want this country to become a Third World country.

We are there. We are a Police State. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, etc. would be proud of their tactics.

The Truth is Finally Coming to Light

 I have made it abundantly clear over many years that I am a conservative, pro-America, pro-Constitution, anti-socialist, anti-Communist, patriot. I have no problem saying that. I speak my mind, I try to make sure that what I put out is truth, even when it is just my opinion, and will always speak against those that would do harm to my country, my rights and freedoms, my family, my finances, etc. I have lost many 'friends' over my viewpoints and beliefs with no regrets.

I have no time, nor patience, for anyone that believes America is systemically racist, misogynistic, homophobic, or just 'bad.' This country was founded on Christian principles that worked well for over two hundred years. Capitalism has made life better for millions upon millions of people. Every citizen in this country has the same rights, privileges, and opportunities as everyone else despite the color of your skin, your ethnic background, your sexual orientation, or station in life. Some the most successful people in this country came from nothing. In modern days I can mention Dr. Ben Carson as a prime example.

What I have espoused over the years is that the Democrat Party is mostly to blame for our troubles. This is not exactly correct. It is neither the Democrat Party nor the Republican Party. It is We, the People, that are to blame. We have allowed the Federal Government to grow into the tyrannical dominion that it now is. We, the People, are the rightful masters of government, not the other way around. If you believe that the federal government is the answer to all your woes, maybe you should look to other Socialist/Communist countries to see what happens when you give centralized government complete control.

All this being said I will get to the meat of the story.

We all blame one Party or the other. We all have that one person to point a finger at. We all think we know what is going on. We could be no further from the truth. It isn't Donald J Trump or Joseph R Biden. It isn't the Democrats or the Republicans. It isn't even George Soros or Barry Sotoero.

We have been manipulated into every decision we make through the mass media, news agencies, advertising, foreign and domestic intelligence, secret organizations, etc. How? Psychological warfare. The human mind is an amazing thing but can be manipulated so easily. “Oh, but I would never be fooled by all that bullshit! I can think for myself.” That's exactly what you're thinking, right? You are wrong. Every last one of us is susceptible to mass marketing, impulse buying, and manipulation of every kind. We are all victims of it. Don't believe me? Did you wear a mask? Did you get the vaccine? Did you keep 6 feet away from everyone? Did you believe Covid 19 was worse than the Plague? More importantly, do you believe it the second time around?

I firmly believe that the Democrat Party manipulated the 2020 election and won by cheating. I, also, believe they did the same thing in the mid-term election in 2022. I am exceptionally firm in my belief that they will do the same in the 2024 election. I don't care that the votes were counted a million times. If there was a million dollars on the table but a hundred thousand was counterfeit, there would still be a million dollars there no matter how many times you counted it; it just wouldn't all be REAL.

Look at the political persecution that is going on at this very minute. Thousands of conservative voters, rightfully protesting the 2020 election, are being held in DC jails without bail, without being able to talk to attorneys, being charged with nothing, being charged with misdemeanors and sentenced to years in prison; just because they protested an election. BLM and Antifa members rioted, looted, committed arson and assault, did billions of dollars of damage to cities across the nation and not one has done any time and most of the charges against them have been dropped.

The political persecution of the front-runner in the 2024 election is probably the best known case to examine. Donald Trump has done nothing wrong. He has been indicted four times on multiple crimes that are made up, using rogue legal means. He has done nothing more, or less, than the Democrats have done every time they lose an election: he questioned it, complained about it, wanted it audited, said it was stolen from him.

As for the Presidential papers he had at Mar-A-Lago: Biden had more, in less secure places and they weren't even his to take as Vice President.

Trump's quid pro quo. Have you forgotten that Joe Biden bragged about withholding 1.5 Billion dollars from Ukraine if they didn't fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma where his son was a board member? Trump didn't ask for something in return for something. Biden demanded something in return for something.

Everyone is listening to the government-owned media. CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. they are all controlled by the government. They are only telling the people what the government wants them to. They are not reporting on anything that is actually happening.

The Biden Administration is a laughingstock. Not one person in DC is qualified for the job they are doing. Biden, himself, can't put a sentence together, falls asleep in meetings, lies about his past, and doesn't know where he's at, or what he's doing, 90% of the time. He's been on vacation more than he's been on the job.

Kamala Harris, a woman that did sexual favors just to get into politics (don't deny this because it's well known about her and Willie Brown). She can only talk in word salad, giggles at the most inappropriate times, helped finance attorneys and bail for BLM and Antifa members, and still has not been to the border.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg, well, what can I say? He couldn't take care of South Bend, IN and now he's in charge of the DOT? He had to take 4 months off because he and his husband adopted a baby. He has no idea about transportation. How long did it take for him to get to Palestine, OH when the train derailed with HazMat?

Then there's that man, that wants the world to think he's a woman, that is the first woman general in government, that is the Assistant Secretary of Health. That man is mentally disabled.

The Squad: AOC, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Corey Bush: not a one of them knows anything about the Constitution, the Rule of Law, American exceptionalism, or, I believe, how to tell the truth about anything. Each one has ethics charges against them, even though it has gone nowhere (as happens when charges are brought against Democrats).

There are numerous Congressmen/women that are so old, and been in Congress for so long, that they aren't able to function properly. Feinstein, McConnell, and Fetterman are three prime examples. Fetterman hasn't been there that long but, let's face it, the man isn't fit to serve. Schumer, Schitt, Pelosi, Waters, Grassley, Romney, Kerry; all have been in office far too long and have far too much power. These are a small number of the 535 members that need removed. Notice, they are not all Democrats.

This administration is a laughingstock. The world sees that we are a weak nation, bending to the wind to the point of breaking. Trump was right when he said that Russia, China, North Korea, etc. would not have done what they are if he were in office. Biden is a puppet to every foreign nation that we deal with or are our enemies. Worse is the notion that he, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr, is not really the one in charge. Who, exactly, is actually running the United States? Is is George Soros? China? Russia? Or someone closer to home: Barack Hussein Obama? Rumors run wild; facts are scarce. The fact that Joe isn't mentally, or physically, able to fulfill his duties as President of the United States is undeniable if you have half a brain and able to see with open eyes.

Now, back to the premise I started with. We, the People, are to blame. We have allowed the Federal Government to gain so much power over us that it will be impossible to get it back. The States have abdicated most of their power to the Federal Government. We have gotten to the point where we depend on the government to support us, feed us, tell us what to think and what to do. WE have allowed it for so long that we now accept it as normal.

When did the Federal Government get the power to tell us we have to have medical insurance? When did they get the power to tell us we had to get vaccinations, wear masks, socially distance? When did they get the power to tax us into poverty to send money to every foreign nation on the planet? When did they get the power to refuse helping Americans but spend billions on illegals? The list goes on and on and on and on.....

The Federal Government's powers are enumerated in the Constitution. They have usurped those powers and taken on more and more. The States and the people have the power over our everyday lives, not the Federal Government. It is time to clean house once again.

The 2024 election is probably the most important one in history. This next election will determine whether we stay a Constitutional Republic or become a Socialist/Communist State with the Federal Government as our lord, savior, overseer, controller, and provider. We will no longer be responsible for our lives in any way, shape, or form. The Federal Government will decide everything for us. It's already started.

The new digital currency that Joe wants so badly. How's that going to work out for us? If they can turn it on, they can turn it off. Every financial transaction you make will be known by the government. If they don't like it, they cancel it. If you don't think, talk, act, etc. the way they want, they shut your money off; you can't buy food, clothes, or any other necessity (much less those luxuries you can't live without like nail polish, beer, weed, meth, etc.). Yes, friends, and enemies, the Federal Government is far too powerful, and the house needs cleaned of them all.

How do we do it? Vote? The Democrats have proven they don't care about what the people decide. They are doing everything they can to get rid of the conservative front-runner because they know he will win. Mail-in ballots are another way to fill the ballot box with the votes they want. Having an election 'season' instead of election 'day' is another. Bringing in millions of illegals is another. I know, illegals can't vote by law. The Democrats, and RINOS, don't follow the law, and not demanding voter ID makes it really easy for illegals to cast votes for those that want to keep power.

This election needs to be so overwhelmingly conservative that they can't cheat. I don't mean by a couple thousand votes. I mean we need to vote out every career politician by millions of votes. That way they can't come up with enough fake ballots to overturn our wishes. We cannot sit back and allow a tyrannical dominion to bully us anymore.

Not enough to convince you? How about our Constitutionally guaranteed rights. The First Amendment: we can't question an election result or say anything against the ruling party or members of their families.

The Second Amendment: infringement upon infringement upon infringement. Now they want to make anyone that sells, or gives, a gun an FFL so that every gun owner is on a list. There are a lot of states, and cities, where guns are extremely hard to own.

The Third Amendment: some states, and cities, are asking the people to house illegals. Illegals that are military aged men from China, the Middle East, etc. If that isn't a standing army in disguise, I'll recant this.

The Fourth Amendment: there are thousands of conservative citizens that have had their houses raided simply because they went to a rally and protested, PEACEFULLY, at the Capitol Complex. Trump's home was raided, Stone's home was raided. Scenes from Nazi Germany and Communist Russia.

The Fifth Amendment: Trump associates where coerced into testifying against him or they would be charged with bogus crimes.

The Sixth Amendment: Trump is not getting fair trials anywhere. He is being prosecuted in districts that are against him by judges that hate him, and not given time to prepare for his court appearances. There are thousands in DC that have been waiting for years for a hearing without bail or representation.

Amendment Seven: How many times has Trump been taken to court over Stormy Daniels?

Amendment Eight: Proud Boys getting years in prison for otherwise fine punishments. Yeah, and BLM and Antifa members getting their felonies dropped.

Amendment Nine: the government is disregarding the enumerated rights and definitely taking others from us on a daily basis. If you need those listed, you are a completely brainwashed, fully indoctrinated, card-carrying member of the far-left.

Amendment Ten: I've put this one before you throughout this post. The States and the people have no power over the Federal Government because the Feds have it all.

To borrow a phrase from Andrew Wilkow: these arguments cannot be broken.

A Study in Religion and Living

 Religion. A subject that should never be discussed in public. Why? Mostly because people are very opinionated on religion; either for, or against, which denomination or faith is right or wrong. Jesse Ventura said, “Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in number. It tells people to go out and stick their noses in other people's business... The religious right wants to tell people how to live.” Gov. Ventura was right.

The Bible is a great guideline on how to live. That's all. I read a book one time that one of the characters made a profound statement on the Bible. He said (paraphrased), “Moses had millions of people that he had to control. What better way than through fear. He didn't just go up on Mt. Sinai and come back with the Ten Commandments. He wrote the 'laws' of God so that the 12 tribes would be controlled. No better way, as has been taught through history, than through fear of retribution for bad deeds.”

I don't want anyone to think that I am trying to change minds on religion. I would never do that. You do you, I'll do me. I do believe in a higher power. I do not believe in the Big Bang Theory. Was the Universe created in six days? Highly unlikely. It took millions of years for the Earth to evolve into what it is. Did humanity just appear out of the dust of the Earth? I doubt that. Although I also have a hard time believing that we evolved out of that primordial ooze. All I can say about that is: I wasn't there so I have no first-hand knowledge.

Let's get back to religion. Moses to be exact. The Exodus out of Egypt was a monumental undertaking. Moses took the 12 tribes of Israel out of Egypt and into the desert in search of the Promised Land. Is there hard evidence of a mass exodus at some point? I believe there is, although I cannot recall the researcher's name that investigated it. But, if you think about it; Moses took millions of people out into the desert, was lost for years, then came upon the Land of Canaan, the Promised Land. He was not allowed to enter it but was told by the Almighty to send in his people and to kill all who lived there; men, women, and children. Only because they were non-believers (sound familiar to anything in today's world?).

Great story. A story of perseverance and faith in the Almighty. Did it happen the way it is recorded? Once again, I wasn't there. Is it possible? Anything is possible, the question is: is it probable?

Having blind faith is nothing more/less than sheer idiocy. Here's a modern-day parable. A story I heard a few years ago that makes my point more clearly.

There was a flood. The entire area was being evacuated because the dam was about to burst and send a wave crashing through the valley that would destroy all in its path. In the town there was a devout Christian man that was sitting on his porch in his rocker.

A pickup truck came by as the water was rising driven by a man in a flannel shirt with a cap on that had a Confederate Flag emblazoned on it. In the back window of the truck was a gun rack with a shotgun and a rifle. “Come on, man,” the driver urged in a thick Southern drawl. “The dam is getting weaker and starting to crack.”

“No. I have faith in my God. He will save me,” the man on the porch said. Thinking to himself as he watched the truck drive off, “I believe that man could be a killer, a terrorist, or something worse. He had guns in his window and showed pride in the Confederacy. I would never be caught with a man like him.”

A few hours later, the water had risen to the door and the man had gone inside to watch from his window. A man in a raft came by. “Come on, man! The dam is getting weaker by the minute. I can take you to safety.”

Looking at the rafter, the man shook his head, “No. I have faith in my God. He will save me.” As the raft took off the man thought, “That man had tatoos and a shaved head. He wore leather. He had to be a man of Satan. I couldn't trust him.”

Another hour passed and the water had risen to the second story. The man was looking out his upstairs window when a boat came by. “Come on, man! It won't be long before the dam breaks. The entire valley has been evacuated. Let me take you to safety.”

“No. I have faith in my God. He will save me.” As the boater sped down between the rooftops, the man thought to himself, “That man was colored. He would surely try to steal what little I have left.”

Finally, the water had reached the rooftop. The man was sitting on the top of his chimney when a helicopter came flying up. Over the loudspeaker a female voice shouted, “Come on, man! The dam is going to break within minutes. This is the last time anyone will be able to save you. Let me take you to safety.”

Looking up into the sky, the man shook his head and yelled, “No. I have faith in my God. He will save me.”

The dam broke. The water coursed violently down the valley destroying all in its path. The lone Christian man, sitting on his chimney was swept away and drown. The next thing he knew he was standing at the Pearly Gates looking into the face of St Peter.

St Peter smiled sadly at the man. “You have lived a good life. You have given to charity. Helped the poor. You have gone on missions to spread the word of God across the globe. You have believed wholeheartedly in the Word of God and loved his son. You are welcome into Eternal peace. Now it is time to go before the Lord God and be judged as all humans are.”

The man slowly walked through the gates of Heaven, looking around at all the beauty and listened to the sounds of the angels singing their praises. He was happy knowing that he would be part of this. Hadn't St Peter said as much? The Lord couldn't judge him poorly. He had done great things in the name of God and Christianity. He was a shoe-in.

Suddenly he stopped. He was standing before the Golden Throne of the Almighty. God looked down on him and smiled. “You have done great deeds throughout your life, my son. You have lived a good, clean life, adhering to my Commandments as best as any human could. You have repented whenever you fell short. Yes, you have done well.”

The man, having heard such praises from his Heavenly Father felt emboldened to ask a question. “Lord Father. If I may ask a question.”

“I know what it is you want to know but, proceed, child.”

“I have an unwavering faith in you and your power. I know that if I ask, you will give. Why then, when I needed you the most, I needed you to save me from the flood, did you not?”

The Father looked down at his human child and smiled. “Son, I did not forsake you. I knew that you would drown if you were swept away in the raging waters. I first sent you a truck. You refused because the man driving it had guns and wore a Confederate Flag. This went against your ideas of a good person. You were judgmental against someone that held pride in his ancestry and had been out hunting for food for his family and his neighbors.

“I then sent a raft. Again, you judged against a man because of his tattoos and clothing. This man is a pediatric physician. He has saved the lives of thousands of children that would have otherwise died.

“The third time I sent a boat. Again, you judged a man because of his color. This man was a teacher and a coach. He has helped hundreds of underprivileged children in inner-city schools from dropping out, joining gangs, using drugs.

“The fourth, and last time, I sent a helicopter flown by a woman that was in training to become an astronaut. She was first in her class at the Academy and had helped several others raise their grades to passing so as not to be disqualified. Again, you judged because you did not believe a woman was capable of saving you.

“You have lived a good life, not a great life. You have believed, blindly, in me and my power. You have judged against your fellow man that did not fit into your bubble of belief. I gave you four different ways to be saved yet you refused because of your prejudices.

“For that reason, you will not be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven.”

It doesn't matter what deity a person believes in; it doesn't matter what kind of life a person has lived; it doesn't matter what deeds you have done; what really matters is how you treat others of different beliefs than your own. If you cannot accept another because of skin color, sex, origin of birth, ancestry, beliefs, sexual orientation, etc., then you have not achieved enlightenment enough to pass from this world into the next (whatever that next world is for you).

Each and every one of us on this rock must learn to live together. Kurt Cobain stated, “Life screws us all. No one gets out alive.” We all are born innocent, naked, alone. We all die guilty, clothed in sin, alone. What matters is what happens between those two occurrences. Did we treat other people right, without screwing anyone over? Did we treat the Earth right, take care of the world which keeps us living? Were we petty, obsessed with 'things,' more interested in our own well-being and feelings than that of others? Were we 'elitists' that couldn't be bothered with anyone below our standard of living? Most importantly: did we love one another?

It doesn't matter where you came from, what your economic or social status is/was, what your education level is, what your experiences in life have been; it is how you live that precious thing we call life. The past is done and over and cannot be changed. Forgive those that have done you wrong and let Karma take care of it. Forgive yourself for your shortcomings but work on being a better person. It is today and beyond that counts. Those that did you wrong will get what they have coming, one way or another, in this life or the next, just don't forget what they did and do not let it happen again. For those that held out their hand when you needed it, remember it and pay it forward.

Your choices make you who you are. How you treat people and the world we live in will determine whether you get to your 'Heaven' or sends you to your 'Hell.' You, alone, are the master of your life and afterlife.

Friday, March 24, 2023

The Transportation Industry is Needed

 Listen, children, to a story that was written long ago; about a society that abhorred the very industry that kept it going, kept it alive, and kept it happy. This is a story about how one industry, vital to the very existence of society, is downgraded, harassed, and persecuted on every level. I don't believe for one second that anyone will pay this story any heed, at all. It's a story that has been told over and over and over again yet never has it made a bit of difference. Let us begin.

Once upon a time there was humanity that took care of itself. People would grow their own food, protect themselves, provide all that was needed for their survival. Then, humanity grew more and more abundant, and their survival depended on others to help out. People needed what others had grown, made, and produced. At first, it was a simple task to transport those needed supplies. All one had to do was take the buckboard or buggy to the neighbor or into the nearby town and procure what was needed for the next month, three months, six months, etc.

Times changed. More and more people were living in towns, dependent upon the rural areas to supply their needs. In some cases, supplies needed to be transported long distances. Before the invention of the motor vehicle, transporting goods long distance was done by train then by wagon, then by buckboard/buggy. It was still a simple time.

As time progressed, the towns grew and, instead of hundreds depending on goods that were transported, it was thousands, then millions. Transporting goods was becoming more and more difficult. The gasoline engine was invented. Small trucks were created to transport goods. But populations grew and the trucks needed to be larger and larger. Trains still transported from far away towns to the more distant locations but, once they arrived, the goods needed to go further where trains couldn't.

Fast forward to today. The trucking industry is the lifeline of humanity. Anywhere on Earth it takes a truck to transport goods from ports, rail hubs, suppliers, and warehouses to the retail outlets. You know, the places that you go to shop and get the things that you need such as food and the things you desperately want like that new iPhone 6000.

Without the transportation industry, trucks in particular, you would be hungry, homeless, and naked. Period. Exclamation Point! End of that. How, you ask? Well, you poor ned, let me explain.

For you to be able to buy that cute little sundress or that most sought-after new iPhone, it takes a truck to deliver it to that high dollar shop you frequent. What 'high dollar shop?' The one that you have to go to because you don't want to be caught in a Walmart or Dollar General. Anyway, for you to be able to buy ANYTHING, it has to be transported, BY TRUCK, to the rear of that fancy retail establishment. It comes to the rear because gods forbid that any self-respecting customer should see a filthy semi-tractor/trailer delivering those goods.

Let's start at the beginning with that sundress. The cotton it is made from is actually grown on a farm. For the farmer to grow it, he needs seeds. Those are delivered by truck to him. After the cotton is grown, it's transported to the gin BY TRUCK. Once that cotton has been turned into thread and then into cloth, the bolts of cloth are transported BY TRUCK to the manufacturer of that cute little sundress. Once the cloth has been turned into something worth buying, it is transported, once again, BY TRUCK to the supplier. The supplier then transports it, again, BY TRUCK, to the warehouse where it is held until a retailer needs it and then, again, BY TRUCK, it is transported to the retailer where you can spend your parent's money on the cute little sundress. After all, it didn't magically appear at Macy's or Nordstrom's or even Walmart.

The same for food. It is actually GROWN and produced by farmers around the world. Yes, my little vegan ned, around the world. It is transported from foreign countries to ports on our coast or warehouses on our borders where it is loaded on either trains or trucks to be shipped across this great nation to a retailer near you. Trains can only take it so far. It would be extremely difficult to have a train pull up to the local Albertson's, Fred Meyer's, SafeWay, etc. to unload a few pallets of the necessities of life such as meat, vegetables, canned goods, vegan/organic goods, or your gourmet coffee/tea. It is brought to you by TRUCK.

All this has been for a reason. After thirty-five plus years of driving a truck, I have come to realize that non-truck people have no idea where they get their needs and wants. Why? Because daily, multiple times daily, I have been cut off, slowed down, told I was number one, stopped by traffic, harassed by drivers of personal vehicles, etc. I know, those nasty, big, slow, dangerous trucks should be banned and need to be slowed down and shown just where they stand in the food chain.

Little snowflake, let me tell you just what I have to deal with on a daily basis.

I am one of the most regulated, safety controlled, watched individuals on the road. I can only drive so many hours a day, so many miles a day; can only drive so fast, have to take mandatory breaks, have to have ten hours off after a fourteen day of working, prove what I am doing by filling out a log book recording everything I do, I am tacked by the DOT, I am subject to random drug tests, am told where to go (literally) and when to be there, etc.

If I get into an accident, instant drug test to see if I've been doing anything illegal. And said accident is always my fault because I am a truck and personal vehicles are always right. By the way, according to the federal DOT, in 2020 of all accidents that involved trucks, only 30% were the truck's fault. Think about this a second. You drive what, 10,000 to 12,000 miles a year? I drive 120,000 to 150,000 miles a year. With that on your mind, think about why more accidents are caused by personal vehicles than trucks. I know why. YOU CAN'T DRIVE.

Don't think that I'm dissing just on 4-wheelers. There are a LOT of so-called professional truck drivers that shouldn't be allowed to operate a bicycle much less an 80,000-pound, million-dollar piece of equipment. Common sense is not a flower that grows in very many gardens anymore. As for common, everyday courtesy? Well, that is even less prevalent. Everyone seems to be thinking, “I am the most important vehicle on the road. I am to be first no matter what. Oh, look! There's a space that is almost big enough for my car to fit in so I can get ten feet further ahead. I'm gonna take it regardless of anything or anyone. Screw that truck! I'm not gonna let it get past me or change lanes. I AM THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON ON THE ROAD!”

I see it every single day. Don't you people realize that it's YOUR DRIVING that is causing traffic backups? When you are in the far-left lane (commonly known as the hammer lane) and you know your exit is coming up; DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU'RE ALMOST PAST IT TO TAKE IT! You know where you're going and how to get there. Yet, you cut across 2, 3, 4, or more lanes because the exit you want is almost behind you. And God forbid you wait until the next exit and move over to the exit lane gradually not endangering other traffic.

It's the same when 4-wheelers come onto the interstate. It's balls to the wall from the ramp into the hammer lane regardless of who is there in your way. Either that or, it's take it real slow until you get into traffic and then take your time to get up to speed. Neither way is correct or safe. It causes backups at best and fatality accidents at worst.

Once again, think about it: 70% of all accidents involving trucks are NOT the truck's fault. That means that, statistically speaking, trucks are much safer than cars/pickups/vans/motorcycles. Yet, 99% of the time when in an accident, that professional driver loses everything. He/she is drug tested and will probably lose their job. On top of that, it will be extremely difficult to get another job that pays as well or with a major carrier that has the benefits that he/she had. ALL BECAUSE YOU, THE 4-WHEELER, CANNOT DRIVE SAFELY AND COURTEOUSLY.

I hate to say this, not really, but it is my experience that 75% of 4-wheelers that interfere with interstate commerce (in other words; screw with trucks by slowing them down, cutting them off, not letting them change lanes, etc.) are... wait for it... can you guess? Women. Men can be as bad but, what I see is the majority of these people that just can't seem to get it through their heads that a truck is bigger, longer, heavier, and can screw your day up dangerous to them, is women. Ladies, get your head out of your phone, your makeup, your daydream, or whatever it is that is going through your head and PAY ATTENTION to the big thing that can kill you.

People don't seem to understand that getting hit by a commercial vehicle can, and probably will, kill them in an accident. If you think that a carrier's insurance will pay big bucks in the case of an accident, they just might, but it won't be to YOU. It will be to your estate, your spouse, your kids. You will be dead. What is more important? Your life or free money that you won't see? I'll take my life over money any day. You should, too.

It takes trucks to transport the goods that you demand. It is just a matter of fact, 4-wheeler. Without trucks the country stops. Grocery shelves are empty, gas stations are without fuel, etc. The Eisenhower Interstate System was developed so that the military and interstate commerce would be able to move easily and efficiently across the nation. Over the years it has been taken over by cars, pickups, motorhomes, motorcycles, vans, etc. and the trucks are kept ever more restricted and slower. It doesn't pay a politician to cater to anyone other than his/her constituents when it comes to this. But remember: AMERICA MOVES BY TRUCK.